La mer de Kara nouvel eldorado arctique Russe ?

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La mer de Kara nouvel eldorado arctique Russe ?

Message par energy_isere » 11 août 2014, 14:41

suite du post au dessus.

Rosneft et ExxonMobil commencent leur premier forage en Arctique en mer de Kara.
Avec une plate forme de forage spécialement étudié pour la glace.

et ceci malgré les sanctions US envers la Russie.
Rosneft, ExxonMobil start oil drilling in Russia's Arctic 2014-08-10
MOSCOW, Aug. 9 (Xinhua)

Joint Drilling started Saturday in Russia's northernmost offshore exploration well, marking an important step for the country in its efforts to test the potential of the unexplored Arctic Ocean.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the start signal through a teleconference for the drilling of the 700-million-dollar oil well in the East Prinovozemelsky field in the Kara Sea.

The drilling is one of the joint development projects of four sea shelf deposits off Siberian northern shores between Russian state oil company Rosneft and U.S. oil and gas giant ExxonMobil.

Putin said this is another important step in the development of the Arctic's promising deposits, calling Exxon Russia's long- standing and reliable partner.

"We value our relations. I am convinced that Rosneft's joint projects with Exxon and other companies would benefit our national economies and help strengthen a global energy situation, develop breakthrough technologies, and create new jobs," he said.

The drilling will continue until the end of October before the ice period starts, according to the Interfax news agency. The West Alpha rig has been especially equipped with an innovative ice control and ice defense system for drilling in harsh climate conditions.

Putin said that businessmen should be guided by pragmatism and common sense, "despite difficulties in current political trends." He praised Exxon's move as "truly responsible and businesslike," and stressed that Russia is open to cooperation expansion with partners.

The two giants have been cooperating at the Arctic oil sites since 2011, as well as the joint development of an oil deposit in the Black Sea. In June 2012, Rosneft also struck a deal with Exxon on the joint project of a tight oil deposit in Western Siberia.

As Washington imposed new sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis last week, Rosneft chairman Alexander Nekipelov expressed hope that the cooperation between Rosneft and Exxon would not be affected.

Rosneft was added to a list of Russian companies under U.S. sanctions on July 16. ... 545013.htm

La plate forme West Alpha est celle ci :


construite en 1986.

appartiendrait à North Atlantic Drilling Ltd.


et c'est Poutine qui a donné le top départ du forage.
Vladimir Putin gave the signal via video linkup to start exploratory drilling operations at the West Alpha rig (Universitetskaya-1site) in the Kara Sea. This project is being jointly implemented by Rosneft and ExxonMobil.

voici la retranscription traduite de Poutine :
Good afternoon, friends. I am very pleased to see all of you.

We are about to take another major step in the development of promising oil and gas fields in the Arctic. The West Alpha rig is ready to begin drilling an exploratory well on the Kara Sea shelf. This is a great achievement.

I know that the project being launched is unique in many ways. It will use the latest technology. A large number of geological surveys have already been carried out, and special environmental protection measures are in place. I know that Rosneft and all of its partners, including ExxonMobil, attach special significance and pay great attention to this aspect, especially in this part of the world with its sensitive ecology.

As I have already said, all this great work was made possible by uniting the efforts of Rosneft and our US partner, ExxonMobil. Practice shows that it is nearly impossible, or at least very difficult, to implement alone such large high-tech projects, projects of global scale and significance. Today commercial success is determined by effective international cooperation.

Businesses, including large companies, both Russian and foreign, are well aware of that. In spite of the difficult current political situation, pragmatism and common sense still have the upper hand, and that is very gratifying. In our opinion, this is a truly responsible, business-like approach, and only such an approach can be productive. We certainly welcome this position and, in turn, are open to expanding our cooperation with partners.

Once again, I stress, ExxonMobil is our old, reliable partner, and we greatly value our relationship. I am convinced that joint projects between Rosneft and ExxonMobil, as well as other companies, will benefit our national economy, contribute to improving the global energy situation and will undoubtedly lead to the development of breakthrough technologies and job creation.

Finally, I want to sincerely thank all those involved in developing the rich resources of the Arctic shelf, everyone working to develop new oil fields in the area. I know that a great deal of work still lies ahead for you. I am confident that you will cope with it, as always, at the highest professional level.

I want to wish you every success.
article dans Libération:
Pétrole: Poutine lance un projet d’exploration russo-américain

09 Aout 2014

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine lors d'une vidéoconférence donnée depuis Sotchi sur le forage de pétrole dans l'océan Arctique, le 9 août 2014 (Photo Alexeï Droujinine. AFP)

La mer de Kara pourrait abriter jusqu’à 100 milliards de barils de pétrole, selon le patron de Rosneft Igor Setchine, mais la Russie a besoin des technologies occidentales pour pouvoir exploiter ces gisements. ... in_1078116

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économie russe

Message par yvesT » 28 sept. 2014, 01:58

Une grosse découverte dans l’arctique Russe apparemment :
Russia Discovers Massive Arctic Oil Field Which May Be Larger Than Gulf Of Mexico ... ulf-mexico

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Re: économie russe

Message par yvesT » 28 sept. 2014, 13:10

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Re: économie russe

Message par energy_isere » 28 sept. 2014, 13:54

yvesT a écrit :
et sur Bloomberg, plus mesuré : ... s-oil.html
ca dit qu' un premier gisement d' un milliard de baril est identifié, et que la géologie autour permet d’espérer une zone pétroliére d'ampleur comparable à la partie US du golfe du Mexique !
Russia’s state-run OAO Rosneft said a well drilled in the Kara Sea region of the Arctic Ocean with Exxon Mobil Corp. struck oil, showing the region has the potential to become one of the world’s most important crude-producing areas.

The announcement was made by Igor Sechin, Rosneft’s chief executive officer, who spent two days sailing on a Russian research ship to the drilling rig where the find was unveiled today. The well found about 1 billion barrels of oil and similar geology nearby means the surrounding area may hold more than the U.S. part of the Gulf or Mexico, he said.

“It exceeded our expectations,” Sechin said in an interview. This discovery is of “exceptional significance in showing the presence of hydrocarbons in the Arctic.”

The discovery sharpens the dispute between Russia and the U.S. over President Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine. The well was drilled before the Oct. 10 deadline Exxon was granted by the U.S. government under sanctions barring American companies from working in Russia’s Arctic offshore. Rosneft and Exxon won’t be able to do more drilling, putting the exploration and development of the area on hold despite the find announced today.

The Kara Sea well -- the most expensive in Russian history -- targeted a subsea structure named Universitetskaya and its success has been seen as pivotal to that strategy. The start of drilling, which reached a depth of more than 2,000 meters (6,500 feet), was marked with a ceremony involving Putin and Sechin.

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Re: La mer de Kara nouvel eldorado arctique Russe ?

Message par yvesT » 28 sept. 2014, 21:40

Si il s'agit vraiment d'une découverte équivalente au golfe du Mexique (même partie US), on peut dire que la couverture media à ce sujet est un peu curieuse.
(premier article de la presse Fr dans la Charente libre, rien ds le monde, ds libe, copie de dépêche ds le figaro ...)
Et puis il reste les couts d'extraction.
Enfin attendons de voir, à mon avis ça ne change pas grand chose au fait que la crise actuelle est celle du pic.
(sans parler des "jeux" avec la Russie, etc)


Re: La mer de Kara nouvel eldorado arctique Russe ?

Message par ToTheEnd » 29 sept. 2014, 14:09

J'étais aussi tombé sur cette news hier soir et effectivement, elle n'a pas encore trouvé sa place dans les médias traditionnels et ça se comprend: 2 sénateurs élus du FN au Sénat contre 1 milliard de barils de pétrole... ... ulf-mexico


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Re: La mer de Kara nouvel eldorado arctique Russe ?

Message par rico » 29 sept. 2014, 20:32

Une fois de plus ça se confirme : la "fin" du pétrole c'est pas pour demain ni pour ce siècle....

Gaz naturel
Gaz naturel
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Re: La mer de Kara nouvel eldorado arctique Russe ?

Message par EPE_bel » 30 sept. 2014, 08:50

Personne de sensé, même ici, n'a jamais dit ça. Mais du pétrole arctique ce n'est pas le même prix que du pétrole saoudien. De un.

Ensuite reste à voir la différence entre les effets d'annonce, que ce soit pour des raisons boursières ou des raisons politiques et la réalité. De deux.

Enfin qui, à part les terraplatistes (on en parle moins curieusement) et les politiciens qui ne pensent qu'à échéance électorale peut encore nier le lien entre le disponibilité d'énergie (et d'autres ressources) bon marché per capita et la "sainte" croissance? De trois.

Bref, préparez l'avenir au lieu de déprimer pour avoir eu raison trop tôt.
Autrefois EPE ... file&u=110 Accès au compte perdu

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Re: La mer de Kara nouvel eldorado arctique Russe ?

Message par energy_isere » 13 avr. 2016, 18:39

On a pas bien réalisé ici l' importance de cette découverte.

c'est en fait le plus gros gisement mondial d' hydrocarbure identifié en 2014 ! Et même très largement devant les suivants

Essentiellement en Gaz
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Re: La mer de Kara nouvel eldorado arctique Russe ?

Message par energy_isere » 13 avr. 2016, 18:41

According to Russian Minister of Energy Aleksandr Novak, there is four times more oil than previously annonced in the University-1 field.

March 03, 2015

In a meeting with President Putin this week, Novak said that there is about 500 million tons of oil in the University-1 (Pobeda) field. That is significantly more than the estimates previously announced by Rosneft.

Following the completed drilling operation, Rosneft in late October 2014 officially estimated the oil resources in the field to 128,7 million tons.

In the meeting, Novak also highlighted results in Gazprom Neft’s Prirazlomnoye field which in 2014 produced about 300,000 tons, a transcript reads.

As previously reported, Rosneft and ExxonMobil in early fall 2014 conducted a historical drilling operation in the Kara Sea. The drilling revealed major oil resources at the University-1, a structure which was subsequently renamed to Pobeda (Victory). Following the major operation, the cooperation between Rosneft and Exxon came to a stop because of the western sanction regime against Russian offshore activities.

According to Rosneft, the Pobeda oil is of extremely good quality. It is a super-light oil which contains only 0,02 percent of sulphure, company President Igor Sechin said. ... ster-03-03

Voir aussi la fiche sur subseaIQ : ... eSupport=1
