Gaz non conventionnel en Europe

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Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par Raminagrobis » 24 janv. 2010, 09:05


L'intérêt pour le gaz de schiste en europe s'installe peu à peu : après Chevron en Pologne, Shell va en chercher en Suède.
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Re: Le Gaz dans le monde

Message par Raminagrobis » 06 mars 2010, 14:49

Après Chevron, Conoco va aussi chercher du gaz de schiste en Pologne. Conoco a pas mal d'équipes spécialisées dans ce type de gaz outre atlantique, mais le marché ne demande pas tellement de nouvelles production là bas pour le moment (le prix est au plus bas depuis 7 ans), il est donc logique qu'ils s'intéressent à l'Europe.
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Re: Le shale gas aux états Unis (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par energy_isere » 19 mars 2010, 13:14

Du Shale Gas en Grande Bretagne dans la région de Liverpool.
Forage d' un puit en cours
A foot on the gas

March 12 2010 Financial Times

Andrew Austin is bringing an American revolution to Britain. On a patch of farmland east of Liverpool, his company Igas has drilled one of Europe's first wells for "unconventional" gas, extracted from source rocks traditionally rejected by the industry as uneconomic.

The former investment banker hopes in the next couple of years to exploit the source that has transformed the outlook for energy in the US: shale rocks.

Igas has taken leases on 300,000 acres of shale, a sedimentary rock, across north Wales and north-west England, joining the rush of companies large and small in countries such as Poland and Germany seeking to replicate a boom in the US that has captured the industry's imagination.

"Even a year ago, if I had said I was taking licences in big slabs of shale rock, everybody would have thought I was barking mad," Mr Austin says. "Now I get invited to five conferences a week."


s'ensuit un long article sur les perspectives du shale Gas dans le monde. ... abdc0.html

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Gaz non conventionnel en Europe

Message par phyvette » 09 mars 2011, 15:34


Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par energy_isere » 09 juin 2011, 15:51

La Pologne avec EXXON, CHEVRON et TALISMAN avance dans le gaz de schiste.
86 licences d' explorations attribuées.
7 forages (sur 124 planifiés) sont en cours ou réalisés.

Les conditions géologiques pour la Pologne seraient "phénoménales" au regard du gaz de schiste.

Poland Targeting Shale Gas With Exxon, Chevron to End Russian Dominance

The same technology that brought the lowest natural gas prices to U.S. consumers since 2002 is being unleashed in Eastern Europe, threatening to reduce Russia’s grip on the region’s energy supplies.

Exxon Mobil Corp. , Chevron Corp. and Talisman Energy Inc. are among companies leading the drive to unlock gas trapped in shale rocks from Poland to Bulgaria that may be enough to meet regional demand for almost 80 years, according to the Energy Information Administration. Poland, the hub of the wildcatting, has completed seven wells out of 124 planned, and the results are being assessed now.

A successful drilling campaign would redraw the energy map across Europe, a continent now reliant on Russia for about a quarter of its natural gas. The efforts to find more gas are taking on greater urgency as Germany plans to phase out nuclear energy and limits tighten on emissions of carbon dioxide blamed for global warming.

“The need in central and eastern Europe to at least try and uncover if they have this resource is much, much higher than it’s going to be in western Europe,” said Oswald Clint, a senior energy analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in London.


Eastern Europe may hold as much as 7.1 trillion cubic meters of shale gas, the EIA estimates. Poland alone may sit atop about 5.2 trillion cubic meters, equal to more than 300 years of domestic consumption.

“The geological conditions in Poland are phenomenal,” said Ingo Kapp, a physicist at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany, who specializes in exploration techniques. “There is a remarkable amount of gas deposits.”

To date, Poland has issued 86 exploration licenses. In April, U.S. explorer Marathon Oil Corp. (MRO) agreed to sell a 40 percent interest in 10 Polish licenses to Nexen Inc. (NXY) A month later, Total SA (FP) signed an agreement with Exxon to take a 49 percent stake in two licenses in eastern Poland.

“The licensing process is pretty much done,” said Henryk Jacek Jezierski, Poland’s chief geologist. “Now getting into Polish shale plays is possible only via acquisitions.”


Jacek Wroblewski, the country manager for BNK Petroleum Inc. (BKX) in Poland, travels hundreds of miles a week across farmland near the Baltic Sea to secure permits for old single-lane country roads to transport parts of the 1,500 ton rigs. Many of the roads were built to support vehicles of as much as 15 tons, less than a third of the weight of some of the trucks he’ll need for the job, he said. BNK owns stakes in six exploration licenses in Poland.
............ ... nance.html

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Alter Egaux
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Re: Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par Alter Egaux » 09 juin 2011, 16:09

Moi qui voulait visiter la Pologne, je ferais bien de me dépécher. Quoique, c'est peut être déjà trop tard...
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Re: Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par energy_isere » 29 sept. 2011, 12:27

En Angleterre il y a aussi des projet de Gaz de schiste.

Actuellement la compagnie Cuadrilla Resources méne des puits d' exploration.

Cuadrilla says it has discovered vast reserves at a site in Lancashire

Des oppositions se manifestent.

lire ici (BBC)

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Re: Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par energy_isere » 08 oct. 2011, 19:36

En Europe, c' est la Pologne qui avance le plus sur le gaz de schiste.
Début de production en 2014.

100 concessions accordées.
Poland Leads Wave of European Shale Gas Development

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Sept. 18 that Polish shale gas production could begin in 2014. He believes that, by 2035, Poland will be able to meet its domestic gas demand mainly with Polish shale gas.

To date, more than 100 concessions for shale gas exploration have been granted to foreign and domestic companies. Besides Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Talisman, nearly 20 other oil and gas companies are exploring shale gas concessions in Poland. ExxonMobil late last month started fracking its second Polish shale gas well, while Talisman and partner San Leon Energy recently spud their first shale gas well in the country.

The first concessions for shale exploration were awarded in the Ministry of Environment in 2007; an estimated 125 mandatory exploration wells will be drilled from 2011 through 2014, with options for several dozen additional wells to be drilled


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Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par energy_isere » 20 oct. 2011, 19:56

Le pays basque Espagnol va forer 2 puits d' exploration de Gaz non conventionel, avec l' aide du gouvernement de la province ! 40 millions d' € amenés par le pays Basque et 60 millions d' € par des compagnies US.

"Vérité en deçà des Pyrénées, erreur au delà" est bien au gout du jour. :lol:
(Blaise Pascal, 1670)

Government Joins in Spanish Unconventional Gas Venture

A Spanish regional government is joining with two based U.S. companies in a joint venture to explore unconventional natural gas deposits in Basque Country in northern Spain.

Basque regional leader Patxi Lopez made the announcement while traveling with regional business leaders in Dallas, Texas.

Surveys in Álava have detected the presence of unconventional gas in an amount that would be the equivalent to Spain's annual consumption for five years.

The Basque Energy Board, through the Society of Hydrocarbons Euskadi, identified 13 potential unconventional gas holdings in Álava. Specifically, in the area known as Gran Enara.

Data released by Lopez, along with the Basque Minister of Industry, Bernabé Unda, pointed to potentially 180 billion cubic meters of natural gas in the deposits in the area south of Alava -- enough to meet Spain's demand for five years.

The Basque government will invest 40 million euros in the project while the two privately held U.S. companies, Heyco Energy and Cambria Europe, will invest 60 million euros.

Two wells are to be drilled initially see if extraction is technically feasible and economically viable

The project will be held 42.8 percent by the government through Basque Energy, with Heyco holding 21.8 percent and Cambria Europe having a 35.3 percent interest.

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Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par energy_isere » 24 févr. 2012, 21:26

Le premier Gaz de schiste Européen sera sans doute Polonais.

Gaz et pétrole de schiste: l’expérience de la Pologne
Revenons à la Pologne. Comment la situation se présente-t-elle aujourd’hui?
Tout est allé très vite, et en même temps la façon dont les pouvoirs publics ont mis en œuvre la démarche semble raisonnable. Très vite: une centaine de licences ont déjà été distribuées, représentant près de la moitié du territoire polonais: 150000 km2 (sur 330000). Fin 2011, une quinzaine de forages d’exploration avaient été entrepris.

Au total, 40% des licences ont été attribuées à des entreprises polonaises. Le reste est surtout allé à des grands groupes anglo-saxons, à Statoil (Norvège), aux Japonais. Côté polonais, il y a trois acteurs principaux. Le premier est PKN (Polski Koncern Naftowy), une société plutôt spécialisée dans le raffinage et la distribution, qui trouve là sa première opportunité de faire de l’upstream. Ils ont fait beaucoup d’efforts pour faire valoir leur technologie et les précautions qu’ils allaient prendre. Ils ont obtenu sept licences et commencé deux forages. Le second est Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo (PGNiG), une entreprise publique basée à Varsovie qui a pour elle son expérience et a obtenu 17 licences. Ils sont aujourd’hui suffisamment avancés pour évoquer des dates de début de production, vers 2013-2014 – c’est-à-dire demain!

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Re: Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par energy_isere » 24 avr. 2012, 20:19

Chevron voudrait faire du forage d' exploration de Gaz de schiste en ROUMANIE, mais il y a de l' opposition dans le pays
Shale Gas Search Divides Romania

Romania is set to start exploring its shale gas reserves in a drive for energy independence, despite local protests against the potential risks and Europe-wide concerns about the technology used to exploit unconventional gas sources.

Several oil companies have expressed interest in exploring what is believed to be the country's significant potential. According to an assessment by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary may together be sitting on top of about 538 billion cubic meters, or 19 trillion cubic feet, of technically recoverable shale gas reserves.

The U.S. energy company Chevron has, since 2010, obtained concessions in Romania, covering a combined area of 870,000 hectares, or 2.2 million acres, in the Eastern plains and the Black Sea coastal region of the country. After surface prospecting, the company is planning to start an exploratory drilling campaign this year.

''Chevron believes that Romania holds potential for a successful project,'' Thomas Holst, country manager for the company, said in an interview.

''We are in the early days of activity. No wells have been drilled,'' Mr. Holst said: ''That is why it is critical to conduct a standard natural gas exploration.''

Chevron's plans have resulted in protests by environmental advocate organizations and local politicians.


voir sur cette carte viewtopic.php?p=284154#p284154 la présence potentielle de Gaz de schiste en Roumanie.

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Re: Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par energy_isere » 04 mai 2012, 20:00

suite de ce post viewtopic.php?p=316288#p316288

Le nouveau gouvernement en Roumanie veut mettre en place rapidement un moratoire sur le forage de Gaz de schistes.
Cela stopperait donc les plans de Chevron.
New Romania Govt Wants Moratorium On Shale Gas

May 4, 2012 Rigzone

BUCHAREST - Romania's new government will seek a moratorium on shale gas drilling, putting on hold plans by U.S. oil giant Chevron Corp. to tap reserves in eastern and southern Romania.

"An immediate moratorium will be placed on shale gas exploitation until European studies underway regarding the impact of hydraulic fracturing on the environment are finalized," the new government's economic program released Friday reads.

Prime Minister-designate Victor Ponta is expected to win a parliament vote of confidence on his cabinet line-up and its program Monday. Ponta has repeatedly criticized the outgoing government's green light to shale gas exploration.

Companies including Chevron, Canada's Sterling Resources Ltd. and Hungary's MOL Nyrt. plan to tap the reserves.

Chevron has a concession on 600,000 hectares in the eastern Barlad area and three others in the southeast Dobroudja region, near the Bulgarian border.

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Inscription : 19 janv. 2006, 03:34

Le shale gas (Gaz naturel de shistes)

Message par phyvette » 23 mai 2012, 08:27

Le Royaume-Uni renonce au gaz de schiste.
Le gouvernement britannique s'apprête à renoncer à l'exploitation de ses gisements de gaz de schiste. Alors qu'une loi sur l'énergie sera déposée ce mardi 22 mai au Parlement, plusieurs membres du gouvernement, cités par le journal The Independant, ont indiqué que les gaz non conventionnels ne seront pas développés durant les prochaines années...]
Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Re: Gaz non conventionnel en Europe

Message par SuperCarotte » 20 juin 2012, 14:43

ExxonMobil arrête l'exploration des gaz de schiste en Pologne
Europe's most ambitious shale gas plans were in disarray on Monday after U.S. major ExxonMobil announced it would pull out of exploration projects in Poland.

Poland's lucrative reserves had spurred hopes of transforming Europe the way a shale boom has left the United States brimming with supplies, potentially turning the Poles into net gas exporters.

That was until March, when a government report revealed the country's likely reserves were about one-tenth the size of previous estimates.

At the weekend, Exxon, which earlier this year cautioned that commercial production of Polish shale was at least five years away, said it would not go forward with exploration...
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Re: Gaz non conventionnel en Europe

Message par epe » 20 juin 2012, 15:04

Pshiiiiit, un ballon qui se dégonfle :-D
-Il vaut mieux pomper même s'il ne se passe rien que de risquer qu'il se passe quelque chose de pire en ne pompant pas.
Les Shadoks
