Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par Philippe » 04 févr. 2013, 10:20

La réponse à beaucoup de questions est dans les deux rapports de 2011 (interministériel par Leteurtrois, Pillet, Durville, Gazeau et Bellec, et parlementaire par Gonnot et Martin). Même si c'est rébarbatif, leur lecture permet de tordre le cou à nombre d'idées fausses. Le mitage du territoire est notamment traité par le rapport interministériel, qui explique comment, avec une seule plate-forme en surface, on arrive à drainer 5 kilomètres carrés avec des forages horizontaux organisés en "peigne", avec le projet de passer à 20 kilomètres carrés. A ce stade, le problème des infrastructures routières devient insignifiant. En outre, on arrive à justifier la constructions d'oléoducs (pour le gaz, il n'y a pas d'autre choix que de faire des gazoducs) pour évacuer le pétrole, ce qui évite les norias de camions-citernes.

Conclusions : si vous ne lisez pas ces deux rapports, au moins, feuilletez les.

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 04 févr. 2013, 10:36

suite aux indication de Philippe dans le post ci dessus ,
en application de l’article 145 du Règlement
sur les gaz et huile de schiste
Enregistré à la Présidence de l'Assemblée nationale le 8 juin 2011
le pdf (145 pages) est ici : http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/13/pd ... /i3517.pdf

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 01 mai 2013, 21:44

Les reserves de pétrole de la région Bakken + Three Forks (juste à coté de Bakken voir cette carte ) sont réévalués en nette hausse par l' USGS. Le double de ce qui était dit en 2008.

US doubles oil reserve estimates at Bakken, Three Forks shale

Apr 30, 2013

An oil-rich region of the north-central United States holds more than twice the recoverable crude supplies estimated just five years ago, according to a government study that highlights the nation's march toward energy self-sufficiency.

The Bakken Formation and Three Forks Formation, which spans parts of Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota together hold an estimated 7.4 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil, the U.S. Geological Survey study said, although energy experts said those estimates likely understate the region's full potential.

That total is more than double the previous estimate, from 2008, and officials said it is a building block towards energy independence.

"These world-class formations contain even more energy resource potential than previously understood, which is important information as we continue to reduce our nation's dependence on foreign sources of oil," Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said in prepared remarks.

Besides the crude reserves, the two formations hold a mean estimate of 6.7 trillion cubic feet of as-yet undiscovered natural gas and 530 million barrels of natural gas liquids that are within reach. In both cases those represent a nearly three-fold increase from the previous tally.

Officials said the overall jump in reserves was chiefly due to production now thought to be accessible in the Three Forks Formation, in the southern edge of North Dakota, which had not been tallied in the last study.

"Three Forks is up and coming," said Brenda Pierce, coordinator for the Energy Resources Program at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Rapid development in the Three Forks region means that recoverable reserves are higher than the USGS estimate, energy experts said.

The USGS considers the Bakken and Three Forks to be the largest continuous oil formation in the continental United States ................
http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/ ... 6020130430

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par yvesT » 01 mai 2013, 21:57

A propos de la Bakken, une nouvelle analyse de Rune Likvern sur the oil Drum :
Avec aussi une partie financière plus bas dans les commentaires (-16 milliards cumulés …)

Et Laherrère prévoit le peak pour la Bakken dans un an.

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 18 juin 2013, 10:05

Production record au Nord Dakota. la production du mois d' Avril s' établirait à 793 000 b/j.

La production de Gaz en augmentation aussi.
North Dakota Oil, Gas Production Hits All-Time High in April

June 17, 2013

Oil and natural gas production from North Dakota's Bakken play reached new record highs in April, the North Dakota Industrial Commission's (NDIC) Department of Mineral Resources reported Monday.

According to preliminary estimates, oil production in April 2013 grew 1.3 percent to 793,249 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from 782,999 bopd in March. While the number of well completions dropped by 28 to 119, well completions remained above the threshold needed to maintain production; as a result, the oil production rate rose. At the end of April, approximately 490 wells were waiting on completion services, an increase of 50.

Gas production rose 1.7 percent from 834,637 thousand cubic feet per day (Mcf/d) in March to 860,398 Mcf/d in April. The rise in gas production is consistent with a Bentek Energy study showing that gas to oil ratios increase as wells ago. However, North Dakota shallow gas exploration is not economic at near-term gas prices, and while U.S. gas storage is now 2.4 percent lower than the five-year average, lower prices are anticipated for the foreseeable future.

The number of wells producing in the Bakken also reached a new record high of 8,758, up from 8,639 in March, the Department of Mineral Resources reported.

The number of drilling permits and rig count in the play were down from all-time highs, however. In May, 211 drilling permits were issued, down from the record of 370 in October 2012. Drilling permit activity was down slightly in April due to sufficient permit inventory to accommodate multi-well pads, the inability to construct locations during load restrictions, and the time required to deal with federal hydraulic fracturing rules if necessary.

The Bakken rig count as of Monday stands at 184, down from the all-time high of 218 set May 29, 2012. The rig count in March and April was 186; in May, the rig count was 187. More than 95 percent of drilling still targets the Bakken and Three Forks formations.

http://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/1 ... h_in_April

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 06 août 2013, 11:16

Coproduit avec le pétrole de schiste, du Gaz qui ne peut être acheminé :
100 millions de dollars de gaz naturel partent en fumée chaque mois dans le Dakota du Nord

Près d’un tiers du gaz naturel extrait dans le Dakota du Nord chaque mois part en fumée faute de ne pouvoir être acheminé assez rapidement à une usine de transformation.

Des puits éloignés, un prix du gaz au plus bas et des délais de construction trop importants… Ce sont les principales causes de cette pratique controversée de torchage du gaz qui consiste à bruler le gaz naturel qui ne peut être acheminé à temps dans une usine de transformation. Un gâchis qui couterait près de 100 millions de dollars par moi aux parties prenantes de cette industrie. Ce chiffre doit être comparé aux 2,2 milliards de dollars que leur rapportent la production de pétrole brut chaque mois. En mai 2013, près de 29% du gaz naturel extrait dans le Dakota du Nord serait ainsi parti en fumée, l’équivalent de 81 000 millions de mètres cubes par jour, selon Grist.
http://nofrackingfrance.fr/100-millions ... nord-11961

Ya comme un bug avec le chiffre de 81 000 millions de mètres cubes par jour, parce que c' est plus gros que tout le Gaz que Gazprom envoie par Nord stream en une année entière (25 milliards de m3) :roll:

La ou l' article en Francais ET l' article original se sont plantés, c' est que Mcf n' est pas million Cubic Feet, mais 1000 cubic feet. C 'est assez piégeux.
voir ici : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MCF

encore des pseudo journaleux qui n' ont pas le sens de la mesure en annonçant des chiffres absolument extravagant.

Il reste que la quantité de Gaz torché en Dakota Nord est quand même impressionnante.

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 11 oct. 2013, 20:26

Rupture d' un oleoduc de 6 inches (15.2 cm) au Dakota du Nord, qui a répandu 20 000 barils de pétrole dans une région agricole !
In Remote Field, North Dakota Suffers First Big Oil Spill

Rigzone news, October 10, 2013

A Tesoro Logistics LP pipeline has spilled more than 20,000 barrels of crude oil into a North Dakota wheat field, the biggest leak in the state since it became a major U.S. producer.

The six-inch pipeline was carrying crude oil from the Bakken shale play to the Stampede rail facility outside Columbus, North Dakota. The affected part of the line has been shut down, Tesoro said.

Farmer Steven Jensen discovered the leak on Sept. 29 while harvesting wheat on his 1,800-acre farm, about nine miles northeast of Tioga, North Dakota.

Oil was gushing from the pipeline "like a faucet, 4 to 6 inches spewing out," said Jensen, who added that nearby wheat plants were ruined.

The leak did not pose an immediate threat to groundwater sources, Kris Roberts, who leads the environmental response team at the state Department of Health told Reuters.

At an estimated 20,600 barrels, it ranks among the biggest U.S. spills in recent years. It is the biggest oil leak on U.S. land since March, when the rupture of an Exxon Mobil pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas spilled 5,000 to 7,000 barrels of heavy Canadian crude.

It comes at a time when concerns are growing over the safety of the U.S. pipeline network, which is pumping more oil than ever to bring shale oil and Canadian crude to U.S. refiners.

While authorities said no lakes, streams or rivers were within five miles of the spill, the incident could provide ammunition to activists who contend water supplies could be endangered by construction of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Oklahoma.

http://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/1 ... _Oil_Spill

source : http://www.cbs12.com/news/top-stories/s ... 0627.shtml

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 12 oct. 2013, 12:36

Il y a une vidéo d' une chaine télé ici : http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV+Shows/ ... 411719185/

En fait l'agriculteur avait vu ca il y a déjà deux semaines et ca n' est arrivé au news que hier.
Ca a touché principalement son exploitation.

Cout estimé des travaux de nettoyage de 4 millions de $.

Le pipe était âgé de 20 ans.

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 16 oct. 2013, 18:59

La production de pétrole du Dakota du Nord pourrait franchir le millions de b/j à la fin de l' année.
North Dakota Oil Output Could Hit 1 MMbod by Year-End

by Reuters October 15, 2013


NEW YORK, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Oil production in North Dakota, home to the prolific Bakken formation, could hit 1 million barrels per day (bpd) as early as at the end of this year, the head of the state's Mineral Resources Department said on Tuesday.

Data issued by the department on Tuesday showed production rose 35,000 bpd in August to more than 910,000 bpd, a fresh all-time high that far exceeds an official forecast used by the state's budget of 850,000 bpd by the end of the year.

"We moved through 900,000 bpd in August. It was just in May that we hit 800,000 bpd. That tells us that at the end of this year or very early next year we will see 1 million barrels," Lynn Helms, head of the department, said on a conference call.

Helms forecast "a fairly good-sized surge" in production in September because a number of wells that were to be completed had to be delayed from August due to drillers falling behind and rain.

Production will likely slow down in October as heavy rain across the state last Friday and over the weekend has caused the closure of roads to heavy vehicles in McKenzie county, the largest producer of oil in North Dakota.

The road closures meant vehicles carrying equipment such as casings for pipes could not reach well sites, Helms said.

He forecast a 10 percent slowdown in production in McKenzie based on the fact that roads have been closed for about three days, adding that there will be "lingering effect" from the closure to the end of the year.

The county produced just over 270,000 bpd in August, up from about 250,000 bpd in July.
http://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/1 ... by_YearEnd

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 23 oct. 2013, 19:44

energy_isere a écrit :La production de pétrole du Dakota du Nord pourrait franchir le millions de b/j à la fin de l' année........
Mais c' est la formation de Eagle Ford qui a coiffé au poteau les Bakken.

Les shales Oils de Eagle Ford vient d' arriver au millions de b/j.
Eagle Ford Shale Beats Bakken to 1M Bpd Milestone - EIA

October 23, 2013 Rigzone news

In the U.S. shale oil race, the Eagle Ford formation in Texas has beaten North Dakota's Bakken to the 1 million barrel per day milestone, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report on Tuesday.

The new monthly report, which is the first national effort to lay out comparable monthly figures and projections from six major shale plays, highlighted the stunning speed with which the Eagle Ford region has overtaken the Bakken region that first showed how hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling technology could revolutionize the oil industry.

Total production from Eagle Ford hit 1 million bpd in August and is projected to rise to 1.07 million bpd in October and to 1.09 million bpd in November, the EIA report showed. The Bakken, mostly in North Dakota, is expected to produce 935,000 bpd in October and 960,000 bpd in November.

The Bakken is the more mature of the two, with drilling ongoing since 2003. The Eagle Ford, which initially was seen as a natural gas play, did not have notable oil drilling until early 2009, according to consultant IHS.

The EIA's report marks the first time the U.S. federal government has issued such data from the Bakken, Eagle Ford, Haynesville, Marcellus, Niobrara and Permian basins.
http://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/1 ... estone_EIA

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par yvesT » 18 nov. 2013, 20:32

Une nouvelle presentation de David Hughes sur le shale oil and gas :

https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2013AM/webpr ... 26205.html

Avec estimation de peak pour la Bakken 2015 16 ou 17 (suivant les scenarios d'intensité de forages)

Et 2017 ou 18 pour Eagle Ford

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par yvesT » 04 janv. 2014, 22:33

Une analyse détaillée de la Bakken par Rune linkvern :
http://peakoilbarrel.com/bakken-nd-now- ... ie-county/
(qui avait posté plusieurs post à ce sujet sur the oil drum).

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par Raminagrobis » 09 janv. 2014, 00:35

La vague de froid historique qui frappe le heartland américain (et le canada l'oublions pas)impacte méchamment l'extraction de pétrole dans les oil shales canadiens, le dakota du nord et même au texas : les véhicules de maintenance ne peuvent plus circuler, les pipelines gèlent, des raffineries sont mises en veille... Après l'accident d'un train transortant du brut c'est un 2e coup dur consécutif.

En parallèle ce froid extrême va pousser à fond la demande de chauffage. vivre dans une ville où il fait d'habitudeun huver doux et se prendre du -30° sur la tête, ça doit laisser des souvenirs à racconterau petits-enfnats. J'ai quelques amis en américque du nord, je leur demanderais leurs récits quand ils seront décongelés.
Les américains et canadiens chauffent à fond, complètent le chauffage avec ce qu'ils trouvent... La consommetion d'énergie va s'es ressentir.

et donc, avec le double effet production demande, les prix s'en ressentent.

Voi par contre le nombre d'avions et de voiture immobilisés, ça doit compenser en partie.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par yvesT » 15 févr. 2014, 00:27

Raminagrobis a écrit :La vague de froid historique qui frappe le heartland américain (et le canada l'oublions pas)impacte méchamment l'extraction de pétrole dans les oil shales canadiens, le dakota du nord et même au texas : les véhicules de maintenance ne peuvent plus circuler, les pipelines gèlent, des raffineries sont mises en veille... Après l'accident d'un train transortant du brut c'est un 2e coup dur consécutif.
Oui, les chiffres jusqu'à décembre viennent de sortir, et sérieuse baisse en décembre :
http://peakoilbarrel.com/bakken-update- ... -december/
Note : blog de Ron Patterson (ex darwinian sur the oil drum) qui suit de près les données EIA et d'autres agences/organismes.

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Re: Excitation autour du pétrole des Bakken (USA)

Message par energy_isere » 03 avr. 2014, 20:07

La production des Bakken est maintenant à 1.1 millions de b/j.
C 'est le champs non conventionel qui à la plus grosse production du monde.
Report: 2014 Bakken Oil Output 1.1MM Barrels A Day

WILLISTON, N.D. (AP) April 03, 2014

Oil production in North Dakota and Montana's Bakken and Three Forks formations will average 1.1 million barrels per day this year, according to estimates announced Wednesday by a research firm.

Wood Mackenzie anticipates that oil production in the North Dakota and Montana sections of the Bakken and Three Forks formations will grow to 1.7 million barrels per day in 2020.

"We're very confident on the future of the Bakken," said Jonathan Garrett, an analyst at Wood Mackenzie. He added that the expected lifetime of a Bakken well is 25 years to 30 years.

Wood Mackenzie projects that $15 billion will be spent on drilling and completion of wells by Bakken participants in 2014.

The research firm also said there is close to $118 billion in remaining value in the American portions of the Bakken and Three Forks formations, which also stretch into Canada's Saskatchewan and Manitoba provinces.

Last year, North Dakota produced a daily average just shy of 860,000 barrels per day, according to statistics from the North Dakota Industrial Commission's oil and gas division. The North Dakota Petroleum Council, a group that provides governmental relations support to oil companies, expects the state's oil production to surpass 1 million barrels per day in June.

"Today, the Bakken produces more crude oil than any other unconventional play in the world," Wood Mackenzie said in a statement.
http://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/1 ... rels_A_Day
