Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 17 mars 2024, 15:02

Economy chief says Chile’s lithium products likely to get US subsidies

Bloomberg News | March 15, 2024

Chile is betting that components made with its lithium will qualify for subsidies under the US Inflation Reduction Act, potentially attracting a wave of fresh investment from companies seeking to tap into the country’s vast reserves of the battery metal.

Economy Minister Nicolas Grau, who expects talks with the Biden administration to conclude this year, said a positive decision would allow locally-manufactured lithium cathode to be built into electric vehicles that receive US subsidies.

“We’re very optimistic that it will happen,” Grau said in an interview from his office in downtown Santiago. “The way the law is framed creates the opportunity.”

As a major producer of key electric vehicle ingredients such as lithium and copper, Chile is at the forefront of the global transition to clean energy. President Gabriel Boric’s leftist administration introduced last year a national lithium policy that, while giving the state a bigger role in the sector, aims to open up new areas to mining as well as encourage more investments in plants to turn semi-processed metal into battery components.

If extended to value-added Chilean lithium, the subsidies will make it more attractive for US companies to invest in the country, said Grau, who holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

While raw materials like lithium produced in US trading allies clearly qualify for the subsidies, there is less clarity on value-added products such as cathode used in rechargeable batteries.

The US State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Inflation Reduction Act is intended to encourage carmakers to produce more electric vehicles in North America and secure the key minerals from friendly nations with free-trade agreements, like Chile and Australia, while ensuring independence from economic rival China.

Tesla and LG

After visiting an Albemarle Corp. lithium processing facility during a trip to Chile this month, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the US is likely to increase its imports of the metal from the country.

Companies that have held meetings with the Chilean government on lithium in recent months include Tesla Inc., which started local operations this year, and LG Energy Solution Ltd.

In 2023, roughly 65% of Chile’s lithium exports went to China, while 25% went to South Korea, according to government statistics. Producers have been hit by a slump in prices last year, though Grau said analyst forecasts indicate the medium-term outlook remains bright.

The new US-Chile tax treaty, which is designed to prevent companies from being taxed twice on the same income, will facilitate investment between both nations, Grau said.
https://www.mining.com/web/economy-chie ... subsidies/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 17 mars 2024, 15:24

suite de ce post du 20 aout 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 4#p2375414
Liontown Resources enters $363m debt facility for lithium project ramp-up

Reuters | March 12, 2024

Australia’s Liontown Resources said on Wednesday it has entered a A$550 million ($363.2 million) debt facility for the planned ramp-up and expansion of its flagship Kathleen Valley lithium project in Western Australia.

The debt facility would ensure that the project is funded through first production and ramp up to 3 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) base case.

“The debt facility provides financial certainty and sufficient time for Liontown to complete the previously announced review of Kathleen Valley’s 4 Mtpa expansion,” the miner said.

The company said in January it was reviewing the project to lower near-term funding needs, which could include delaying its 4 Mtpa underground development, other mine plan adjustments, and further cost cuts.

($1 = 1.5142 Australian dollars)
https://www.mining.com/web/liontown-res ... e-ramp-up/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 17 mars 2024, 15:28

Léger rebond du cours du lithium carbonate :
After massive bust, global lithium market shows signs of life

Bloomberg News | March 12, 2024

After a spectacular bust, battery-metal lithium is showing tentative signs of life on speculation the retracement that convulsed the market last year has forced the conditions for a recovery.

The spot price of lithium carbonate in China – the key material used to power electric vehicles – has rebounded to the highest level since December following its 80%-plus collapse in 2023. On the Guangzhou Futures Exchange, meanwhile, the most-active contract has jumped by more than a fifth over the past month.


https://www.mining.com/web/after-massiv ... s-of-life/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 23 mars 2024, 10:54

suite de ce post du 2 sept 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 7#p2376187
Le britannique Fujax veut s’approvisionner en lithium à la mine sud-africaine Blesberg jusqu’en 2026

Agence Ecofin 20 mars 2024

Des projets de lithium sont développés en Afrique depuis quelques années, mais le Zimbabwe reste le seul producteur du continent. Alors que le Ghana et le Mali s’activent pour lancer des mines dans les mois à venir, l’Afrique du Sud devrait les devancer avec le redémarrage de la mine Blesberg.

En Afrique du Sud, Marula Mining a annoncé le 19 mars un accord avec Fujax pour lui vendre la production de lithium de la mine Blesberg. Valable jusqu’au 31 décembre 2026, avec une possible prolongation jusqu’à fin 2029, l’accord de vente concerne un volume minimum de 50 000 tonnes de minerai et de concentré de spodumène titrant au moins 5,5 % de lithium.

« Je suis très heureux d’avoir signé cet accord d’achat à long terme avec la société britannique Fujax pour 100 % de notre production prévue de minerai et de concentré de spodumène provenant de notre mine de lithium et de tantale de Blesberg », a commenté Jason Brewer, PDG de Marula Mining.

Enregistrée au Royaume-Uni, Fujax est une multinationale active dans le négoce de métaux et de matières premières énergétiques. La compagnie britannique et Marula ont convenu d’un prix de vente fixé en fonction de l’indice de prix du concentré de spodumène sur la bourse des métaux de Shanghai (SMM), après déduction des frais de commission, de transport et d’échantillonnage.

Les premières expéditions devraient commencer en mai 2024 et se poursuivront sur une base mensuelle, jusqu’à expiration de l’accord. Notons que le début de l’exploitation du lithium de Blesberg permet à l’Afrique du Sud de rejoindre le Zimbabwe au rang des producteurs africains de lithium. D’autres pays devraient élargir ce cercle dans les années à venir, notamment le Mali avec les mines Goulamina et Bougouni dès 2024 et le Ghana avec Ewoyaa en 2025.

Marula Mining a soumis en janvier 2024 une demande de permis minier auprès du ministère sud-africain des Mines pour le redémarrage de la mine Blesberg, avec un plan d’exploitation sur 10 ans. Rappelons que Blesberg a livré du concentré de spodumène par le passé, ainsi que d’autres produits comme le tantale, et le feldspath.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/metaux/200 ... qu-en-2026

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 24 mars 2024, 10:54

suite de ce post du 3 avril 2022 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 2#p2340642
Rio Tinto to spend $350m on Argentine lithium plant

The move underscores the company's commitment to commencing production by the end of the year.

March 20, 2024

Global mining company Rio Tinto has earmarked $350m for its Rincon lithium project in Argentina, Reuters reported.

The move underscores the company’s commitment to commencing production by the end of the year.

This development comes after Rio Tinto CEO Jakob Stausholm recently visited the site, highlighting the strategic importance of the investment.

Stausholm was quoted by the news agency as saying: “The hard work of our Rincon team is laying the groundwork for our first lithium production by year’s end.”

In 2022, Rio Tinto acquired the Rincon project from Rincon Mining for $825m, and looks to establish a battery-grade lithium carbonate plant capable of producing 3,000 tonnes annually.

Rio Tinto is making a notable pivot by investing in lithium, a critical component for electric vehicle batteries, according to the news agency.

This decision contrasts with other major mining companies such as BHP, which have refrained from entering the lithium market.

Argentina is considered an important player in the “lithium triangle,” which also includes Chile and Bolivia.

https://www.mining-technology.com/news/ ... t/?cf-view

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 31 mars 2024, 12:02

Chile opens 26 lithium salt flats to private companies

Cecilia Jamasmie | March 27, 2024

Chile has revealed a long-awaited list of lithium-bearing salt flats that will be open to private investors with the goal of increasing local production of the battery metal by 70% in a decade, but as the mining minister told MINING.COM last year, it has reserved the Atacama and Maricunga salars for state majority control.

The announcement provides insight into President Gabriel Boric’s government strategy to implement a national lithium policy announced a year ago. The model calls for public-private alliances in future projects, with state firms controlling partnerships in the most promising areas, while private firms can take the majority stake in projects located in less strategic zones.

A tender process for 26 salt flats will be kicked off in April and it is expected to conclude in July, the government said. It noted it expects to see three or four new projects under development by 2026.

Atacama and Maricunga, the two salt flats deemed strategic and as such reserved to state-controlled partnerships, host a combined lithium potential of 10.8 million tonnes, corresponding to 64% of global reserves.

Nine other salt flats could contribute 3.3 million additional tonnes, according to expert José Cabello, head of consulting firm Mineralium.

Officials also announced the state will create a network of protected salt flats, which will not be touched as they are located in National Parks and other environmentally critical protected areas.

Juggling act

Chile is the world’s top copper producer and the second-largest producer of lithium after Australia. Both metals are considered vital commodities for the global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies.

Only two companies currently extract lithium in the country – Chile’s SQM and US-based Albemarle – both in the Atacama salt flat.

The government is trying to juggle securing state control of the industry while attracting more private capital, protecting the environment and moving further down the value chain. Last year, it tasked state-owned copper producer Codelco to negotiate partnerships with each company.

Chilean salt flats

Some of the salt flats identified in northern Chile. Only Atacama and Maricunga have been subject to enough exploration to define lithium reserves. (Image courtesy of Jose Cabello | Andean Geology, 2022.)

The copper giant has already reached a preliminary agreement with SQM, which is set to last until 2060, but talks with Albemarle are ongoing. Earlier this month, Codelco also finalized the $254 million acquisition of Australia’s Lithium Power International, which handed the company the Maricunga lithium project, located in the namesake salt flat.

Global demand for lithium, according to the Chile’s own projections, will quadruple by 2030, reaching 1.8 million tonnes. Available supply by then is expected to sit at 1.5 million tonnes.

Lithium carbonate exports represented 5.3% of total Chilean shipments in 2023, down from 8.4% the previous year.
https://www.mining.com/chile-opens-26-l ... companies/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 07 avr. 2024, 11:50

suite de ce post du 25 fev 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 6#p2386456
Surge Battery Metals to begin drilling at Nevada North lithium project next month

Staff Writer | April 4, 2024

Surge Battery Metals (TSXV: NILI) said on Thursday it has reached an agreement with the Salmon River Cattlemen’s Association (SRCA) to begin drilling on parcels of SRCA private ground, where Surge already holds 25% of the surface mineral rights comprising about 880 acres within the boundaries of its Nevada North lithium project (NNLP) in Nevada.

Surge reported in February an initial mineral resource estimate on NNLP, which it said had the highest-grade lithium clay resource in the US with 4.7 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) grading 2,839 parts per million (ppm) lithium at a 1,250 ppm cutoff. The company also calculated over 4 million tonnes of LCE grading 3,167 ppm lithium using a 2,000 ppm cutoff.


There is significant expansion potential as this lithium resource only covers a portion of the known footprint of mineralization, Surge Battery Metals said.

This year, the company intends to drill four reverse circulation holes on the SRCA parcels to test extensions of high-grade lithium mineralization outlined in previous drilling to the north of the private parcel and high-grade soil geochemistry (>1,000 ppm Li).

It also plans to drill another four holes on claims it holds and on claims with its joint venture partner M3 Metals (TSXV: MT). The drill sites, it said, will be determined by ground conditions, avoidance of sensitive areas on the private parcels and permitting approval by the Bureau of Land Management.

Drilling is scheduled to start by the end of May 2024 and will test for lithium mineralization 1 km to the west and up to a 1.2 km to the south of the 2024 resource area. The drilling is designed to expand and better define the footprint of lithium clay mineralization at the NNLP prior to infill drilling in 2025.

“We are happy to have come to an agreement with the Salmon River Cattleman’s Association and look forward to actively working together as we advance the NNLP,” Surge Battery Metals CEO Greg Reimer said in Thursday’s release.

“Our 2024 program will be bold and will take big step outs to the west and south, growing the mineralization footprint as much as possible prior to our 2025 exploration program.”
https://www.mining.com/surge-battery-me ... ext-month/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 14 avr. 2024, 10:00

suite de ce post du 30 avril 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 1#p2368421
US moves closer to approving ioneer’s Nevada lithium mine

Reuters | April 12, 2024

The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) moved a step closer on Friday to approving ioneer’s Rhyolite Ridge lithium mine in Nevada, a project that would be a key supplier of the electric vehicle battery metal to Ford Motor and others.

The proposed mine, roughly 225 miles (362 km) north of Las Vegas, contains one of North America’s largest sources of lithium, and could produce enough of the metal to power nearly 370,000 EVs each year.

The site is also home a rare flower found nowhere else on the planet, so some conservation groups oppose ioneer’s project, making it a lightning rod in the debate over whether biodiversity matters more than the fight against climate change.
https://www.mining.com/web/ioneer-moves ... ic-review/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 14 avr. 2024, 10:13

suite de ce post du 20 aout 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 8#p2375418
Gina Rinehart-backed lithium hopeful surges after demo batch

Bloomberg News | April 11, 2024

Australia-listed lithium developer Vulcan Energy Resources Ltd. has gained nearly 40% this week after announcing its first viable output using direct-extraction technology, an emerging technique for producing the battery material.

The firm’s demonstration plant in Landau, Germany, delivered a batch of lithium chloride in line with the quality it eventually plans to make commercially, Vulcan said in a statement on Thursday. The firm backed by Australia’s richest woman Gina Rinehart has agreements to supply European carmakers including Stellantis, Renault SA, and Volkswagen AG.

The firm’s shares jumped about 13% on Wednesday and closed 24% higher on Thursday.

Direct lithium extraction, or DLE, is seen as a promising production technique because it radically reduces the time needed to convert lithium brine into a form suitable for battery manufacturing. But it has faced widespread skepticism, and is still relatively untested at commercial scale.

“We see this as a major step forward for the company, a validation of Vulcan’s extensive work to date and of our view that DLE has a role to play in the lithium supply chain,” analysts from Cannacord Genuity Ltd. said in an emailed note.

Vulcan is planning to start market-ready production in 2026, executive chairman Francis Wedin said in an email interview. The company is still seeking to secure funding for that first phase, which will make 24,000 tons of lithium hydroxide annually — enough to supply batteries for half a million electric vehicles.

“Construction will take just over two years, and the clock starts ticking once financing is complete,” Wedin said. The company is in talks with potential strategic investors, including oil and gas and automotive companies, to buy equity, Vulcan said..

Vulcan said the demo production in Germany was the first lithium chloride sourced and produced within Europe. The project will use geothermal energy to power its plant, reducing carbon emissions, it said.
https://www.mining.com/web/gina-rinehar ... emo-batch/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 21 avr. 2024, 13:34

suite de ce post du 4 oct 2020 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 3#p2310113
Piedmont Lithium secures mining permit for Carolina lithium project

By NS Energy Staff Writer 16 Apr 2024

Issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s DEMLR following a comprehensive review, the permit is subject to conditions both customary and specific to the project

Piedmont Lithium has received mining permit approval for the construction, operation, and reclamation of the proposed Carolina lithium project in North Carolina, US.

The permit has been issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)’s Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) after a thorough review. It is subject to customary conditions as well as those tailored to the project’s specifics.

The application for the mining permit was submitted by Piedmont Lithium on 30 August 2021.

Located in Gaston County, the Carolina project is to become a fully-integrated lithium project, encompassing mining, spodumene concentrate production, and lithium hydroxide conversion, all within a single site.

Currently, the American lithium project is in the development stage.

The Carolina lithium project is being designed to have an annual output of 30,000 metric tons of lithium hydroxide.

According to Piedmont Lithium, the projected capacity would more than double the present US production capacity of about 20,000 metric tons annually.

Besides, the Carolina lithium project is expected to greatly contribute to the energy security of the US.

The construction of the American lithium project is expected to begin after obtaining the remaining necessary permits, rezoning approvals as well as project financing activities.

Piedmont Lithium president and CEO Keith Phillips said: “The North Carolina mining permit approval is the precursor for the county rezoning process, and we look forward to continued engagement with the local community and the Gaston County Board of Commissioners.

“Construction would commence following receipt of all required permits, rezoning approvals, and project financing activities.

“We have had extensive and ongoing dialogue with possible funding sources for Carolina Lithium, including the U.S. Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office and strategic parties who could provide some combination of capital, offtake, and technical support.”

In February 2024, Piedmont Lithium completed a 27% reduction in its workforce as part of the company’s cost-cutting measures amid a decline in lithium prices.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/p ... m-project/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 21 avr. 2024, 13:43

suite de ce post du 29 oct 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 9#p2379119
Codelco to select Maricunga lithium project partner by 2024
The selected partner is expected to receive a 49% stake in the lithium project.

April 16, 2024

Chile’s national mining company, Codelco, is looking to select a partner for its lithium project in the Maricunga salt flat by the first quarter of 2024, reported Reuters, citing the company’s chairman Maximo Pacheco.

The move forms part of the company’s efforts to expand its lithium mining operations, a critical component of the green energy transition.

Codelco, traditionally a copper mining giant, has shifted its focus to lithium under the new directive from Chile President Gabriel Boric’s administration, which aims to enhance the state’s involvement in the lucrative lithium sector.

The project in Maricunga comes after Codelco recently increased its stake in the Maricunga salt flat to around 65% by acquiring Australian company Lithium Power International.

In an interview, Pacheco disclosed that Codelco has engaged Rothschild to identify potential partners until the end of the year.

The selected partner will receive a 49% stake in the project.

Furthermore, Codelco is exploring a JV with SQM in the Atacama salt flat, which is known for its high lithium concentration.

The negotiations for the Atacama venture have faced challenges due to thorough due diligence and community concerns about water resources. Despite these issues, Pacheco is confident that the 31 May deadline will be met.

https://www.mining-technology.com/news/ ... 4/?cf-view

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 21 avr. 2024, 14:52

suite de ce post du 19 sept 2021 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 3#p2326983
Tesla co-founder JB Straubel has built an EV battery colossus

Bloomberg News | April 18, 2024

Earlier that day, his battery-recycling company, Redwood Materials, flipped the switch on its first commercial-scale line producing a fine black powder essential to electric vehicle batteries. Known as cathode active material, it’s responsible for a third of the cost of a battery. Redwood plans to manufacture enough of the stuff to build more than 1.3 million EVs a year by 2028, in addition to other battery components that have never been made in the US before.
long article : https://www.mining.com/web/tesla-co-fou ... -colossus/

le site de l'entreprise Redwood Materials : https://www.redwoodmaterials.com/news/s ... s-process/


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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 21 avr. 2024, 16:05

suite de ce post du 26 novembre 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 4#p2380744

April 17, 2024
https://patriotbatterymetals.com/patrio ... -ministry/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 27 avr. 2024, 22:53

suite de ce post du 25 aout 2019 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 1#p2286701
Argosy secures EIA approval for expansion of Rincon lithium project

By NS Energy Staff Writer 25 Apr 2024

The government of Salta Province officially approved the company’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the development of a 10,000tpa battery quality lithium carbonate production operation expansion at the Rincon lithium project

Australia-based Argosy Minerals has secured official approval for the development of the 10,000tpa lithium carbonate expansion operation at the Rincon Lithium Project in Argentina.

The Government of Salta Province in Argentina and the Secretary of Mining and Energy granted the permit to develop and produce up to 12,000tpa of lithium carbonate from the Rincon project.

It enables the company to expand the Rincon lithium project based on its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) submission.

With the formal approval in place, the company now has all the necessary approvals required to develop the 10,000tpa expansion operation at the Rincon project site.

Argosy managing director Jerko Zuvela said: “We are grateful to the Salta Province regulatory authorities, especially the Secretary of Mining and Energy and her team.

“The company has conducted extensive work on this EIA process to prove the long-term sustainability of our project.

“This is a significant milestone and I thank our team for such an achievement and we look forward to completing our upcoming milestones.”

Argosy is an Australian company that currently owns a 77.5% interest in the Rincon Lithium Project in Argentina and a 100% interest in the Tonopah Lithium Project in Nevada, USA.

The company aims to further focus on advancing its pre-development engineering works currently being conducted for the expansion, in preparation for an FID.

It is also looking for a strategic partner to secure investment linked to long-term off-take arrangements from a tier-1 counterparty in the EV supply chain.

Zuvela added: “The company can confidently advance its strategic partner process, with the EIA approval providing significant de-risking for a potential strategic group to become involved in realising the development of the next 10,000tpa stage of our Rincon Project.

“This significant milestone further confirms Argosy’s ambitions and the near-term growth phase to fully develop the Rincon Lithium Project.”

In 2020, Argosy received approvals from the Government of Salta Province in Argentina along with its regulatory bodies to build a 2,000tpa lithium processing plant, and related works at the Rincon lithium project.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/a ... m-project/

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Re: Le lithium, le prix en baisse aprés la flambée.

Message par energy_isere » 27 avr. 2024, 23:21

India seeks overseas help for lithium processing to avoid relying on China

Reuters | April 25, 2024

India is in talks with several countries seeking partnerships for technical help on lithium processing, said four sources familiar with the matter, to bolster its nascent lithium mining and electric vehicle industries and avoid relying on China.

India’s Ministry of Mines began discussions with Australia and the United States last year, said the four sources, two from India’s government and two industry participants. The Indian government and some private companies have also sought help from Bolivia, Britain, Japan and South Korea, said the sources, who did not wish to be identified as the discussions were not public.

Executives from Russia’s TENEX, part of state-owned nuclear energy company Rosatom, approached the Indian government and have held at least two meetings with Indian officials this year, offering lithium processing technology and the possibility of collaborating with Indian companies, said one of the sources, a senior government official with direct knowledge of the plans.

The discussions illustrate efforts by India, the world’s third-largest carbon emitter and oil importer, to develop a lithium mining industry that could provide the chemical feedstocks for batteries for its domestic electric vehicle (EV) industry which could help cut its greenhouse gas emissions and oil dependence.

“India needs technology to process lithium and we are looking to collaborate with other countries which have some experience,” said the senior government official. “We are aiming to be self-reliant and one of the ways is through partnerships.”

The government’s top policy think-tank NITI Aayog has recommended incentives for setting up lithium processing plants. India’s battery industry will require an annual 56,000 metric tons of lithium carbonate by 2030, according to NITI Aayog.
https://www.mining.com/web/india-seeks- ... -on-china/
