Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 26 sept. 2020, 15:57

La dalle du réacteur 2 est terminée.
Foundation slabs completed at Akkuyu 2 reactor and turbine buildings

23 September 2020

JSC Akkuyu Nuklear has announced the completion of concrete pouring of the reactor and turbine buildings' foundation slabs at unit 2 of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant under construction in Mersin province, in southern Turkey. The 4800 MWe plant will comprise four VVER1200 reactors and is expected to meet about 10% of Turkey's electricity needs. Rosatom’s first build-own-operate venture, the USD20 billion project is based on an inter-governmental agreement signed between Russia and Turkey in May 2010.

The construction site of the Akkuyu plant. Unit 1 is scheduled for commissioning in 2023 (Image: JSC Akkuyu Nuklear)

More than 17,000 cubic meters of concrete have been poured into the reactor building's foundation. The area of the concrete slab is 6864 square meters, while its height and depth are 2.6 m and over 8 m, respectively.

"To ensure the maximum strength of the slab, the foundation contains 2451 tonnes of rebars, which is equivalent to a third of the weight of all the metal structures of the Eiffel Tower," JSC Akkuyu Nuklear said, adding, "A metal rigid frame is used to keep the rebars in their specified position."
..... ... ctor-and-t

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 01 nov. 2020, 14:45

A voir comment ceci évolue :
Key Russian company withdraws from Turkish nuclear project - columnist

Oct 31 2020

A Russian company has withdrawn from plans to build Turkey’s first nuclear power plant following tensions between Moscow and Ankara over issues including the conflicts in Libya, Syria, and Nagorno-Karabakh, a columnist at Turkish newspaper Dünya said on Saturday.

Turkey and Russia have stepped up economic cooperation in recent years, including the joint venture to develop Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in southern Turkey.

The landmark deal to build the 4.800-Megawatt facility was signed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin 2010, but may now be in doubt as the two leaders find themselves at odds over a series of foreign policy questions.

Inter Rao, one of Russia’s largest public energy companies, withdrew from the project following a board meeting on Oct. 26, Kerim Ülker said.

The move comes after Turkey’s military intervention to support Azerbaijan in its conflict with Armenia over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, traditionally seen as within Russia’s sphere of influence.

Despite only holding a one per cent stake in Akkuyu, Ülker said the significance of the decision came from the political connections of Inter Rao’s chairman Igor Sechin, who is Putin’s “de-facto assistant”.

“It is remarkable that Inter Rao, which is under the management of Igor Sechin, known as the second most powerful name in Russia, has withdrawn from the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant project. Especially in the immediate aftermath of Turkey's support for Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh,” Ülker wrote. ... nist%3famp

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 21 nov. 2020, 14:38

Le 3ieme réacteur de Akkuyu reçoit son permis de construction.
Turkey awards construction licence for 3rd unit of Akkuyu NPP - report

Author Dragana Petrushevska PublishedNov 17, 2020

Turkey's energy and natural resources ministry said on Tuesday it granted a construction licence for a third unit at Akkuyu nuclear power plant (NPP) to construction company Akkuyu Nuclear, local media reported.

The first reactor of Akkuyu, Turkey's first NPP, is planned to be put into operation by 2023, Daily Sabah quoted the energy ministry as saying in a Twitter post.

The power plant will have four units with a total installed capacity of 4,800 MW and will employ around 3,000 people. It will meet approximately 8%-10% of Turkey's current electricity consumption when operating at full capacity.

In 2010, Turkey and Russia signed a cooperation agreement for the construction of the nuclear power plant worth an estimated $20 billion (16.9 billion euro).

Russia's state-owned nuclear energy corporation Rosatom owns 99.2% of project company Akkuyu Nuclear which implements the project for construction and operation of the power plant. ... ort-721102

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 13 mars 2021, 11:20

Turquie : Recep Tayyip Erdogan et Vladimir Poutine célèbrent l'avancement d'un projet de centrale nucléaire russe

AFP parue le 10 mars 2021

Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan et son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine ont célébré mercredi une étape importante dans la construction d'une centrale nucléaire russe en Turquie, s'engageant à renforcer leur coopération qui déplaît à Washington.

Lors d'une cérémonie en visioconférence, les deux dirigeants ont officiellement lancé le chantier du troisième des quatre réacteurs de la centrale d'Akkuyu, dans le sud de la Turquie. Cette centrale, construite par le géant nucléaire russe Rosatom, doit commencer à fonctionner en 2023, année du centenaire de la République turque.

"Ce gigantesque projet est l'un des symboles de la coopération russo-turque", a déclaré M. Erdogan. "Nous partageons avec M. Poutine la même volonté d'approfondir cette coopération", a-t-il ajouté. M. Poutine a dit vouloir que ce projet "contribue à promouvoir le partenariat turco-russe sous toutes ses facettes et renforce l'amitié ainsi que la compréhension mutuelle entre les peuples de nos pays".

Malgré des divergences sur les conflits en Libye et en Syrie, où ils soutiennent des camps opposés, Moscou et Ankara se sont considérablement rapprochés ces dernières années, au point d'irriter les alliés occidentaux de la Turquie, membre de l'Otan. Ainsi, l'achat par la Turquie de missiles russes, les S-400, a provoqué une crise avec les États-Unis qui dure encore.

La construction de la centrale d'Akkuyu, dont le coût est évalué à quelque 20 milliards de dollars, est devenue un des symboles du réchauffement de ces relations. Les deux présidents avaient d'ailleurs lancé sa construction en 2018 lors d'une cérémonie en grande pompe, tournant la page d'une grave crise diplomatique entre Ankara et Moscou provoquée par la destruction d'un avion russe par l'armée turque.

D'après M. Erdogan, cette centrale doit permettre à terme de répondre à 10% de la demande en électricité de la Turquie, un pays fortement dépendant de l'importation d'hydrocarbures pour satisfaire un appétit énergétique croissant.

Les deux pays sont également engagés dans le chantier du gazoduc TurkStream qui permettra à la Russie de contourner l'Ukraine, via la mer Noire et la Turquie, pour exporter son gaz vers l'Europe. ... sse-210310

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 13 mars 2021, 21:33

Premier béton à Akkuyu unit 3
First concrete poured for Akkuyu unit 3

10 March 2021

Rosatom announced today that first concrete has been poured for the third unit of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant under construction in the Mersin province of Turkey. The Russian and Turkish heads of state joined the ceremony held to mark the event by video link. The Akkuyu nuclear power plant project is based on an intergovernmental agreement the two countries signed in 2010.

Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Dönmez and Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachov launching construction at Akkuyu unit 3 today (Image: Rosatom Global)

"Three years ago we poured first concrete at Akkuyu NPP unit 1 and today we did it at unit 3," the Russian state nuclear corporation said on Twitter, adding that the construction licence for unit 4 is expected to be granted by the Turkish regulator later this year. "Four VVER-1200 NPPs will secure 10% of Turkey's power needs. This success is proof that nuclear can and should be deployed efficiently around the world," Rosatom said.
............... ... uyu-unit-3

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par marocain » 13 mars 2021, 22:33

Question naïve: pourquoi la Turquie n'a pas acheté un "EPR" Chinois ?

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 05 juin 2021, 10:23

La cuve du réacteur,330 tonnes, a été hissée et mise en place :
Reactor vessel installed at first Turkish unit

02 June 2021

The reactor pressure vessel (RPV) has been installed at unit 1 of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant under construction in Turkey. Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom, which is constructing four VVER-1200 reactors at the site in Mersin province, described the milestone as "one of the key stages in the main equipment assembly".

The RPV for Akkuyu 1 is lifted into place within the reactor building (Image: Rosatom)

Prior to the installation of the RPV, the core catcher was mounted at unit 1, concreting of the support and thrust trusses was carried out, and dry shielding and thermal insulation of the reactor vessel cylindrical part were installed. Shortly before the RPV installation, the support ring carrying the main weight load of the vessel was installed.

The vessel - weighing 330 tonnes, 4.5 metre in diameter and 12 metres in height - was installed within the reactor building of unit 1 using a Liebherr LR 13000 self-propelled crawler crane with a lifting capacity of up to 3000 tonnes. The component was lifted above the reactor compartment and installed in the reactor shaft.

"The installation of the reactor pressure vessel of Unit 1 is one of the main events within this year. On 21 April, we mounted a support ring on which the reactor vessel is installed. It is a structural element of the reactor plant, designed to secure the vessel, keep it from horizontal and vertical displacements when exposed to loads. And now the reactor vessel has been installed in the design position," said Sergei Butckikh, first deputy CEO of Akkuyu Nuclear JSC and director of the Akkuyu plant. "Completing of the RPV installation will allow us to continue work on the reactor shaft construction."
.................. ... rkish-unit

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 04 sept. 2021, 16:25

La Russie envoie les générateurs de vapeur du second réacteur de Akkuyu.
Atommash in 'rhythm' as it ships steam generators to Turkey
02 September 2021

Steam generators for the second reactor of Turkey's Akkuyu nuclear power plant have been dispatched from the Atommash plant in the Volgodonsk area of Russia. Production of heavy components for nuclear plants has reached a stable 'production rhythm', the head of the plant's owner, AEM Technologies, said.

Ready to roll: one of Akkuyu 2's steam generators begins its journey (Image: Rosatom)

On 31 August, four steam generators - weighing 355 tonnes each - began their 3000 km journey from the factory in southern Russia to the Akkuyu plant on the Turkish Mediterranean coast. They were made by Atommash, which is owned by AEM Technologies, itself part of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom.

Serial production of nuclear power components for new plants in Russia and other countries has resulted in high efficiency at the plant, said Igor Kotov, director general of AEM Technologies. "The first of these four steam generators was built eight months ahead of the original schedule," he said, explaining that introducing digital technologies, improving efficiency and developing staff had led to the manufacturing time being cut in half.

"We can say that the production of equipment for nuclear power at the plant has reached the level of a stable 'production rhythm' with the maximum utilisation of production capacities," Kotov said.

Rosatom has three reactors under construction in Russia and some 35 export projects at various stages in other countries, including the four reactors at Akkuyu, two at Rooppur in Bangladesh, and four at Xudabao and Tianwan in China. ... erators-to

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 11 sept. 2021, 10:06

Début d'excavations pour le site du réacteur4 de l'immense chantier de Akkuyu.
Preparations begin for next Turkish unit
13 August 2021

Preparations have begun for the construction of the fourth unit at Turkey's Akkuyu nuclear power plant, Akkuyu Nuclear has confirmed, with excavations for the reactor building, turbine hall, auxiliary reactor building and other main facilities now under way.

Excavations under way for Akkuyu 4 (Image: Rosatom)

The excavation works at Akkuyu, which is in Mersin province, are being carried out in accordance with the Limited Work Permit issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Turkey on 30 June, Akkuyu Nuclear said. The excavations cover an area of 655 square metres, and to a maximum depth of almost 12.5 metres. Almost 600 thousand cubic metres of soil in total will be removed and "soil strengthening" works carried out.

“This year, we expect to receive the construction licence for Unit 4 and begin full-scale construction works on the unit early next year.
.................. ... rkish-unit

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 11 sept. 2021, 10:16

sur google map ont voit bien le chantier.

Taper Akkuyu nuclear plant pour y arriver.


Gaz naturel
Gaz naturel
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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par alga » 11 sept. 2021, 13:58

marocain a écrit :
13 mars 2021, 22:33
Question naïve: pourquoi la Turquie n'a pas acheté un "EPR" Chinois ?
Autre question naïve: Ce nucléaire pourra-t-il servir à des fins militaire ?

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 11 sept. 2021, 14:55

alga a écrit :
11 sept. 2021, 13:58
marocain a écrit :
13 mars 2021, 22:33
Question naïve: pourquoi la Turquie n'a pas acheté un "EPR" Chinois ?
Autre question naïve: Ce nucléaire pourra-t-il servir à des fins militaire ?
Ces centrales classiques fabriqueront du Plutonium comme ''déchet'' la réaction nucléaire.
Donc en théorie ....... ils pourraient si ils le voulaient et si ils ne craignaient pas les sanctions internationales comme en Iran.

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 30 oct. 2021, 00:00

Licence accordée pour la construction du réacteur 4 de Akkuyu
Construction licence issued for Akkuyu 4

29 October 2021

Construction of Turkey's fourth nuclear power reactor will start at the beginning of 2022, after the project was granted a construction licence by the country's Nuclear Regulatory Authority. Akkuyu will become the largest nuclear construction site in the world, Rosatom said.

Akkuyu 1 rises at the construction site (Image: Akkuyu Nuclear)

"At the beginning of next year, we will start building the foundation slab of the nuclear island buildings,” said Anastasia Zoteeva, director general of Akkuyu Nuclear, the project company executing the four-reactor power plant.

Preparatory work, including engineering surveys and excavation of over 650 square metres, have already been carried out on the basis of a limited construction permit issued in June. "By the end of this year," Rosatom said, "the construction of the concrete base of the foundation slabs of the reactor and turbine buildings is expected to start. The foundation slabs will then be reinforced." The plant will then be ready for the official start of construction, which is the pouring of first safety-related concrete, the foundation slab.

Akkuyu is a new nuclear power plant on Turkey's Mediterranean coast. It has three VVER-1200 reactors designed by Rosatom subsidiary Gidropress already under construction, as well as the fourth about to begin. The first unit is scheduled to generate power in 2023, subject to further approvals from the Nuclear Regulatory Authority.

Pictures from last week show Akkuyu 1 rising to a height of 36 metres with the placement of its fourth inner containment ring. This is the last cylindrical segment. It will support the reactor's polar crane and will be finally capped with a dome after all major components such as the reactor pressure vessel and steam generators are installed inside.

With the construction of unit 4, Akkuyu will become the largest nuclear construction site in the world, Rosatom said, with four large reactors under construction at the same time. "Simultaneous construction of four power units of the nuclear power plant will require a high concentration of resources, but we are fully prepared for this", Sergei Butckikh, the first deputy CEO of Akkuyu Nuclear, said in August. Some 12,000 people currently work at the site, which features more than 70 cranes. ... r-Akkuyu-4

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 05 févr. 2022, 12:19

La seconde cuve est arrivée de Russie.
Second reactor vessel arrives at Akkuyu

03 February 2022

A cargo ship carrying materials and equipment for the Akkuyu nuclear power plant - including the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) for unit 2 - has arrived from Russia at the construction site on the southern coast of Turkey. The RPV is now in storage onsite awaiting installation later this year.

The reactor pressure vessel for Akkuyu 2 is unloaded from the cargo ship (Image: Rosatom)

The ship left St Petersburg in northwest Russia on 23 November and, after sailing more than 9000 kilometres, has now arrived at the Eastern Cargo Terminal Vostochny at the Akkuyu construction site. Among its cargo was the RPV for unit 2 as well as sections of the second tier of inner containment for unit 3, pipes and other equipment and materials.

The steel RPV - 12 metres in height, 4.5 metres wide and weighing 334 tonnes - has been unloaded and placed in a temporary storage place, where it will be subject to an inspection.

"Production and delivery of the main equipment for Akkuyu NPP are carried out precisely in accordance with the planned schedule," said Sergey Butckikh, first deputy CEO and director of NPP construction at Akkuyu Nükleer AŞ.

Manufacture of the RPV for Akkuyu 2 began at Izhorskiye Zavody in March 2019. The RPV for unit 1 was delivered to the construction site in November 2020 and installed in June last year. The production of the RPV for unit 3 continues at the Volgodonsk branch of AEM-Technologies JSC of Atommash, part of Atomenergomash, the machine production division of Russian state atomic energy corporation Rosatom.

Rosatom is building four VVER-1200 reactors at Akkuyu, under a so-called BOO (build-own-operate) model. Construction of the first unit began in 2018, with startup planned for 2023. The 4800 MWe plant is expected to meet about 10% of Turkey's electricity needs.

Turkey's Nuclear Regulatory Authority has approved the manufacture of the power unit electrical equipment instrumentation and control for Akkuyu units 1 and 2, Rosatom noted yesterday. ... -at-Akkuyu

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Re: Nucléaire, premières centrales en Turquie

Message par energy_isere » 05 mars 2022, 12:21

Major components in place at Akkuyu 1
Installation has been completed of the main equipment within the reactor building of unit 1 of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Turkey. The Russian-supplied VVER-1200 is scheduled to start up next year.

04 March 2022

A steam generator is moved into place using a crane at the Akkuyu site (Image: Akkuyu Nükleer)

In addition to the reactor pressure vessel - which was delivered to the construction site in November 2020 and installed in June last year - the four main circulation pumps, the four hydraulic accumulators of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) and the four steam generators have now been installed within the reactor building, the Akkuyu Nükleer AS project company announced.

The equipment, it noted, was installed using a heavy caterpillar crane by using the 'open top' technology, where the equipment is delivered through the open top of the cylindrical part of the reactor building.

The reactor coolant pipeline (RCP) units have also been delivered to the installation area. These were pre-assembled at a specially equipped shop at the Akkuyu construction site.

"Having installed the steam generators, we have come one step closer to the milestone of the first power unit construction which is welding of the reactor coolant pipeline, in which the primary coolant shall circulate," said Sergey Butckikh, first deputy CEO and director of NPP construction at Akkuyu Nükleer.

"The builders are expected to equip the so-called clean installation area. Cleanliness of the premises, air quality and humidity are ensured during welding of the RCP, since the strictest requirements are presented to the quality of RCP welded joints."

The preparation stage for welding of the RCP connecting the main equipment of reactor coolant system begins with the completion of steam generators installation, Akkuyu Nükleer said. The RCP welding stage is planned to soon start and is expected to take about three months to complete.

Rosatom is building four VVER-1200 reactors at Akkuyu, under a so-called BOO (build-own-operate) model. Construction of the first unit began in 2018, with start up planned for 2023. The 4800 MWe plant is expected to meet about 10% of Turkey's electricity needs. ... t-Akkuyu-1
