Politique énergétique en Espagne

Discussions traitant des diverses sources d'énergie ainsi que de leur efficacité.

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Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 03 mai 2015, 14:19

L' Espagne à fait 41.3 % de son électricité en Avril à l' aide de renouvelables.
Spain’s renewable energy plants, wind power and solar energy, generated 41.3% of the country’s electricity in April

May 1, 2015 evwind

Spain’s renewable energy plants generated 41.3% of the country’s electricity in April, data of grid operator Red Electrica de España (REE) showed on Thursday.

Wind power output slightly increased year-on-year to 3,948 GWh this month, representing 20.4% of total power output. Spain’s hydroelectric plants accounted for 13.5%, while photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) plants provided 3.9% and 1.9%, respectively.

Gross power demand in mainland Spain inched up 0.3% year-on-year to 18,828 GWh in April, while in the first four months of 2015 it reached 83,661 GWh, up 1.9% on the year.

Spain’s total installed capacity as at December 31 is estimated at 102.3 GW, 22.3% of which is wind farms.

http://www.evwind.es/2015/05/01/spains- ... pril/51828

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[Crise] L'économie espagnole en difficulté

Message par energy_isere » 27 oct. 2018, 15:18

L'Espagne ferme ses dernières mines de charbon en fin d'année.
Spain to close most coal mines by end of 2018

MINING.com oct 27, 2018

Spain will close most of its coal mines by the end of the year after government and unions reached a deal that will see €250 million invested in mining regions over the next ten years, The Guardian reported today.

Pedro Sánchez’s new administration reportedly moved quickly on environmental policy, killing a controversial solar industry “sunshine tax”, and announced a national climate plan will be launched in November.

The mining deal covers Spain’s privately-owned pits, and mixes early retirement plans for miners over 48, environmental restoration initiatives and re-skilling plans for green industries.

Over 1,000 miners and subcontractors will be out of work when 10 pits close by the end of 2018. Many of the sites were uneconomic, and the European Commission provided over €2 billion in aid to keep some of the sites open temporarily.

About 600 workers in Spain’s northern mining regions – Asturias, Aragón, and Castilla y León – will be able to benefit from social aid under the scheme, while approximately 60% of the miners may opt for early retirement.

Spain’s coal industry employed more than 100,000 miners in the 1960's, but its energy dominance was eroded by cheap imports and the industry’s environmental, health and climate costs. National coal provides just 2.3% of Spain’s electricity, the Guardian reported.

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Re: [Crise] L'économie espagnole en difficulté

Message par energy_isere » 16 nov. 2018, 12:32

Endesa va fermer deux centrales à charbon en Espagne en 2020

Reuters 16/11/2018 MADRID

L'électricien espagnol Endesa a annoncé vendredi qu'il allait soumettre dans les semaines à venir une requête portant sur la fermeture de deux de ses centrales au charbon en Espagne, représentant environ les deux cinquièmes de ce type de génération d'énergie du pays.

"Nous allons bientôt déposer notre application parce que nous n'entendons pas réaliser les investissements nécessaires pour nous mettre en conformité avec la réglementation européenne", a dit un porte-parole de la filiale de l'italien Enel.

L'Union européenne a défini l'an dernier de nouveaux standards en termes de moyens et d'émissions pour les centrales thermiques, un dispositif nécessitant une mise à niveau technologique dont le coût est important.

L'une des centrales concernées se située à Teruel, dans la province d'Aragon, avec une capacité de 1.101 mégawatts (MW), et l'autre à Compostilla (Leon), avec une capacité de 1.051. Elles sont programmées pour fermer en 2020.

Enel est également en train de délaisser les centrales à charbon pour se concentrer sur les réseaux, les énergies renouvelables et la vente au détail.
https://www.boursorama.com/bourse/actua ... f78938db49

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Re: [Crise] L'économie espagnole en difficulté

Message par energy_isere » 16 févr. 2019, 20:20

L'Espagne fermerait ses 7 centrales nucléaires d'ici 2035.
Spain plans to close all nuclear power plants by 2035
Energy Minister Teresa Ribera announced the move on Tuesday, just as the Socialist government gears up to call an early national election in anticipation of losing a budget vote

REUTERS | February 13, 2019,

Spain aims to close all seven of its nuclear plants between 2025 and 2035 as part of plans to generate all the country's electricity from renewable sources by 2050.

Energy Minister Teresa Ribera announced the move on Tuesday, just as the Socialist government gears up to call an early national election in anticipation of losing a budget vote.

Overhauling Spain's energy system, which generated 40 percent of its mainland electricity from renewable sources in 2018, will require investment of 235 billion euros ($266 billion) between 2021 and 2030, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said last month.
https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes ... 5/67977156

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 24 févr. 2019, 14:51

Grandes ambitions solaire et éolien en Espagne pour 2030.
Spanish wind power and solar energy capacity to triple by 2030

February 22, 2019 evwind

The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan foresees that wind energy will go from an installed power of 22,925 MW in 2015 to 50,528 MW in 2030, and solar photovoltaic from 4,854 MW to 36,882 MW, while concentrated solar power goes from 2,300 MW to 7,303 MW.

The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (Pniec), whose referral to Brussels has been approved today by the Council of Ministers, foresees that installed wind turbines will double from 2015 to 2030 and that photovoltaic solar will be multiplied by nine, while nuclear power would be reduced to more than half.
Thus, the Spanish electricity system would have by 2030 a total installed power of 157 gigawatts (GW), of which 50 GW will be wind power; 37 GW, solar photovoltaic; 27 GW, combined gas cycles; 16 gigawatts, hydraulic; 8 GW, pumping; 7 GW, concentrated solar thermal and 3GW, nuclear.

https://www.evwind.es/2019/02/22/spanis ... 2030/66226

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 24 févr. 2019, 14:59

Cela dit les nouvelles capacités éoliennes de l'Espagne n'ont été que de 392 MW en 2018.
Spain increased wind power by 392 MW in 2018, adding a total of 23,484 MW installed wind energy

February 20, 2019 evwind
https://www.evwind.es/2019/02/20/spain- ... ergy/66205

Pour le plan du post au dessus il leur faut multiplier par 5 ce chiffre d'installation annuel !

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 23 mars 2019, 02:03

L' Espagne va investir dans le réseau pour la montée en puissance de l'électricité renouvelable.
Spain Plans Large Grid Investments To Integrate Renewables

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Mar 22, 2019

Spain’s grid operator will invest billions of U.S. dollars by 2022 to accommodate and integrate a planned increase in the country’s renewable energy capacity, the grid operator Red Eléctrica de España said this week.

Spain has an ambitious climate and renewables plan, which targets to have the country’s power generation go 100-percent renewable by 2050, and cut carbon emissions by 90 percent compared to 1990.

As an interim target, by 2030, Spain plans to achieve a 21-percent reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to 1990, have the share of renewables in final energy consumption at 42 percent, and generate 74 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources.

This plan, however, has been put forward by the Socialist government, whose 2019 budget was defeated in Parliament last month, resulting in Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez calling a snap election which will be held at the end of April.

As José Rojo Martín of PV-Tech notes, the outcome of the elections will determine if the ambitious renewables plan will become reality.

Nevertheless, the grid operator Red Eléctrica de España will invest a total of US$3.64 billion (3.221 billion euro) by 2022 in making the energy transition possible, it said in a statement on Thursday.

The planned investment for accommodating renewables accounts for more than half, or 53 percent, of the total US$6.8 billion (6 billion euro) investments the company will make by 2022.

Nearly half of the grid operator’s energy transition investment—US$1.7 billion (1.5 billion euro)—will go to integration of renewable capacity through new connections and access points. Another US$1 billion (908 million euro) is earmarked to boost the reliability of the system and security of electricity supply, US$490 million (434 million euro) will go to digitalization and technology, US$243 million (215 million euro) to energy storage projects, and US$61 million (54 million euro) to energy control systems.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... ables.html

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Inscription : 13 nov. 2005, 09:58

Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par alain2908 » 29 mars 2019, 14:13

très impressionné par la proportion d'électricité renouvelable en Espagne, je me suis demandé quel était leur secret.
En regardant les chiffres publiés sur https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89lec ... 3%A9lec-18
j'en conclus que ce pourcentage flatteur est principalement du au remplacement des centrales à Charbon par l'importation d'electricité Française (qui elle ne compte pas dans la répartition de la production ;) )
Un peu trompeur...

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 06 avr. 2019, 11:47

La Commission européenne pourrait taxer l’énergie importée par l’Espagne depuis le Maroc

Agence Ecofin. 4 avril 2019

La Commission européenne envisage d’appliquer une taxe à l’électricité importée par l’Espagne depuis le Maroc, selon le média espagnol EL Periodico de la Energia. Depuis novembre 2018, le pays importe de l’électricité produite dans les centrales thermiques marocaines.

L’UE envisage d’appliquer une taxe à cette énergie parce que le Maroc, pays producteur, n’est pas soumis au système de taxation des émissions de CO2, imposé aux centrales européennes.

Cette importation nuit au marché de production locale selon les énergéticiens espagnols. « Le fait d’acheter de l’électricité au Maroc a un impact direct sur le marché espagnol de l’électricité. Les centrales thermiques espagnoles sont laissées de côté, incapables d’entrer sur le marché et donc incapables de vendre leur énergie », explique EL Periodico de la Energia.

Selon le média, les centrales espagnoles qui émettent 195 grammes de CO2 par kilowattheure d'énergie produite contre 686 grammes par kilowattheure pour les Marocains deviennent non compétitives, une fois qu’elles s’acquittent de la taxe sur les émissions.

Le média révèle également que les importations d’électricité en provenance du Maroc, par l’Espagne, ont été arrêtées le 3 avril à cause de la médiatisation de la transaction.

Deux interconnexions relient actuellement le Maroc et l’Espagne. Ce dernier était l’exportateur d’énergie vers son voisin jusqu’en novembre dernier où la donne a changé.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/distributi ... s-le-maroc

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 07 avr. 2019, 09:53


Generation structure from January to March 2019

https://www.evwind.es/2019/04/03/the-wi ... pain/66649

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Inscription : 13 nov. 2005, 09:58

Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par alain2908 » 12 avr. 2019, 12:02

L'article de evwind.es laisserait entendre que ces chiffres incluent les importations. mais à vérifier

l'info sur les importations marocaines fait vraiment tache quand on le met en perspective de leur communication sur la fermeture prochaine des centrales à Charbon qui sont sur leur territoire https://www.euractiv.fr/section/develop ... r-by-2030/

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 31 déc. 2019, 09:51

La plus grande centrale solaire PV d'Europe, 500 MW, est terminée en Espagne.
Sur près de 1000 ha. Construction en seulement 12 mois. Projet mené par Iberdrola.
Europe’s Largest Solar Farm Completed

December 31, 2019

Spain’s Iberdrola has announced completion of construction of the 500MW Núñez de Balboa solar farm project in the country’s western region of Extremadura.

Comprised of 1,430,000 solar panels, 115 central inverters and two substations, start-up and energising tests have begun and Iberdrola says commercial energy production should commence in the first quarter of 2020.

The Núñez de Balboa project covers an area of nearly 1,000 hectares and will produce an estimated 832 GWh of clean electricity annually, while avoiding avoid 215,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year. The facility will supply electricity to clients in banking, telecommunications and retail sectors under power purchase agreements (PPAs).

Iberdrola states it completed construction of the massive solar power station in record time – just 12 months.

More Iberdrola Renewables For Spain

The company has bigger plans for Spain, with the installation of another 3,000 MW of renewable energy capacity by 2022 and Extremadura at the centre of its strategy. Another 2,000 megawatts of solar and wind power have been planned for Extremadura, with 1,700MW of that total already under construction or awaiting administrative sign-off.
https://www.solarquotes.com.au/blog/eur ... rm-mb1348/

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 04 janv. 2020, 19:56

Encore 2 autres projets de parcs solaires PV pour Iberdrola, un de 300 MW et un autre de 50 MW
Iberdrola plans to build 350MW solar projects in Castilla y León, Spain

By NS Energy Staff Writer 20 Dec 2019

Spain-based electric utility company Iberdrola has begun processing the formalities for the construction of its two solar photovoltaic (PV) projects with a combined capacity of 350MW in Castilla y León, Spain.

The two PV projects include a 300MW project in Ciudad Rodrigo and a 50MW project in Villarino in the province of Salamanca, Spain.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/i ... la-y-leon/

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 25 janv. 2020, 11:00

In 2019 connected 6,456 MW of wind energy and photovoltaic in Spain

January 23, 2020
The increase in renewable installed capacity has favored that during 2019 the national renewable production was 97,826 GWh, which represents a weight in the generation mix of 37.5%.
Long article https://www.evwind.es/2020/01/23/in-201 ... pain/73217

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Re: Politique énergétique en Espagne

Message par energy_isere » 25 févr. 2020, 08:21

Annonce de 2 gros projets de solaire PV en Espagne, l'un de 300 MW et l'autre de 200 MW.
Prodiel Bags Deal For 500MW Spanish Pv Solar Project
Talayuela Solar will occupy over 520 hectares in the Cerro Verde area, sited in Talayuela, where the project will be built

Feb 23, 2020

Renewable energy multinational Prodiel has been selected to build two solar projects on the Iberian Peninsula - the 300MW Talayuela Solar (Cáceres) and 200MW Cabrera Solar (Seville) plants for British company Solarcentury, under the Balance of System (BOS) format.

In addition, the solar builder will also be responsible for building all the interconnection infrastructure. Taluyeula will become one of the largest-capacity photovoltaic projects on the peninsula due to its 300MW capacity while Cabrera Solar will become the largest plant in Andalusia.

Talayuela Solar will occupy over 520 hectares in the Cerro Verde area, sited in Talayuela, where the project will be built. The work began in late 2019 and the plant is expected, once commissioned, to generate an amount of electricity equivalent to the amount consumed by 166,000 families.

The plant will be made up of 830,000 solar panels, placed on 15,000 trackers (the single-axis variety), a 400/30 kV substation with a 350 MVA power transformer and a simple circuit 400 kV‘duplex’ power line measuring 21.4km which will transfer the energy to the Arañuelo Substation belonging to Spain's national energy grid operator, Red Eléctrica Española (REE).

This facility will be sited in a location receiving 1,850 hours of sun a year, which will mean the production of 570 GW of energy per year. It will avoid emissions into the atmosphere of over 165,000 tonnes of CO2 each year.

The work on the Cabrera Solar Photovoltaic Plan is already underway in the Seville municipality of Alcalá de Guadaíra, and the installation is expected to be completed before 2021. The work will generate more than 600 direct jobs at its peak, which will have a direct effect on local employment.
https://www.utilities-me.com/news/15064 ... ar-project
