Nucléaire Russe

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 02 janv. 2020, 08:51

Production record du nucléaire Russe en 2019 à 208.8 TeraWatt.Heures contre 204.3 l'année d'avant.
Russian nuclear electricity generation sets record in 2019

Source: Xinhua| 2020-01-01
MOSCOW, Jan. 1

Electricity generation of Russia's nuclear power plants hit a record in 2019 to reach about 208.8 billion kilowatt-hours, up from some 204.3 billion in 2018, Russian nuclear energy company Rosenergoatom said Wednesday.

The top three generators were Rostov, Kalinin and Balakovo nuclear power plants, Rosenergoatom said in a press release.

At present, the share of nuclear generation is about 19 percent of the total electricity generation in Russia, and this ratio in the European part of the country has reached 40 percent, it said.

Russian agency RIA Novosti reported that 36 industrial power units with a total installed capacity of 30.25 gigawatts are in operation at 10 nuclear power plants in the country. ... 672009.htm

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 04 avr. 2020, 14:23

Suite de ce post du 7 juin 2015 viewtopic.php?p=377050#p377050

Le réacteur à neutrons rapides BN-600 voit sa licence d'exploitation prolongée jusqu'en 2025.
D'ailleurs une nouvelle prolongation sera demandée plus tard.
BN-600 licensed to operate until 2025

01 April 2020

Russian nuclear regulator Rostekhnadzor has extended the operating licence for unit 3 of the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant in the Sverdlovsk district by a further five years. The licence for the BN-600 fast reactor, which began operating in 1981, was due to expire this year.

The Beloyarsk 3 BN-600 (Image: Rosenergoatom)

A large-scale modernisation programme has been under way at the unit since 2009, which has affected all areas of safety, operator Rosenergoatom said. This has included the installation of a second reactor emergency protection system, an emergency dampening system using an air heat exchanger and a back-up reactor control panel. In addition, a large amount of work has been carried out on the inspection and replacement of equipment, including the replacement of the unit's steam generators.

In 2010, the BN-600 was confirmed to be in compliance with the latest safety requirements and on that basis extension of the operating life was justified until 2025. However, Rostekhnadzor only extended its license for a further 10 years of operation, requesting additional justification for the operability of irreplaceable reactor components.

Investigations conducted since then by Russian nuclear engineering company OKBM Afrikantov, part of Atomenergomash, together with the Kurchatov Institute and FSUE CRI KM "Prometey" concluded that it is technically possible to continue operation of the reactor. Based on this, Rostekhnadzor has now extended the operating licence of the 560 MWe Beloyarsk 3 until 2025.

"We have completed work to extend the life of unit 3 until 2025," said Ivan Sidorov, director of the Beloyarsk plant. "In the course of our research, we proved that the technical parameters of the BN-600 allow us to operate it until 2040." He noted that JSC Atomproject is currently developing an investment project for an additional extension of the unit's operating life. This work is expected to be completed by 2024, after which Rosenergoatom will apply to Rostekhnadzor for a licence extension until 2040.

The sodium-cooled BN-series fast reactor plans are part of Rosatom's Proryv, or 'Breakthrough', project to develop fast reactors with a closed fuel cycle whose mixed oxide (MOX) fuel will be reprocessed and recycled. In addition to the BN-600 reactor, the 789 MWe BN-800 fast neutron reactor - constructed as Beloyarsk unit 4 - entered commercial operation in October 2016. This is essentially a demonstration unit for fuel and design features for the larger BN-1200 being developed by OKBM Afrikantov. ... until-2025

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 13 juin 2020, 14:51

Suite de ce post du 18 août 2016 viewtopic.php?f=44&t=10063&start=60#p392376

Les Russes vont faire fonctionner le BN-800 au combustible MOX.
Rosatom to convert fast reactor to MOX fuel in 2022
10 June 2020

Unit 4 of the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant in Russia will be completely switched to uranium-plutonium MOX fuel in 2022, marking an important step towards closing the nuclear fuel cycle, Russia’s Rosatom has announced.

The 789 MWe BN-800 fast neutron reactor is currently fuelled by a 'hybrid core' - a mix of uranium and plutonium oxides arranged to produce new fuel material as it burns. The transition to MOX fuel assemblies will start in the first half of next year.

"The BN-800 reactor is to be switched from a hybrid core to a core with a full load of fuel assemblies with MOX fuel, which are being produced for us by the Mining and Chemical Combine in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and comprise uranium dioxide and plutonium dioxide in the form of pellets to be used as fuel," Vladimir Shaloumov, head of nuclear safety and reliability at Beloyarsk NPP, said.

"The BN-800 reactor, according to its design, is focused on the use of MOX fuel as one of the stages on domestic nuclear energy's path to the development of a closed nuclear fuel cycle," he added.

A closed nuclear fuel cycle will allow the creation of 'twin-component' nuclear energy, Rosatom said, "with simultaneous operation of fast and thermal neutron reactors". It added that this will "expand the fuel base of nuclear energy many times over, involving the uranium-238 isotope, ensuring the reuse of used nuclear fuel and minimising radioactive waste".

Beloyarsk 4's capacity exceeds that of the world's second most powerful fast reactor - the 560 MWe BN-600 Beloyarsk 3. ... -fuel-cycl

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 21 juin 2020, 09:03

Démarrage prochain d'un réacteur sur le site de Leningrad.
Leningrad II-2 gets regulatory approval for physical start-up

17 June 2020

Russia's regulator Rostechnadzor has issued a permit for the physical start-up of Leningrad II unit 2, which completed hot tests last week. The regulator's inspection of the unit "confirmed its high degree of readiness for the start of physical launch, during which nuclear fuel will be loaded into the reactor core for the first time", state nuclear corporation Rosatom said today.
...... ... for-physic

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 24 oct. 2020, 10:51

Suite du post au dessus. Essais de génération électrique et connection au réseau de Leningrad II unit2.
Leningrad II-2 starts grid-connected trial operation

23 October 2020

Unit 2 of the Leningrad II nuclear power plant in Sosnovy Bor, in Western Russia, was connected to the national grid today for the first time. Following this trial operation, the unit will be shut down for an additional equipment inspection by a state commission, Rosatom said, before being put into commercial operation, which is scheduled for 2021. The new unit will replace Leningrad unit 2, which is an RBMK-1000 reactor.

...... ... d-trial-op

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 11 nov. 2020, 14:41

L'une demarre, l'autre s'arrête pour de bon :
Russia retires Leningrad 2 RBMK

10 November 2020

The Leningrad 2 nuclear power unit in in Sosnovy Bor in Western Russia was shut down permanently today. The RBMK, which has been in operation for 45 years, is to be replaced by Leningrad II-2, a VVER-1200, which on 6 November received regulatory approval to start pilot operation.

Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom said Leningrad 2 was shut down for subsequent decommissioning at 12:31am Moscow time. The reactor was shut down in accordance with the technological regulations and disconnected from the unified power system of Russia without incident, Rosatom said.

In accordance with federal regulations, a shutdown power unit is considered to be in operation without generation until the moment of complete removal of nuclear fuel, which is completed within four years, Rosatom said.

"As in the case of power unit 1, which was shut down in December 2018, regular operations will be carried out with the second unit. In fact, the procedures performed practically do not differ from ordinary maintenance," Vladimir Pereguda, director of Leningrad NPP said. "Now our task is also to service reliably and safely the shutdown units, unload nuclear fuel from the reactors and prepare them for transfer to the specially created enterprise Experimental Demonstration Engineering Centre."

Noting the start-up of Leningrad II-2, Andrey Petrov, the general director of Rosatom's operator subsidiary Rosenergoatom, said: "The replacement of the retired capacities will be imperceptible to electricity consumers."

Compared to RBMK power units, the new VVER-1200 power units that are being commissioned have a number of advantages, Rosatom said. They are 20% more powerful, and the service life of their irreplaceable equipment is doubled, to up to 60 years. ... rad-2-RBMK

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 14 janv. 2021, 23:10

Les Russes veulent installer un small modular reactor (SMR) de 50 MW dans l' Est de la Sibérie.
Rosatom to build plant running on small modular reactors in eastern Siberia
Rosatom, Russia’s state nuclear corporation, will this month begin work at the future site of a small-scale nuclear power plant in the far eastern Siberian territory of Yakutia, Alexei Likhachev, the company’s head, said in a video message in late December.

Published on January 11, 2021

Rosatom, Russia’s state nuclear corporation, will this month begin work at the future site of a small-scale nuclear power plant in the far eastern Siberian territory of Yakutia, Alexei Likhachev, the company’s head, said in a video message in late December.

Rosatom reports it has reached an agreement with Yakutia’s regional government laying out parameters for pricing energy that will be produced by the nuclear plant, which is expected to be completed by 2028 in Yakutia’s Ust-Yansky district.
The backbone of the Yakutia plant, according to materials released by Rosatom, will be the RITM-200 reactor, a 50-megawatt unit that Russia is debuting on its most recent line of new-generation nuclear icebreakers. One has already gone into service aboard the Arktika nuclear icebreaker, the lead vessel in the 22220 Project icebreakers, four more of which are under construction at the Baltic Shipyard in St Petersburg.

Rosatom claims these reactors are an improvement on the KLT-40 reactor type, which powers the Akademik Lomonosov, and has also long been used for nautical purposes. The RITM-200s, the company says, feature compact design, modularity, a short construction period, and high safety standards, with a service life or more than 60 years. The group said the SMR nuclear plant also can produce low-carbon hydrogen, which could be used in various industries.
............ ... rn-siberia

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 13 mars 2021, 21:38

La Russie de Poutine veut augmenter la part du nucléaire dans la génération électrique.
Rosatom targets 24 new reactor units in Russia by 2045
10 March 2021

Rosatom has announced that implementation of Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to increase the share of nuclear power in the country's energy mix to 25% by 2045 will require, according to preliminary estimates, the construction of 24 new reactor units, including in new regions.

he Russian state nuclear corporation's director general, Alexey Likhachov, made the announcement on 5 March, at Rosatom's first 'information day' this year. The text of his statement was published yesterday by the company's in-house magazine Strana Rosatom.

At the end of 2020, nuclear power's share of Russia's energy mix stood at 20.28%. The country has 11 nuclear power plants in operation, including the floating nuclear power plant Akademik Lomonosov. These comprise 37 units with a total installed capacity of about 29.4 GWe. Nuclear power generated a record amount of electricity for Russia last year, of almost 215.8 TWh.
................... ... -Russia-by

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 15 avr. 2021, 08:58

Les Russes construisent une paire de reacteurs dans le projet Kursk II. Design de reacteur pour une durée de vie de 60 ans voire 80 ans.
Kursk II Nuclear Power Plant
The 2.5GW Kursk II nuclear power plant (NPP) will replace the existing Kursk NPP in western Russia.


The 2.5GW Kursk II nuclear power plant (NPP) will replace the existing Kursk NPP in western Russia. Rosenergoatom, a subsidiary of Rosatom, is developing the project at an estimated cost of RUR225bn ($3.5bn approximately).

The two power units of the new NPP are planned to be commissioned at the same time as the decommissioning of the first two power units of the Kursk NPP, which is the biggest source of electricity in the Central Russian Chernozem.

First concrete for the NPP was poured in April 2018, marking the start of construction of the nuclear island building foundations. The first power unit of the NPP is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2022, while the second unit is scheduled to come online in 2023.

The Kursk II nuclear power plant will feature two 1.2GW VVER-TOI (Water-Water Energy Reactor Universal Optimised Digital-Typical Optimised, with enhanced Information) design nuclear reactors.

The new VVER-TOI project, also designated as V-510, was designed by the ASE Group of Companies and the engineering division of ROSATOM as an improvement of the existing VVER-1200 reactor design.
The new VVER-TOI design doubles the service life of reactor equipment from 30 to 60 years, with a possibility of extending to 80 years. ... wer-plant/

et bien cette centrale aura la plus grande tour de refroidissement du pays : 179 m de haut. Demande 14 000 m3 de béton.
Russia's tallest cooling tower enters next construction phase

13 April 2021

Concreting of the cooling tower at the first unit of the Kursk II nuclear power plant in western Russia has started. At a height of 179 metres, the structure will be the tallest cooling tower in Russia. It is expected to be fully completed by 2024.

The base of the cooling tower at Kursk II-1 (Image: Rosatom)

Alexey Buldygin, head of construction for the project, said concreting of 65 of the the tower's 115 tiers will be completed by the end of this year. This will raise the structure to a height of 105m.

Concreting the entire shell of the cooling tower will require about 14,000 cubic meters of concrete. Up to the fifth tier, the concrete mix will be supplied using pumps, and for subsequent tiers a crane mounted in the centre of the cooling tower will be used.

Work on the construction of the cooling tower began at the end of 2019. This involved the installation of 100 columns and the concreting of the supporting base.

Kursk II will be the first to use the VVER-TOI (typical optimised, with enhanced information) reactor design. ... t-construc

14 000 m3 de béton ca semble beaucoup mais ce n' est que 28 fois 500 m3 qui sont nécessaires pour 28 éoliennes (leur fondations).

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 10 juin 2021, 17:24

suite de ce post du 7 dec 2019 ... 3#p2292903
Russia starts building lead-cooled fast reactor

08 June 2021

Russian nuclear fuel manufacturer TVEL has announced the start of construction of a 300 MW nuclear power unit enabled with the innovative BREST-OD-300 lead-cooled fast reactor at the site of the Siberian Chemical Combine, in Seversk. The reactor will run on mixed uranium-plutonium nitride (MNUP) fuel, specially developed for this facility as the "optimal solution" for fast reactors.

BREST-OD-300 reactor is expected to start operation in 2026. ... st-reactor

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 07 août 2021, 11:16

Les Russes sur la voie de l'extraction d'Uranium par In Situ Leaching.
ISL development of Russian uranium deposit given regulatory approval

05 August 2021

VNIPIpromtechnologii, JSC - the engineering centre of Rosatom's mining division ARMZ Uranium Holding Co - has received a "positive opinion" on design work and engineering surveys for in-situ leach (ISL) development at the Kolichikan uranium deposit from the Russian State Expert Examination Board, Glavgosekspertiza. This means development of the deposit, in the Khiagda orefield, can proceed.

..................... ... it-given-r

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 10 août 2021, 09:00

Feu vert pour un mini-réacteur nucléaire en Sibérie

Guillaume Guichard 10 Aout 2021

Rosatom, le champion russe du nucléaire, a obtenu une des dernières autorisations qu’il lui manquait pour construire un mini-réacteur (dit «SMR») en Iakoutie, dans le nord-est sibérien, a annoncé le groupe lundi. L’autorité russe de sûreté nucléaire a donné une licence pour la construction d’un SMR de 50 mégawatts (MW), l’équivalent d’un modeste barrage hydroélectrique, sur le modèle de celui construit pour les brise-glace.

«La construction de la centrale nucléaire SMR devrait commencer en 2024», se félicite Rosatom, pour une mise en service prévue pour 2028. Les industriels civils du nucléaire des pays développés, ainsi que nombre de start-up américaines, se sont lancés dans une course au développement d’un SMR. Dans ce contexte, la Russie a pris quelques longueurs d’avance sur la France. EDF, TechnicAtome et le CEA ont tout juste lancé des premières études pour la mise au point, d’ici à la fin de la décennie, d’un petit réacteur modulaire, baptisé Nuward, d’une puissance de 300 à 400 MW.

Le mini-réacteur de Rosatom, d’une durée de vie de soixante ans, doit être construit dans une zone très reculée d’une région elle-même isolée, le raïon d’Ust-Yansky, qui borde l’océan Arctique. Le géant russe du nucléaire fait valoir que cette petite centrale permettra de créer 800 emplois dans cette région qui vit de ses élevages de rennes et de ses mines. Or, explique un cadre de Rosatom, «la mine d’or de Kioutchous (en Iakoutie) est la plus importante mine inexploitée de Russie. Il est en effet impossible de transporter suffisamment de diesel jusque là-bas (pour alimenter des générateurs). La seule possibilité est donc de construire une petite centrale nucléaire.»

À l’image du projet sibérien, Rosatom vise, avec son SMR, les zones éloignées des réseaux électriques. ... d=msedgntp

Image générée par ordinateur du SMR terrestre en projet. Source: Rosatom ... -terrestre

voir aussi : ... e-progress

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 19 sept. 2021, 00:10

Les Russes expérimentent un combustible issue de retraitement :
Successful test of recycled fuel

17 September 2021

Recycled REMIX nuclear fuel has passed a five-year operational test in Russia and is ready for pilot operation, Rosatom fuel subsidiary TVEL has said. REMIX is designed to reduce uranium consumption and close the fuel cycle using mainstream light-water reactors.

In mid-2016, three VVER-1000 fuel assemblies made specially with five REMIX rods among their 300 normal rods were loaded into the third reactor at the Balakovo nuclear power plant. Today, Rosatom announced that the trial was successful. "During all five years of testing, our specialists monitored the neutronic and life characteristics of experimental fuel assemblies. There were no deviations from normal operation, which confirms the design properties of the new nuclear fuel," said Yury Ryzhkov, deputy chief engineer for safety and reliability at Balakovo.


REMIX (from Regenerated Mixture) fuel is made from uranium and plutonium recovered as an unseparated mixture from previously used fuel.
....................... ... ycled-fuel

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 06 nov. 2021, 22:23

suite de 2 posts au dessus.
Yakutia SMR plan progresses

By James Varley 03 Nov 2021

Meeting the energy needs of remote mining communities is a key driver behind the development of small modular reactors (SMRs). One project that seems to be gathering pace is a plan to construct a first-of-a-kind small land based PWR in the Russian far east, based on marine reactor technology.

The plan to construct a first-of-a-kind 55 MWe/190 MWt land based SMR (small modular reactor) in Yakutia, building on Russia’s nuclear ice-breaker and floating nuclear power plant experience, took another step forward in early September with the signing of an agreement between the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Rosatom (Russian state nuclear corporation).
............. ... rogresses/

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 13 nov. 2021, 21:51

Les Russes lancent les travaux de développement de la mine d'Uranium de Dobrovolnoye
Development of Dobrovolnoye uranium mine begins

12 November 2021

Construction work has begun at Dobrovolnoye in Russia, developing the uranium deposit beyond the pilot operation on which work started a year ago. The mine should create 300 jobs, with mining operations scheduled to begin in December 2022.
lire : ... ine-begins
