Charbon en Indonésie

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[Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par energy_isere » 12 janv. 2009, 21:52

L'Indonésie veut pousser les feux de son exploitation charbonnière

L'Indonésie a vu ces dernières années décroître ses productions pétrolières, au point d'en être arrivée à ne plus faire partir de l'OPEP depuis le début de cette année. Mais cette région ne manque pas de ressources énergétiques. Elle disposerait en particuliers de larges ressources charbonnières, évaluées à 93 milliards de tonnes par les autorités locales dont 47 milliards seraient dans le Sud de l'île de Sumatra. L'essentiel de la production évaluée par BP en 2007 à 175 millions de tonnes et déclarée en 2008 à 225 millions de tonnes par les autorités locales, provient de la grande île voisine de Kalimantan. Malgré ses larges réserves, la province de South Sumatra n'en produit que 12 millions de tonnes. Cette faible production est due à des problèmes d'acheminement du charbon vers les ports. Les autorités locales ont donc décidé d'investir dans une ligne de chemin de fer de 270 kilomètres, ce qui permettrait de porter la production annuelle de charbon de cette province à 50 millions de tonnes.

L'Indonésie avec 225 millions de tonnes de charbon produites est le septième producteur mondial de charbon derrière l'Afrique du Sud et devant l'Allemagne.

Il faut rapprocher à cette information de volonté de croissance de la production charbonnière, à la décision du gouvernement indonésien de développer un procédé de transformation du charbon en carburant liquide. Pour cela il a fait appel au grand spécialiste mondial des procédés de synthèse des carburants, le Sud-africain Sasol, pour étudier la faisabilité d'une très grande usine de type coal to liquid (CTL) qui produirait 1,1 millions de barils de carburants liquides par jour. L'objectif serait que cette usine soit opérationnelle en 2015, programme ambitieux ... -veut.html

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[Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par Raminagrobis » 06 févr. 2009, 16:19

energy_isere a écrit :
L'Indonésie veut pousser les feux de son exploitation charbonnière
Pour cela il a fait appel au grand spécialiste mondial des procédés de synthèse des carburants, le Sud-africain Sasol, pour étudier la faisabilité d'une très grande usine de type coal to liquid (CTL) qui produirait 1,1 millions de barils de carburants liquides par jour. L'objectif serait que cette usine soit opérationnelle en 2015, programme ambitieux ... -veut.html
C'est énorme!
C'est à peu près six fois plus que l'esemble de l'industrie CTL sud africaine :!:
Ca consommerait probablement ~100 Mt de charbon par an.
Toujours moins.

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Charbon en Indonésie

Message par energy_isere » 17 déc. 2009, 18:14

Les Indiens renforcent leur intéréts charboniers en Indonésie : La compagnie Indienne "Middle East Coal " va investir 1.4 milliards de $ en Indonésie pour le développement du charbon et son exportation vers l' Inde.
Middle East Coal to invest $1.4 bn in Indonesia

MUMBAI: It could soon become a model to emulate for companies wanting to export minerals from India. Singapore-based, India-oriented Middle East
Coal, which owns coal mines in Indonesia, will invest $1.4 bn (about Rs 5,600 crore) in the SouthEast Asian country, as part of its deal, to mine coal and ship it to Indian power producers.

Middle East Coal has assured the Indonesian government to spend a fifth of the coal it mines in Indonesia itself, besides building infrastructure, in return for shipping coal from its mines in the Kalimantan province that are estimated to hold reserves of more than 2 billion tonnes.

This development may be closely watched by India for adopting to its iron ore policy — India has abundant reserves of the ore, while Indonesia is rich in coal — as the Indian government is currently in a bind on the issue of ore exports
The infrastructure that Middle East would build, would include a railway line that can be used to transport coal from the mine to the port from where it would be shipped to India. The railway line would be financed by IL&FS on a build-operate-transfer basis and Canada’s Canac would be the operator in handling the commodity at both railhead and the port.

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Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par energy_isere » 12 janv. 2010, 12:04

L' indonesie prévoit de passer sa production de charbon de 250 millions de tonnes en 2010 à 309 millions de tonnes en 2014
Bloomberg reported that Indonesia's coal production may rise to 309 million tonnes by 2014 from an estimated 250 million tonnes in 2010.

Mr Bambang Setiawan director general for coal, minerals and geothermal at the energy ministry said that copper output may fall to 944,919 tonnes in 2014 from 1.02 million tonnes in 2010, while tin output may rise to 110,250 tonnes in 2014 from 105,000 tonnes this year. Ferronickel output may rise to 20,364 tonnes in 2014 from 18,276 tonnes in 2010 and bauxite production may increase to 11.46 million tonnes from 10.28 million tonnes. ... es_in_2014

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Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par energy_isere » 07 déc. 2010, 14:20

L' Indonésie veut augmenter sa production de charbon de 250 millions de t/an (2009) à 560 millions de t/an en 2025, dont 260 millions de t/an pour l' eportation.
Indonesia plans to double coal production by 2025

07 Dec 2010

A former government official said that Indonesia plans to more than double coal production to 560 million tonne per year by 2025, of which 300 million tonne per year will be allocated to the domestic market and the remaining 260 million tonne per year will be exported.

According to Mr Mangantar Marpaung former director of mining technique and environment for mineral, coal and geothermal at Indonesia's directorate general of mineral, coal and geothermal, Indonesia's power industry is likely to consume 50 million tonne of coal this year, followed by the cement industry with consumption of 10 million tonne and the metallurgy and paper industry with 7 million tonne.

Indonesia needs an additional 45 million tonne per year of coal on top of existing power plant requirements to support its crash electricity expansion program that aims to add 20,000MW of generation capacity by 2014.

Mr Marpaung at the McCloskey Asia Pacific Coal Outlook Conference 2010 in Bali said that “The 45 million tonne per year of coal will be supplied by about 15 designated mining companies, some of which are also exporting.”

The three largest suppliers are Consorsium PT Arutmin Indonesia & PT Darma Henwa, PT Hason Energy and Consorsium PT Kasih Industri Ind & PT Senamas, which will contribute about 8.5 million tonne per year, 4.4 million tonne per year and 3.8 million tonne per year respectively.

Indonesia produced about 250 million tonne of coal last year. Heavy rains could cut this year's production, the country's coal mining association warned in September. ... 79481.html

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Re: [Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par energy_isere » 07 janv. 2011, 13:24

L' indonésie va accroitre sa production de charbon de 23% passant de 274 millions t en 2010 à 340 millions t en 2011 !
Indonesian coal production to exceed 340 million tonnes in 2011

07 Jan 2011

Indonesian coal miners expect to produce 340 million tonnes of coal in 2011, an increase of 23% from 275 million tonnes last year, to catch up with the growing demand at domestic and international markets.

Mr Supriatna Suhala executive director of Indonesian Coal Mining Association said almost all coal miners in the country had expressed their commitments to expanding their production in 2011.

He said that “As the global economy recovers, we expect to see growing demand for coal both at domestic and international markets in 2011.”

Of the planned 340 million tonnes of coal produced in 2011, the association estimates 20% of them around 70 million tonnes will be allocated to fulfill domestic market demand, while the remaining 80% will be exported.

Mr Supriatna said that “We predict that we’ll see soaring demand for coal in emerging market economies in 2011, particularly to supply their energy sectors adding that Japan, India, China and South Korea would remain the largest importers of Indonesia’s coal.”

(Sourced from ... 85027.html

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par Raminagrobis » 10 juin 2011, 08:18

Impressionnante la croissance du charbon indonésien.

En 2010, selon BP (rapport 2011 tout juste sorti), 305 Mt de tonnes, c'est +20% par rapport à 2009, et un doublement depuis 2005.

L'Indonésie est maintenant, avec 5% de la production mondiale, le 6e producteur après la Chine, les Etats-Unis, l'Australie, l'Inde et la Russie.

Si on regarde non pas en masse de charbon mais en teneur énergétique, c'est même le 5e, du fait de la faible teneur énergétique du charbon russe.

L'indonésie est un producteur historique important d'hydrocarbures, mais son pétrole et gaz sont en déclin (rebond fort pour le gaz en 2010 grace à un nouveau gisement en papouasie, tangguh). Mais son charbon est déormais bien plus important : en 2010, 188 Mtep de charbon, 73 de gaz, 50 de pétrole.
Toujours moins.

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par energy_isere » 07 oct. 2011, 18:39

L' Indonésie va construire avec un groupe Japonais une centrale thermique à charbon de 2GW et qui va couter 4 milliards de $.
Le charbon sera du charbon local.
Japan-Indonesia Consortium Wins $4 Billion Java Coal Power Plant Project

TOKYO -(Dow Jones) 07 October 2011

Electric Power Development Co. (9513.TO), Itochu Corp. (8001.TO) and PT Adaro Energy (ADRO.JK) said Friday that they have signed an agreement with Indonesia's state-owned electricity company, PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara, under which the three firms will build a coal-fired power plant with capacity of two gigawatts in Central Java province and supply electricity to PLN for 25 years.

The total project cost is approximately $4 billion, the Japanese-Indonesian consortium said in a statement.

The engineering, procurement and construction contractor that will soon be appointed will use Japanese technology, and construction is expected to begin next October with commercial operations starting in late 2016, they said.

The consortium gained exclusive negotiating right for the power plant project in June.

This will be Indonesia's first ultra-super-critical coal-fired power plant. Ultra-super-critical plants typically produce 7% less carbon dioxide than the subcritical plants that are widely used in Indonesia, so the project will likely help Indonesia curb its CO2 emissions.

The consortium plans to produce electricity using sub-bituminous coal, which is abundant in Indonesia but can't be exported at high prices due to its relatively high water content. ... t-project/

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par mahiahi » 10 oct. 2011, 09:38

Beau symbole : un producteur de pétrole qui en quelques années à peine devient producteur de charbon : précurseur du changement à venir?
C'est quand tout semble perdu qu'il ne faut douter de rien
Dieu se rit des hommes déplorant les effets dont ils chérissent les causes
Défiez-vous des cosmopolites allant chercher loin dans leurs livres des devoirs qu'ils dédaignent remplir autour d'eux

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par energy_isere » 14 nov. 2011, 12:03

Update des reserves de charbon de l' Indonésie.

10 milliards de tonnes de reserves, mais beaucoup en faible teneur calorifique.
La production augmentera en 2012-2013, essentiellement sur du charbon à faible teneur calorifique.
Update on coal reserves in Indonesia

The Jakarta Post reported that Indonesia's coal reserves with calorific values ranging from 3,000 to 3,800 kilocalories per kilogram amount to 10 billion tonnes. However, a domestic market for such coal does not yet exist.

The lowest calorific value currently used in the country is 4,200 kilocalories per kilogram. Coal with calorific values between 3,900 and 4,000 kilocalories per kilogram is mostly exported to India.

Data from the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry shows that in 2011, the country's target is to produce 327 million tonnes of coal, comprising 35 million tonnes of low rank coal (3,800 kilocalories per kilogram to 4,500 kilocalories per kilogram); 198 million tonnes of medium rank coal (4,900 kilocalories per kilogram to 6,000 kilocalories per kilogram) and 94 million tonnes of high rank coal (5,700 kilocalories per kilogram to 6,000 kilocalories per kilogram).

In 2012, coal production is set for 332 million tonnes, comprising 29.3 million tonnes of low rank; 191.6 million tonnes of medium rank and 111.1 million tonnes of high rank.

In 2013, production is targeted at 337 million tonnes, comprising 29.7 million tonnes of low rank; 194.5 million tonnes of medium rank and 112.8 million tonnes of high rank.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg reported that Indonesia, the world's largest exporter of power station coal, cut the benchmark price for sales in November by 2.2%. The cost of coal with a gross energy value of 6,322 kilocalories was set at USD 116.65 per tonne as compared with USD 119.24 in October 2011. ... 35500.html

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par energy_isere » 19 mars 2013, 19:35

L' Indonésie pense établir une production de charbon de 391 millions de tonnes de charbon en 2013, soit 1% de plus qu' en 2012.
Indonesia aims to produce 391 mil mt of coal in 2013, up 1% on year

Manila (Platts)--18Mar2013

The Indonesian government has set a 2013 coal production target of 391 million mt, up 1% from output last year, according to Edi Prasodjo, the coal director at the directorate for minerals and coal which is under the country's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry.

Indonesia produced 387 million mt of coal last year, beating its target of 332 million mt, Prasodjo told Platts in an interview.

He said it is likely that actual coal production this year will also surpass the government's target.

In 2011, Indonesia produced 357 million mt, compared with a target of 327 million mt.

Prasodjo said that 80% of Indonesia's coal production last year was exported, with the rest sold in the domestic market. ... al/8239975

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par energy_isere » 08 oct. 2013, 19:53

L' Indonésie prévoit une production de charbon de 410 à 420 millions de tonnes de charbon en 2014, voire plus.
Indonesian 2014 coal output seen at 410-420mn tonnes

08 October 2013

Indonesian coal production is expected to increase by 5 percent to between 410-420 million tonnes in 2014 but could go higher, a leading industry association said on Tuesday.

Output in the world's top thermal coal exporter is seen at around 400 million tonnes in 2013, Indonesian Coal Mining Association (ICMA) Chairman Bob Kamandanu told reporters, confirming a forecast from earlier this year.

"My figures are always conservative," said Kamandanu, adding that market conditions were changing. "If you're talking about next year, 410-420 (million tonnes), but it could reach up to 450 (million tonnes)." ... onnes.html

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par energy_isere » 29 déc. 2014, 17:18

L’Indonésie prévoit pour 2015 une croissance de ses extractions de charbon de plus de 9%

Raymond Bonnaterre

Selon Platts, les dirigeants indonésiens, prévoient pour 2015 des extractions de charbon de 460 millions de tonnes dont plus des trois quarts seront exportées. Ces extractions devraient atteindre cette année les 421 millions de tonnes
............... ... plus-de-9/

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par energy_isere » 29 nov. 2019, 01:37

Indonesia Plans to Produces 489 Million Tonnes Coal in 2019

Coal News - Published on Thu, 28 Nov 2019

Indonesia’s Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Mr Arifin Tasrif informed parliament that Indonesia’s production of coal for the January-September period was 390 million tonnes and that Indonesia aims to produce 489 million tonnes of coal in 2019

Indonesia revised up its 2019 coal output target to this number in March, from 480 million tonnes, after over-shooting the 2018 production target ... 019/553088

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Re: Charbon en Indonésie

Message par mobar » 29 nov. 2019, 08:40

Doubler la production en 10 ans fallait le faire!
Les énormes projets de CtL semblent n'avoir pas avancé dans la période, il semble que Sasol ai préféré la Chine à l'Indonésie!
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