[Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 01 mai 2024, 10:40

U.S. Senate Approves Bill to Ban Russian Uranium Imports

By Charles Kennedy - May 01, 2024,

The U.S. Senate unanimously voted in favor of a bill that would ban the imports of Russian uranium as the latest attempt to squeeze Russia’s export revenues amid its ongoing war on Ukraine.

If the Senate had not passed the legislation, the White House was considering an executive order to the same effect.
Russia is the second-biggest supplier of uranium for U.S. nuclear reactors, after local producers. Imports of Russian uranium account for 24% of the total, making a complete elimination of these supplies rather challenging.

However, the import ban legislation contains waivers to make sure nuclear reactors have enough fuel, Reuters noted in a report on the news.

"The risks of continuing this dependence on Russia for our nuclear fuels are simply too great," Republican Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers said, as quoted by Reuters. "It's weakening America's nuclear fuel infrastructure, which has declined significantly because of reliance on these cheap fuels."

Plans are to step up local production and enriching of uranium to reduce dependence on imports, with one senator noting Wyoming was a top candidate for future uranium supplies for U.S. nuclear reactors.
"Wyoming has the uranium to replace Russian imports, and we're ready to use it," John Barrasso from the Senate Energy Committee said. Wyoming is his home state. "Our bipartisan legislation will help defund Russia's war machine, revive American uranium production, and jumpstart investments in America's nuclear fuel supply chain," Barrasso added.

Following the news of the uranium vote in the Senate, uranium prices jumped in anticipation of a supply squeeze. The replacement of Russian enriched uranium with alternative supply could lift costs by as much as 20%, according to a Bloomberg report.

Currently, nuclear power plants in the United States spend around $1 billion annually on Russian uranium imports—a bill that would swell considerably after the ban, if the Bloomberg calculations are accurate.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... ports.html

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 04 mai 2024, 15:20

suite de ce post du 17 fevrier 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 7#p2385807

Mise en service commercial de Vogtle-4.
Georgia Power starts operation of Unit 4 at Vogtle nuclear project in US

By NS Energy Staff Writer 30 Apr 2024

Vogtle Unit 4, which is equipped with a Westinghouse AP1000 reactor, is expected to generate enough electricity to power approximately 500,000 households and businesses apart from delivering reliable, emissions-free energy to customers for a minimum period of 60 to 80 years

Georgia Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company, has achieved commercial operation at Unit 4 of the 2.2GW Vogtle nuclear expansion project in Georgia, US.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/g ... ect-in-us/

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 10 mai 2024, 23:01

La start-up nucléaire du patron d'OpenAI s'effondre pour sa première cotation

AFP le 10 mai 2024

Le cours de la start-up Oklo, spécialisée dans l'énergie nucléaire et présidée par le patron d'OpenAI (ChatGPT) Sam Altman, a brutalement chuté vendredi pour sa première journée de cotation à Wall Street.

Vers 19H40 GMT, le titre lâchait 53,89% à 8,40 dollars.

Créée en 2013 par des anciens du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Oklo s'est introduit en Bourse en fusionnant avec AltC Acquisition Corp, une société déjà cotée.

Cette dernière est une SPAC (special purpose acquisition company), une entreprise dont le seul but est de permettre à une autre d'entrer à Wall Street par le biais d'une union.

Depuis l'annonce de l'opération, en juillet, le prix de l'action AltC s'est envolée, prenant plus de 72%.

Les opérations impliquant une SPAC induisent souvent une forte volatilité, pour partie parce qu'elles sont davantage exposées à la spéculation que des introductions en Bourse classiques.

Impliqué dans plusieurs secteurs de pointe, Sam Altman a investi dans Oklo, le nom de cette jeune société, en 2015, et en est également devenu le président.

Selon des documents publiés par la start-up, il contrôle directement environ 3% du capital.

Le trentenaire s'est fait connaître avec le lancement par OpenAI, en novembre 2022, de ChatGPT, interface d'intelligence artificielle dite générative, qui peut créer du texte sur demande en langage courant.

Oklo prévoit de construire des petits réacteurs nucléaires, aussi appelés SMR (small modular reactors), dont les délais de réalisation sont théoriquement plus réduits que ceux des centrales traditionnelles et qui peuvent être installés plus facilement dans des zones reculées.

Oklo veut aussi proposer un service de recyclage du combustible nucléaire.

La jeune société ne dispose encore d'aucun site et s'est vu refuser, en janvier 2022, un permis de construction d'un SMR en Idaho par l'Agence américaine de régulation du nucléaire (NRC).

La NRC a retoqué cette candidature notamment du fait d'un manque d'informations sur les risques d'accidents et les réponses prévues en pareil cas.

La fusion avec la SPAC AltC a permis à Oklo de lever 306 millions de dollars, somme qui doit être consacrée à la réalisation du premier réacteur à fission d'Oklo, baptisé Aurora.

Le groupe de Santa Clara (Californie) vise une mise en service en 2026 ou 2027.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... ion-240510

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 15 mai 2024, 00:37

Pour sa sécurité et ses objectifs climatiques, Washington ne veut plus d'uranium russe

AFP le 14 mai 2024

Les Etats-Unis ont assuré mardi que leur décision d'interdire les importations d'uranium russe était un pas en avant tant pour leur sécurité que pour leurs objectifs climatiques, alors que l'industrie nucléaire russe reste l'une des principales sources de revenus de Moscou.

Le président américain Joe Biden a signé lundi une loi, largement votée par le Congrès, qui vise à interdire l'importation de tout uranium russe aux Etats-Unis à compter du 12 août.

Malgré les sanctions imposées à la Russie après l'invasion de l'Ukraine, le pays fournit entre 20% et 30% de l'uranium enrichi utilisé par les Etats-Unis et l'Europe et 44% au niveau mondial, selon le département américain de l'Energie.

"La Russie continue à se reposer sur son complexe militaro-industriel dans sa guerre contre l'Ukraine et représente un risque pour la sécurité américaine et internationale, en partie grâce à ses revenus issus de ses exportations d'uranium", a pointé dans un communiqué le porte-parole du département d'Etat, Matthew Miller.

La loi prévoit par ailleurs un financement de 2,72 milliards de dollars pour permettre au département de l'Energie de développer des capacités d'enrichissement aux Etats-Unis.

Pour l'administration Biden, l'énergie nucléaire est une solution pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique, grâce à une énergie qui n'émet par de carbone, même si elle reste controversée, notamment du fait du risque d'accident.

Le texte "va fournir l'assurance à l'industrie, nos alliés et partenaires que les Etats-Unis ont fait le choix de mettre en place une chaîne d'approvisionnement en combustible nucléaire indépendante de toute influence étrange, pour les décennies à venir", a ajouté M. Miller.

La loi permet cependant au département de l'Energie de mettre fin à l'interdiction, en cas de circonstances particulières, d'ici à la fin 2027.

De son côté, le département du Trésor a annoncé de nouvelles sanctions visant l'oligarque russe Oleg Deripaska, qu'il accuse d'avoir mis en place un système "opaque et complexe" pour contourner les sanctions déjà existantes à son encontre.

M. Deripaska a déposé plainte contre les sanctions américaines et fait également l'objet de pression en Russie, où un de ses hôtels a été saisi par les autorités après qu'il a parlé de "guerre" et non "opération spéciale" pour décrire l'invasion de l'Ukraine.

Les sanctions visent un autre citoyen russe, Dimitri Beloglazov, accusé d'avoir participé au système de contournement avec une de ses entreprises.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... sse-240514

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 01 juin 2024, 11:21

Aprés l'usine GNF ( voir ce post du 17 fev 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 7#p2385817) au tour de Framatome avec terraPower de se lancer dans le combustible HALEU avec l'appui du DOE.
Framatome, TerraPower announce plans for HALEU metallisation plant

31 May 2024

Framatome and TerraPower have agreed to design and develop a high-assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) metallisation pilot plant at Framatome's nuclear fuel manufacturing facility in Richland, Washington.

The Richland fuel manufacturing facility (Image: Framatome)

Metallisation is a crucial part of the deconversion process to turn enriched uranium hexafluoride - UF6 - into a form that can be used to fabricate HALEU fuel for advanced reactors. The pilot line is currently under construction and will demonstrate Framatome's capability to convert uranium dioxide into HALEU metal.

Framatome said the pilot line will initiate "a long-term collaboration to supply metal feedstock" and help Terrapower to develop a domestic supply chain for HALEU in the USA.

"This agreement advances fuel technologies for the nuclear energy industry and working pragmatically with TerraPower builds the trust and confidence our customers count on," said Ala Alzaben, senior vice president for North America Fuel at Framatome.

TerraPower's Natrium advanced nuclear power technology features a 345 MWe sodium-cooled fast reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system. A Natrium demonstration plant is to be constructed near a retiring coal facility at Kemmerer in Wyoming.

A strong domestic fuel supply chain is crucial for the wide-scale deployment of advanced nuclear energy solutions, which are needed to meet clean energy targets and provide reliable, baseload energy, TerraPower President and CEO Chris Levesque said. "This investment by TerraPower into Framatome's pilot plant is a critical step in bringing advanced reactors like the Natrium technology to market," he added.

The USA's current commercial nuclear fuel cycle is based on reactor fuel that is enriched to no more than 5% U-235, also known as low-enriched uranium, or LEU. HALEU - enriched to between 5% and 20% - will be used by many of the advanced reactor technologies that are currently under development, but there is as yet no US domestic commercial source of HALEU available to fuel them.

A HALEU fuel cycle will need new enrichment facilities, transportation solutions, and conversion and deconversion facilities, but without a clear demand signal private fuel cycle companies cannot commit the required capital to build out the necessary infrastructure. This led to what has been described as a 'chicken and egg' problem threatening to delay the deployment of advanced reactors and small modular reactors.

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is pursuing various pathways to produce HALEU through its HALEU Availability Program (HAP), authorised by the Energy Act of 2020 to meet the pressing need for the material, and the Inflation Reduction Act - signed into law in 2022 - included a USD700 million support package. Framatome has applied for DOE funding under the HAP Deconversion and Metallisation Request for Proposals.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... -HALEU-met

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Re: [Nucléaire] Relance du nucléaire aux USA.... ou pas ?

Message par energy_isere » 08 juin 2024, 22:43

La secrétaire à l'énergie appelle à relancer fortement de nouveaux programmes de centrales nucléaires :
Granholm calls for tripling of US nuclear fleet

07 June 2024

It is time for the USA to cash in on the experience of nuclear new-build at Vogtle, US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said at an event held to mark the completion of the two units in Georgia. Restarting recently retired nuclear plants could also play a part in meeting the need for new capacity.

Secretary Granholm at the Vogtle celebration (image: Southern Company)

The two AP1000 units built as units 3 and 4 at the Vogtle site near Waynesboro, Georgia, entered commercial operation in July 2023 and April 2024, respectively. Granholm acknowledged the commitment, vision, cooperation and collaboration that went into the project to construct the first US nuclear units in a generation to be built "from scratch".

"This project is a prime example of how first-of-a-kind challenges can become 'nth-of-a-kind' successes, thanks to the work of those who came before and public-private partnerships," she said. First-mover projects of this size are too big and too financially risky for the private sector to do by itself, but are too important for the nation to fail to act, she said.

"To reach our goal of net-zero by 2050, we have to at least triple our current nuclear capacity in this country. That means we’ve got to add 200 more gigawatts by 2050," she said.

"And so it’s time to cash in on our investments by building more these facilities," she added,

In a later interview with Reuters, Granholm said building new reactors at nuclear power plant sites could be a cost-effective way of expanding US nuclear capacity - and also said some recently retired plants could restart. "I do think they can come back," she said, adding that she would be "surprised" if the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office (LPO) - which recently conditionally committed up to USD1.52 billion for a loan guarantee to Holtec Palisades for its project to bring the Palisades plant back online - was not talking to operators of other shuttered plants about reopening as well. She said she was not involved in LPO's talks. The LPO does not reveal the status of loan applications.

About 30 US nuclear power plant sites have already been licensed or permitted for the construction of more reactors, she said, which would be a cost-effective way of expanding nuclear generation: "So you don't have to go through the whole rigamarole again, you can just use the existing footprint to be able to increase generation capacity."

She also told Reuters that, with the rise in energy demand driven by technologies such as artificial intelligence requiring power-hungry data centres, the US Administration is asking big technology companies to invest in clean energy generation, suggesting that such companies could work together to make use of small modular reactors. Placing orders simultaneously could reduce costs.

"We've been talking with data companies. The large ones have commitments to net-zero and would like to see clean baseload power," Granholm said. "If the tech companies are coming in and are going to pull clean power from the grid, they should bring the power with them," she said.

Georgia Power announced the start of commercial operations at Vogtle 4 in April, joining Vogtle 3 which entered commercial operation in July 2023. Operated by Southern Nuclear on behalf of co-owners Georgia Power, Oglethorpe Power, MEAG Power and Dalton Utilities, the plant is now the largest generator of clean energy in the USA. Georgia Power is a subsidiary of Southern Company.

"Today is a momentous occasion as we celebrate this accomplishment," Southern Company President and CEO Chris Womack said during the celebration to mark the opening of the units. "We have proven in the United States that we can do hard things. We can build big things. We can build new nuclear in the United States."
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... lear-fleet
