Nucléaire Russe

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 27 janv. 2018, 19:57

Encore un héritage bien pourri du début du nucléaire Russe :
Pourquoi le lac russe Karatchaï est l’un des plus dangereux au monde

par David 27 janvier 2018,

Vaste de seulement 45 hectares et relativement peu profond, le lac Karatchaï, en Russie, dans la région de Tcheliabinsk (à 1 500 km à l’est de Moscou), est l’endroit le plus pollué au monde selon un rapport de l’institut américain Worldwatch sur les déchets nucléaires. La faute aux déchets radioactifs. En effet, en 1949, une usine de stockage et de retraitement a été mise en service tout près du lac. L’ensemble des déchets radioactifs ont alors été enfouis dans ce dernier.
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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 16 déc. 2018, 11:06

Les Russes commencent la production d'assemblages de MOX pour leur réacteur à neutrons rapide BN-800

Russia starts batch production of MOX fuel assemblies

13 December 2018

Russian nuclear fuel manufacturer TVEL has launched the batch production of mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies for the BN-800 fast neutron reactor.
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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 01 janv. 2019, 13:49

Les Russes retirent le réacteur Leningrad-1 du service.
Mise à l'arrêt de ce RBMK1000 tête de série après 45 ans de service.

Russia retires Leningrad unit 1

27 December 2018

Unit 1 of the Leningrad nuclear power plant has been withdrawn from service after 45 years of safe operation, Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom has announced. It said the lead unit in the RBMK-1000 series was shut down at 11:30pm on 21 December.

The reactor was gradually shut down in accordance with the technological regulations before being disconnected from the national grid. The unit was commissioned on 21 December 1973 and had since generated 264.9 TWh of electricity. In all its years of operation it has not experienced a single serious incident, Rosatom said.

Vladimir Pereguda, director of the Leningrad plant, said the unit had "reliably and safely" served the national economy both in Soviet times and in modern Russia.

"The last stage of the life cycle of any nuclear facility begins with decommissioning," he said. "Now our task is to safely and securely maintain the shutdown unit, unload nuclear fuel from the reactor and prepare all its systems for decommissioning."

According to federal regulations, a shutdown nuclear power unit is considered to be in operation until its fuel has been removed, which is tentatively scheduled for completion in 2023, Rosatom said. Procedures performed for the closure of a unit are not unlike those for routine repair work and thus plant personnel are fully prepared for this task, it added.

Andrey Petrov, general Director of Rosenergoatom, Rosatom's operator subsidiary, said that this year a VVER-1200 - Leningrad II-1 - had been put into operation ahead of the retirement of unit 1.

"Therefore, for electricity consumers, the replacement of the retired capacity of the Soviet period will be gradual and imperceptible," he said. "Compared to RBMK units, the newly commissioned units have a number of advantages: they are equipped with the most modern security systems, they are 20% more powerful, the design life of the main equipment is twice as long at 60 years."

Even with the closure of unit 1, the Leningrad plant remains Russia's biggest nuclear power plant, with an installed capacity of 4200 MWe. It provides more than 50% of the energy consumption of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Rosatom noted.

The Soviet-designed RBMK (reaktor bolshoy moshchnosty kanalny, high-power channel reactor) is a pressurised water-cooled reactor with individual fuel channels and using graphite as its moderator. It is also known as the light water graphite reactor. It is very different from most other power reactor designs as it derived from a design principally for plutonium production and was intended and used in Russia for both plutonium and power production. The combination of graphite moderator and water coolant is found in no other power reactors in the world.

The Leningrad nuclear power plant was the country's first plant with RBMK-1000 reactors. The decision on its construction was made in September 1966. In the 45 years since the unit was commissioned, another ten RBMK-1000 units were successfully brought into operation in Russia - at the Leningrad, Kursk and Smolensk nuclear power plants - and they account for almost 30% of nuclear generation in the country.

The design life of the RBMK-1000 was initially 30 years, but after a large-scale modernisation programme, the service life of each of the four units of the Leningrad plant was extended for another 15 years. The modernisation work concerned more than 90% of the systems and equipment of the units. They all fully comply with the same international safety standards for new units under construction, Rosatom said.

Nuclear power produces 19% of the total electricity generation in Russia. ... rad-unit-1

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 12 janv. 2019, 13:36

Les plus gros gisements d' Uranium Russes sont à Krasnokamensk.
Une nouvelle mine dite Krasnokamensk numéro 6 est en construction. Pour 1800 t annuel en 2023.
Avec des fonds Chinois.

Russia brings Chinese funding into uranium mining
13 March 2018

Russia has opened its uranium mining industry to foreign investment with an agreement signed yesterday between the Russia-China Investment Fund for Regional Development (RCIF), ARMZ Uranium Holding, and Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union (PIMCU). ARMZ and PIMCU are subsidiaries of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom.

The three parties to the agreement will work on a uranium mining project, valued at RUB18.5 billion (USD325 million), in Priargunsky District, which is in the Zabaikalsky Region of Siberia.

Mine No. 6 has reported total reserves of 38,000 tonnes of uranium, which is 35% of PIMCU's reserves. The project foresees an annual capacity of 850,000 tonnes of uranium ore. Russia plans to bring the mine into operation in 2023.


Development of Mine No. 6 started in 2009 for stage 1 production from 2015 to reach full capacity in 2019, but this was put on hold in 2013. In March 2015, ARMZ said it hoped to find co-investors in the project. The following month, Rosatom's Investment Committee decided to finance the development to about $500 million over 2016 to 2022. In August 2016, ARMZ said funding of RUB27 billion was expected, to enable 2022 commissioning. PIMCU is focused on development of Mine No. 6, the production cost of which is USD90/kgU, to reach 1800 tU/yr. ... ium-mining

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 16 févr. 2019, 20:31

La Russie s'apprête à lancer le démentelement du réacteur 1 de la centrale de Bilibino.
Russia set to decommission the world’s most remote nuclear power plant
Russia’s government has approved plans to begin decommissioning what are perhaps the most secluded commercial nuclear reactors in the world, located at the Bilibino nuclear power plant in Chukotka – 5,600 kilometers and 11 time zones to Moscow’s east.
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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 04 mars 2019, 08:41

Record de production d'électricité nucléaire pour 2018 en Russie, à 204 TWh.
Russia Sets New Domestic Nuclear Generation Record

03/01/2019 | Sonal Patel

Rosenergoatom, Russia’s state-owned nuclear plant owner and operator, said it set another nuclear power production record in 2018. The company generated 204 TWh from its 35 reactors—1.4 TWh more than in 2017—supplying 18.7% of the Russian Federation’s total electricity. “Thus, each fifth electric bulb in the Russian Federation is lit owing to energy produced at nuclear power plants,” the company said on Jan. 9.

The feat is remarkable for Russia, even considering the country’s lengthy nuclear power history and vast expertise, because it demonstrates the country’s optimism for nuclear generation—despite a recent decline in Russian power demand, and a generally dismal outlook for nuclear power elsewhere around the world.
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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 24 mars 2019, 20:38

Lancement du second réacteur de type VVER-1200 de la centrale de Novovoronezh.
Nuclear Reactor Unit Successfully Launched At Russia's Novovoronezh NPP - Statement

Fakhir Rizvi 23rd March 2019

A nuclear reactor of the innovative power unit was successfully launched at Russia's Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant II, Russia's Rosenergoatom company said Saturday.

"On March 22, 2019, the reactor core of the innovative power unit No. 2 with a VVER-1200 reactor of Novovoronezh NPP-2 is brought to the minimum controlled power level," the statement reads. ... 76673.html

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 30 mai 2019, 15:36

Russie lance le brise-glace nucléaire Ural ROSATOM

Publié le 27/05/2019 par Vincent Groizeleau

L’Ural, troisième des nouveaux brise-glaces russes à propulsion nucléaire du projet 22220 (classe LK-60Ya), dont deux autres unités seront commandées cet été, a été lancé le 25 mai à Saint-Pétersbourg, où ses deux aînés sont en achèvement à flot. Ces navires de 173 mètres de long pour 34 mètres de large et 10.5 mètres de tirant d’eau afficheront un déplacement de plus de 33.000 tonnes en charge. Ils pourront briser une épaisseur de glace allant jusqu’à 3 mètres. Dotés de trois lignes d'arbres, avec une puissance propulsive de 60 MW, les LK-60Ya sont équipés de deux nouveaux réacteurs nucléaires RITM-200, qui seront également employés sur les centrales flottantes développées par Rosatom. Ces réacteurs peuvent générer une puissance unitaire de 175 MW. « Une autre caractéristique unique des navires du projet 22220 est sa conception à double tirant d'eau. Les citernes de ballast à l'intérieur de la coque peuvent être facilement ajustées pour modifier le tirant d'eau du navire selon qu’il doit naviguer dans la mer Arctique ou dans les estuaires peu profonds des rivières. Avec cette solution intelligente, Rosatom obtient deux types de brise-glace pour le prix d'un, ce qui représente une économie potentielle de centaines de millions de dollars », explique le groupe russe.


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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 03 août 2019, 13:17

Suite de ce post du 20 janvier 2018 ... 4#p2265354
Sur les traces d'un mystérieux nuage radioactif russe
Nathan Mann, publié le 30/07/2019 l'express

La présence de ruthénium radioactif dans l'air européen en 2017 proviendrait de l'usine de retraitement du combustible nucléaire russe de Maïak. Récit.

Les chercheurs du "ring of five", un réseau informel reliant les stations européennes de surveillance des matériaux radioactifs dans l'atmosphère se sont livrés à un véritable jeu de piste presque deux ans après les faits. En octobre 2017, un panache de ruthénium 106 - un élément radioactif qui n'avait pas été repéré dans l'atmosphère depuis la catastrophe de Tchernobyl - est détecté au-dessus du Vieux Continent. A l'époque, si les taux étaient trop faibles pour mettre en danger la santé des habitants survolés par ce nuage radioactif, l'origine du ruthénium n'en demeurait pas moins mystérieuse puisque aucune installation nucléaire avait déclaré d'incident.

L'enquête, signée par 69 scientifiques de différents instituts européens et dont les résultats ont été publiés dans les comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences américaine (PNAS) le 29 juillet 2019, corrobore les premières suppositions des experts. La fuite proviendrait de l'usine de retraitement de combustibles nucléaires de Maïak, dans le sud de l'Oural russe. Au conditionnel toujours, car les chercheurs ne relèvent qu'un faisceau d'indices, et que les autorités russes ont nié dès 2017 tout accident sur ce site. (abonnés) ... 92279.html

Lire aussi cet article plus complet ... ire-russe/

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 16 août 2019, 11:12

Report de 9 ans du projet de centrale à neutrons rapides et sodium liquide BN-1200. Pas de financements.
Rosatom postpones fast reactor project, report says

13 August 2019

Rosenergoatom is expected to receive about RUB280 billion (USD4 billion) less in state funding for the construction of new nuclear reactors in Russia owing to the postponement of its fast neutron reactor programme, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported last week, citing anonymous sources. Rosenergoatom is the nuclear power plant operator subsidiary of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom.

Rosatom's investment plan received preliminary approval during a meeting in the Russian Energy Ministry on 2 August, according to the article, with funding out to 2035 to total RUB880 billion and not the RUB1.16 trillion Rosatom had allocated for the two new VVER-1200 units under construction for the Kursk II project, units 3 and 4 for the Leningrad II project and a BN-1200 fast reactor at Beloyarsk. Commissioning of the BN-1200 has been postponed to 2036, the article said, from the previous target of 2027.
A Russian government decree published in August 2016 indicated the country planned to construct 11 new nuclear power reactors by 2030 - including two BN-1200 sodium-cooled fast neutron reactors. The BN-1200 units are to be built at the Beloyarsk and South Urals nuclear power plants. The BN-800 fast neutron reactor - constructed as unit 4 of the Beloyarsk plant in the Sverdlovsk district - entered commercial operation in October 2016. The 789 MWe unit's capacity exceeds that of the world's second most powerful fast reactor - the 560 MWe BN-600 Beloyarsk 3. The planned Beloyarsk 5 BN-1200 will use larger fuel elements than the BN-600 and BN-800 and have a simplified refuelling procedure. Russian nuclear engineering company OKBM Afrikantov is developing the BN-1200 as a next step towards future reactor designs, commonly known as Generation IV.

According to the Kommersant article, the capex of the BN-800 amounted to RUB140.6 billion. ... report-say

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 02 nov. 2019, 19:39

2 nouveaux brise-glaces Russes à propulsion nucléaire vont être construits.
Contrat pour la construction de leur réacteurs.
Russia plans next two nuclear icebreakers

30 October 2019

Atomenergomash, the engineering division of Russia’s Rosatom, has signed a contract for the supply of RITM-200 reactor units for two more nuclear icebreakers in Project 22220. The contract was signed between Atomenergomash subsidiary OKBM Afrikantov and the Baltic Shipyard.

The new vessels will join the LK-60 icebreakers Arktika, Sibir and Ural, which are dual-draught (8.55 or 10.5m) wide-beam (34m) ships of 25,450 dwt or 33,540 dwt with ballast, able to handle 3m of ice. They each have two RITM-200 reactors of 175 MWt each, delivering 60 MW at the propellers via twin turbine-generators and three motors. Arktika is expected to enter operation in 2020, Sibir in 2021 and Ural in 2022.
One fuel load for a RITM-200 unit is equivalent to 540,000 tonnes of Arctic diesel fuel, it said, with fuel reloads required once every seven years. ... cebreakers

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 02 nov. 2019, 19:51

Le second réacteur de type VVER-1200 de la centrale de Novovoronezh entre en service commercial.
Second Novovoronezh II unit enters commercial operation

01 November 2019

Unit 2 of the Novovoronezh II nuclear power plant in southwest Russia has entered commercial operation, 30 days ahead of schedule, state nuclear corporation Rosatom announced today. Commissioning of the VVER-1200 brings the number of power reactors in commercial operation in Russia to 36.
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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 09 nov. 2019, 19:39

Début de campagne d'exploration détaillé d'un gisement d'uranium en Russie.
ARMZ starts exploration of Dobrovolnoye uranium deposit

07 November 2019

ARMZ, the uranium mining division of state nuclear corporation Rosatom, has announced the start of exploration work at the Dobrovolnoye uranium deposit in the Zverinogolovsky district of the Kurgan region of Russia. ARMZ subsidiary JSC Dalur received a permit for the project in June 2017, and ARMZ said yesterday that Rusburmash, its geological exploration and drilling subsidiary, plans to drill 238 wells and carry out geophysical surveys at the site.

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 04 déc. 2019, 22:20

La centrale nucléaire Leningrad II commence à fournir de la chaleur au réseau de chaleur de Sosnovy Bor.
Ça prend le relais de ce qui était fournit par le réacteur RBMK-1000 mis à l'arrêt l'an dernier.
Leningrad II plant begins providing district heating

02 December 2019

Unit 1 of Russia's Leningrad II nuclear power plant has been integrated into the heat supply system of the city of Sosnovy Bor, operator Rosenergoatom has announced. The VVER-1200 reactor will replace electricity and heating capacity lost with the closure last December of the first of four RBMK-1000 units at the nearby Leningrad plant.

All major manufacturing and production companies located on the industrial park in Sosnovy Bor were the first to receive the heat produced by Leningrad II-1, Rosenergoatom said. The next stage will be to integrate the reactor's heat supply into the city's residential heating system.

The net cost of heat generated at the Leningrad nuclear plant is far lower than that produced by boiler rooms run on organic fuel, the company said. In addition, the use of nuclear-generated heat avoids the emission of carbon dioxide and has a lesser impact on the environment.

"The VVER-1200 power block is a replacement for both electricity and heat capacities, and it will start delivering those as a replacement for the shutdown RBMK-1000 power block," said Dmitry Tsygankov, head of the turbine hall of Leningrad II unit 1. "The Leningrad NPP turbine hall and district heat supply boiler room teams have fully ensured reliable and trouble-free heat supply to the city and the industrial park using a high-capacity power block that can output twice as much as an RBMK block."

Andrey Graf, deputy head of Leningrad II-1's turbine hall, added: "The thermal output of the new power block is 3200 MW or 250 Gcal/h, which is pretty much enough to supply heat to the industrial park and all Sosnovy Bor. As of now, we are only using one-third of the equipment's capacity, and it caters for 60% of the boiler room's heat demand. In the future, we are ready to fully load our cogeneration plant and start selling heat power for central heating and hot water supply in the nuclear power city and satisfy any demand."

The existing Leningrad plant site comprises four RBMK-1000 units, while Leningrad II will have four VVER-1200 units. Leningrad unit 1 was shut down for decommissioning on 21 December last year, with the other three units scheduled to shut by 2025. Leningrad II unit 1 was connected to the grid on 9 March 2018, becoming the second VVER-1200 reactor to start up, following the launch in 2016 of Novovoronezh unit 6. The loading of fuel into the Leningrad II-2 VVER-1200 is scheduled to begin in March next year. ... rict-heati

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Re: Nucléaire Russe

Message par energy_isere » 07 déc. 2019, 20:35

Les Russes vont construire un réacteur de 300 MWe a neutron rapide et refroidissement au plomb fondu.
Russia awards contract to build BREST reactor

05 December 2019

Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC) has awarded a RUB26.3 billion (USD412 million) contract to Titan-2 for the construction and installation works for the BREST-OD-300 lead-cooled fast neutron reactor facility at its site in Seversk, Russia. Siberian Chemical Plant is a subsidiary of TVEL, the nuclear fuel manufacturing subsidiary of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom.

How the PDEC complex will look (Image: TVEL)

BREST-OD-300 is part of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom's Proryv, or Breakthrough, project to enable a closed nuclear fuel cycle. The 300 MWe unit will be the main facility of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC), which is in the process of construction at the Siberian Chemical Plant site. In addition, the PDEC demonstrate an on-site closed nuclear fuel cycle with a facility for the fabrication/re-fabrication of mixed uranium-plutonium nitride nuclear fuel, as well as a used fuel reprocessing facility.

According to the newly announced contract, Titan-2 will build the reactor building, turbine hall and related infrastructure facilities for the power unit, with completion scheduled before the end of 2026.

Vitaly Khadeev, vice president for the development of closed nuclear fuel cycle technologies and industrial facilities at TVEL, said the project will create more than 800 new jobs in Seversk.

Titan-2 Holding, a Russian group of engineering companies, is the general contractor for construction of new nuclear power units at the Leningrad nuclear power plant in Russia, and its subsidiaries are also engaged in the Hanhikivi and Akkuyu nuclear power plant construction projects in Finland and Turkey, respectively. ... ST-reactor

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