Du pétrole en Israel ?

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Du pétrole en Israel ?

Message par energy_isere » 09 oct. 2015, 19:22

A prendre avec des pincettes avant plus amples informations.
Israël: une importante quantité de pétrole trouvée dans le Golan

07 Octobre 2015

Trois sites de forage ont été découverts, ce qui représente potentiellement des milliards de barils de pétrole

Une société de forage pétrolier prétend avoir trouvé des "quantités significatives" de pétrole dans le plateau du Golan israélien, rapportent les médias mercredi.

"Nous parlons d'une couche de 350 mètres d'épaisseur," a déclaré Yuval Bartov, géologue en chef de Afek pétrole et de gaz, une filiale de la société américaine Genie Energy, à Channel 2.

"La couche est dix fois plus grande que celle que l'on trouve en moyenne dans le monde, a déclaré Bartov, "et voilà pourquoi nous parlons de quantités significatives. Ce qui est important de savoir, c'est qu'il ya du pétrole dans la roche, et nous le savons."

Trois sites de forage ont été découverts, ce qui représente potentiellement des milliards de barils de pétrole, soit suffisamment pour satisfaire le marché israélien de 270.000 barils par jour pour une longue durée, affirme le rapport.

Le forage a commencé en décembre 2014. Au cours des dernières semaines, Afek a demandé l'autorisation de forer 10 puits supplémentaires.

Bien que la découverte du pétrole soit confirmée, la qualité, et les mesures précises de la quantité et le coût de l'extraction du pétrole seront connues une fois l'extraction commencée.

Afek a fait face à de nombreux défis de la part des groupes environnementaux préoccupés par l'impact du forage, dont certains ont atteint la Haute Cour de Justice.

Les entreprises à la recherche de pétrole en Israël ont foré 530 puits d'exploration, et aucun d'entre eux n'a permis d'extraire du pétrole commercialement viable, a déclaré le PDG de Genie Geoff Rochwarger en septembre.
http://www.i24news.tv/fr/actu/internati ... s-le-golan

dasn le Time of Israel aussi :
http://fr.timesofisrael.com/un-importan ... en-israel/

Attention Aucune mention dans Rigzone News à cette heure.

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Re: Du pétrole en Israel ?

Message par energy_isere » 09 oct. 2015, 20:34

la dessous c'est plus prudent :
Afek Oil and Gas say findings have so far revealed a ‘very robust oil-bearing strata’

While numerous Israeli media outlets reported huge Golan Heights oil discoveries on Wednesday morning, it remains to be seen whether these hydrocarbons are actually extractable and usable.

Although Afek Oil and Gas announced in both May and July the presence of hydrocarbons at two of its Golan Heights drilling sites, the company stressed at the time – and continues to maintain – that the volume of resources and to what extent they may be obtainable has not yet been determined, and that the resources do not constitute proven, probable, or even possible reserves at this point.

Afek Oil, controlled by the New Jersey-based firm Genie Energy, holds a license to explore for conventional oil at up to 10 sites on the southern Golan Heights, within a 39,500-hectare zone south of Katzrin, over the next three years.

In May, the company concluded drilling at its first well, Ness-5, located just northwest of the Avnei Eitan and Nov moshavim and south of Kibbutz Natur and the town of Katzrin. About two months later, work was completed at Ness-3, near the Bnei Yehuda industrial area. At both sites, the company announced that initial analyses indicated the presence of hydrocarbons in the vertical drilling sections.

At the end of August, work began on a third site, Ness-6, located near the entrance of Moshav Kanaf, just southeast of Gamla.
Regarding the findings at all of its wells thus far, the company said that it has “encountered very robust oil-bearing strata.”

Following a Channel 2 interview on Tuesday evening headlined with the words “amazing discovery in the Golan Heights,” many Israeli news sites on Wednesday morning likewise contained similar hype, despite the fact that the company had not announced any new developments regarding the production potential of the oil contained there.
http://www.jpost.com/Business-and-Innov ... oil-421220

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Re: Du pétrole en Israel ?

Message par energy_isere » 19 févr. 2020, 08:17

Coup d'arrêt au Oil shale en Israël.
Israel Stops Issuing New Licenses For Oil Shale Exploration

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Feb 18, 2020

Israel’s energy and environment ministries have agreed that the minister of energy will not grant new licenses to companies to explore for and mine oil shale in the country, due to environmental concerns, Israel’s Ministry of Environmental Protection said on Tuesday.

As Israel aims to move to more environmentally friendly energy sources, it will no longer issue new licenses for oil shale because of the ecological and environmental impact of such mining projects, the two ministries said.

Israel is believed to have deposits of oil shale—a rock containing significant amounts of organic material in the form of kerogen—lying under 15 percent of its territory.

The country, however, will not be extending a license to Rotem Amfert, a unit of Israel Chemicals, for oil shale exploration at Mishor Rotem after 2021, according to the energy ministry.

The ministry will also review two already issued licenses based on the new environmental criteria, it said.

Rotem Amfert, which operates a small power plant at Mishor Rotem with the oil shale it is mining from the nearby area, sought a few years ago permission to explore what it believed were huge oil shale resources in the Negev area, but has met stiff opposition from environmentalists.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... ation.html
