Le Zinc

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Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 26 févr. 2017, 12:24

Le Zinc est en situation de demande bien supérieure à la production. Les prix au plus haut depuis 8 ans.
Zinc Is In A Record Deficit As Zinc Prices Near Record-Highs

Feb. 21, 2017

Zinc hit a record shortage in 2016. According to the International Lead and Zinc Study Group, zinc registered a deficit of 286,000 metric tons last year. Global usage of refined zinc metal rose 3.6% while supply remained pretty much flat, thanks to a number of mine shutdowns.

The tightening in zinc’s raw material segment accelerated last year thanks to the closure of big mines such as Century, Lisheen and Glencore's suspension of 500,000 mt of annual mine capacity. These closures have impacted the supply of mine concentrates drastically and for the first time, we are seeing an impact on the refined metal market.

In February, Korea Zinc Co. announced it will reduce its refined zinc output by 7.7% (or 50,000 mt) this year. The company attributed its decision to tight supplies of mined concentrate and the accompanying reduction in treatment charges, which have plummeted to multiyear lows.


Zinc is trading near multiyear highs. Source: MetalMiner analysis of Fastmarkets.com data.

As a result of this narrative of supply shortfall, zinc is trading at the highest levels in more than eight years. Bulls have been in such a powerful position that prices have barely retraced during this run.

Will China Cut Output This Year?

Outside of China, mine supply of zinc fell by 10% last year. However, production increased inside China. In 2017, investors will be closely monitoring China’s numbers. Although output rose, imports slumped by 38% last year. This, combined with falling treatment charges, suggests that a raw material shortfall is building in China as well. China must get serious about controlling industrial metals output to solve its pollution problems.
http://seekingalpha.com/article/4047701 ... cord-highs

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 26 févr. 2017, 12:29

Zinc Price Outlook

Zinc prices have risen since the start of this year. On 10 February, zinc traded at USD 2,935 per metric ton, which was 8.7% higher than on the same day of last month and was up 14.7% on a year-to-date basis. The price was 71.3% higher than on the same day last year. In 2016 prices rebounded, pushed up by the shutting down of several important zinc mines which, due to falling global demand and rising inventories, had become unprofitable. The effects of these closures are still unfolding, and the current supply and demand conditions are very different to what they were when the closing decisions were made. The zinc market has since slipped into deficit and is now facing a shortage of stockpiles as well as a reduction in global production. Moreover, demand increased significantly last year and further upside pressure on prices continues to come from the demand side, on the back of Trump’s announced infrastructure spending plan as well as the Chinese stimulus program.
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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 26 févr. 2017, 12:33

Effectivement la production minière de Zinc a chuté entre 2015 et 2016 :

La fiche USGS toute récente : https://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs ... 7-zinc.pdf

Le ratio Reserves sur production annuelle n' est que de 18.5 années.
Et seulement 9 années pour la Chine qui est le premier producteur.


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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 26 févr. 2017, 12:43

Evolution de la production mondiale :

Zinc is the fourth most common metal in use, annual production exceeds approximately 13 million tons worldwide. Approximately 30% of the world's Zinc comes from recycling while the remaining volume is mined and metallurgically extracted.

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 26 févr. 2017, 12:53

La Chine, à la fois premier producteur et premier consommateur, domine le marché du zinc.

Le zinc est assez largement réparti sur la planète et représente le quatrième métal le plus produit. Les minerais de zinc sont généralement associés à d'autres métaux, comme le cuivre et le plomb. La Chine, de loin le premier producteur, domine l'offre mondiale. Sa production de zinc raffiné a atteint 4,6 millions de tonnes en 2012, un chiffre en hausse régulière d'année en année, et qui représenterait environ 35% de la production mondiale annuelle selon l'USGS (United States Geological Survey). L'Australie et le Pérou arriveraient en deuxième et troisième place avec respectivement 11% et 10% de la production mondiale. Une part importante de l'offre de zinc provient également du recyclage de ce métal : aux Etats-Unis, le recyclage représentait 57% de l'offre en 2012, toujours selon l'USGS.

Environ la moitié de la production de zinc est utilisée pour la galvanisation, destinée à protéger certains métaux (dont l'acier) de la corrosion. Cette technique est notamment utilisée dans les secteurs de l'automobile, du bâtiment et pour les appareils ménagers. Le zinc entre par ailleurs dans la composition du laiton ou, sous forme d'oxyde, dans celle de peintures, plastiques ou encres d'impression. La Chine s'affiche comme le premier consommateur de zinc à l'échelle mondiale.

Le zinc cote au London Metal Exchange (LME), en USD/tonne.

Evolution des prix
Après un pic à plus de 4550 dollars la tonne sur le LME en novembre 2006, les cours avaient replongé, à 1100 dollars fin 2008. Les prix se sont légèrement raffermis par la suite, revenant autour des 2000 dollars la tonne entre 2011 à 2015. La volatilité du zinc est restée relativement faible ces dernières années par rapport aux autres métaux, avec des variations ne dépassant pas +20% et -10% autour des 2000 dollars la tonne depuis plus de trois ans.
http://www.boursorama.com/bourse/cours/ ... le=7xZSUSD

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 12 mars 2017, 13:42

La mine de Red Dog en Alaska est la plus grosse mine productrice de Zinc au monde.

The mine is the world's largest producer of zinc and has the world's largest zinc reserves.[1][2] Red Dog accounts for 10% of the world's zinc production.[3] Red Dog accounted for 55% of the mineral value produced in Alaska in 2008.[1] In 2008 the mine produced 515,200 metric tons (507,100 LT; 567,900 ST) of zinc, 122,600 metric tons (120,700 LT; 135,100 ST) of lead, and 283 metric tons (9,100,000 ozt) of silver, for a total metal value of over one billion dollars.

The Red Dog area has the world's largest known zinc deposits:
Cette mine est à 84 km de la mer.




le minerai va au port par des camions de ce genre :



http://www.teck.com/news/stories/2016/c ... at-red-dog

le port de chargement :


http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?ad ... rch.reddog

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 12 mars 2017, 14:00

En Europe, il y a une mine significative de Zinc en Suéde, la mine Zinkgruvan à 250 km au Nord Ouest de Stockholm.
La mine est possédée par le minier Lundin, et est en activité souterraine.


Ils ont un camion .....électrique !
Zinkgruvan’s first Kiruna Electric truck was this K1050E with 50t payload.

http://www.mining-technology.com/projec ... uvan1.html

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 20 mars 2017, 19:19

Glencore étend son contrôle sur le zinc africain

Par Claire Fages RFI 17 mars 2017

Le géant suisse du négoce et des mines Glencore cède ses participations dans deux mines de zinc, en Namibie et au Burkina Faso. Pour mieux contrôler la commercialisation du zinc, un métal très rémunérateur.

Glencore étend son contrôle sur le zinc africain. Pourtant, le géant suisse du trade et des mines cède ses parts dans deux gisements de zinc, Perkoa au Burkina Faso, et Rosh Pinah en Namibie. Mais Glencore les cède à son partenaire sur ces mines, la petite société canadienne Trevali, dans laquelle Glencore acquiert 20 % d’actions supplémentaires. Surtout Glencore garde la main sur tout le concentré de zinc qui sortira de ses gisements et qu’il sera chargé de vendre.

« Ce qui compte pour le groupe suisse, trader encore plus que mineur, c’est la commercialisation plus que l’exploitation », commente Christian Hocquard, économiste des métaux. Déjà leader sur le marché du zinc, Glencore accroît de cette manière son contrôle sur ce métal industriel essentiel, champion des métaux l’an dernier avec plus de 60 % de hausse des cours.

La relance du bâtiment en Chine et la reprise mondiale du secteur automobile ont accru la demande de zinc, au moment même où les plus grandes mines de zinc au monde fermaient, Lisheen en Irlande et Century en Australie. D’où la flambée des prix du métal gris. Au point qu’un projet de réhabilitation de la mine australienne est en cours pour reprendre la production et racler tout le zinc qui lui reste. L’Iran veut à son tour développer le gisement géant de zinc de Mahdiabad.

En Afrique, Glencore laisse à Trevali le soin d’exploiter encore 14 ans la mine namibienne de Rosh Pinah, encore six ans la mine burkinabè de Perkoa. C’est Glencore qui commercialisera le zinc et Trevali qui devra se soucier de transporter par camion le zinc burkinabé, très éloigné des côtes. Si Trevali a trop de difficultés, Glencore se portera à son secours avec un prêt capitalisable, jusqu’à, si besoin, devenir majoritaire de son partenaire canadien sans redevenir actionnaire des gisements eux-mêmes.
http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20170317-gle ... c-africain

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 03 avr. 2017, 19:52

A Mehdiabad, l'Iran va à la mine

Myrtille Delamarche L'Usine Nouvelle , le 03/04/2017

Téhéran a signé avec des investisseurs privés un financement de 1 milliard de dollars pour développer la mine de zinc de Mehdiabad. Cette mine, l’une des plus riches au monde, a 154 millions de tonnes (Mt) de réserves, dont 88 Mt de sulfate et 66 Mt d’oxyde de zinc, du plomb et de l’argent. Celles à confirmer pourraient monter à 700 Mt. Mehdiabad doit produire 800 000 tonnes de concentrés de zinc par an.


L’Iran détient un important potentiel minier, même si le secteur ne génère que 1% du PIB. Ses réserves sont estimées à 43 milliards de tonnes de 68 minéraux, parmi lesquels du charbon, du cuivre, de l’or et du fer. D’après la compagnie d’État Imidro, 20 milliards de dollars d’investissements sont nécessaires. Les permis miniers ouverts totalisent une valeur de 29 milliards de dollars, soit l’équivalent des contrats pétroliers.
http://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/a- ... ne.N522664

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 29 oct. 2017, 13:11

La compagnie Boliden automatise une mine de Zinc souterraine très ancienne en Suède.
Robots under Swedish forest breathe life into ancient mines

Reuters | Oct. 4, 2017

Hundreds of meters below the lush forests of rural Sweden, one of the world’s most ancient mines has been transformed into one of the most modern. Sensors linked to robotic equipment in Boliden’s Garpenberg zinc mine – which has been in operation since the 13th century – feed data to operators above ground as screens blink and flash in a nearby control room.

Boliden is at the forefront of a global transformation in which mining companies are exploiting huge amounts of data being crunched by computers to dramatically boost productivity and cut costs.

The advances at Garpenberg, however, have only scratched the surface in exploiting the new technology. Fully automated mines are on the horizon.

“We have a way to go. There’s a big possibility of working 24 hours a day with more automation,” said Jenny Gotthardsson, general manager at Garpenberg.

To the north of Garpenberg, at other Boliden mines, Volvo is breaking new ground by testing self-driving trucks underground along with Ericsson which has installed cutting edge 5G mobile technology in a pilot.

In 2006, the Garpenberg mine, located about 180 km northwest of Stockholm in an area where mining has occurred since 375 B.C., was struggling to compete. But in 2013 Boliden started transforming its operations with automation and data. It is now one of the world’s most productive zinc mines.

“We decided to become an early adopter,” said Mikael Staffas, president of Boliden Mines. An expansion of output also helped lower costs through economies of scale.

By 2016, it had halved cash costs to 44 cents per lb, adjusted for inflation, according to consultancy Wood Mackenzie.

Thousands of sensors, including ones that track every worker, send data above ground at Garpenberg, boosting safety and allowing more efficient ventilation and ore loading.

Swedish companies Sandvik, Atlas Copco ABB and Volvo are among those to use Boliden as a testing ground for new products.

Kristofer Ruth, a miner who has worked there for 11 years, rarely ventures underground anymore. He manoeuvres a joystick that shovels ore into an automated truck about 800 meters below.

He no longer wastes time evacuating the mine during twice-daily blasting and can move the vehicle into areas that might be unsafe for workers.
http://www.mining.com/web/robots-swedis ... ent-mines/

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 10 déc. 2017, 20:45

La compagnie New Century léve 53 millions de $ en vue de redémarrer une mine de Zinc en Australie.
New Century raises $53M to restart mothballed zinc mine
The Century zinc mine was the third largest in the world before it closed in 2016

Andrew Topf | Nov. 5, 2017

image of Century zinc mine, courtesy of New Century Resources.
The Century zinc mine in Queensland could be churning out ore again thanks to a $52.9 million private placement raised by owner New Century Resources .

The mine was the third largest zinc mine in the world prior to its closure in 2016 and still hosts mineral resources in excess of 2.6Mt of zinc, 0.7Mt of lead and 42.5Moz of silver. New Century acquired its interest in 2017 and is currently undertaking a feasibility study into the recommissioning of the existing processing plant. The feasibility study, which will include conversion of the Century tailings deposit from measured resources to reserves, is expected to be completed this month.

In a news release Monday New Century described the private placement as "significantly oversubscribed with strong support from a range of major domestic and international institutional investors." About 44.1 million shares were sold.

"This highly successful placement puts New Century in a very strong financial position and allows us to rapidly progress the restart of the Century Zinc Mine and deliver on our strategy to become a globally significant zinc producer in 2018," said managing director Patrick Walta.

In October New Century, then a 70% owner of the open-pit mine, took over the remaining 30% through the purchase of privately-owned Century Bull. The mine is 25 kilometres northwest of Mount Isa in the Lower Gulf of Carpentaria.

During its 16 years of operations, starting in 1999, Century processed an average 475,000 tonnes per annum zinc concentrate and 50,000 tpa lead concentrate. The product was transferred in slurry form via a 304-km underground pipeline to Century’s port facility at Karumba for shipping to smelters in Australia, Europe and Asia. In 2016 the mine closed due to depleted reserves. But according to New Century its remaining mineral assets include over 2.5 million tonnes of JORC-compliant zinc metal equivalent resources located within mineralized tailings, the Silver King base metal deposit and other minor deposits. The mine also hosts several substantial phosphate deposits which are yet to be developed, the company states.
http://www.mining.com/new-century-raise ... zinc-mine/


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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 30 déc. 2017, 14:00

Projet de réouverture d'une mine de Zinc + Plomb + Argent en Australie. Avait été fermé en 2008.
Silver-lead-zinc-mine to re-open in New South Wales (Australia)

Andrew Topf 30 dec 2017

The state government has given the green light to Perilya, a privately owned mining company, to restart the North Mine, which last operated in 2008 and was mostly closed in the 1990s, ABC News reported on Thursday.

The mine is expected to produce in early 2018 and will create 140 jobs to reach deeper deposits.

According to a project page the North Mine Deeps resource contains 3.7 million tonnes at 11.3 per cent zinc, 13.5 per cent lead and 219 g/t silver, making it one of the highest grade deposits in the world.

"The North Mine has a mine operating plan that takes it out to 2032," general manager Bruce Byrne told ABC News, who added it will probably be four to five years before the North Mine can generate profits on its own. The mine is expected to generate up to $5.8 million in royalties to the state for up to 25 years.

The news is a turnaround from March of 2016, when Perilya announced up to 100 jobs at its Southern Operations mine would be shed due to low metals prices.

Perth-based Perilya currently has two producing mines: Broken Hill, which mines lead and zinc, and Cerro de Maimón, a copper-gold mine in the Dominican Republic.

The company manages 1,042 square kilometres including mine leases incorporating the Southern Operations, the North Mine, the Potosi Trend, and the historic Little Broken Hill and Pinnacles areas.
http://www.mining.com/silver-lead-zinc- ... uth-wales/

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 18 févr. 2018, 13:02

La mine de Neves-Corvo au Portugal
energy_isere a écrit :
12 mars 2017, 14:00
En Europe, il y a une mine significative de Zinc en Suéde, la mine Zinkgruvan à 250 km au Nord Ouest de Stockholm.
La mine est possédée par le minier Lundin, et est en activité souterraine.
Le minier Lundin opére aussi une mine de Zinc-Cuivre au Portugal, la mine de Neves-Corvo, l' an dernier ils projetaient un investissement de 250 millions de $ pour doubler la production de concentré de Zinc.

http://www.lidadornoticias.pt/fr/castro ... ves-corvo/
Neves-Corvo is a copper and zinc mine that is owned and operated by the Portuguese company Somincor, which is a subsidiary of Lundin Mining. It is situated approximately 220 km southeast of Lisbon in the Alentejo district of southern Portugal. The mine site lies some 15 km southeast of the town of Castro Verde and exploits five major orebodies from an underground mine. The ore is processed on-site and tailings are disposed of in the Cerro de Lobo impoundment some 3 km from the plant. Concentrates are dispatched by rail and road for onward shipping to customers.

Neves-Corvo has good connections to the national road network which links with Faro to the south and Lisbon to the north. The mine has a dedicated rail link into the Portuguese rail network and to the port of Setúbal.

Fresh water is supplied to the mine via a 400 mm diameter pipeline from the Santa Clara reservoir, approximately 40 km west of the mine. The mine is connected to the national grid by a single 150 kV, 50 MVA rated, overhead power line 22.5 km long.

Seven massive sulphide lenses have been defined at Neves-Corvo comprising Neves (divided into North and South), Corvo, Graça, Zambujal, Lombador (divided North, South and East), Semblana and Monte Branco. The base metal grades are segregated by the strong metal zoning into copper, tin and zinc zones, as well as barren massive pyrite. The massive sulphide deposits are typically underlain by stockwork sulphide zones which form an important part of the copper orebodies.

The principle means of mine access are provided by one vertical 5 m diameter shaft and a ramp from surface. The shaft is used to hoist ore from the 700 m level. The surface is nominally 1200 m above datum. A conveyor decline descends from the 700 m level to the 550 m level and provides ore hoisting from the deeper levels of the mine. The mine is highly mechanized and a number of different stoping methods are employed but the most significant are bench-and-fill and drift-and-fill. Backfill is provided by hydraulically placed sand, paste tailings and internally generated waste rock.

The treatment facility at Neves-Corvo comprises of two processing plants. The copper plant treats copper ores and has a maximum capacity of approximately 2.6 mtpa and the zinc plant (former tin plant) which treats zinc or copper ores was expanded to 1.0 mtpa capacity during 2011. Both processing plants comprise secondary crushing, rod and ball mill grinding circuits, flotation cells and concentrate thickening and dewatering. In mid-2009, modifications to the copper plant were completed to regrind and recover additional copper and zinc concentrate from the copper tailings stream.

The mining concession provides sufficient surface rights to accommodate the existing mine infrastructure and allows for expansion if required.

Metso participe à l’extension d’une mine de zinc

17 dec 2017

Lundin Mining, société canadienne d’exploitation métallurgique a fait appel à Metso pour fournir des équipements nécessaires au projet d’extension de la mine de Neves-Corvo située au Portugal. Elle ambitionne ainsi d’augmenter la capacité de production annuelle, d’environ 1,1 million de tonnes actuellement, à 2,5 millions de tonnes.

Lundin Mining a signé en septembre dernier avec Metso un contrat pour l’achat d’un concasseur C120, de filtres presse et de cellules de flottation.

Durant la phase d’extension, l’actuel site de production opéré par Somincor (filiale de Lundin Mining) sera également agrandi et amélioré. Un nouveau broyeur SAG de 8,5 MW doit être installé pour le broyage primaire tandis que le secondaire sera réalisé, en amont de l’utilisation des nouvelles cellules de flottation, par un broyeur existant.

Metso fournira d’ailleurs 19 cellules de flottation RCS d’une capacité de 100 m3 chacune. Miguel Santos, directeur régional des ventes chez Metso précise : « le développement du circuit de flottation en complément des autres améliorations vont permettre d’augmenter la capacité de production. »

La livraison est prévue pour avril 2018. Les travaux d’extension s’achèveront quant à eux au troisième trimestre 2019 en vue d’une mise en route de la production dès la fin 2019.

https://www.constructioncayola.com/terr ... e-zinc.php

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 02 avr. 2018, 12:36

Du Zinc en Irelande
Group Eleven drills for zinc in Ireland

Newly public Group Eleven Resources (TSXV: ZNG) has started drilling its 60%-owned Ballinalack zinc property, 50 km west of Boliden’s (STO: BOL; US-OTC: BDNNF) Navan zinc mine in the Republic of Ireland. The property is one of several that Group Eleven could explore this year for zinc.

Ballinalack is a joint venture with Chinese mining company Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet. It has three known mineralization pods, which form a historic resource estimate pegged at 7.7 million tonnes grading 6.3% zinc and 1% lead based on a 1991 feasibility study by Oliver Resources. Oliver, however, only included the main pod in its 1991 mine plan. Group Eleven CEO Bart Jaworski sees the other two pods as potentially low-hanging fruit.

“However, that’s all secondary to the Navan-style target underneath the historic estimate,” he says in a telephone interview with The Northern Miner.

Navan is the fifth-largest zinc deposit in the world, and the largest in both Europe and Ireland, weighing in at 100 million tonnes grading 10% zinc. One of the exciting things about Ballinalack for Jaworski is that it has Navan-style pale beds beneath its already drilled, Waulsortian-hosted mineralization. He says Group Eleven realized when it looked at the property that no one had tested beneath the Waulsortian for mineralization.

Zinc samples taken by Group Eleven Resources in Ireland. Credit: G11 Resource.
http://www.northernminer.com/news/group ... 003794964/

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Re: Le Zinc

Message par energy_isere » 02 avr. 2018, 12:39

La dernière fiche USGS : https://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs ... 8-zinc.pdf

La production miniére mondiale de Zinc passe de 12.6 millions de tonnes en 2016 à 13.2 millions de tonnes en 2017.

La plus grosse augmentation de production est en Inde +0.6 million de tonnes.
