
Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Australie

Message par alga » 10 août 2021, 13:39

...Pourtant l'Australie, avec son ensoleillement et son espace disponible, devrait pouvoir développer facilement des centrales photovoltaïques.

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 16 août 2021, 10:15

Les Australiens voient très grand avec ce projet :
Australia to host 600 MW/2400 MWh storage facility
Renewables developer Syncline Energy has revealed plans for a 600 MW/2400 MWh battery storage project near Melbourne.


Image: Syncline Energy

Syncline Energy has revealed plans to build the Melton Renewable Energy Hub, a big battery project, near Melbourne. It will be located next to the Sydenham terminal station and will connect to the state’s main 500 kV transmission backbone.

The big battery project has been fast-tracked by the Victorian government under its planning scheme amendment, which is a pathway for significant state projects. The company hopes to reach financial close by the second quarter of 2022, with production to begin by the second half of 2023 to support the network over that summer.

“We see this as a longterm piece of energy infrastructure that will play a range of different roles as the decade rolls through to a range of different customers,” Syncline Energy CEO, Phil Galloway told pv magazine Australia.

The Australian company will own and operate the project, which will also include a 12.5 MWp solar farm to supply the battery’s ancillary cooling loads and ensure low cost, “net-zero” operations.

The project site, which spans more than 90 hectares, was secured after the company spent a year driving between Victoria’s various substations and speaking to councils, gathering together a list of 20 potential locations.

“This was by far No. 1,” said Galloway.

One of the reasons for that is the site lays at the junction between three of Victoria’s emerging Renewable Energy Zones, allowing the Melton Renewable Energy Hub to connect to each of those separate zones via the state’s 500 kV transmission “backbone.”

The chemistry of the proposed big battery is yet to be finalized, though it will be of the lithium variety.
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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 24 sept. 2021, 00:51

suite de ce post du 23 oct 2020 ... 7#p2310877
Énergie solaire : l'Indonésie autorise un câble géant entre l'Australie et Singapour

AFP parue le 23 sept. 2021

L'Indonésie a donné son feu vert à un câble sous-marin reliant en Australie l'un des plus grands projets de ferme solaire au monde à Singapour, escomptant 2,5 milliards de dollars d'investissements du projet, ont annoncé les autorités jeudi.

Le projet Australia-Asia PowerLink (AAPowerLink) de 30 milliards de dollars australiens (21,9 milliards de dollars) au total porté par le groupe Sun Cable doit passer par l'archipel d'Asie du Sud-Est pour servir ses futurs clients en Asie. "Nous nous attendons à ce que ce projet ait un impact durable pour notre économie à travers plusieurs programmes (...) qui bénéficieront à l'industrie et aux revenus du gouvernement", a indiqué le ministre aux Affaires maritimes et aux Investissements Luhut Binsar Panjaitan au cours d'une conférence de presse en ligne depuis Jakarta. Il a confirmé que l'Indonésie avait approuvé un tracé et accordé un permis pour procéder à des études sous-marines avant la pose du câble.

Le groupe ne prévoit pas de fournir d'énergie solaire directement à l'Indonésie mais comprend un engagement d'investissements directs d'un milliard de dollars dans des équipements et services, et quelque 1,5 milliard de dépenses opérationnelles ensuite au cours du projet. "Nous sommes très heureux d'annoncer que ce projet investira 2,58 milliards de dollars en Indonésie", a souligné le directeur général Sun Cable David Griffin. "Nous voulons que ce projet pionnier permette un changement d'échelle dans la capacité de la région indo-pacifique à atteindre ses ambitions de neutralité carbone et de croissance économique menée par les énergies renouvelables", a-t-il noté.

Le projet, qui devrait être opérationnel en 2028, vise à fournir jusqu'à 15% des besoins en électricité de Singapour et à réduire les émissions de la cité-État de 6 millions de tonnes par an. L'électricité doit être produite par l'un des plus grands projets de ferme solaire au monde, dans les Territoires du Nord en Australie (17 à 20 gigawatts en puissance maximum), et passer par un câble de quelque 4.200 km de Darwin en Australie, à Singapour, en passant par le fond marin de l'archipel indonésien. ... our-210923

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Re: Australie

Message par phyvette » 24 sept. 2021, 22:05

En Australie, ça chie, des manifestations dégénères, de vrais gilets-janues là bas. Et pour des broutilles en plus : contre le confinement, contre le vaccin ou pour la liberté, bref des conneries de complotiss...
Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 07 oct. 2021, 11:13

En 2020 l'Australie à fait 54 % de son électricité au charbon.
Coal generated 54% of Australian power, renewables up to 24% in 2020

By Rod Walton -10.5.2021

Australia’s power generation mix is still dominated by its legacy coal-fired assets, but natural gas and renewables are cutting deeply into that majority as coal is slowly faded out.

The Australian government released its annual Energy Statistics report Tuesday, showing that coal is the top resource accounting for 54 percent of the nation’s electricity mix in 2020. Renewables rose nearly 15 percent to generate almost a quarter of Australian electricity last year, while natural gas fueled 20 percent and was the most-used energy source for the manufacturing sector over the past two years.

Like many nations, Australia is embracing solar, wind and energy storage, while also maintaining a strong place currently for fossil-fired power.

“Balance is the key,” Australian Energy Minister Angus Taylor said in the government release Tuesday. “The energy system is changing at an unprecedented pace, which is why we need to get the energy balance right to ensure Australian households and businesses can continue to access the power they need to grow and prosper.”

Coal-fired power still holds the key to Australian power generation, but its lead is eroding. The Liddell coal-fired station will be closed by 2023, while Hong Kong-owned Australian utility EnergyAustralia plans to accelerate the retirement of its 1,400-MW Mont Piper coal-fired plant in New South Wales by 2040, three years ahead of the closure initially announced.

The government also has committed $180 million U.S. to a major new carbon capture, use and storage project. It will build carbon capture hubs and research ways to commercialize CCUS technologies and storage.

Resource adequacy, of course, is a concern, so the Australian government will build a 600-MW gas-fired power station in New South Wales to aid capacity after the Liddell facility is retired. ... 2020/#gref

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 09 oct. 2021, 10:11

Un chantier de construction d'un parc solaire PV de 245 MW va commencer dans les prochaines semaines.
Iberdrola to build 245 MW Avonlie solar farm in Australia

October 1, 2021 evwind

Iberdrola Australia is to build the Avonlie solar farm, a 245 megawatt (MW) plant that will be located near the town of Narrandera in New South Wales. The project will generate around 500 gigawatt hours (GW) of electricity per year, which is equivalent to powering more than 80,000 Australian homes and avoiding more than 157,000 tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

Construction work will include the installation of more than 450,000 solar panels and the necessary equipment. Construction is scheduled to start early in the fourth quarter of 2021, with commissioning by the end of 2022. The project will create more than 230 full-time jobs during construction and a large number of direct and indirect jobs during its estimated 35-year operating life.

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 09 oct. 2021, 23:35

Un projet de centrale step de 400 MW dans le Queensland.
Australian developer steps up plans for 400 MW pumped hydro project
BE Power will continue to progress plans to construct a 400 MW pumped hydro storage project near Toowoomba in southeast Queensland after the local government authority gave the project its tick of approval.


Melbourne-based BE Power will progress to the next stage of the tender process for the proposed $980 million Big T pumped hydro storage project being developed at the 80,000-megalitre Cressbrook Dam after Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) agreed to provide the developers with access to council-owned land and water assets.

BE Power expects construction on the project to commence in early 2023.Image: BE Power
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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 22 oct. 2021, 08:38

Iberdrola will supply wind energy to the BHP Olympic Dam mine project in South Australia

October 16, 2021 evwind

Half of the energy will be generated by its first hybrid wind power and solar farm in the world, and also the country’s most powerful: Port Augusta (320 MW).

The agreement will enable the polymetallic mine to reduce emissions derived from electricity consumption by 50% by 2025 and will contribute to Anglo-Australian multinational BHP’s goal of reducing its emissions by 30% by 2030.

Iberdrola has been selected by Anglo-Australian multinational BHP to supply 100% renewable energy to its Olympic Dam mine project, one of the world’s largest underground deposits of copper, gold and uranium, in southern Australia. The green energy supply will start operating in 2022 and will enable BHP to reduce the emissions from electrical consumption at Olympic by 50% by 2025, contributing to its overall goal to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 30% by 2030.

The long-term purchase and sale agreement includes a specific PPA for the energy produced by Port Augusta, Iberdrola’s first hybrid wind-solar farm in the world and the largest in Australia, with 320 MW of installed power. Iberdrola is building the farm, which will supply around half the electricity required for Olympic Dam, in South Australia. The contract also includes an innovative mechanism whereby BHP will purchase Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) for 100% of the energy purchased until 2025.
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Re: Australie

Message par kercoz » 22 oct. 2021, 11:52 ... on-1109348

"""""" Pour beaucoup, barrages hydrauliques riment avec énergie verte. En fait, ils s’avèrent extrêmement polluants… Ils émettent des gaz à effet de serre, comme le dioxyde de carbone (CO2), le méthane (CH4) et des oxydes d’azotes (NOx), à des hauteurs jamais estimées jusqu’à présent. Explications.

Ces installations représentent 1,3% des émissions mondiales de GES (gaz à effet de serre). Avec un rejet d’un milliard de tonnes de CO2 par an. C’est plus que les émissions du Canada. Comment ? A cause de l’activité biologique. Des matières organiques stagnent au fond de ces gigantesques réservoirs d’eau. Et à force, cela crée ces gaz."""""

C'est surtout le méthane qui serait en cause
L'Homme succombera tué par l'excès de ce qu'il appelle la civilisation. ( Jean Henri Fabre / Souvenirs Entomologiques)

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Re: Australie

Message par Jeuf » 22 oct. 2021, 12:49

et pour les barrages en zone tropicale

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 22 oct. 2021, 20:46

oui, voir ce post du 28 aout 2014 viewtopic.php?p=364627#p364627

et ici de dec 2010 viewtopic.php?p=283316#p283316

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Re: Australie

Message par Jeuf » 22 oct. 2021, 21:35

energy_isere a écrit :
22 oct. 2021, 20:46
oui, voir ce post du 28 aout 2014 viewtopic.php?p=364627#p364627

et ici de dec 2010 viewtopic.php?p=283316#p283316
quelle mémoire!

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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 06 nov. 2021, 21:12

Neoen connecte un parc solaire de 460 MW en Australie
L’énorme centrale solaire de 460 MWp du développeur français Neoen, située dans le Queensland, en Australie, est en voie d’achèvement. L’opérateur de réseau public Powerlink a annoncé le raccordement effectif de l’installation.


mage : Neoen

La plus grande centrale solaire du Queensland, à savoir le Western Downs Green Power Hub de Neoen et son système de batterie de 200 MW/400 MWh, a franchi une étape importante en finalisant sa connexion au réseau de transmission de Powerlink. Une fois mis en service, le parc solaire de 460 MWp, développé sur un site de 1500 hectares dans la région de Western Downs dans le Queensland, produira 400 MW d’énergie solaire, soit plus de 1080 GWh d’énergie renouvelable par an.

Louis de Sambucy, directeur général de Neoen Australie, a déclaré que l’achèvement des travaux de connexion marquait une « étape clé du projet ». La centrale solaire devrait commencer à fonctionner en 2022. « L’équipe reste mobilisée pour finaliser la construction dans les mois à venir et nous sommes impatients de pouvoir fournir une énergie renouvelable abordable à CleanCo et au Queensland », a-t-il déclaré.

De son côté, Paul Simshauser, PDG de Powerlink, a déclaré que les travaux de connexion au réseau ont nécessité la construction de nouvelles lignes de transmission et que l’infrastructure a été associée à la sous-station existante de Western Downs exploitée par l’opérateur de réseau.
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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 10 janv. 2022, 23:14

L'Australie fonce dans l'Hydrogène :
JANUARY 7, 2022
The Australian government approved a $150 million (€95 million) program to support the country’s hydrogen export industry and attract overseas investment in its hydrogen supply chains. “The first round of the program will focus on the export of clean hydrogen to Japan under the Japan-Australia Partnership on Decarbonisation through Technology,” the Australian government wrote on Thursday. Australian hydrogen production for export and domestic use could generate more than $50 billion (€ 31.7 billion) in additional GDP by 2050, the government said.
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Re: Australie

Message par energy_isere » 15 janv. 2022, 20:57

Australian LNG provider Woodside plots 500MW solar, 400MWh energy storage project

ByLiam Stoker January 12, 2022

Australian LNG player Woodside Energy has tabled plans to build a utility-scale solar-storage project with a generation capacity of up to 500MW in Western Australia.

The proposal, submitted to Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority, states Woodside’s intent to build the Woodside Solar Facility in the Maitland Strategic Industrial Area near Karratha in Pilbara, Western Australia.

The initial phase of the project would combine 100MWac of solar PV generation with a battery energy storage facility with a capacity of 400MWh. Woodside is, however, intending to gain permission to extend the solar capacity to up to 500MWac and the storage capacity to a maximum of 200MWh for each 50MWac of PV generation, inferring a battery of up to 2GWh.

Furthermore, Woodside said the facility is expected to operate for up to 70 years, far beyond the standard life expectancy of solar projects.

Woodside Energy would construct and operate the project, which would be connected to the North West Interconnected System (NWIS), which is operated by state-owned power company Horizon Power. Horizon would construct accompanying infrastructure for the project, including a 20km-long transmission line to connect the solar facility with the NWIS.

If permitted, construction is anticipated to start in 2022 with energisation of the project’s first phase slated for a year after that.

The supporting document for the planning application, which can be found here, extols the benefits of the facility in reducing carbon emissions in Western Australia, especially in relation to Woodside’s LNG facilities in the region.

In November 2018, Woodside said it was “maturing a concept” to integrate industrial-scale solar with gas-fired generation at its Burrup Hub LNG facility, located near the solar-storage project now proposed.

Despite issues affecting investor confidence in utility-scale solar in Australia in recent years – many of which were explored within a feature first published in PV Tech Power last year – tens of gigawatts of solar projects have been earmarked for planning in the country, many of which lie within so-called Renewable Energy Zones in states such as New South Wales.

Applications to participate in the zones have been oversubscribed many times over, prompting the Government of New South Wales to open registrations of interest for another zone late last year. ... e-project/
