Le Brésil

Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 11 oct. 2023, 19:08

Le Brésil a commencé la construction de son premier sous-marin nucléaire - le sous-marin d'attaque Alvago Alberto recevra six lance-torpilles, des missiles de croisière et des missiles antinavires.

Par: Maksim Panasovskyi 11 oct 2023
lire https://gagadget.com/fr/332312-le-bresi ... ecevra-si/

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 12 nov. 2023, 18:59

Comerc commissions 662 MW of solar in Brazil
Comerc has commissioned 662 MW of solar capacity in Várzea da Palma, Brazil. The facility will provide power to silicon metal producer Liasa via a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA).


Brazilian energy supplier Comerc Energia has inaugurated the 662 MW Hélio Valgas Solar Complex, which is located in Várzea da Palma, in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. According to the country's Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), the facility is the fifth-largest PV plant in Brazil.

The construction required an investment of BRL 2 billion ($405.2 million). The complex will sell “almost all” of the electricity it will produce to Liasa, a state-owned manufacturer of silicon metal, under a long-term PPA.

The Hélio Valgas plant is installed on an area of 1,154 hectares – the equivalent of 1,650 football fields.

At present, Brazil's largest solar plant is the Janaúba Solar Complex, with 1.2 GW of capacity. In the state of Piauí, Italian utility Enel operates the São Gonçalo complex, with 864 MW of installed capacity. In July, mining giant Vale inaugurated a 766 MW complex in Minas Gerais, which will supply 16% of its energy.
https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/11/10/ ... in-brazil/

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par mobar » 12 nov. 2023, 20:39

energy_isere a écrit :
11 oct. 2023, 19:08
Le Brésil a commencé la construction de son premier sous-marin nucléaire - le sous-marin d'attaque Alvago Alberto recevra six lance-torpilles, des missiles de croisière et des missiles antinavires.

Par: Maksim Panasovskyi 11 oct 2023
lire https://gagadget.com/fr/332312-le-bresi ... ecevra-si/
On se demande bien contre qui le Brésil compte utiliser tout ce matos! :-k
« Ne doutez jamais qu'un petit groupe de personnes bien informées et impliquées puisse changer le monde, en fait, ce n'est jamais que comme cela que le monde a changé »

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 16 déc. 2023, 12:34

Brésil : des enchères de concessions pétrolières dans le pays de Lula qui s'affiche champion de l'écologie
Alors que la COP28 s'est terminée sur un accord mercredi intégrant une transition vers la fin des énergies fossiles, une vente aux enchères de concessions pétrolières était organisée à Rio de Janeiro.

France Info le 14/12/2023

Au Brésil, à Rio de Janeiro, sous les fenêtres de l'hôtel où a eu lieu une immense vente aux enchères de blocs pétroliers, autrement dit de concessions pétrolières, mercredi 13 décembre, des manifestants sont venus faire grand bruit. Cette vente s'est déroulée le jour même de la clôture de la COP28 où les participants ont signé un accord parlant de transition vers l'abandon des combustibles fossiles. Le Brésil s'est d'ailleurs déplacé en masse à ce sommet pour le climat à Dubaï pour faire figure de bon élève. Le président Lula souhaite en effet être un leader dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique et a montré son bilan positif en matière de déforestation, et pourtant cette vente aux enchères de blocs pétroliers a bien eu lieu.

Des manifestants sont donc venus protester contre une aberration selon eux, ce qu'ils appellent "les enchères de la fin du monde". Parmi eux, Marcelo Laterman de l'ONG Greenpeace : "Nous sommes venus manifester contre les plus grandes ventes aux enchères jamais faites au Brésil, ce sont plus de 600 de blocs de pétrole et de gaz. Ce sont aussi les pires enchères car les zones concernées sont extrêmement sensibles du point de vue socio-environnemental. Plus qu'une contradiction, c'est un vrai affront, un jour seulement après la COP".

Au-delà des émissions de gaz à effet de serre que cela implique, environ 15 zones protégées, 23 terres autochtones et cinq quilombos, des communautés de descendants d'esclaves, pourraient être impactés. C'est le cas du quilombo de Luiza.

"On a tellement défendu Lula, pensant qu'il allait nous écouter, nous, les plus pauvres. Mais on est très déçus, surtout que tout ça a été fait sans même nous prévenir", explique-t-elle. Le Brésil, déjà 9ème producteur de pétrole au monde, entend bien gagner des parts de marché. Cette stratégie tranche donc fortement avec les ambitions écologiques affichées par le président brésilien.
https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/bresi ... 42538.html

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 04 févr. 2024, 19:27

Sao Paulo inaugurates 7 MW floating solar plant
The government of Sao Paulo, Brazil, says that a new 7 MW floating solar project on a reservoir in the megalopolis is the first phase of a 75 MW facility that will be completed in 2025.


Image: Governo de São Paulo

The government of Sao Paulo has announced the completion of the first phase of the UFF Araucária floating PV project on the Billings Reservoir, which is the largest reservoir in Sao Paulo.

The plant has a capacity of 7 MW and features 10,500 solar panels mounted on high-density polyethylene floats. It will operate under the country's net metering scheme.

“The plant will be the largest in the country to operate commercially in distributed generation, with generators located close to consumption centers,” the government said in a statement. “It can produce up to 10 GWh per year.”

The State of Sao Paulo Environmental Company (Cetesb) owns and operates the facility.

The plant is one of the main sustainable energy development projects in Sao Paulo and was implemented under the coordination of the Secretariat of Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics. Completion is scheduled for the end of 2025, with the delivery of another 75 MW of renewable energy caapcity.

“This plant is the realization of what we are pursuing in the state of São Paulo with clean energy, energy transition and decarbonization,” said Secretary of Environment Natalia Resende. “This means using clean energy to provide quality services combined with the environment and what means sustainability.”

In just two months, the implementation of the plant generated around 200 jobs. The plant occupies less than 0.1% of the Billings Reservoir's surface area, minimizing the total environmental impact.

“In this first phase alone, 80 direct jobs and approximately 120 indirect jobs were created,” said Emae CEO Marcio Rea. “The forecast for the next two years is a lot of work with the installation of more plants. We are 100% committed to this objective.”
https://www.pv-magazine.com/2024/01/25/ ... lar-plant/

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 02 mars 2024, 15:09

Mise en service du terminal d'importation LNG au Brésil à l'embouchure de l' Amazone. (Barcarena)
Le gaz servira à Norsk Hydro’s Alunorte refinery et à une nouvelle centrale thermique à gaz.
New Fortress Energy Places Barcarena LNG Terminal in Pará, Brazil into Operation

europetrole 29/02/2024

New Fortress Energy Inc. today announced that its 6 MTPA (300 TBtu) Barcarena LNG terminal located in Pará, Brazil is now operational with the Energos Celsius Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) on-site. NFE cohosted an event on-site to celebrate the terminal’s commissioning with the state government of Pará and the Ministry of Mines and Energy for Brazil, including Helder Barbalho, the Governor of Pará, and Alexandre Silveira, the Minister of Mines and Energy for Brazil.

NFE’s Barcarena LNG terminal is strategically located at the mouth of the Amazon River in Pará, Brazil and serves as the sole natural gas supply source in the state of Pará and the North region of Brazil. The facility consists of an offshore terminal and FSRU that will supply LNG to several industrial customers, including a 15-year contract with Norsk Hydro’s Alunorte refinery, the largest alumina refinery in the world. The terminal will not only support industrial development but also reduce emissions and pollution in the environmentally sensitive Amazon region by providing a cleaner, affordable and reliable alternative to oil-based fuels.

NFE expects to immediately begin delivering natural gas to Norsk Hydro’s Alunorte refinery under a 15-year gas supply agreement. NFE will supply the alumina production facility with approximately 30 TBtus of natural gas annually, reducing the refinery’s annual CO2 emissions by an estimated 700,000 tonnes per annum and supporting Norsk Hydro's global commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030.

The Barcarena terminal will also supply natural gas to NFE’s 630 MW power plant, which is currently under construction adjacent to the Barcarena terminal. The power plant remains on track to achieve COD in the third quarter of 2025 and is approximately 50% complete. Additionally, the company intends to utilize its existing infrastructure in place in Barcarena to strategically expand its power complex by 1.6 GW under the previously announced New Power Project PPA, with an expected COD no later than July 2026. NFE has applied to transfer the New Power Project PPA to a permitted site adjacent to the Barcarena terminal and expects close the acquisition in the first quarter of 2024, subject to regulatory approval.
https://www.euro-petrole.com/new-fortre ... -n-i-26748

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 10 mars 2024, 18:49

Production start at the 531 MW Mendubim photovoltaic plant in Brazil

March 8, 2024 evwind

The 531 MW Mendubim solar plant in Brazil has come into operation. This marks a 30% increase in Equinor’s equity power production in Brazil.

“Mendubim represents an important contribution to Equinor’s diversified energy offering in Brazil that includes a robust oil and gas portfolio and an attractive renewables position,” says Veronica Coelho, Equinor’s country manager in Brazil.

Mendubim will annually produce 1.2 TWh of power.

Around 60% of the power will be sold on a 20-year USD-denominated power purchase agreement (PPA) with Alunorte, one of the world’s leading suppliers of alumina for the aluminium industry.
https://www.evwind.es/2024/03/08/produc ... azil/97108

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 28 mars 2024, 00:15

Sous-marins: la France "aux côtés" du Brésil, qui va développer la propulsion nucléaire (Macron)

AFP le 27 mars 2024

Le président Emmanuel Macron a déclaré mercredi que la France était "aux côtés" du Brésil pour la construction de ses sous-marins, une coopération de longue date qui inclut le développement d'un submersible à propulsion nucléaire.

"Je souhaite que nous ouvrions le chapitre pour de nouveaux sous-marins, le quatrième, le cinquième, mais (...) que nous regardions en face la propulsion nucléaire en étant parfaitement respectueux de tous les engagements les plus rigoureux de non-prolifération", a-t-il lancé lors de la mise à l'eau d'un sous-marin franco-brésilien à propulsion conventionnelle à Itaguai, près de Rio.

"Ce cadre existe, est possible. Vous le voulez. La France sera à vos côtés", a-t-il ajouté, mais sans annoncer une collaboration spécifique pour aider Brasilia à développer la propulsion nucléaire.

Brasilia cherche à convaincre Paris d'accroître ses transferts de technologies pour l'aider à intégrer le réacteur dans le sous-marin et de lui vendre des équipements liés à la propulsion nucléaire (turbine, générateur).

A ses côtés lors de la cérémonie, le président brésilien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva a d'ailleurs réitéré cette demande.

"Si le Brésil veut avoir accès aux connaissances de la technologie nucléaire, ce n'est pas pour faire la guerre. Nous voulons ces connaissances pour assurer à tous les pays qui veulent la paix que le Brésil sera à leurs côtés", a déclaré Lula.

Le Tonelero, lancé mercredi, est le troisième des quatre Scorpène à propulsion conventionnelle prévus dans le cadre d'un vaste partenariat signé en 2008. Le dernier, l'Angostura, doit être lancé en 2025.

En outre, l'accord doit permettre au Brésil de concevoir et construire son premier sous-marin nucléaire d'attaque, l'Alvaro Alberto.

L'industriel naval de défense français Naval Group fournit une assistance technique pour la conception du bâtiment, sauf pour sa partie nucléaire, la chaufferie nucléaire étant conçue par les Brésiliens. Le projet accumule les retards.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... n-240327-0

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 14 avr. 2024, 22:22

suite de ce post du 10 mars 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 9#p2387729
The 531 MW Mendubim photovoltaic plant inaugurated in Brazil

April 14, 2024 evwind

The Mendubim Solar Complex, the largest photovoltaic project in Rio Grande do Norte, was inaugurated in the municipality of Assu. With investments of R$ 2.1 billion, the project has 531 MW of installed power.

The complex consists of 13 floors and occupies an area of 1,200 hectares, the equivalent of 1,200 football fields. Construction began in July 2022 and, at the height of the work, more than 1,600 workers worked simultaneously.

In total, there are 974,000 545 W modules from Canadian Solar, 2,560 Huawei inverters and around 11,000 Nextracker trackers, as well as step-up transformers. The complex also has 83 power plants distributed in 31 medium voltage circuits.
https://www.evwind.es/2024/04/14/the-53 ... azil/97838

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 14 avr. 2024, 22:35

Atlas inaugurates one of the 10 largest photovoltaic plants in Brazil

April 7, 2024 evwind

Atlas Renewable Energy and Hydro Rein will begin operating a photovoltaic solar power plant in Boa Sorte, in Paracatu (MG). With 438 MW of installed capacity, it is among the 10 largest solar plants in Brazil.

The solar complex will supply electricity to Albras, the largest primary aluminum producer in Brazil, representing around 12% of the company’s total energy demand, in a 20-year contract, with no period from 2025 to 2044. The venture will generate a total of 920 GWh annually.

https://www.evwind.es/2024/04/07/atlas- ... azil/97701

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 19 avr. 2024, 19:23

Projet de construction d'une centrale thermique à gaz au Brésil de 1.6 GW.
New Fortress Energy signs EPC contract and begins construction of 1.6GW power plant to serve 15-year agreement in Brazil

By NS Energy Staff Writer 18 Apr 2024

New Fortress Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NFE) (“NFE” or the “Company”) announced that it has finalized and executed an engineering, procurement and construction contract (the “EPC Contract”) with a consortium formed by Mitsubishi Power Americas and Andrade Gutierrez (the “MHI/AG Consortium”) for a 1.6 GW power plant to be built adjacent to the Barcarena LNG terminal. NFE has also issued full Notice to Proceed to the MHI/AG Consortium to begin construction work under the contract. The power plant will provide firm power capacity under the previously announced 15-year Capacity Reserve Contract (“Agreement”) that NFE acquired from Denham Capital and CEIBA Energy, which closed in March 2024.

Under the terms of the fixed-price, date-certain EPC Contract, construction activities for the thermal power plant are already in progress with commercial operations projected to commence no later than August 2026. The power plant will operate under the 15-year Agreement with the Brazilian Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization.

In Q1 2024, NFE completed construction and commissioning of both the Barcarena and Santa Catarina “TGS” terminals. Along with the existing 630 MW power plant and 25-year agreement, the Barcarena LNG terminal will now host and supply LNG to more than 2,200 MWs of power capacity owned by NFE, as well as supply natural gas to Norsk Hydro’s Alunorte alumina refinery under a 15-year contract which commenced in Q1 2024.

“We are very pleased to announce this EPC Contract and the start of construction for our 1.6 GW power plant in Barcarena. We are grateful to our partners at Mitsubishi Power and Andrade Gutierrez for their swiftness and collaboration in placing this great project into construction and we look forward to finalizing the work over the next 24 months,” said Andrew Dete, Managing Director of New Fortress Energy.

“This 1.6 GW power plant is a historic project for Brazil. It will allow for an efficient energy transition and ensure the reliability of the national electrical system. We are proud to participate together with Andrade Gutierrez to design and construct this important project to support NFE’s growth in Brazil,” said Tim Shore, Senior Vice President of LATAM Commercial and Regional Leader for Mitsubishi Power Americas.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/n ... in-brazil/
