Le Gazoduc Sila Sibiri Russie --> Chine

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Re: Le Gazoduc Sila Sibiri Russie --> Chine

Message par energy_isere » 02 déc. 2019, 23:52

et sur Boursorama une vidéo de 1 minute avec Poutine qui donne l'autorisation d' ouverture de la vanne au patron de Gazprom

https://www.boursorama.com/videos/actua ... 6dc61743d1

Et ça le jour d'ouverture de la COP25 Madrid, c'est croustillant.

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Re: Le Gazoduc Sila Sibiri Russie --> Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 avr. 2020, 09:59

Des nouvelles du Gaz Russe envoyé dans le gazoduc Force de Sibérie.

Le débit envoyé en Chine est actuellement dans une phase d'exportation de 10 millions de m3 par jour.
Le champs gazier de Chayandinskoye va produire à nouveau correctement après une phase de maintenance placée exprès avec le covid19 en Chine, une deuxiéme station de compression de gaz va être installée avant fin 2020 pour faire débiter un autre champs gazier ( Kovyktinskoye ).

En 2025 ils espèrent ainsi exporter 38 millions de m3 par jour vers la Chine
Russia Races To Squeeze The U.S. Out Of Asian Natural Gas Markets

By Simon Watkins - Apr 20, 2020

Russia, therefore, in the course of the last week, has stated that it is looking to increase both the flows through the Power of Siberia and the overall capacity (including storage) associated with these flows. Currently, the pipeline – in its eastern route - supplies gas from the Chayandinskoye field (the key element in the Yakutia gas production centre) to domestic consumers in Russia’s Far East and then on to China. According to Russia’s state gas giant, Gazprom, these commercial flows began last December at a rate of around 10 million cubic metres per day (cu m/d) towards an overall target rate of 38 billion cubic metres per year (Bcm/y).

To achieve this as quickly as possible, Gazprom stated last week, the Chayandinskoye field – discovered in 1983, with B1+B2 reserves of at least 1.2 trillion cubic metres of gas and about 61.6 million tons of oil and gas condensate – is now fully back on track following a two-week maintenance programme that was implemented to coincide with the force majeure on some import obligations declared in March by China’s PetroChina, due to the coronavirus outbreak. This is aimed at achieving the field’s annual design output of 25 billion cubic metres of gas ahead of schedule and specifically includes expanding the operating Comprehensive Gas Treatment Unit (CGTU) that feeds gas into the Power of Siberia pipeline and finalising the membrane unit for helium concentrate extraction (expected to come onstream in the next few months).

At the same time, Gazprom announced that it will complete the construction of the second compressor station on the Power of Siberia line before the end of 2020 and that it is to bring gas into the pipeline flow from the second major field involved in the project – Kovyktinskoye, the focus of the Irkutsk gas production centre – as from the end of 2022. Discovered in 1987, the Kovyktinskoye field holds the largest gas reserves in eastern Russia, with C1+C2 reserves across the licensed blocks (Kovyktinsky, Khandinsky, and Chikansky) containing 2.7 trillion cubic metres of gas and 90.6 million tons of gas condensate. Production drilling is now in full swing, according to Gazprom, with seven drilling rigs currently in operation but 18 in total planned for next year.

This will allow the company to export to China at least 5 Bcm of gas in the first year of operations through the Power of Siberia before the figure increases to at least 10 Bcm in the second year and the full capacity of 38 Bcm/y as from 2025. Linking the two key sites of Chayandinskoye and Kovyktinskoye will begin in the third quarter of this year with the construction of a new section of the Power of Siberia pipeline.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-Gene ... rkets.html

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Re: Le Gazoduc Sila Sibiri Russie --> Chine

Message par energy_isere » 09 sept. 2020, 23:27

Le volume de livraison de gaz monte en puissance dans le gazoduc Russie- Chine.
Russia's Gazprom Boosts Natural Gas Supplies To China

By Charles Kennedy - Sep 09, 2020

Russia's natural gas monopoly Gazprom has increased its natural gas supply to China via the new pipeline Power of Siberia in July and August, compared to June, a senior Gazprom official said.

Russia's supply of natural gas to China via the Power of Siberia rose to 12 million cubic meters per day in July and August, from 10 million cubic meters supplied in June, Vladislav Borodin, director general at the gas giant's unit Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk, said in the company's corporate magazine.

Gazprom, which started up the Power of Siberia in December 2019, looks to increase its deliveries via the pipeline to China every year, Borodin wrote in the magazine. Annual supplies to China are expected to rise from 21 billion cubic meters in 2019 to 24-25 billion cubic meters at the end of this year, the executive said.

https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... China.html

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Re: Le Gazoduc Sila Sibiri Russie --> Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 nov. 2020, 13:56

Russia’s natural gas supplies to China hit new record highs

20 Nov, 2020

PHOTO: a part of Gazprom's Power Of Siberia gas pipeline at the Atamanskaya compressor station outside the far eastern town of Svobodny, Russia © Reuters / Maxim Shemetov.

Russian energy major Gazprom pumped more gas to China than it had initially planned, boosting daily supplies by as much as 25 percent, according to the company’s data.
The average daily volume of Russian gas exports to its eastern neighbor exceeded the amounts agreed between the two sides last month and between November 1 and November 20, Gazprom revealed after talks with its key Chinese partner, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) on Friday. In addition to regular shipments, the daily supplies surged by a record 25 percent on November 12.

The previous record was set in October, when the Russian energy company exceeded the agreed amounts of gas exports by 20 percent.

Russia is set to further increase the supplies of piped gas to China next year, including via the Power of Siberia link as well as the Power of Siberia 2 project, Gazprom said. The latter pipeline entered the design stage earlier this year, and will be capable of delivering as much as 50 billion cubic meters of gas once finished.

Gazprom says that it could boost the exports of natural gas by an additional six billion cubic meters via the 3,000-kilometer Power of Siberia pipeline. During the first eight month of 2020, Gazprom exported some 2.3 billion cubic meters of gas along the route.
https://www.rt.com/business/507289-russ ... ies-china/

2.3 milliards de m3 en 8 mois, on peut extrapoler à 3.5 milliards de m3 en fin d'année.

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Re: Le Gazoduc Sila Sibiri Russie --> Chine

Message par energy_isere » 08 oct. 2021, 22:35

Gazprom: La production d'une usine de gaz alimentant la Chine suspendue après un incendie

Par Reuters le 08.10.2021

Une usine de traitement du gaz, qui fait partie du gazoduc "Force de Sibérie" de Gazprom, reliant la Russie à la Chine, a interrompu ses activités après un incendie survenu tôt vendredi, a déclaré un porte-parole de l'usine à Reuters.

Les implications d'un tel arrêt de la production n'étaient pas claires dans l'immédiat mais cette usine joue un rôle important dans les exportations de gaz russe vers la Chine, déjà confrontée à des coupures d'électricité qui pèsent sur son activité industrielle.

"L'incendie a été localisé. Le feu résiduel est en train d'être éteint", a déclaré le porte-parole de l'usine dans un email.

Le bureau du procureur de la région a précisé qu'il n'y avait aucun blessé et qu'une enquête avait été ouverte.
https://www.challenges.fr/monde/gazprom ... die_784021

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Re: Le Gazoduc Sila Sibiri Russie --> Chine

Message par energy_isere » 06 déc. 2022, 23:29

Key project of China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline is completed

By Global Times Published: Dec 04, 2022

A key construction project of the China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline was completed on Saturday. It will allow Russian gas to cross the Yangtze River to reach Shanghai, laying the foundation for the full completion of the landmark China-Russia energy cooperation project.

The under-river tunnel across the Yangtze River, a key control project of the pipeline, was completed after 28 months of construction, according to PipeChina.

The tunnel has a length of 10.226 kilometers and is designed with three natural gas pipelines with a diameter of 1,422 millimeters each, according to media reports.

By adopting environmental protection measures such as a mud-water balanced shield and sealed shipping of wastes, the project builders made every effort to protect the wetland along the banks and the ecology of the Yangtze River.

The completion of the project moves a step nearer to the full operation of the China-Russia east-route gas pipeline and is conductive to secure China's energy supply amid rising global prices, Lin Boqiang, director of the China Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, told the Global Times on Sunday.

The whole pipeline is scheduled to provide China with 38 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas annually from 2024 under a 30-year contract worth $400 billion under a deal signed between the China National Petroleum Corp and Russian gas giant Gazprom in May 2014, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

The Yangtze tunnel is the key to the east-route natural gas pipeline, which is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2025, media reports said.

The full pipeline spans more than 8,000 kilometers, with a 3,000-kilometer section in Russia and a 5,111-kilometer stretch in China.

The northern section from Heihe, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province to Changling in Northeast China's Jilin Province was put into use in 2019. The middle section from Changling to Yongqing in North China's Hebei Province became operational in 2020.

"The project offers a successful example of mutual benefit and win-win international cooperation, and it combines the advantages of Russia's abundant resources with China's vast market," Lin said.

Lin noted that in the context of the Ukraine crisis and China's effort to optimize the country's energy consumption structure, there should be greater opportunities for China-Russia cooperation in the future.

Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng on Tuesday called for deeper China-Russia energy cooperation at the opening ceremony of the fourth China-Russia Energy Business Forum.

China and Russia should forge a closer energy cooperation partnership, and make greater contributions to improving the well-being of the two peoples and promoting global energy security and sustainable development, Han said.

le projet complet : https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/projec ... -pipeline/

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Re: Le Gazoduc Sila Sibiri Russie --> Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 mars 2023, 20:19

Russie : Gazprom annonce des livraisons record à la Chine lundi via le gazoduc Force de Sibérie

AFP le 21 mars 2023

Le géant russe Gazprom a annoncé mardi des livraisons journalières record à Pékin la veille via le gazoduc "Force de Sibérie" qui parcourt l'Extrême-Orient russe en direction du nord-est de la Chine, en pleine visite de Xi Jinping en Russie.

Lundi, "Gazprom a livré les volumes demandés et établi un nouveau record historique d'approvisionnement quotidien en gaz vers la Chine", a indiqué Gazprom dans un communiqué.

Interrogée par l'AFP notamment sur le chiffre précis de livraison, l'entreprise a indiqué "ne pas fournir d'informations complémentaires".

Une autre source au sein de Gazprom et au fait du dossier a indiqué à l'AFP que "les volumes quotidiens" livrés à la Chine relevaient "d'informations commerciales. Nous ne les dévoilerons pas".

Cette annonce du géant gazier russe intervient au deuxième jour de la visite d'Etat du président chinois Xi Jinping à Moscou, un déplacement visant à renforcer les liens diplomatiques et économiques -- dont énergétiques -- entre Pékin et Moscou.

Lundi, Xi avait longuement échangé avec son homologue russe, Vladimir Poutine, lors d'une rencontre informelle.

La Russie s'efforce depuis plusieurs années d'augmenter ses livraisons de gaz à l'économie chinoise, grosse consommatrice d'énergie, et a accéléré ce mouvement depuis un an à la suite des sanctions internationales la visant.

L'an passé, les livraisons de gaz via le gazoduc "Force de Sibérie" dans l'Extrême-Orient russe à destination de la Chine ont atteint un maximum historique, à hauteur de 15,5 milliards de mètres cubes. D'ici 2025, Moscou entend multiplier par 2,5 ses exportations par cette infrastructure, à 38 milliards de mètres cubes chaque année.

Dans un article publié par le Kremlin dimanche soir, Vladimir Poutine avait qualifié le gazoduc "Force de Sibérie" d'"affaire du siècle".

En janvier dernier, la Russie a exporté vers la Chine 2,7 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz naturel et gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL), selon les douanes chinoises, se plaçant en tête des pays exportateurs vers le géant asiatique.

Fin décembre, Vladimir Poutine avait lancé l'exploitation du champ gazier de Kovykta, un vaste gisement situé en Sibérie qui doit permettre d'augmenter dans le futur les exportations vers la Chine.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... rie-230321
