Recyclage des éoliennes

Modérateurs : Rod, Modérateurs

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Re: Recyclage des éoliennes

Message par GillesH38 » 31 août 2023, 15:56

certes, ma remarque était juste que ce n'était pas qu'une question de surface totale au sol.
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Re: Recyclage des éoliennes

Message par energy_isere » 19 nov. 2023, 19:48

suite de ce post du 3 juin 2022 ... 1#p2344531

Début de construction au premier semestre 2024 de l'usine de recyclage de pales d'éoliennes en Navarre, Espagne. Aura une capacité de 6000 tonnes par an.
Acciona will build a pioneering plant for recycling wind turbine blades in Navarra

November 15, 2023 evwind

ACCIONA, ACCIONA Energía and RenerCycle announced today the construction of Waste2Fiber, a wind blade recycling plant in Lumbier (Navarra). The facility will be operational in 2025 and will create over 100 jobs.

The project brings together ACCIONA’s experience in composite materials, ACCIONA Energía’s access to end-of-life wind turbine blades and track records in innovative solutions for circular economy, as well as RenerCycle’s activities in the decommissioning of wind turbines.

The Waste2Fiber plant has been awarded €5.3 million in funding from the Spanish Government’s Proyectos Estratégicos para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica (PERTE) program and has the support of the Navarra Government.

The facility will be the first in Spain in utilizing a ground-breaking proprietary thermal treatment technology for the recycling of composite materials present in wind turbine blades. This technology, based on the use of moderate and controlled temperature and atmosphere conditions, will make it possible to preserve the properties of the reinforcement fibers, reuse the organic fractions and transform the composite materials into secondary raw materials with high added value that can be used in new production processes with a quality comparable to that of virgin raw materials. will enable composite transformation into secondary raw materials with high added value that can be introduced into new production processes, with quality comparable to virgin raw materials. This represents a considerable environmental and safety improvement for the transformation of waste into secondary raw materials in compliance with European waste management directives.

Several formats of recycled glass and carbon fibers will be used in industries such as automotive and construction, while organic compounds will have applications in the chemical industry.

Construction of the recycling facility will begin in the first half of 2024. The plant will have a processing capacity of 6,000 tons of material per year, covering all stages of the production process, from the dismantling and fragmentation of the blades to the output and quality control of the final products.

Compared to the production of virgin fibers, this valorization of components will reduce the carbon footprint by 66% and 95% for glass fibers and carbon fibers respectively, making a very positive contribution to the decarbonization of the planet.

In 2021 ACCIONA became the first infrastructure and renewable energy company to achieve certification of its “Circular Economy Strategy” by AENOR. Since then, the company has continued to invest in activities to drive and promote circular economy, and the construction of the Waste2Fiber plant is another example of this commitment.

With more than 4,000 wind turbines currently in operation in Spain, blade recycling is a critical topic for the wind industry and the Waste2Fiber plant is a step in the right direction to proving long term, sustainable recycling solutions, whilst closing the loop in circular economy.

......... ... arra/94898

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Re: Recyclage des éoliennes

Message par energy_isere » 05 janv. 2024, 20:05

Premières propositions industrielles pour des pales d’éoliennes recyclables
Si 90 % des éoliennes sont recyclables, la filière planche toujours sur la façon de trouver une seconde vie aux pales. Des solutions commencent à voir le jour.

Loïc FABRÈGUES lemarin le 04/01/2024

Le consortium Zebra a produit sa seconde pale recyclable dans l’usine de LM Wind power, à Castellon, en Espagne. | LM WIND POWER

Le travail sur le recyclage des pales d’éoliennes, derniers composants des turbines à ne pas être entièrement recyclables alors que 90 % des machines le sont, avance. Siemens Gamesa en propose déjà à ses clients. Ces pales recyclables, dont les premières ont été construites dans l’usine danoise du turbinier à Aalborg, sont en test sur le parc de Kaskasi, en mer du Nord allemande. Sur les 38 turbines mises en service fin 2022 par l’énergéticien allemand RWE, six peuvent être recyclées.

Le changement par rapport à une pale ordinaire réside dans la résine utilisée. Exit l’époxy. La résine employée par Siemens Gamesa peut, grâce à une solution acide chauffée, être séparée des autres éléments de la pale que sont la fibre de verre ou de carbone, le bois, le polyéthylène téréphtalate (plastique recyclé) et le métal. Ces composants peuvent ensuite être réutilisés... ( abonnés) ... fa15e16d04

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Re: Recyclage des éoliennes

Message par energy_isere » 21 janv. 2024, 10:14

suite de 2 posts au dessus.
Spain makes headway in wind turbine recycling

Business, Technology – Kirstin Linnenkoper – January 19, 2024

Energy company Acciona Energia is backing the construction of a wind blade recycling plant in northern Spain.
The Waste2Fiber blade recycling plant will have a processing capacity of 6 000 tonnes per year. A total of EUR 5.3 million is being invested in the venture, including government funding.

Construction of plant in the town of Lumbier in the Navarre region is scheduled for the first half of this year. Once operational in 2025, the facility will employ more than 100 people.

Acciona Energia is building the facility together with its parent group, infrastructure builder Acciona SA, and start-up RenerCycle.

They envision a site equipped with proprietary thermal treatment technology to recycle composite materials. Their innovative method involves maintaining moderate and controlled temperature and atmospheric conditions.

This preserves the properties of reinforcement fibres, allowing the reuse of organic fractions and the transformation of composite materials into secondary raw materials.

These secondary materials can then be introduced into new production processes with a quality comparable to that of virgin materials. Acciona Energia says the recycled glass and carbon fibres generated through this process are suitable for use in industries such as automotive and construction, while organic compounds will have applications in the chemicals industry. ... ing/55919/
