
Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Message par Raminagrobis » 03 avr. 2016, 14:58

On n'a pas de fil sur Trinidad. Pourtant ce petit pays occupe une place sympa dans l'histoire du pétrole. bref.

L'île est un petit producteur de pétrole, avec un premier gisement découvert en 1907. C'est surtout un producteur non négligeable de gaz. Le pic de production semble avoir été atteind en 2010 avec 45 km3 (45 milliards de m3). Depuis la production a diminué à 40 km3/an.

Le gaz nourrit une usine d'exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié, Altantic LNG, depuis 1999 (étendu depuis). Cette usine exporte 19 km3 de gaz par an (soit 13 millions de tonnes). Elle absorbe donc une petite moitié du gaz du pays. Historiquement le gaz était expédié aux USA, mais maintenant que ce pays n'a plus besoin d'importer du gaz (le schiste est passé par là), les principaux clients sont le Brésil, l'Argentine et l'Espagne.

A coté de ça, le gaz nourrit aussi une énorme industrie pétrochimique. Trinidad est le plus grand exportateurs de gaz ammoniac et le 2e exportateur de méthanol au monde. Ce sont des produits pétrochimiques de base qui ont de multiples applications. Toujours grâce au gaz, il y a aussi de l'aciérie de la production d'aluminium. Le gaz fournit aussi 100% de l'électricité du pays.

Tout celà fait de trinidad le 3e pays le plus riche, en PIB/habitant, de toute l'hémisphère occidental (les amériques quoi) après les Etats Unis et le Canada.


Les réserves exploitées commencent à faiblir, après la production de plus de 700 km3 de gaz. La production a fléchi ces dernières années, et des restriction à l'usage de gaz par l'industrie ont été posées. En partie pour cette raison, l'aciérie arcelotMittal a fermé il y a quelques semaines, laissant 600 travailleurs sur le carreau.

Face aux 700 km3 déjà produits, les réserves prouvées, pour ce que ça vaut, sont à 340 km3. Seulement 8 ans de production.


Un nouveau gisement, Juniper, exploité par BP, offrant des réserves de 33 milliards de m3 sera mis en production en 2017. Il donnera 6 milliards de m3 par an (déplétion rapide à prévoir donc). Il sauvera pour quelques années encore le miracle économique de Trinidad.

Le plus rationnel serait de fermer atlantic LNG. Ainsi le production de gaz serait réduite à quelques 25 km3 par an, ce qui permettrait de "tenir" jusqu'en 2030 même sans nouvelle découverte.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 03 avr. 2016, 15:05

La courbe de production du GAZ sur index Mundi :
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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 03 avr. 2016, 15:10

et aussi Trinidad est largement auto suffisant en pétrole. D’ailleurs c'est le seul cas des Caraïbes.
Pic en 2006.

Trinidad and Tobago contains the majority of the Caribbean's oil production.

Most of the oil production and exploration is focused offshore, but the government has been encouraging field development onshore as well. In 2011, the country produced 135,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) of oil, of which 92,000 bbl/d was crude oil including lease condensate and the remainder mostly consisted of natural gas liquids (NGLs). Oil production had been falling in the 1980s and 1990s, but was bolstered a decade later when BHP Billiton's offshore Angostura oil and gas field came online in January 2005. Large oil producers include the state-owned Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago (Petrotrin), BP Trinidad and Tobago and BHP Billiton.

For the past five years oil production has been steadily declining. In 2006, oil output reached nearly 178,000 bbl/d, but production has fallen below the country's expectation to produce 200,000 bbl/d of crude. The recent fall in output has been attributed to maturing oil fields and operational challenges faced by some of the country's largest producers, according to Global Insight.

Oil consumption in the country is moderate, allowing the country to export a sizable amount of its production. U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data shows that the United States has been the primary destination, with 76,000 bbl/d of crude oil and refined products exported to the United States in 2011. Trinidad and Tobago consumed an estimated 40,000 bbl/d of oil in 2011. The country also imports small amounts of crude oil and refined products.

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Re: Trinidad

Message par Raminagrobis » 03 avr. 2016, 15:27

Une carte des gisements,


En vert le pétrole, en rouge le gaz. on remarque que les gisements à dominante pétrolière sont àterre ou en offshore proche, tandis que les gisements gaziers sont plus loin en mer.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Trinidad

Message par Raminagrobis » 03 juin 2017, 19:34

lien Une découverte de taille moyenne en offshore dans les eaux de trinidad.

De l'ordre de 2 Tcf, soit autour de 55 km3. Trinidad produit 40 km3 par an, cette découvert apporte donc un petit répit dans l'épuisement rapide de leurs réserves.
Ce nouveau gisement sera rattaché à une plate-forme existante, Juniper.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Trinidad

Message par Raminagrobis » 06 juin 2017, 09:50

On peut sans conteste parler d'un miracle économique de Trinidad : par exemple, son PIB par habitant est le plus élevé de toute l'amérique latine.

Ce miracle s'appuie cependant sur le gaz naturel (et dans une moindre mesure le pétrole). Trinidad exporte en masse du gaz naturel liquéfié, et produit plein de pétrochimie (méthanol, ammoniac) destinée à l'export. C'est ce qui fait tourner son économie.

Mais les réserves de gaz sont désormais limitées : selon le BP stat report, le ratio réserve production est de 8.2 ans seulement !

Comment pérenniser le miracle économique? La réponse est d'aller chercher le gaz de l'autre coté de la frontière : le Venezuela dispose de plusieurs gisements qu'il n'arrive pas à monétiser. Le projet de construire un terminal d'export GNL à Güiria est mort-née.

L'idée est donc de faire de trinidad un intermédiaire pour transformer et exporter du gaz venezuelien.

lien Le contrat signé concerne le gisement Dragon, qui sera développé pour Trinidad. Trinidad financera la plate forme et achètera le gaz, qui transitera par le gisement hibiscus (voir carte plus haut).

Ca ne rassure par tout le monde à Trinidad : le venezuela a une longue histoire de rompre les contrats et exproprier les investisseurs.

Mais si Dragon doit produit 5 km3 par an, il n'y aura qu'un 1 km3 par an pour trinidad : pas de quoi sauver l'industrie insulaire.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 16 déc. 2018, 10:39

BP va lancer une nouvelle plate forme d'extraction de gaz Offshore pour un démarrage de production en 2022
BP gives green light for Trinidad, Tobago natural gas projects
BP will build a new platform, Cassia C, and first gas from the facility is expected in the third quarter of 2021

REUTERS | December 15, 2018,

BP in Trinidad and Tobago (bptt) gave the go-ahead to two new gas developments, Cassia compression and Matapal, offshore Trinidad, it said on Friday.

* BP will build a new platform, Cassia C, and first gas from the facility is expected in the third quarter of 2021.

* Matapal will be a three-well subsea tie-back to the Juniper platform. With production capacity of 400 million standard cubic feet of gas per day, first gas from Matapal is expected in 2022, BP said in a statement.
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes ... s/67104547

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 05 mars 2019, 08:38

BP annonce le premier gaz sur le gisement offshore de Angelin.
BP Starts Up 3rd Major Upstream Project in 2019

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff|Thursday, February 28, 2019

BP Trinidad and Tobago (BPTT) has announced first gas production from its Angelin development, located offshore Trinidad.

The development includes a new platform with a production capacity of 600 million cubic feet per day. Gas flows from the platform to the existing Serrette hub via a new 13-mile pipeline.

Angelin is described by BP as the company’s third “major” upstream project start-up in 2019. Earlier this month BP announced first gas production from the second stage of its West Nile Delta development offshore Egypt. The start-up of the Constellation development also came in February.

BP started up two gas projects in Trinidad, Juniper and Trinidad Onshore Compression, in 2017 and recently announced the sanction of another two developments, Cassia Compression and Matapal, which are expected to come onstream in 2021 and 2022, respectively.

“This safe and successful start-up, less than two years after sanction, is a credit to our BP teams and contractors. Angelin is BP’s 22nd new upstream project to come online in just over three years and reflects our commitment to do what said we would, safely and competitively,” BP Upstream Chief Executive, Bernard Looney, said in a company statement.

BPTT Regional President Claire Fitzpatrick said, “BPTT is proud to deliver our promise of first gas from Angelin in the first quarter of 2019”.

“Angelin is the next step in fulfilling our long-term development plan in Trinidad and will play an important role in enabling us to deliver our production commitments, which could potentially include up to $8 billion of investment in several more major projects over the next 10 years,” Fitzpatrick added.

BPTT is one of the leading oil and gas production companies in Trinidad and Tobago, according to BP’s website. Through its heritage companies, Amoco Trinidad Oil Company and BP Amoco, the business has been operating in Trinidad and Tobago since 1961 and produced its first barrel of crude oil in 1972. ... 9-article/

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 10 août 2019, 23:05

BHP va investir 283 millions de dollars sur le projet Ruby.
BHP Approves $283MM Funding to Develop Ruby

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff, August 08, 2019

BHP Approves $283MM Funding to Develop Ruby
The BHP Board revealed Thursday that it has approved $283 million in funding to develop the Ruby Project in Trinidad and Tobago.
The BHP Board revealed Thursday that it has approved $283 million in funding to develop the Ruby Project in Trinidad and Tobago.

Total investment for the oil and gas project, including pre-commitment capital, is approximately $500 million. The project has estimated recoverable 2C resources of 13.2 million barrels of oil and 274 billion cubic feet of natural gas. First production is expected in 2021.

“This is an important milestone for BHP in Trinidad and Tobago,” BHP President Operations Petroleum, Geraldine Slattery, said in a company statement.

“Ruby aligns well with our strategy of maximizing value from our existing assets, bringing competitive near-term value and volume growth,” Slattery added.

The Ruby Project is located in the Block 3(a) development area of Trinidad and Tobago. BHP holds a 68.46 percent operated interest, with Heritage Petroleum and the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC) holding the remaining 20.13 percent and 11.41 percent stakes, respectively.

BHP describes itself as a world-leading resources company. The company extracts and processes minerals, oil and gas and has more than 62,000 employees and contractors, primarily in Australia and the Americas.

Last month, the company announced a five-year, $400 million climate investment program to develop technologies to reduce emissions from its own operations as well as those generated from the use of its resources. ... 8-article/

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 19 nov. 2019, 00:38

BP trouve du gaz en offshore à Tobago.
BP Makes Gas Discovery Offshore Trinidad

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff. November 18

BP Trinidad & Tobago (BPTT) has announced that it has made a gas discovery through the Ginger exploration well, which is located offshore Trinidad.

BPTT said the well has penetrated hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in fifteen segments and stated that “initial results are promising”. The well is expected to be completed by the end of November. Results will continue to be evaluated following the completion of drilling operations, BPTT revealed.

“This is positive news for both BPTT and the industry, as these discoveries continue BPTT’s exploration success on the Trinidad shelf following the Savannah and Macadamia commercial discoveries,” Claire Fitzpatrick, regional president for BPTT, said in a company statement.

“We are continuing to see the benefits of the significant investment we have made in seismic processing and ocean bottom seismic acquisition. The Columbus Basin is a maturing province and the Ginger discovery demonstrates that with the right technology we can continue to uncover further resource potential in the basin,” Fitzpatrick added.

The Ginger exploration well was drilled into two untested fault blocks east of the Cashima field in water depths of less than 300 feet, approximately 50 miles off the south-east coast of Trinidad. The well, which BPTT has a 100 percent working interest in, was drilled using a jackup rig.

BPTT has 15 offshore platforms and two onshore processing facilities. The company is Trinidad & Tobago’s largest hydrocarbon producer, accounting for about 55 percent of the nation’s gas production, and has around 900 permanent employees, according to BP’s website. BPTT is 70 percent owned by BP and 30 percent owned by Repsol. ... 1-article/

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 17 déc. 2019, 08:24

Découverte de pétrole on shore a Trinidad.
Touchstone Makes Oil Discovery Onshore Trinidad

by Valerie Jones|Rigzone Staff|Monday, December 16, 2019
Calgary-based Touchstone Exploration Inc. has made what it’s calling a “significant” onshore oil discovery in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

The company announced the find Monday with its Cascadura-1ST1 well on the Ortoire exploration block.

Touchstone said cased hole wireline logs indicated significant prospective oil pay of 1,037 feet from 1,374 feet of gross sand.

Some highlight results include:

80 net feet of oil pay in the regional Lower Cruse sands
180 net feet of oil pay in Upper Herrera Gr7c
600 net feet of oil pay in Middle Herrera Gr7c
177 net feet of oil pay in Lower Herrera Gr7a
“The well results far exceed any pre-drill expectations,” Touchstone CEO Paul Baay said in a company statement. “This well is not only a significant discovery and milestone for Touchstone, but we believe it also establishes a new development stage for onshore drilling in Trinidad. In the new year, we expect to test each zone independently in order to better understand the economic potential of the prospective oil sands, and if the findings are positive, it will set up an expansive development drilling program in the area.”

Touchstone said it expects to complete and test the Cascadura-1ST1 well in the first quarter of 2020. ... 2-article/

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 25 juil. 2021, 10:11

Shell produces first gas from Barracuda project in Trinidad and Tobago
The peak production from the offshore project is expected to be nearly 40,000boe/d

By NS Energy Staff Writer 23 Jul 2021

Royal Dutch Shell has produced the first gas from Block 5C (Barracuda Project) in Block C, offshore Trinidad and Tobago.

Located in the East Coast Marine Area (ECMA), the backfill project is estimated to produce nearly 25,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) or 140 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscf/d) of gas.

The peak production from the Barracuda project is projected to be around 40,000boe/d or 220mmscf/d of gas.

The backfill project features two subsea wells, that are both owned 100% by Shell. One of the wells is located in the Endeavour field, while the other is in the Bounty field.

The two wells have a tied back to Shell’s Dolphin platform. They are said to be among the deepest development wells in Trinidad and Tobago.

According to Shell, the well in the Endeavour field was drilled to a depth of 20,000ft, and the well in the Bounty field was drilled to a depth of 16,000ft.

Barracuda is the first greenfield project for Shell in Trinidad and Tobago apart from being one of its largest in the country since its $53bn acquisition of BG Group in 2016.

The project was executed by Shell Trinidad and Tobago, through BG International, a subsidiary of Shell. A final investment decision (FID) on developing Block C was taken by Shell Trinidad and Tobago in January 2020.

Shell senior VP and country chair Eugene Okpere said: “We are immensely proud of our people and the remarkable work it took to achieve this milestone, particularly given that drilling began in May 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our execution strategy had to be completely overhauled to deliver our business plan, all while working remotely. It required tremendous resilience, adaptability and commitment.”

The company said that bringing the Barracuda project on stream is a significant milestone for delivering gas to the domestic and international markets through the Atlantic LNG plant. Shell’s stake in the LNG plant ranges from 46% to 57.5% in each of the four trains. ... a-project/

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 12 sept. 2021, 10:15

Gros projets gazier à Trinidad et Tobago.
Trinidad and Tobago steps up gas production

Sep 10th, 2021

The company’s report, ‘Americas Oil and Gas Upstream Development Outlook to 2025’, reveals that 514 MMcf/d of natural gas production in Trinidad and Tobago in 2025 is expected from planned projects with identified development plans, while 306 MMcf/d is expected from early-stage announced projects that are undergoing conceptual studies and are likely to be approved.

Of the seven natural gas projects expected to start operations in Trinidad and Tobago during 2021-2025, Colibri and Matapal could collectively contribute around 58% of the country’s gas production in 2025.
...................... ... production

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 25 sept. 2021, 23:27

suite de ce post du 5 mars 2019 ... 7#p2281467

BP lance l'extraction du Gaz du champs de Matapal. Ce champs avait été découvert en 2017.
BP: Trinidad’s Matapal achieves early first gas

édité le 21/09/2021

bp Trinidad and Tobago LLC today confirms its Matapal project has safely achieved first gas. The major milestone was achieved ahead of schedule and under budget despite the constraints brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Matapal is bpTT’s second subsea development. It’s comprised of three wells, which tie back into the existing Juniper platform, helping minimize development costs and the associated carbon footprint. It’s located approximately 80km off the south-east coast of Trinidad and approximately 8km east of Juniper, in a water depth of 163 metres.

Matapal will deliver gas into the Trinidad gas market from resources discovered by the Savannah exploration well, drilled in 2017. The initial production from this development is expected to be in the range of 250-350 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd), once all wells are fully ramped up.

Claire Fitzpatrick, president bpTT, said: “Natural gas will play an important role in the energy transition and to the economy of Trinidad and Tobago for decades to come. This is why our team at bpTT has worked diligently to safely start up our Matapal project which we successfully achieved both under budget and ahead of schedule. We are committed to a strong energy future in Trinidad and Tobago and this project plays a critical role in delivering that.”

Fabrication work on Matapal began in 2019. The project required modification to the existing Juniper platform as well as the construction and installation of new subsea equipment. Importantly, the majority of fabrication work required to adapt the Juniper platform for new production was completed locally. Hydrocarbons from Matapal will be transported to the Juniper platform via two 9 km flexible flowlines.

With 15 offshore production platforms, bpTT is the country’s largest hydrocarbon producer, accounting for about 55% of the nation’s gas production. ... -n-i-22749

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Re: Trinidad

Message par energy_isere » 24 avr. 2022, 09:54

Shell announces first gas from Trinidad and Tobago field
The move has been heralded as a “milestone” by the company, despite increased scrutiny on its operations in light of climate commitments.

By Scarlett Evans 1 april 2022

Production at oil and gas major Shell’s Caribbean site has begun, with start-up of the Colibri field in Trinidad and Tobago marking a “significant milestone” in the company’s growth strategy.

First gas at the site follows an amendment to the Block 6 production sharing contract, allowing for delivery of gas supplies both domestically and internationally through Atlantic LNG.

Wael Sawan, director of integrated gas, renewable and energy solutions at Shell said in a press release: “I am proud of the team in Trinidad and Tobago for their commitment to safely delivering this project on time. This reinforces the delivery of Shell’s Powering Progress strategy in country, as we seek to provide more and cleaner energy solutions, globally.”

He added: “Colibri, along with other development projects, will see natural gas going into both the domestic petrochemical markets and into LNG exports, in line with the energy ambitions of Trinidad and Tobago.”

The field could add an estimated 30,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) of sustained near-term gas production, with peak production expected to be around 43,000boe/d, generated through a series of four subsea gas wells linked back to the existing Poinsettia Platform located in the North Coast Marine Area (NCMA), north of Trinidad.

The project is co-owned with the Trinidad and Tobago national oil company Heritage Petroleum Company, which has a working interest in Block 22 and NCMA-4 of 10% and 20% respectively in the NCMA. ... ago-field/
