[Production] appels d'offre pour les champs Irakien

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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par energy_isere » 01 févr. 2010, 19:52

Irak : le russe Lukoil signe un contrat pour exploiter un champ pétrolifère géant

AFP le 31/01/2010

Le géant russe de l'énergie Lukoil a signé dimanche à Bagdad un contrat final d'exploitation du champ pétrolifère de Qourna-ouest 2, dans le sud de l'Irak, a indiqué la compagnie dans un communiqué.

"Vagit Alekperov, le président de Lukoil, a signé un accord de développement et de production du champ pétrolifère de Qourna-ouest 2 à Bagdad ce jour", indique la compagnie.

Dans ce consortium, le russe Lukoil possédera 56,25% des actions, le norvégien StatoilHydro 18,75% et la compagnie irakienne North Oil Company (25%), ont indiqué les responsables irakiens.

Le consortium sera rémunéré 1,15 dollar par baril et doit produire 1,8 million de barils par jour dans six ans. Il s'agit d'un accord sur 20 ans qui peut-être prolongé de cinq années supplémentaires. Les réserves sont estimées à 12,8 milliards de barils.

Qourna-ouest fait partie des sept champs attribués aux enchères à la mi-décembre à des compagnies étrangères. Avec la mise en exploitation de ces champs, l'Irak devrait être en mesure de produire dans les prochaines années 4,765 millions bj supplémentaires, ce qui en ferait le principal rival de l'Arabie saoudite. Il produit actuellement 2 mbj.

Dix contrats au total ont été signés avec des compagnies pétrolières étrangères depuis novembre pour exploiter dix champs pétroliers dans la pays.

L'Irak possède les troisièmes réserves du monde avec 115 milliards de barils, derrière l'Arabie saoudite et l'Iran.

http://www.boursorama.com/infos/actuali ... b486c50601

Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 06 févr. 2010, 17:46

Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par geopolis » 09 févr. 2010, 18:48

L'Irak lance une quatrième compagnie pétrolière publique (ministère).


Le ministère irakien du Pétrole a annoncé mardi la création d'une quatrième compagnie pétrolière publique responsable du développement de cette activité dans le centre du pays, à la suite de la mise aux enchères l'an dernier de 18 champs pétroliers.

Aux trois sociétés publiques existantes --la compagnie pétrolière du Nord (NOC), la Compagnie pétrolière du Sud (SOC) et la Compagnie pétrolière de Missane (MOC) -- s'ajoute la Compagnie pétrolière du centre, la "Midland Oil Company".
"Nous avons décidé d'établir la Midland Oil Company ("WOC" en arabe, ndlr) qui sera responsable du développement des champs pétroliers à Bagdad et dans les provinces environnantes", a indiqué à l'AFP le porte-parole du ministère Assem Jihad.
outre la capitale, il s'agit des gouvernorats de Diyala (nord-est), Al-Anbar (ouest), Wassit (sud), Babylone (sud), Kerbala (sud) et Diwaniya (sud).
"Nous avons pris cette décision après la récentes attribution de licences d'exploitation à des compagnies étrangères", a-t-il dit. La Middland Oil Compagny, qui revoit le jour après avoir été absorbée dans les années 1980 par la NOC, "supervisera ces nouveaux développements", a-t-il poursuivi.
Le consortium conduit par le Russe Gazprom (30%), le Turc TPAO (7,5%), le Sud-Coréen Kogas (22,5%) et le Malaisien Petronas (15%), avec la compagnie (publique) irakienne d'exploitation pétrolière (25%), doivent mettre en valeur les 109 millions de barils du champ pétrolier de Badra, au sud-est de Bagdad.

Deux champs gaziers, ceux d'Akkas (Anbar) et Mansouriya (Diyala), ainsi que les champs de Bagdad-est (réserves de 8,10 milliards de barils), Eastern Fields (est, réserves de 367 millions de barils), et Middle Furat (centre, réserves de 547 millions de barils), qui se trouvent sous la responsabilité de la Middle Oil Company n'avaient pas trouvé preneurs.

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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par energy_isere » 17 févr. 2010, 21:00

BP qui avait été le seul (en partenariat avec CNPC) à gagner au premier appel d' offre sur l' exploitation du pétrole Irakien , voir ce post d' Oct 2009 : viewtopic.php?p=254751#p254751 , au sujet du champs de Rumalia, lance un appel d' offre pour le forage de 56 puits pour le developpement de Rumalia.
BP Launches Drilling Tenders for Iraq's Largest Oil Field

UK oil major BP, along with Iraq's South Oil Co., has announced a tender to drill 56 wells and work on several others as part of the company's 2010 program to develop Iraq's largest oil field, Rumaila, a senior Iraqi oil official said Wednesday.

"A number of companies have been invited to bid for the drilling contract including Weatherford and Schlumberger," Abdul Mahdy al-Ameedi, head of the Iraqi oil ministry's petroleum contracts and licensing directorate, told Dow Jones Newswires.

He didn't name other companies, but separately an Iraqi oil official said Halliburton Co. and Baker Hughes Inc. were also invited.

Ameedi said that the development program of the field called for increasing production from the field by 110,000 barrels a day during this year. Rumaila, which is in southern Iraq and holds oil reserves of 17 billion barrels, is producing 1.07 million barrels a day.

BP and China National Petroleum Corp. signed a 20-year technical service contract in November last year to develop the field.


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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par energy_isere » 18 févr. 2010, 19:56

Des infos sur le champs de Majnoon qui est dans le second round des appels d' offre, et qui a été remporté par Shell et Petronas :
(voir dans le tableau de Raminagrobis dans la page précedente)

http://www.offshore-technology.com/proj ... oon-field/
Majnoon development contract

Iraq intends to bring its oil production at Majnoon to pre-war levels. The Majnoon development contract includes the drilling of over 40 wells, constructing three gas separation stations and developing refineries.

The contract was awarded to the consortium formed by Royal Dutch Shell (60%) and Malaysia's Petronas, as it offered $1.39 per barrel.

Majnoon field production

The Majnoon field reported a production of around 50,000 barrels of oil a day (bopd) in November 2003. The new Shell and Petrobas joint venture is expected to increase production to a plateau of 1.8 million barrels of oil per day from 45,000bopd (December 2009).

Majnoon oil field discovery

Discovered in 1975 by Braspetro (Petrobras of Brazil), Majnoon was found to be a part of Great Rumaila Triangle. Initially, the field was expected to have reserves of seven billion barrels with a heavy to medium range of oil quantity.

Development work stopped in 1980 when Iraq's war with Iran broke out, by which time the engineering phase was underway. Braspetro had drilled 20 wells at the field and pressed 14 drilling rigs into service.

Iran occupied the area during the war, and the Majnoon field, along with the other parts of Iraq, was looted and sabotaged. Iran then claimed a stake in the field.

In January 2009, however, Iraq declared that the field was entirely in its territory. An extension of Majnoon was discovered on the Iranian side of the border.

Post war, the Southern Oil Company repaired the damages at the field and resumed production. Production reached the pre-war level of 50,000bopd in 2003.

The new Shell and Petrobas joint venture is expected to increase production to 1.8 million barrels of oil per day from 45,000bopd.

Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 06 févr. 2010, 17:46

Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par geopolis » 19 févr. 2010, 16:40

Plusieurs infos :

Iraq produced 2.458 million b/d of crude oil in January, up 50,000 b/d from December and exported 1.926 million b/d, down from 1.977 million b/d in December.
Iraq's Zubair-Eni deal effective Thursday

BASRA, Iraq, Feb 18 (Reuters) - A contract to develop Iraq's 4 billion barrel Zubair oilfield won by a group led by Italian oil major Eni became effective on Thursday, a senior Iraqi oil official said.
Eni and its partners, U.S.-based Occidental Petroleum Corp and South Korea's KOGAS, signed in January a final contract with Baghdad setting an output target for the field of 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd).
"The effective date for the Zubair contract was today, Thursday," Dhiya Jaafar, current head of the South Oil Co, told Reuters.
"The rest of the contracts will follow once the administrative and legal requirements are completed ... I expect during this month," Jaafar said in the southern oil hub of Basra. He gave no date for when the group planned to pay the $300 million signature bonus due for the contract to develop Zubair. The sum is due within 30 days of the effective date.
The Eni-led consortium plans to invest about $20 billion in Zubair over the 20-year term of the contract, which can be extended to 25 years.
The Zubair deal is one of a series struck by Iraq that could transform it to a top oil producer with an output capacity of 12 million bpd, giving it the cash it needs to rebuild its battered economy after years of war and sanctions.

Iraq sees extra 200,000 bpd of oil this year

* Deals mean 200,000 bpd more of oil
* Floating terminals to boost export capacity

BASRA, Iraq, Feb 18 (Reuters) - Iraq expects to produce an additional 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil this year after it signed a series of deals with oil majors, the country's oil minister told Reuters on Thursday.
Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani also said that new floating terminals will help raise Iraq's export capacity by more than 2 million bpd by the middle of 2011.
"We will not have any bottlenecks to stop us increasing exports this year," Shahristani said.
Iraq aims to install four new floating oil terminals and three new undersea oil pipelines that will boost export capacity to 8 million barrels per day from a current 1.9 million bpd, the head of Iraq's South Oil Co. (SOC) said in November.
Iraq, in desperate need for cash to rebuild its battered economy after years of war and sanctions, has struck a series of development contracts with global oil majors that could transform it into a top oil producer.
The deals could lift Iraq's output capacity to 12 million bpd in seven years, rivalling top oil producer Saudi Arabia.
On Wednesday, the South Oil Co. along with partners BP and China's CNPC, invited 10 firms to drill 56 new wells in Rumaila oilfield.
BP, CNPC invite 10 companies to bid for Rumaila drill contracts
18/02/2010 (Platts)

The BP-led consortium awarded the service contract to develop Iraq's giant Rumaila oil field has invited 10 companies, including some of the biggest names in the oil services business, to bid for drilling contracts, a senior Iraqi oil official said Wednesday.
Abdul-Mahdi al-Ameedi, director general of the Iraqi oil ministry's contracts and licensing department, told Platts the consortium partners had qualified 10 companies but no contracts had yet been awarded.
He identified the companies as international oil services companies Halliburton, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes and Weatherford as well as three Chinese companies, Turkey's TDIC, Awlad Anwar al-Aqad, a Syrian company and the state-owned Iraqi Drilling Company.
BP and CNPC were last June awarded a 20-year service contract for further development of the Rumaila oil field after presenting a bid to raise production from the southern Iraqi field to 2.85 million b/d from around 1 million b/d currently for a service fee of $2/barrel.
BP will lead the consortium with a 38% stake in the operating company with CNPC holding 37% and the Iraq State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) the remaining 25%.

There are currently 800 wells at Rumaila, half of which are shut in. BP plans to rehabilitate these wells, as well as drilling a further 1,200 wells. This should take place over the first three years of the contract.
After that, the company would begin enhanced redevelopment and further exploration and appraisal of the field.
Ameedi said it was not clear if other companies awarded service contracts in Iraq's first and second bidding rounds would invite new companies to tender or if, as is the case with Malaysian Petronas, they would use their own drilling subsidiaries for the work.
Petronas won stake in four fields during the two licensing rounds.
Sabah Shibeeb al-Saidi, deputy director general and head of the legal commercial department for the Iraqi oil ministry, said in Houston this week that Rumaila alone would involve drilling 1,000 wells in the six-year development work period of the contracts.
Up to 5,000 wells may be needed for all 10 contracts, al-Saidi said, but did not immediately know how many rigs this would require.
Iraq has 115 billion barrels of proven reserves and aims to raise production capacity to 12 million b/d once all the awarded fields are developed.
Current capacity is 2.5 million b/d.

Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 06 févr. 2010, 17:46

Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par geopolis » 02 mars 2010, 18:11

Échec des négociations pour l'attribution du champ pétrolifère de Nassiriyah entre le consortium japonais et le gouvernement irakien.
Iraq has rejected a final offer submitted by a Japanese consortium for an engineering, procurement and construction contract to develop the Nassiriyah oil field, Iraqi oil minister Hussein al-Shahristani said Monday.

Iraq will now proceed with developing the Nassiriyah oil field on its own, Shahristani added.
In late January, the Japanese consortium of Nippon Oil and partners Inpex and JGC had talks in Baghdad in a bid to salvage a deal for development of Iraq's Nassiriyah oil field.

The last talks were held as Shahristani set a January 24 deadline to finalize the deal, and warned that Iraq would proceed with the project on its own.
The Nassiriyah field was not included in either of the two international bidding rounds launched last year by the oil ministry, with Iraq inviting Nippon Oil to bid on a separate EPC contract to develop the field.

The Nassiriyah EPC contract was designed to raise output to 100,000 b/d within 18 months of the contract being signed. Production was set to rise to 150,000 b/d and possibly to 200,000 b/d within two years of the contract coming into effect.

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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par energy_isere » 03 mars 2010, 19:16

Une sociéte pétrroliére de Turquie entame des pourparlers pour le forage de 45 puits sur le champs de southern Al-Rumaila .

NAM NEWS NETWORK Mar 3rd, 2010

ANKARA, March 3 (NNN-KUNA) — The Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) is holding talks with Iraq to drill 45 oil wells in the southern Al-Rumaila oil field as part of a projected USD 312 million contract.

TPAO Chief Executive Mehmet Uysal said in a televised interview on Tuesday that the relevant deal would be signed with the Iraq South Oil Company in the coming six months, “provided discussions in this regard proceed without problems.”

Uysal added that the Turkish Petroleum International Company, the external arm of TPAO, would undertake the drilling at the oilfield whose current output capacity of one million barrels per day may be lifted to 2.8 million bpd.
http://news.brunei.fm/2010/03/03/turkey ... hern-iraq/

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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par woland » 08 mars 2010, 17:23

Un article du monde du 6 mars:
http://www.lemonde.fr/proche-orient/art ... _3218.html
Le retour de l'Irak va modifier le jeu pétrolier
L'objectif fixé par le ministre du pétrole, Hussein Al-Chahristani, est ambitieux : 10 voire 12 millions de barils par jour d'ici à 2020, ce qui hisserait l'Irak au niveau de l'Arabie saoudite. Le patron du groupe britannique BP l'a jugé réalisable. Après avoir gagné en juin 2009 les enchères pour l'exploitation du champ géant de Roumaïla et ses 12 milliards de barils, Tony Hayward pouvait-il contrarier les folles espérances irakiennes ?

Christophe de Margerie, directeur général de Total, est plus circonspect. Et pour Khaled Al-Falih, le PDG de Saudi Aramco, 4 à 5 millions de barils par jour en 2015 seraient déjà un excellent résultat. Car l'Irak devra surmonter de sérieux obstacles : vétusté des infrastructures, faible capacité des oléoducs d'exportation, manque de main-d'oeuvre qualifiée, absence de loi pétrolière, insécurité.

Ces difficultés internes se doublent de menaces externes. L'Arabie saoudite et l'Iran, ses deux voisins, scrutent avec inquiétude la montée en puissance du seul membre de l'OPEP non soumis à un quota de production. Bagdad ne veut pas ouvrir de négociations avec le cartel avant 2011, mais M. Al-Chahristani a revendiqué un quota équivalent à celui des Saoudiens au motif que son pays a sous-produit durant trois décennies. Jusqu'en 1991, son quota était de 3 millions. Or, ni Riyad, ni Téhéran n'accepteront que l'Irak produisent 10 millions de barils par jour, ce qui entraînerait une baisse des prix
Quand l'Irak passera son 3 ou 4ème pic, et surtout à combien ? 10 millions b/j ça semble un peu optimiste... 5 millions c'est jouable d'après vous ? Même si c'est ambitieux de faire des prévisions dans ce pays.

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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par Raminagrobis » 08 mars 2010, 20:59


Encore un contrat à ajouter à mon tableau. Missan, au sud de l'Iraq, attribué lui aussi aux chinois, objectif de production 450 kb/j.

Les Américains ont vraiment fait la guerre pour rien, c'est les chinois qui se retrouvent acteurs principaux du secteur pétrolier iraquien :-$
Au bon vieux temps de Kissinger ça se serait pas passé comme ça, après la guerre ils auraient installé un régime à leur botte et les compagnies américaines auraient eu 75% du gateau. [-(
Toujours moins.

Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 06 févr. 2010, 17:46

Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par geopolis » 08 mars 2010, 23:08

Halfaya va être aussi développer au cours de l'année.
PetroChina to start work on Iraqi Halfaya H2

BEIJING, March 5 (Reuters)

- PetroChina will start work to develop the giant Iraqi oilfield Halfaya in the second half of this year after the newly awarded contract has taken effect, Chairman Jiang Jiemin said on Friday.
"Halfaya contract has already taken effect. Our Iraqi team has been set up ... The real work on the ground will start in the second half of the year," Jiang told reporters on the sidelines of China's annual parliament meeting.
PetroChina , France's Total and Malaysia's Petronas clinched the final contract for Halfaya in late January, with a service fee of $1.4 per barrel and a plateau production target of 535,000 barrels per day from a current 3,100 bpd. Halfaya and Rumaila -- another massive Iraqi field that PetroChina was awarded -- will allow the Chinese top energy firm access to a total of some 21 billion barrels of oil reserves in Iraq.

The two service contracts have been touted inside the Chinese firm as its biggest feat in its nearly three-decades' long overseas drive.

Avec les dernières nouvelles concernant le développement des champs irakiens voici un tableau peut-être incomplet mais qui rassemble le maximum d'info que j'ai pu compilé.


Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 06 févr. 2010, 17:46

Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par geopolis » 17 mars 2010, 16:17

Iraqi Oil Minister: Missan Final Agreement Not Signed

VIENNA (Dow Jones)--Iraq could ratify a contract to develop the giant Missan oil field before the formation of a new government, the country's oil minister said Tuesday.

"Yes it can be ratified anytime," Hussein al-Shahristani said here ahead of an Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries meeting. "There's a cabinet meeting tomorrow but unfortunately I won't be there. So most likely the following week."
A consortium led by Cnooc, the Hong Kong-listed unit of China National Offshore Oil Corp., has signed an initial agreement with Iraq to develop the 2.5 billion-barrel Missan oil field complex in southern Iraq.

Shahristani also confirmed Iraq has suspended talks with a Japanese consortium on the development of the giant Nassiriyah oil field.

"For Nassiriyah we have suspended the discussions with the Japanese consortium and we'll announce our decisions how to develop it shortly," Shahristani said.
A Japanese consortium led by Nippon Oil Corp. and including energy producer Inpex Corp. and plant maker JGC Corp. has been in talks with Iraq for months. The oil field, located in southern Iraq, has estimated proven crude reserves of more than 4.4 billion barrels.

Iraq aims to boost its production from these oil fields to 12 million barrels a day in six to seven years from current 2.5 million barrels a day, officials said.

Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 06 févr. 2010, 17:46

Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par geopolis » 24 mars 2010, 18:51

le russe Lukoil va investir 3.7 mds $ dans le gisement irakien Kourna Ouest 2 sur une période de 5 ans.

Le plus gros producteur privé russe de pétrole Lukoil a l'intention d'investir, en 2010-2015, 3,7 milliards de dollars dans la mise en valeur du gisement pétrolifère irakien de Kourna Ouest 2, a annoncé mercredi le directeur de Lukoil Overseas Andreï Kouziaiev à Londres.

"Le total de 12 milliards de dollars seront investis au cours des années 2010-2015 dans le gisement, dont 3,7 milliards appartenant à Lukoil, le reste étant ajouté lors de l'exploitation du champ pétrolifère", a indiqué M.Kouziaiev.

Le consortium formé par Lukoil et le norvégien Statoil en décembre 2009 a remporté l'appel d'offres pour le droit de mettre en valeur l'immense gisement de Kourna Ouest-2, dont les réserves sont estimées à environ 12,9 milliards de barils de pétrole.
Auparavant, le patron de Lukoil, Vaguit Alekperov, avait annoncé que le montant total des investissements dans la mise en valeur du champ pétrolifère irakien de Kourna Ouest-2 dépasserait 30 milliards de dollars, et que les volumes d'extraction se monteraient à 95 millions de tonnes par an.
Ria novosti

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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par energy_isere » 29 mars 2010, 19:47

Iraq's Majnoon oilfield to hit 175,000 boed in 2012

Mon Mar 29, 2010

Iraq's Majnoon oilfield is is expected to produce 175,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day when commercial production begins in 2012, a senior Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) executive said on Monday.

Iraq's largest field is currently pumping at 45,000 boe/d, Shell's Mounir Bouaziz, Vice-President New Business LNG for the Middle East and North Africa, told an industry event.

Shell and Malaysia's Petronas signed a final contract to develop Iraq's Majnoon oilfield, one of the world's biggest, earlier this year.

Shell and Petronas won the rights in an auction held in Baghdad in December for the 12.6 billion barrel field in southern Iraq.

The 20-year development contract is one of several deals that Iraq expects to finalize in the coming weeks as it tries to catapult itself to third place from 11th in the league of oil producing nations.

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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par Alturiak » 30 mars 2010, 07:49

Il leur restera du boulot pour arriver à l'objectif de 1,8 mb/j 5 ans plus tard.

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Re: Les appels d' offre pour les champs de pétrole Irakien

Message par Raminagrobis » 01 avr. 2010, 15:43

lien même le CERA connu pour son "optimisme pétrolier", juge irréalisable l'objectif iraquiens, qui est grosso modo de passer sa production de 2.5 à 12.5 Mb/j en 7 ans.

Notamment parce que produire 10 Mb/j supplémentaires dans un pays en 7 ans, ça ne s'est jamais vu. Même la moitié constituera un record.

La production russe a augmenté de 3.5 mb/j entre 1999 et 2005 et celà constituait la hausse la plus spectaculaire depuis des décennies.
Toujours moins.
