
Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Guyana

Message par energy_isere » 18 nov. 2023, 02:46

CGX, Frontera Make Another Oil Discovery in Guyana

by Rocky Teodoro|Rigzone Staff|Monday, November 13, 2023

Joint venture (JV) partners CGX Energy Inc. and Frontera Energy Corporation have announced the discovery of a total of 114 feet (35 meters) of net pay at the Wei-1 well on the Corentyne block, approximately 124.3 miles (200 kilometers) offshore from Georgetown, Guyana.

The JV believes that the rock quality discovered in the Maastrichtian horizon in the Wei-1 well is analogous to that reported in the Liza Discovery on the Stabroek block. “Results further demonstrate the potential for a standalone shallow oil resource development across the Corentyne block”, the two companies said in a joint news release, adding that the JV has discovered total net pay of 342 feet (104 meters) to date on the Corentyne block to date
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Re: Guyana

Message par energy_isere » 19 nov. 2023, 10:31

Production at the Payara development, Guyana’s third offshore oil development on the Stabroek Block, started ahead of schedule, Exxon Mobil Corp. said.

by Paul Anderson|Rigzone Staff|Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Prosperity floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel will have a total production capacity of approximately 620,000 barrels of oil per day. It is expected to reach initial production of approximately 220,000 barrels per day over the first half of next year as new wells come online, ExxonMobil said in a press release. This additional capacity will be the third major milestone towards reaching a combined production capacity of more than 1.2 million barrels per day on the Stabroek Block by year-end 2027, it said.
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Re: Guyana

Message par energy_isere » 24 nov. 2023, 07:29

Le Guyana envisage l'implantation de bases militaires face au Venezuela

AFP le 24 nov. 2023

Le Guyana envisage l'implantation de bases militaires dans la région pétrolifère de l'Essequibo réclamée par le Venezuela, a annoncé jeudi son vice-président, avant la visite de délégations du ministère américain de la Défense.

"Nous n'avons jamais été intéressés par des bases militaires mais nous devons protéger nos intérêts nationaux", a déclaré le dirigeant, Bharrat Jagdeo, lors d'une conférence de presse.

La tension entre le petit pays d'Amérique du Sud et le Venezuela voisin est à son comble à l'approche d'un référendum organisé le 3 décembre par Caracas en vue d'une annexion de l'Essequibo.

Attribuée au Guyana par une décision arbitrale de 1899, ce territoire de 160.000 km2, représentant les deux tiers de la superficie du pays, a avivé la convoitise du Venezuela depuis que du pétrole y a été découvert par le groupe américain ExxonMobil en 2015.

Le référendum organisé par le Venezuela doit notamment porter sur une récusation de l'arbitrage de 1899, souhaitée par Caracas, et sur l'attribution de la nationalité vénézuélienne aux habitants de l'Essequibo.

"Ce qui nous intéresse, c'est de maintenir la paix dans notre pays et à nos frontières, mais nous travaillons avec nos alliés pour nous assurer d'être parés à toute éventualité", a affirmé M. Jagdeo.

"Toutes les options disponibles seront exploitées", a-t-il martelé, soulignant que le Guyana entretenait des liens de coopération militaire avec "un certain nombre de pays".

Le pays accueillera la semaine prochaine deux délégations du ministère américain de la Défense, avant une visite de "haut niveau", a indiqué le vice-président.

M. Jagdeo a précisé que son pays souhaitait avant tout que le différend puisse être tranché par la Cour internationale de justice (CIJ), que Georgetown a saisie, mais dont Caracas conteste la compétence.

Le Venezuela estime que la frontière naturelle entre les deux pays est délimitée par le fleuve Essequibo et que la région du même nom doit lui revenir.

La revendication vénézuélienne est d'autant plus brûlante qu'une nouvelle découverte de pétrole a eu lieu en octobre dans la région, ajoutant aux réserves du Guyana au moins 10 milliards de barils.

Le Guyana dispose des plus importantes réserves de pétrole par habitant au monde. Le Venezuela possède pour sa part les plus importantes réserves prouvées de la planète. ... ela-231124

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Re: Guyana

Message par energy_isere » 13 avr. 2024, 15:32

ExxonMobil Guyana moves forward with sixth offshore development

le 12/04/2024 europetrole

ExxonMobil has made a final investment decision for the Whiptail development offshore Guyana, after receiving the required government and regulatory approvals. Whiptail, the sixth project on the Stabroek block, is expected to add approximately 250,000 barrels of daily capacity by the end of 2027.

“Our sixth multi-billion-dollar project in Guyana will bring the country’s production capacity to approximately 1.3 million barrels per day,” said Liam Mallon, president of ExxonMobil Upstream Company. “Our unrivaled success in developing the Guyana resource at industry-leading pace, cost and environmental performance is built on close collaboration with the government of Guyana, as well as our partners, suppliers, and contractors. The Stabroek block developments are among the lowest emissions intensity assets in ExxonMobil’s upstream portfolio and will provide the world with additional reliable energy supplies now and for years to come.”

The $12.7 billion Whiptail project will include up to 10 drill centers with 48 production and injection wells.

“We are committed to helping spread the benefits throughout the country by investing in local Guyanese communities and projects to support the country’s phased and sustainable development,” Mallon said.

Production from the six Stabroek block developments will generate tens of billions of dollars of revenue and significant economic development for Guyana. Since first production in 2019, more than $4.2 billion has been paid into the Guyana Natural Resource Fund.

There are currently 6,200 Guyanese working in support of Stabroek block operations—which is 70% of the workforce. The cumulative spend of ExxonMobil Guyana and its contractors with Guyanese suppliers since 2015 surpassed $1.5 billion at the end of 2023.

The Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel for the Whiptail project, to be named Jaguar, is under construction. Three FPSOs – the Liza Destiny, Liza Unity and Prosperity – are currently operating offshore Guyana and are safely producing more than 600,000 barrels of oil per day. Construction is underway on FPSOs for the Yellowtail and Uaru projects, with Yellowtail anticipated to start production in 2025 and Uaru targeted in 2026.

ExxonMobil affiliate ExxonMobil Guyana Limited is operator and holds 45% interest in the Stabroek block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest, and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25% interest. ... -n-i-26915

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Re: Guyana

Message par energy_isere » 17 avr. 2024, 09:34

suite du post au dessus.
SBM Bags Contracts for ExxonMobil's Latest Guyana Project

by Rocky Teodoro|Rigzone Staff | Tuesday, April 16, 2024

SBM Offshore NV has secured contracts for the Whiptail development project in Guyana's Stabroek Block from ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL).

Under the contracts, SBM Offshore will construct and install the floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) Jaguar. SBM Offshore will transfer ownership of the FPSO before its installation in Guyana, the company said in a recent news release.

SBM Offshore noted that it expects to operate the FPSO for 10 years under the operations and maintenance enabling agreement it signed last year.

SBM Offshore said the FPSO Jaguar’s design is based on its seventh new build, multi-purpose floater hull combined with several standardized topside modules. The FPSO will be designed to produce 250,000 barrels of oil per day, and have an associated gas treatment capacity of 540 million cubic feet per day, as well as a water injection capacity of 300,000 barrels per day. The FPSO will be spread moored at a water depth of about 5348 feet (1,630 meters) and will be able to store around two million barrels of crude oil, according to the release.

The award follows completion of front-end engineering and design studies, receipt of requisite government approvals and the final investment decision on the project by ExxonMobil and block partners, according to the release.

Exxon Mobil Corp. recently made a final investment decision (FID) for the Whiptail development offshore Guyana after receiving government and regulatory approvals.It is the sixth project on the Stabroek block and is expected to add approximately 250,000 barrels of daily capacity by the end of 2027, the company said in a news release Friday. The project, estimated to cost $12.7 billion, will include up to 10 drill centers with 48 production and injection wells.

The Whiptail development is the sixth development within the Stabroek block, circa 200 kilometers offshore Guyana. EMGL is the operator and holds a 45 percent interest in the Stabroek block, Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds a 30 percent interest and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited, holds a 25 percent interest.

EMGL is the operator and holds a 45 percent interest in the Stabroek block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percent interest, while CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25 percent interest.

The FID comes after ExxonMobil announced its latest discovery in Guyana’s Stabroek last month, adding to multiple exploration successes in the block.

In November 2023, ExxonMobil Corp. purchased the FPSO vessel Liza Unity in Guyana, which it had been leasing from SBM Offshore NV, for $1.26 billion. Liza Unity is part of the second-phase development of the offshore Liza field. The agreement for the company’s acquisition of Liza Unity extends SBM’s operating and maintenance rights for the unit through 2033.

The 6.6-million-acre Stabroek block is a hotly contested area between global oil giants, as ExxonMobil challenged block partner Hess Corp’s planned stake divestment, which is part of the latter’s pending acquisition by Chevron Corp. The asset holds 11 billion barrels, and production has the potential to double to 1.2 million barrels a day by 2027, raising the oil production profile of Guyana globally. ... 5-article/
