Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

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Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 24 févr. 2010, 12:30

Aramco finds new gas field

Bloomberg February 24, 2010

Preliminary reservoir tests of the Jalameed Well 3 showed commercial potential for tapping the gas, which flowed at a rate of 12.1 million cubic feet a day

Riyadh: Saudi Aramco, the world's biggest oil company, discovered natural gas in a northern area of the kingdom, the state-owned Saudi Press Agency said.

Preliminary reservoir tests of the Jalameed Well 3 showed commercial potential for tapping the gas, which flowed at a rate of 12.1 million cubic feet a day, the news agency said, citing Oil Minister Ali Al Naimi. It can produce larger quantities of gas under normal production conditions, and assessments will continue, the agency cited Al Naimi as saying.

Saudi Aramco and international oil companies including Royal Dutch Shell Plc are exploring for gas in Saudi Arabia, where a lack of the fuel forces it to use more valuable crude oil to meet domestic needs. ... d-1.587717

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par geopolis » 25 mars 2010, 17:55


London (Platts)

Russia's Lukoil does not see any commercial gas and gas condensate production before 2015 from two discoveries it has made in Saudi Arabia in a joint venture with Saudi Aramco, a senior Lukoil official said Wednesday.
During the company's 2009 results presentation in London, Andrey Kuzyaev, president of Lukoil's foreign project arm Lukoil Overseas, said the company needed more time to evaluate the results of testing at the discoveries.
Previously, Lukoil said it expected first production from its Saudi venture in 2014.

"In Saudi Arabia, we would not aim for production to start before 2015," Kuzyaev said. "After evaluating reserves, we need to choose the right technology to implement the project."

Kuzyaev said Lukoil would hold talks with the Saudi oil ministry to discuss the results of the evaluation.
"We then would hope to be in position to carry out a commercial development of fields," he said.
Lukoil and Saudi Arabia signed a 40-year exploration and production agreement in March 2004.
The joint venture, Lukoil Saudi Arabia or Luksar, has made two discoveries in block A, the first of which was in the Tukhman structure as announced early in 2007.

The 30,000 sq km block A is in the northern part of Rub Al-Khali, south of the massive Ghawar oil field.

Lukoil has said previously that total output over the 25-year development phase is forecast at 70 billion cubic meters of gas and 45 million mt of condensate.

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 27 oct. 2010, 15:17

Aramco et Shell continuent leur programme d' exploration de Gaz dans le Sud, dans le desert de Rub Al Khali , ce qui prendra encore les 5 prochaines années.

Il y a eu quelques bons résultats.
Aramco, Shell Need Five Years to Drill for Natural Gas in Saudi Arabia

By Wael Mahdi - Oct 26, 2010

A joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Saudi Aramco will take five years to finish its second exploration period for natural gas in Saudi Arabia’s southern Rub Al Khali desert.

South Rub al-Khali Co. will drill three new wells in the greater Kidan area, the venture known as SRAK said by e-mail today. Kidan lies near the Saudi border with the United Arab Emirates.

SRAK said yesterday it achieved “good” results from the seven wells it drilled over the past three years in the Rub Al Khali area as part of the first exploration period. SRAK said it’s too early to say when results will be available from the second exploration period, which started on July 26.

SRAK is one of four ventures exploring for natural gas in Saudi Arabia, which holds the fifth-largest gas reserves in the world. Chevron Corp., the second-largest U.S. energy company, said it will soon start looking for gas near the Saudi-Kuwaiti border. ... rabia.html

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 14 sept. 2011, 13:04

en rapport avec le post qui précéde.

ARAMCO toujours associé avec SHELL pour trouver du Gaz en Arabie Saoudite dans le désert de Rub Al Khali .
Aramco, Shell Appoint CEO for Gas Venture in Saudi Arabia

Sep 11, 2011

South Rub Al Khali Co., a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA) and Saudi Arabian Oil Co., named a chief executive to run the company that explores for natural gas in Saudi Arabia.

SRAK, a 50-50 venture, appointed Saleh Al-Dawas as CEO, a company spokesman said in an e-mail. Al-Dawas replaces Kamal al- Yahya, who retired in July.

SRAK is one of four ventures exploring for gas in the Rub Al Khali desert in Saudi Arabia, which holds the fifth-largest gas reserves in the world. The venture is the only one of the four to announce a “promising” discovery.

The venture is expected to complete its second exploration for natural gas in Saudi Arabia’s southern Rub Al Khali desert in 2015. It’s currently drilling in the greater Kidan area near the Saudi border with the United Arab Emirates.

Before taking his new role at SRAK last month, al-Dawas was manager of the Production and Facilities Development Department at Saudi Aramco since May 2006. SRAK said today in an e-mail that he has 33 years of industry experience working in various areas of the Saudi Aramco upstream organization.

Al-Dawas graduated from the King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals in 1979 with a degree in petroleum engineering and was a board member of EniRepsa Gas Ltd., one of four gas exploration ventures in Saudi Arabia. The venture is owned by Italy’s Eni SpA (ENI), Repsol YPF SA (REP) and Saudi Aramco. ... rabia.html

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 28 oct. 2012, 19:51

Découverte de gaz en Arabie Saoudite. C' est en mer rouge à 15 km de la cote.

C' en est a des évaluation de débit à l' aide de puits de test.

Lire ici le bréve :

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 31 août 2014, 13:28

4 compagnies occidentales ont répondu à l' intérêt de Saudi Aramco pour la recherche de gaz non conventionnel dans le Nord du pays.

Ca serait pour alimenter en Gaz le projet de mine de phosphate et d' une grande usine d'engrais à base de ce phosphate, et d' une centrale électrique à Gaz. vu dans cet autre lien : ... y-project/
qui est un projet de 6-7 milliards de $ pour la première phase.
Saudi Aramco Seeks Interest For Work On Unconventional Gas

by Reuters, August 29, 2014

KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia, Aug 29 (Reuters) - Four companies have expressed interest in bidding for work on unconventional gas in Saudi Arabia as the world's top oil exporter pushes ahead with plans to develop challenging shale deposits, industry sources said.

The companies are South Korea's GS Engineering and Construction, Italy's Maire Tecnimont, Japan's JGC and Canada's SNC-Lavalin, the sources told Reuters.

State-run Saudi Aramco's project will involve building processing facilities, wellheads and pipelines for the gas in Turaif in the northern part of Saudi Arabia where the big mining project Waad al-Shamal is under development, the sources said.

Saudi Aramco, SNC-Lavalin, JGC and GS declined to comment, while Maire Tecnimont was not available for comment.

The search for gas has been a priority for Saudi Arabia as it struggles to keep pace with rapidly rising domestic demand.

Aramco plans to produce as much as 200 million cubic feet per day of unconventional natural gas by 2018 to supply the Waad al-Shamal project and a power plant.

Inspired by a shale gas surge in the United States, which has transformed it from the world's largest gas importer to an exporter, Saudi has begun investigating its large unconventional gas reserves.

The kingdom has made appraisals in the northwest area, the Eastern Province and in the Empty Quarter, but the hunt is yet to prove fruitful.

Saudi Arabia, which holds the world's fifth-largest proven reserves of gas, expects domestic demand for natural gas - which it uses mainly for power generation - almost to double by 2030 from 2011 levels of 3.5 trillion cubic feet per year.

Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi had estimated the country's unconventional gas reserves - those held in reservoirs that have not been traditionally exploited - at over 600 trillion cubic feet, more than double its proven conventional reserves.

Aramco Chief Executive Khalid al-Falih has said Riyadh will spend $3 billion on shale gas development in the kingdom but has given no details on the investment. ... tional_Gas

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 21 févr. 2015, 20:41

L’Arabie saoudite mise gros sur le gaz de schiste


La compagnie nationale saoudienne va investir 7 milliards de dollars dans ce domaine.

Saudi Aramco, la compagnie nationale saoudienne, investit massivement dans le gaz non conventionnel. «  L’Arabie saoudite sera la prochaine frontière du schiste, notamment dans le gaz », a déclaré mardi son PDG, Khaled Al Faleh, lors d’une conférence à Riyad. Le patron de la première compagnie pétrolière mondiale a annoncé son intention d’investir 7 milliards de dollars supplémentaires dans ce domaine, qui viendront s’ajouter aux 3 milliards de dollars déjà dépensés.

«  C’est la première fois que Saudi Aramco dévoile les montants consacrés à ses ressources non conventionnelles, mais le pays avait déjà évoqué par le passé son intention de les exploiter », rappelle Francis Perrin, président de la société d’études Stratégies et Politiques Energétiques. Le royaume s’est engagé dans une stratégie de diversification de son électricité, aujourd’hui largement produite en brûlant du pétrole. Le développement des réserves de gaz s’inscrit dans cette stratégie, aux côtés de projets dans le solaire ou le nucléaire, dans le but de préserver ses ressources pétrolières pour l’exportation. Or le pays pourrait receler des réserves de gaz de schiste considérables : le ministre du Pétrole, Ali Al Naimi, les a estimées en 2013 à 17.000 milliards de mètres cubes, deux fois les réserves prouvées actuelles de gaz du pays.

Un haut niveau d’expertise

Saudi Aramco a démarré des campagnes d’exploration dès 2011, avec des forages dans le nord du pays. Il y a environ un an, Khaled Al Faleh a annoncé que les découvertes réalisées dans cette région lui permettront d’alimenter une centrale électrique de 1.000 mégawatts (l’équivalent d’un réacteur nucléaire) à venir au sein d’un futur complexe de phosphates. La compagnie saoudienne devrait aussi réaliser cette année deux forages avec le russe Lukoil dans le désert Rub al-Khali, où elles ont découvert un réservoir de « tight gas », un autre gaz non conventionnel nécessitant la même technologie d’extraction que le gaz de schiste. «  Le Royaume veut faire passer sa production de 300 à 450 millions de mètres cubes par jour d’ici à 2018 », indique Francis Perrin.

Une ouverture pour les compagnies occidentales, qui cherchent toutes à conclure des partenariats avec la compagnie saoudienne dans l’exploration-production ? «  Saudi Aramco a évoqué la possibilité d’associations, sans suite pour l’instant, note Francis Perrin. Elle n’en a pas absolument besoin, car elle possède elle-même un haut niveau d’expertise et travaille avec des sociétés de services qui maîtrisent les technologies. Mais elle pourrait souhaiter partager les risques et les investissements. » Reste à résoudre le sujet des faibles ressources en eau du royaume, alors qu’il s’agit d’un élément essentiel à l’exploitation des hydrocarbures de schiste. ... 087615.php

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 25 févr. 2020, 07:54

Aramco annonce vouloir investir 110 milliard de dollars dans le développement du gaz non conventionnel de Jafurah qui contiendrait le chiffre astronomique de 5600 milliards de m3 de gaz.
Aramco To Invest $110 Billion In Huge Gas Field

By Irina Slav - Feb 24, 2020

Aramco plans to invest $110 billion in the development of the Jafurah gas field that is estimated to hold some 200 trillion cu ft of gas, the Saudi press Agency reported.

Jafurah is the largest unconventional gas field in Saudi Arabia and could begin producing in 2024, the agency also reported. Production is seen at 2.2 billion cu ft daily, a rate to be reached by 2036.

Besides gas, Jafurah could also produce around 425 million cu ft of ethane, and 550,000 bpd of gas liquids and oil condensates.

Developing its natural gas reserves is a priority for the Kingdom as it seeks to reduce its reliance on crude oil for local power generation and switch to gas so there is more oil for exports. In the future, Saudi Arabia plans to generate 70 percent of its electricity from natural gas and the remainder from renewables.

Yet the Kingdom also plans to become a natural gas exporter, and soon, according to its new energy minister, Abdulaziz bin Salman.

"Soon you will hear about the ability of the kingdom to be a gas exporter," bin Salman said earlier this month without offering any further details.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia is also seeking international expansion in natural gas. Last year the company’s senior management noted this ambition in the first conference call of the company ahead of its initial public offering, which took place in December, noting an agreement signed with Sempra Energy for the purchase of 25 percent in the Port Arthur LNG project. ... Field.html
Over 22 years, Jafurah could generate $8.6 billion a year in income and contribute $20 billion a year to the Kingdom’s GDP.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has ordered that the gas produced at the field should be prioritized for domestic industry, but analysts believe there will be a surplus available for export
Saudi Arabia's development of Jafurah, the biggest unconventional gas field in the country, will help eliminate the burning of some 688,000 b/d of crude that could be exported, the energy minister was quoted as saying on Sunday. ... urn-report

The Jafurah basin is a new frontier unconventional exploration play equivalent in size to the successful Eagle Ford play in south Texas. The basin is located immediately east of the adjacent supergiant Ghawar Oil Field. The middle to upper Jurassic organic-rich mudrocks are recognized as the source of Ghawar hydrocarbons and are being extensively evaluated across the Jafurah basin for shale gas potential. These source rocks, notably the Jubaila and Tuwaiq Mountain, and to lesser extent Hanifa Formations possess excellent hydrocarbon attributes such as high total organic content (TOC), and sufficient maturity, combined with a relatively shallow burial depths, allowing for economical unconventional shale gas and shale oil exploitation. ... 7216301428

Le bassin est juste à l'est du champs pétrolier de Gawar.


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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 26 oct. 2021, 08:47

Le projet d'extraction du gaz non conventionnel de Jafurah est décrit ici : ... velopment/#
Jafurah Gas Field Development

The Jafurah gas field is believed to be the biggest unconventional gas field in Saudi Arabia. Estimated to contain approximately 200 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of wet gas resources, it is also claimed to be the world’s biggest shale gas field outside the US.

The massive unconventional non-associated gas field is planned to be developed and operated by state-run oil giant Saudi Aramco that went public for the first time by launching the world’s biggest initial public offering (IPO) in December 2019.

Saudi Aramco secured regulatory approval for the £85bn ($110bn) Jafurah gas field development in February 2020.

Scheduled to come on stream in 2024, the Jafurah onshore gas field is primarily intended to supply natural gas for domestic power generation as well as valuable feedstock for petrochemical production, as part of the kingdom’s Vision 2030 economic strategy to diversify away from oil.

Production potential of Jafurah

Planned to be developed in phases, the Jafurah gas field is expected to achieve approximately 2.2 billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas production a day by 2036.

The associated ethane production from the field is expected to touch approximately 425 million cubic feet (mcf) a day by that time which represents approximately 40% of Saudi Arabia’s current aggregate ethane production.

Saudi Aramco also hopes to produce 550,000 barrels per day (bpd) of gas liquids and condensates during the field’s peak production phase.

The gas produced at the Jafurah field will help reduce the oil consumption in power stations and water desalination plants in Saudi Arabia while earmarking more oil for export.

Large-scale ethane production from the field will also help in positioning Saudi Aramco as a major integrated energy and chemicals company globally.

Jafurah gas field size and location

The Jafurah unconventional gas field, also known as the Al Jafurah gas field, lies southeast of the Ghawar oil field, the world’s biggest conventional onshore oil field, in the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia.

The Jafurah field measures 170km-long and 100km-wide and is reportedly similar in size to Eagle Ford, the second-largest shale gas field in the US.

Jafurah gas field development

Saudi Aramco has drilled 150 wells at the Jafurah shale gas field as part of an exploration and appraisal programme that started in 2013.

The Jafurah Basin comprises unconventional carbonate source rock and hence warrants multistage fractured horizontal wells for the successful extraction of hydrocarbons from the tight reservoirs.

Saudi Aramco plans to use desalinated seawater for fracking in the field.

Since located along the periphery of the Ghawar oil field, the Jafurah gas field development is expected to benefit from the existing infrastructure available in close proximity as well as the huge sum of geological data already gathered during the Ghawar field development.

The gas produced from the Jafurah field will be supplied through Saudi Arabia’s domestic gas distribution network Master Gas System (MGS).

Unconventional gas development in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is estimated to hold the world’s fifth-biggest shale gas reserves and has the potential to replicate the US shale gas development.

Saudi Aramco launched the Upstream Unconventional Gas Programme to tap shale gas resources in the country in 2011.

The unconventional gas resources programme is focused on three regions including North Arabia, South Ghawar, and Jafurah.

The target formation in North Arabia is the Qusaibia Hot Shale which is located at a depth between 6,000ft and 8,000ft, while South Ghawar and Jafurah are located adjacent to the Ghawar oil field in the Eastern province.

To develop its unconventional gas reserves, Saudi Aramco has roped in oil and gas services companies including Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Hughes that have experiences in shale gas development in North America.

Saudi Aramco started commercial production of unconventional gas at the Northern Arabia field in May 2018.

After developing shale gas resources in other areas, Saudi Arabia is expected to be the world’s third-biggest gas producer after the US and Russia, by 2030.

Contractors involved

Oil and gas service companies including Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Hughes were engaged during the exploration and appraisal of the Jafurah gas field.

Halliburton was contracted to provide unconventional gas stimulation services under Saudi Aramco’s unconventional resources programme in May 2018.

The scope of the contract includes hydraulic fracturing and well intervention operations.

Aramco Overseas (AOC), a subsidiary of Saudi Aramco, also extended a contract with British energy services company Wood for two years for its unconventional gas programme in January 2020. ... velopment/#

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 02 déc. 2021, 00:22

Samsung signe un contrat de 1.23 milliard de dollars avec Aramco pour une usine de traitement de gaz pour le gisement de gaz non conventionel de Jafurah.
Samsung Nets $1.23B Deal For Jafurah Gas Treatment Facility

by Bojan Lepic|Rigzone Staff|Wednesday, December 01, 2021

formal contract signing ceremony held at Al-Ghawar Hall in Aramco Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

South Korea’s Samsung Engineering has received a contract for the Jafurah Gas Process Package #1 Project from oil and gas giant Saudi Aramco worth $1.23 billion.

The contract between the two sides was signed during a formal contract signing ceremony held at Al-Ghawar Hall in Aramco Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

The contract signing ceremony was attended by the Saudi Arabian minister of energy Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Aramco’s President and CEO Amin H. Nasser as well as the President and chief executive officer of Samsung Engineering Sungan Choi.

Samsung Engineering said that this ‘major project’ marks the first shale gas development in Saudi Arabia. This project is part of the Jafurah shale gas field development located 250 miles east of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. The project is expected to be completed in 2025.

Samsung Engineering will build a gas treatment facility that will remove sulfur and other substances from 1.1 billion cubic feet of gas per day split into two trains of 550 million cubic feet of gas per day.

The goal of the project is to produce sales gas, NGL, ethane, sulfur, and stabilized condensate. The engineering company plans to independently build and complete the project. The scope of work includes a slug catcher, an acid gas removal unit, natural gas liquids (NGL) recovery, mercury removal, and dehydration.

It is worth noting that Samsung Engineering has a long and successful track record in Saudi Arabia and with Saudi Aramco projects, delivering them for Aramco since 2007.

“It is my great pleasure that we have an opportunity to participate and contribute to Aramco’s first shale gas development in Saudi Arabia with the ‘Jafurah Gas Process Package #1 Project,” Sungan Choi, President and CEO of Samsung Engineering, said.

“We are confident to provide best services by applying digital innovation technologies, automation processes, and smart materials to the project, while leveraging our comprehensive experiences of working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia," he added. ... 1-article/

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 02 déc. 2021, 00:28

The Saudi Arabian Oil Company has announced that it has awarded contracts worth $10 billion for the Jafurah unconventional gas field development.

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff|Wednesday, December 01, 2021

The deals comprise 16 subsurface and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts for the Jafurah Gas Plant and gas compression facilities, as well as infrastructure and related surface facilities, Aramco outlined. These contracts were awarded to domestic and international service companies and involve several projects to enable development of subsurface and surface components of the Jafurah program, Aramco said.

Aramco, which expects total overall lifecycle investment at Jafurah to exceed $100 billion, noted that the project is a key component of its long-term strategy. Jafurah is the largest non-associated gas field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Aramco highlighted.

“The development of Jafurah will positively contribute to the Kingdom’s energy mix and it has been made possible thanks to close co-operation between more than 17 different agencies,” Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud, the Minister of Energy for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, said.

“The government is committed to the empowerment of national companies such as Aramco and no other energy company in the world is empowered to the same extent by the state, or by the Ministry of Energy which oversees the concession to develop the Kingdom’s hydrocarbon resources,” he added.

Amin H. Nasser, Aramco’s president and CEO, said, “this is a pivotal moment in the commercialization of Saudi Arabia’s vast unconventional resources program”.

“It is a breakthrough that few outside the Kingdom thought was possible, and which has positive implications for energy security, economic development and climate protection,” he added.

Nasir K. Al-Naimi, Aramco’s upstream senior vice president, said, “the development of Jafurah is a game-changer for our unconventional resources program”.

“It will be one of the most modern, cost-efficient shale development schemes in the industry and observe the highest environmental and safety standards. Jafurah will be a key enabler of our ambitions moving forward,” he added.

Saipem recently revealed that it had signed a new EPC deal, worth approximately $750 million, with Aramco on the Jafurah development program in Saudi Arabia.

The Jafurah basin hosts the largest liquid-rich shale gas play in the Middle East, with an estimated 200 trillion standard cubic feet of gas in place, Aramco highlights. Production of natural gas at Jafurah is expected to ramp up from 200 million standard cubic feet per day in 2025 to reach a sustainable gas rate of two billion standard cubic feet per day of sales gas by 2030.

Jafurah is anticipated to contribute to Saudi Arabia’s goal of producing half of its electricity from gas and half from renewables as the Kingdom pursues its own 2060 net-zero target. Through its unconventional gas program at the Jafurah, North Arabia and South Ghawar fields, Aramco said it expects to create more than 200,000 direct and indirect jobs.

In February last year, Aramco announced the regulatory approval of the development of the Jafurah unconventional gas field. The company noted at the time that the plan was subject to Aramco’s usual governance process. ... 0-article/

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Re: Gaz en Arabie Saoudite

Message par energy_isere » 28 oct. 2023, 12:20

suite du post au dessus.
Hyundai affiliates sign $2.4bn contract for Jafurah gas project phase two

By NS Energy Staff Writer 25 Oct 2023

Hyundai Engineering & Construction and Hyundai Engineering have been already working on the first phase of the Saudi Arabian gas project

Hyundai Engineering & Construction and Hyundai Engineering have inked a $2.4bn contract with Aramco for the construction of a gas processing plant for the Jafurah gas project phase two in Saudi Arabia.

The two companies are affiliates of South Korea-based Hyundai Motor Group.

The contract signing took place at a ceremony in Riyadh, attended by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, who was on a state visit to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was also present at the event which marked the 50th anniversary of collaborative construction efforts between the two countries.

The contract awarded to the South Korean firms is for the ‘Jafurah Phase 2 – Package 2 Utilities, Sulfur, and Export Facilities Project.’

According to Aramco, the Jafurah gas field is the largest liquid-rich shale gas play in the Middle East. It is estimated to hold approximately 200 trillion standard cubic feet (scf) of natural gas, including condensates and natural gas liquids (NGL).

Aramco has projected that daily production could potentially reach approximately two billion cubic feet by the end of this decade.

Located in the Eastern Province, the Jafurah unconventional gas field secured regulatory approval for its development in early 2020.

Aramco expects to see an overall lifecycle investment of over $100bn in Jafurah.

In late 2021, the company awarded subsurface and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts worth $10bn pertaining to the project.

Under one of those contracts, Hyundai Engineering & Construction and Hyundai Engineering have been working on the first phase of the gas project.

Production from the Jafurah field is scheduled to begin in early 2024, with a projected output of roughly 2.2 billion standard cubic feet per day of sales gas by 2036.

Additionally, it is expected to yield around 425 million standard cubic feet per day of ethane, equivalent to approximately 40% of the current production. Aramco also anticipates that the field will generate around 550 thousand barrels per day of gas liquids and condensates. ... phase-two/
