Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Discussions traitant des diverses sources d'énergie ainsi que de leur efficacité.

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 17 oct. 2023, 23:33

Plus Power lève 1,8 milliard de dollars pour un projet de batterie


Plus Power LLC a déclaré mardi avoir obtenu 1,8 milliard de dollars supplémentaires pour un projet de stockage en batterie autonome visant à stabiliser le réseau électrique américain tout en accueillant davantage d'énergie solaire et éolienne.

La société a également annoncé un financement de 707 millions de dollars pour l'installation de stockage d'énergie Sierra Estrella de 250 mégawatts à Avondale, en Arizona, ce qui en fait le plus important financement de projet de stockage d'énergie autonome.

"Les engagements financiers annoncés aujourd'hui couvrent cinq projets d'une capacité totale de 1 040 mégawatts", a déclaré Plus Power dans un communiqué de presse.

L'annonce porte également sur la construction de 700 mégawatts de batteries supplémentaires sur le réseau ERCOT au Texas, qui seront opérationnelles d'ici l'été prochain.

Trois nouvelles centrales de batteries entreront en service d'ici l'été prochain afin de répondre à l'augmentation de la demande dans un contexte de températures de plus en plus extrêmes.
https://www.boursorama.com/actualite-ec ... 81a739c562

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 28 oct. 2023, 12:29

New York State awards conditional contracts for 6.4GW clean energy projects

By NS Energy Staff Writer 25 Oct 2023

Once completed, the 25 clean energy projects, which include three offshore wind farms, 14 new solar projects, six wind repowering projects, one new wind project, and one return-to-service hydroelectric project, will produce enough electricity to power 2.6 million New York households and meet about 12% of the state's electricity requirements

New York State has awarded conditional contracts for three offshore wind and 22 land-based renewable energy projects, which will have a combined capacity of 6.4GW.

Once completed, the 25 clean energy projects will produce electricity to power 2.6 million New York households and meet about 12% of the state’s electricity requirements.

The three offshore wind projects that were awarded by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) represent over 4GW of clean energy. These include 1.4GW Attentive Energy One, 1.3GW Community Offshore Wind, and 1.3GW Excelsior Wind.

Together, the three projects are estimated to contribute over $15bn in-state spending as well as generate more than 4,200 family sustaining jobs over the projects’ 25-year lifespan.

Besides, the offshore wind facilities will mitigate more than seven million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.

The Attentive Energy One project is being developed by TotalEnergies, Rise Light & Power, and Corio Generation while the Excelsior Wind facility is being developed by Vineyard Offshore.

RWE Offshore Renewables and National Grid Ventures are developing the Community Offshore Wind project.

The 22 land-based renewable energy projects selected include 14 new solar projects, six wind repowering projects, one new wind project, and one return-to-service hydroelectric project. Put together, the facilities will have a combined capacity of 2.4GW.

According to the New York government, the land-based projects will power more than 560,000 households annually for a minimum period of 20 years.

The projects will also drive over $4bn in direct investments and generate more than 4,100 jobs across the state.

NYSERDA is also awarding $300m in state investment to enable the development of two supply chain facilities. These include a nacelle manufacturing and assembly facility of GE Vernova and a blade manufacturing plant of LM Wind Power Blades USA.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul said. “An investment of this magnitude is about more than just fighting climate change – we’re creating good-paying union jobs, improving the reliability of our electric grid, and generating significant benefits in disadvantaged communities.

“Today, we are taking action to keep New York’s climate goals within reach, demonstrating to the nation how to recalibrate in the wake of global economic challenges while driving us toward a greener and more prosperous future for generations to come.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/n ... -projects/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 29 oct. 2023, 11:12

Hydrogène : John Cockerill annonce une gigafactory d'électrolyseurs aux Etats-Unis

27.10.2023 13:00 MICHAËL TORREGROSSA h2-mobile

John Cockerill a annoncé son entrée sur le marché américain de l’hydrogène avec la construction d’une première gigafactory dans l’Etat du Texas. Attendue en 2024, l'installation devrait produire 1 GW d’électrolyseurs par an et créer 200 emplois.

Poussés par l’Inflation Act, les acteurs européens de l’hydrogène continuent d’investir le marché américain. Alors que le norvégien Nel confirmait fin septembre la construction d’une première usine dans le Michigan, John Cockerill se lance à son tour.

Le groupe belge vient en effet d’annoncer l’acquisition d’un site de production à Baytown, à proximité de Houston (Texas), où sera déployée une gigafactory dédiée à la production d’électrolyseurs.

Début de production en 2024

Les bâtiments existants seront entièrement réaménagés en vue d’une production qui devrait commencer dès le troisième trimestre 2024. A pleine capacité, l’usine pourra produire 1 GW d’électrolyseurs par an.

« Nous sommes enthousiastes à l’idée du lancement aux États-Unis, première étape de notre parcours de partenariat avec les entreprises et les acteurs nord-américains qui cherchent à décarboner et à faire progresser la transition énergétique », a déclaré François Michel, CEO du Groupe John Cockerill.
https://www.h2-mobile.fr/actus/hydrogen ... tats-unis/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 04 nov. 2023, 14:59

US DOE commits up to $1.3bn for three transmission lines
The initiative is aimed to add 3.5GW of additional grid capacity throughout the US and generate more than 13,000 direct and indirect jobs

By NS Energy Staff Writer 31 Oct 2023

As a part of US President Biden’s ‘Investing in America’ initiative, a central component of his economic strategy, the US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced a substantial commitment of up to $1.3bn. This commitment will support the development of three transmission lines spanning across six states. Made possible through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, this investment aims to propel ambitious projects designed to increase the US’ grid capacity by 3.5GW. To put this in perspective, this additional capacity is sufficient to power approximately 3 million households. Furthermore, it is expected to generate over 13,000 direct and indirect employment opportunities.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/u ... ion-lines/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 12 nov. 2023, 16:08

Coal use at U.S. power plants continues downward spiral; full impact on mines to be felt in 2024

in Commodity News 06/11/2023

This year, the use of coal by the U.S.’s power producers has been so anemic that the fuel has not achieved a 20% market share in any month so far, and the current outlook predicts low levels for the rest of the year. To put that into perspective, coal’s power market share had never been less than 20% in any month before 2020, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

In July 2023, for example, coal hit its high point for the year so far, providing 19.1% of the country’s power; in August its market share was 19.0%. That performance stands in stark contrast to 2021, when coal’s market share in both July and August was more than 25%—roughly 6 percentage points higher. The low point this spring occurred in April and May, between the winter heating and summer cooling seasons, when coal’s market share slumped to just 13.8%—the first time it has ever fallen below 15%.

Despite hotter summer temperatures and increased power demand to run air conditioning in some parts of the country this summer, the use of coal has fallen. This is a result of lower prices for gas—coal’s primary fossil-fuel competitor—and a surge in utility-scale solar generation, which was up 20% in July from July 2022, and up 23% in August from a year ago.

The EIA’s current outlook suggests even more deterioration for coal power in the coming months. The energy agency not only sees coal’s November market share returning to the record-low market share in the spring, but also dropping even more in 2024, to as low as 10 to 13% in both the spring and fall.
https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/co ... e_vignette

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 13 nov. 2023, 08:24

L'état du Michigan veut 100% d'électricité décarbonée en 2040 :
Michigan Governor to Sign Clean Energy Future Plan into Law; State Will Operate on 100-Percent Clean Energy by 2040

November 11, 2023 evwind

An ambitious package of renewable energy bills that just passed the Michigan Legislature—now on its way to be signed into law by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer—is drawing strong praise from business-friendly clean energy-focused organizations throughout the state and across the nation.

Dubbed the Clean Energy Future Plan, the new legislation will require Michigan utilities to acquire 15 percent of electricity from renewable energy sources—such as wind or solar—through 2029 and then increase the amount of electricity from renewables to 50 percent by 2030, 60 percent by 2035, and 100 percent by 2040. The new plan sees Michigan join 11 other states with commitments to reach 100 percent clean energy net-zero future on a similar schedule.

Additionally, Michigan’s new clean energy laws grant authority to the Michigan Public Service Commission to approve large solar, wind, and battery storage projects and make it easier to deploy clean energy in the state.

“This is a major step forward for Michigan, and we want to recognize Governor Whitmer and the Michigan Legislature for their leadership on these critical energy issues. This new legislation works to secure Michigan’s clean energy future but also to make certain the state is positioned to benefit from the valuable new jobs, tax revenue, and ongoing investment that renewable energy brings,” said Erika Kowall, Director, Midwest State Affairs, American Clean Power Association (ACP.) “Michigan is already fifth in the nation for clean energy jobs—currently numbering 124,000—and the Clean Energy Future Plan puts the state in position to see many years of new opportunities and growth resulting from clean energy. ACP looks forward to continuing to work with Michigan leaders to help unleash the state’s full clean energy potential.”
https://www.evwind.es/2023/11/11/michig ... 2040/94832

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 17 déc. 2023, 22:47

EIA expects combined U.S. solar and wind power generation to surpass coal-fired generation in 2024

December 12, 2023 evwind

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects, for the first year on record, combined electricity generation from wind and solar to surpass generation from coal in 2024. EIA expects solar generation in 2024 to increase 39% from 2023, driven by continued increases in solar capacity. “Renewables, particularly solar photovoltaics, are growing rapidly and making large contributions to electricity generation,” DeCarolis said.
https://www.evwind.es/2023/12/12/eia-ex ... 2024/95396

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 11 janv. 2024, 22:42

Energie: l'américain Chesapeake rachète Southwestern pour 7,4 milliards de dollars

AFP le 11 janv. 2024

Le producteur d'énergie américain Chesapeake Energy va racheter une autre entreprise américaine, Southwestern Energy, pour 7,4 milliards de dollars, ont annoncé les deux compagnies dans un communiqué commun jeudi.

Avec cette opération, qui devrait être finalisée au deuxième trimestre 2024, elles entendent créer un leader dans le gaz naturel "pour fournir une énergie abordable et à faible émission carbone afin de répondre aux besoins croissants", indiquent les entreprises, qui vont fusionner sous un nouveau nom.

Selon les termes de l'accord, les actionnaires de Southwestern recevront 0,0867 action ordinaire Chesapeake pour chaque action Southwestern en circulation.

Au cours de clôture à la Bourse de New York lundi, l'opération valoriserait à environ 24 milliards de dollars la nouvelle entité. A l'issue de la fusion, les actionnaires de Chesapeake en possèderont environ 60%, 40% étant détenus par les actionnaires de Southwestern.

"Ensemble, Southwestern et Chesapeake peuvent générer des marges et des rendements améliorés grâce à nos portefeuilles complémentaires (...) pour approvisionner la demande mondiale croissante de gaz naturel", a commenté le président de Southwestern, Bill Way, cité dans le communiqué.

Le comité directeur de la nouvelle compagnie comprendra 11 membres: sept représentants de Chesapeake et quatre de Southwestern.

Le secteur de l'énergie, irrigué par les importants bénéfices enregistrés en 2022, voit se multiplier les opérations ces derniers mois aux Etats-Unis.

En octobre, le groupe pétrolier américain ExxonMobil avait notamment annoncé qu'il allait racheter Pioneer Natural Resources, également américain, pour environ 60 milliards de dollars. En décembre, la compagnie pétrolière américaine Occidental Petroleum a racheté CrownRock, un autre producteur de gaz et de pétrole des Etats-Unis, pour quelque 12 milliards de dollars.

Dans les échanges électroniques avant l'ouverture de la Bourse de New York, le titre de Chesapeake gagnait 3,2% à 79,65 dollars, celui de Southwestern reculant de 1,6% à 6,78 dollars.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... ars-240111

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 20 janv. 2024, 19:16

Debut de construction d'une batterie géante de 255 MW / 1.020 MWh à Phenix, Arizona. A base de Tesla Megapack 2XL.
Strata breaks ground on 1GWh Scatter Wash energy storage project

By NS Energy Staff Writer 19 Jan 2024

The Scatter Wash battery storage project is expected to provide customers with reliable energy, support increased power demand, store renewable energy from solar power plants on its grid, and provide green electricity when it is needed

US-based renewable energy solutions provider Strata Clean Energy has started construction on its 255MW/1,020MWh Scatter Wash battery storage complex in Phoenix, Arizona, US.

The Scatter Wash project is expected to provide customers with reliable energy, support increased power demand, and store renewable energy from solar power plants on its grid.

Also, the battery storage facility will provide electricity when it is needed, particularly in the summers when extreme heat and electricity demand are high in Arizona.

The Scatter Wash project, which can store adequate electricity to power more than 250,000 homes for 4 hours daily for 20 years, is expected to become operational in April 2025.

Strata Clean Energy president Josh Rogol said: “This groundbreaking demonstrates a considerable advancement in large-scale sustainable energy solutions in a major growing metropolitan area, underscoring Strata’s dedication to addressing critical grid challenges.

“In showcasing our dedication to utility clients like APS and Arizona homes and businesses, we continue shaping the future of energy storage by ensuring grid reliability and driving progress towards broader decarbonization and economic development goals through local jobs and investment. It exemplifies our dedication to a more sustainable future.”

Last year, the US renewable energy company signed a 20-year tolling agreement with Arizona Public Service (APS) for its Scatter Wash battery storage facility.

The agreement is a result of the All-Source RFP APS, conducted in May 2022, to meet the growing needs of residential and business customers with affordable and clean electricity.

Under the terms of the tolling agreement, Strata will build, own, and operate the Scatter Wash battery storage complex as part of its portfolio of clean-energy assets.

In April last year, Strata selected US-based engineering services provider Mortenson as the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) partner for the project.

The project will feature Tesla’s Megapack 2XL, a fully integrated battery system featuring advanced battery technology, software, and power conversion systems.

Strata said that the development of the Scatter Wash project is supported by the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for standalone energy storage created by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

APS operations executive vice president Jacob Tetlow said: “Arizona is one of the fastest growing states in the country and reliable and affordable power is critical for APS customers, especially during our hottest summer days. These batteries will help us continue to serve our customers with a balanced and diverse power supply.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/s ... e-project/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 20 janv. 2024, 20:10

US battery storage capacity is expected to nearly double in 2024

Michelle Lewis | Jan 9 2024

Developers plan to expand US battery storage capacity to more than 30 gigawatts (GW) by the end of 2024, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Planned and currently operational US utility-scale battery capacity totaled around 16 GW at the end of 2023. Developers are expected to add another 15 GW of battery storage in 2024, and around 9 GW in 2025.

US battery storage capacity has been growing since 2021 and is anticipated to increase by 89% by the end of this year if all planned energy storage systems are brought online.

California and Texas currently account for the majority of battery capacity additions. Utilities are now mandated to install energy storage in California, and Texas has faster grid connection and permitting, which incentivizes developers.

California has the most installed battery storage capacity of any state by far, with 7.3 GW, followed by Texas with 3.2 GW. Both states have seen enormous solar and wind growth, which in turn spurs battery storage growth. The batteries store excess clean power in periods of low electricity demand, and release power when electricity demand is high.

The other 48 states have a total of around of 3.5 GW of installed battery storage capacity.

The Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act investment tax credits have played a huge part in spurring battery storage growth in the US. Developers expect to bring more than 300 utility-scale battery storage projects online in the US by 2025, and around half of the planned capacity installations will be in Texas.
https://electrek.co/2024/01/09/us-batte ... e-in-2024/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 21 janv. 2024, 22:59

Une batterie stationnaire de 185 MW / 585 MWh entre en service sur l' ile Oahu, Hawaï.


lire https://www.evwind.es/2024/01/19/worlds ... ergy/96090

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 17 févr. 2024, 19:44

Projet de centrale à gaz de 1.2 GW au Texas, mise en service prévue pour 2028 :
Sandow Lakes Energy to build 1.2GW combined cycle power plant in Texas, US

By NS Energy Staff Writer 13 Feb 2024

To be constructed on Sandow Lakes property in Lee County, Texas, the proposed combined cycle power plant will be developed and owned by a Sandow Lakes Energy subsidiary, and will be operated within ERCOT

Sandow Lakes Energy reveals plans to build a 1.2GW natural gas-fuelled power plant in the Texas Triangle. (Credit: Sandow Lakes Energy Company, LLC/PR Newswire)

Sandow Lakes Energy has revealed plans to build a 1.2GW ultra-efficient, natural gas-fuelled power plant in the Texas Triangle, US.

To be developed and owned by a subsidiary of Sandow Lakes Energy, the facility will be constructed on Sandow Lakes property in Lee County, Texas. It will be operated within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).

Sandow Lakes Energy expects to commence the construction of the natural gas-fuelled power plant in 2025, with commissioning targeted for 2028.

The American clean gas-fired generation plant is projected to provide electricity to more than 800,000 households.

Previously, the Sandow Lakes property housed a 1950s-era integrated industrial enterprise with a coal-based power generation capacity of 1.2GW.

The legacy coal and industrial plants at the site are undergoing partial demolition and repurposing to make room for the new combined cycle power plant.

Sandow Lakes Energy has also revealed signing an agreement with Siemens Energy to secure manufacturing slots for two SGT6-9000HL gas turbines.

The turbines are expected to produce electricity at the Sandow Lakes site, delivering reliable power generation to the region apart from supporting decarbonisation goals.

According to Sandow Lakes Energy, the SGT6-9000HL turbines feature high power output, exceptional fuel efficiency, and the ability to operate on hydrogen after making only small modifications to the equipment.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott said: “As Texas continues to grow, increasing the capacity and reliability of our power grid is critical. This Sandow Lakes plant will provide 1,200 megawatts of dispatchable power, providing enough electricity for hundreds of thousands of homes.

“As Governor, I signed bipartisan laws to reform ERCOT and increase the reliability, resilience, and capability of our state grid. Through partnerships with companies like Sandow Lakes and Siemens, our state will ensure we continue to deliver reliable power to every Texas home.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/s ... -texas-us/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 18 févr. 2024, 10:43

Biden-Harris Administration Invests $17m to Strengthen Nation’s Critical Minerals Supply Chain

By NS Energy Staff Writer 16 Feb 2024

Funding from President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda Will Support the Conversion of Coal and Coal Byproducts Into Critical Minerals and Materials for Advanced Clean Energy Technologies, Creating Jobs in Energy Communities
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/b ... ply-chain/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 24 févr. 2024, 15:50

Strata secures $559m financing for 1GWh Arizona battery storage complex

By NS Energy Staff Writer 22 Feb 2024

The construction of the Scatter Wash storage complex, which can store adequate electricity to power 50,000 households in Arizona during peak summer for 20 years, was officially started on 18 January and is expected to be operational by April 2025

US-based renewable energy projects developer Strata Clean Energy has secured $559m financing for the construction and ownership of the Scatter Wash battery storage complex.

Strata secured the project financing from a consortium of financial institutions, with J.P. Morgan and Nomura as coordinating lead arrangers and joint book-runners.

JP Morgan also served as an administrative agent, depositary agent, and collateral agent.

The U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance and CoBank served as coordinating lead arrangers, and The Korea Development Bank and Norddeutsche Landesbank as joint lead arrangers.

In addition, Siemens and Regions served as project lenders, and U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance also served as the primary tax equity investor.

J.P. Morgan Green Economy Banking executive director John Beebe said: “J.P. Morgan is working to provide capital to accelerate the growth of sustainable infrastructure nationwide. We’re very pleased to work alongside Strata to decarbonize our communities and build a more resilient energy future.”

Impact Finance chief investment and product officer Sunil Rajpurohit said: “U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance is thrilled to expand an already fruitful relationship with Strata Clean Energy by deploying debt and tax equity to meet our customer’s demand for this exciting project.”

In May 2023, Strata signed a 20-year tolling agreement with Arizona Public Service (APS), to build, own and operate the project and exclusively provide its energy to APS over the period.

The construction at the 255MW/1,020MWh Scatter Wash storage complex was officially started on 18 January and is expected to be operational by April 2025.

The battery storage complex be designed to store adequate electricity to power 50,000 households in Arizona during peak summer conditions for 20 years.

Strata said that the project will enhance the grid stability and support the incorporation of renewable sources in Arizona, advancing economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Strata Clean Energy CEO Markus Wilhelm said: “The successful financing for the Scatter Wash battery storage complex marks a significant step forward in our mission to drive the transition to clean energy.

“This opportunity to collaborate with our financing partners to bring this critical project to fruition will create a lasting, sustainable impact on a region that struggles with grid challenges and extreme heat.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/s ... y-complex/

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Re: Politique Etats-Unienne de l' énergie

Message par energy_isere » 24 févr. 2024, 15:51

Strata secures $559m financing for 1GWh Arizona battery storage complex

By NS Energy Staff Writer 22 Feb 2024

The construction of the Scatter Wash storage complex, which can store adequate electricity to power 50,000 households in Arizona during peak summer for 20 years, was officially started on 18 January and is expected to be operational by April 2025

US-based renewable energy projects developer Strata Clean Energy has secured $559m financing for the construction and ownership of the Scatter Wash battery storage complex.

Strata secured the project financing from a consortium of financial institutions, with J.P. Morgan and Nomura as coordinating lead arrangers and joint book-runners.

JP Morgan also served as an administrative agent, depositary agent, and collateral agent.

The U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance and CoBank served as coordinating lead arrangers, and The Korea Development Bank and Norddeutsche Landesbank as joint lead arrangers.

In addition, Siemens and Regions served as project lenders, and U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance also served as the primary tax equity investor.

J.P. Morgan Green Economy Banking executive director John Beebe said: “J.P. Morgan is working to provide capital to accelerate the growth of sustainable infrastructure nationwide. We’re very pleased to work alongside Strata to decarbonize our communities and build a more resilient energy future.”

Impact Finance chief investment and product officer Sunil Rajpurohit said: “U.S. Bancorp Impact Finance is thrilled to expand an already fruitful relationship with Strata Clean Energy by deploying debt and tax equity to meet our customer’s demand for this exciting project.”

In May 2023, Strata signed a 20-year tolling agreement with Arizona Public Service (APS), to build, own and operate the project and exclusively provide its energy to APS over the period.

The construction at the 255MW/1,020MWh Scatter Wash storage complex was officially started on 18 January and is expected to be operational by April 2025.

The battery storage complex be designed to store adequate electricity to power 50,000 households in Arizona during peak summer conditions for 20 years.

Strata said that the project will enhance the grid stability and support the incorporation of renewable sources in Arizona, advancing economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Strata Clean Energy CEO Markus Wilhelm said: “The successful financing for the Scatter Wash battery storage complex marks a significant step forward in our mission to drive the transition to clean energy.

“This opportunity to collaborate with our financing partners to bring this critical project to fruition will create a lasting, sustainable impact on a region that struggles with grid challenges and extreme heat.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/s ... y-complex/
