
Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 12 nov. 2022, 19:52

La Roumanie pourrait accueillir le plus grand parc solaire d’Europe
Le producteur d’électricité britannique Rezolv Energy a acquis les droits de développement avancé d’un projet solaire de 1 044 MWc. Le pays d’Europe de l’Est se prépare à déployer un système de contrat de différence (CfD) au début de l’année prochaine afin de déployer 3,5 GW d’énergie solaire et éolienne.


Le producteur d’électricité indépendant britannique Rezolv Energy a acquis auprès du développeur roumain Monsson les droits de construction et d’exploitation d’une centrale solaire photovoltaïque de 1 044 MWc dans le comté d’Arad, dans l’ouest de la Roumanie. Après sa mise en service en 2025, environ 1,6 million de nouveaux panneaux solaires devraient produire 1,5 Terrawattheures (TWh) par an, de quoi d’alimenter plus de 370  000 foyers.

Le projet dans le comté d’Arad, dans l’ouest de la Roumanie, est dans une phase de développement avancée. Rezolv Energy est maintenant à la recherche de solutions technologiques et d’options de financement par emprunt. La construction devrait commencer dans les premiers mois de l’année prochaine. Les conditions financières de la transaction n’ont pas été précisées.

Rezolv Energy a été lancée en août dernier et est soutenue par l’investisseur en infrastructures durables Actis qui a injecté 500 millions d’euros. Lors de sa création, la société a déclaré qu’elle « fournirait de l’énergie propre non subventionnée à un prix stable et à long terme pour les utilisateurs commerciaux et industriels, ainsi que pour d’autres acheteurs » dans le centre et le sud-est de l’Europe. Elle a également annoncé des accords pour acquérir les droits de développement de deux projets éoliens d’une capacité combinée de 1 GW.

Le marché roumain en plein décollage

Le marché de l’énergie solaire de la Roumanie est prêt à connaître un véritable boom. Ce pays d’Europe de l’est se prépare à déployer un système de contrat de différence (CfD) au début de l’année prochaine, pour déployer 3,5 GW d’énergie solaire et éolienne. Ce mécanisme pourrait garantir un prix de vente minimum de l’électricité et remplacer l’ancien programme de certificats verts.

Le dispositif, que le gouvernement roumain développe en coopération avec la Banque européenne pour la reconstruction et le développement (BERD), sera doté de 125 millions d’euros par an, sur la base de lignes directrices publiées en 2020. ... e-deurope/

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 18 déc. 2022, 18:18

"Des gens ne peuvent pas se chauffer du tout" : en Roumanie, la flambée des prix du bois aggrave le fléau des coupes illégales

Envoyé spécial dans la région de Braşov (Roumanie) - Fabien Jannic-Cherbonnel
France Télévisions
Publié le 15/12/2022
lire : ... 26693.html

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 21 févr. 2023, 23:57

Gaz en mer Noire : une chance pour la Roumanie ? | ARTE Regards vidéo 31 mn

2,87 M d’abonnés
46 960 vues 13 févr. 2023 #Arte #Gaz #Roumanie
La Roumanie possède des ressources en gaz supérieures à la plupart des pays européens. Avec de tels gisements, elle pourrait théoriquement s’affranchir des importations de gaz, voire commencer à approvisionner des pays voisins. Mais sa législation l’interdit. Cela dit, la plateforme de forage Ana a été mise en service en mer Noire. Et depuis juin 2022, du gaz naturel est extrait non loin de zones de conflit en Ukraine...

Valentin Solomon, ingénieur en électronique, est fier de travailler sur ce chantier. Premier projet offshore lancé par la Roumanie depuis plus de 30 ans, il représente une lueur d’espoir en pleine crise énergétique.

Reportage (Allemagne, 2022, 32mn)

Disponible jusqu'au 10/02/2024

#Roumanie #Gaz #Arte


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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 08 avr. 2023, 12:54

Kazatomprom à livré de l'Uranium pour la Roumanie par la route transcaspienne. L'Uranium servira aux centrales nucléaires de Roumanie.
Kazakh U delivered to Romania as processing plant readies to start

06 April 2023

Kazakh national atomic company Kazatomprom announced the completion of the shipment of uranium via the Caspian Sea to Romania. The uranium will be used by Nuclearelectrica to start production at its CNU Feldioara processing plant, which the Romanian company has said is now ready to begin operations.
................. ... sing-plant

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Re: Roumanie

Message par phyvette » 19 mai 2023, 23:22

Le Parlement Roumain autorise l’achat de deux sous-marins français Scorpène pour 2 milliards d’euros. ... ds-deuros/
Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 29 mai 2023, 11:17

Enel Green Power gets permission for wind farms of 513 MW in eastern Romania

May 23, 2023 evwind

Renewable electricity division Enel Green Power Romania, in the process of being taken over by the Greek PPC, has obtained the permit to connect to the national grid a number of 4 wind farms in Potoc commune, Caras Severin County, with a cumulative installed power of 513 MW.

The estimated deadline for completion and commissioning is the end of 2026 for 2 of the parks, respectively, the end of 2028 for the other 2, reported.

The wind electricity production units are being developed by four companies taken over by Enel Green Power in 2021 from Romanian-Swedish investor Emanuel Muntmark.

The deal at that time comprised several other projects, including a photovoltaic park of over 680 MW in Arad County, for which the preparation of the works began last autumn. ... ania/91917

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 17 juin 2023, 12:26

suite de ce post du 17 sept 2022 viewtopic.php?p=2352767#p2352767
Romania's NuScale SMR plan gets USD275 million boost

22 May 2023

Funding of up to USD275 million to advance the deployment of a NuScale Power Corporation VOYGR small modular reactor (SMR) plant in Romania was announced at the G7 leaders' summit by the USA and "multinational public-private partners" from Japan, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates.

How a VOYGR-6 plant could look (Image: NuScale)

The money announced includes a Letter of Interest from the US Export-Import Bank (EXIM) for up to USD99 million from the EXIM Engineering Multiplier Program.

The funding will support procurement of "long lead materials, Phase 2 Front End Engineering and Design work, provision of project management expertise, site characterisation and regulatory analyses, and the development of site-specific schedule and budget estimates for project execution".

EXIM and the US International Development Finance Corporation also issued Letters of Interest for "potential financial support of up to USD3 billion and USD1 billion, respectively, for project deployment". The announcement was part of the G7 Leaders' plan to "mobilise USD600 billion in infrastructure investments under the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment".

NuScale and RoPower Nuclear, owned jointly by Romania's Nuclearelectrica and Nova Power and Gas, are currently conducting a FEED phase 1 study to analyse the preferred site of the first VOYGR-6 SMR power plant, which is a former coal plant in Doicesti in Romania. The new funding will support the phase 2 study which also initiates the process of securing authorisations and licenses for the project.

John Hopkins, NuScale Power president and CEO, said: "Support from the Biden Administration and international partners is a signal to energy markets around the world that NuScale SMRs are an important new technology solution to global decarbonisation and that Romania has the capabilities and experience to support its deployment ... we are thrilled public-private partnerships are helping deploy our leading SMR technology as soon as 2029."

Cosmin Ghita, Nuclearelectrica's CEO, welcomed the funding announcement, saying: "We are proud to position Romania on the strategic development map of nuclear energy projects ... we are proud that Romania will be the second country after the USA and the first in Europe to develop a NuScale VOYGR small modular reactor plant and that our project has won the trust and support of the most important financial institutions in the world."

Teofil Muresan, CEO E-INFRA, said: "We are proud that Nova Power & Gas, an E-INFRA Group company, is part of such an important project as the one in Doicesti, a project to replace an old coal-fired power plant with the most modern technology in the field of nuclear power plants - small modular reactors."

Nuclearelectrica said the partners involved in financing the project are the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, DS Private Equity (Korea), EXIM Bank Romania, Nuclearelectrica, Nova Power & Gas, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC), DFC and US EXIM. It noted that ENEC’s involvement was the first collaborative measure following a memorandum of understanding signed by Nuclearelectrica and ENEC in March.

The NuScale Power Module on which the VOYGR nuclear power plants are based is a pressurised water reactor with all the components for steam generation and heat exchange incorporated into a single 77 MWe unit. It is the first SMR design to receive approval from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The company offers a 12-module VOYGR-12 power plant capable of generating 924 MWe as well as the four-module VOYGR-4 (308 MWe) and six-module VOYGR-6 (462 MWe) plants and other configurations based on customer needs. ... million-bo

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 17 juin 2023, 14:05

Petite découverte pétrolière en Roumanie onshore.
OMV Petrom has discovered new crude oil and natural gas resources in Romania
- The investment in the exploration drilling campaign was around EUR 20 million

europetrole 13/06/2023

OMV Petrom, the largest integrated energy company in Southeast Europe, announces the discovery of new crude oil and natural gas resources in the Oltenia and Muntenia regions of southern Romania. Cumulatively, the discovered deposits hold over 30 million boe of recoverable resources, equivalent to around three quarters of OMV Petrom’s 2022 production.

Exploration drilling and testing of these three wells took place between June 2022 and April 2023. The company has invested around EUR 20 mn in the exploration drilling campaign.

Cristian Hubati, member of the OMV Petrom Executive Board, responsible for the Exploration and Production activities : "Romania has been producing crude oil and natural gas for over 150 years, and under these conditions, identifying new resources requires a significant effort. The new discoveries will contribute to reducing the decline of our production and to the continuity of the supply of essential products for the economy.”

One of the discoveries made by OMV Petrom was in the Verguleasa exploration area, in the Oltenia region. The company has identified crude oil resources totaling around 20 million boe, representing OMV Petrom's largest crude oil discovery in decades. The discovery is in the vicinity of another production area, which will offer synergies by facilitating a faster start of production.

Another discovery took place in the Târgoviște exploration block, where crude oil resources were identified in an estimated amount of 6 million boe. Successful testing was carried out in April 2023 and pre-exploitation work is in preparation.

A third discovery was made in the Târgu Jiu exploration block. Natural gas resources of 7 million boe were identified, equivalent to almost one third of Romania’s natural gas production in 2022. One follow-up well is already planned for next year and preparations for a tie-in are ongoing.

All discoveries are the result of the company’s exploration strategy focusing on near-field opportunities located close to existing infrastructure, which facilitates quick development, tie-ins and early production of newly found resources. ... -n-i-25682

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 21 juin 2023, 23:56

suite de ce post du 3 novembre 2021 viewtopic.php?p=2329759#p2329759
Gaz en mer Noire : OMV va investir 4 milliards d'euros avec la compagnie roumaine Romgaz

AFP le 21 juin 2023

Le groupe pétrolier et gazier autrichien OMV a annoncé mercredi un investissement allant jusqu'à 4 milliards d'euros en coopération avec la compagnie Romgaz, contrôlée par l'Etat roumain, pour développer un projet d'extraction du gaz en mer Noire.

Attendu de longue date, ce projet baptisé Neptun Deep - une concession s'étalant sur 7.500 km2 - "est destiné à devenir l'un des plus importants de l'Union européenne", selon un communiqué, précisant que la production devrait débuter en 2027.

Dans la foulée de l'invasion de l'Ukraine, la Roumanie, qui dispose d'importantes réserves d'hydrocarbures sur terre et sur mer, a amendé l'an dernier une loi défavorable aux investissements dans l'offshore.

À l'image du mouvement de diversification engagé par ses partenaires de l'UE, le but est de réduire la dépendance aux hydrocarbures russes pendant l'hiver.

"OMV Petrom et Romgaz vont investir conjointement jusqu'à 4 milliards d'euros pour la phase de développement du projet, qui doit aboutir à l'exploitation de 100 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz", a indiqué OMV, qui détient une part de 51% dans la co-entreprise OMV Petrom.

Le plan doit encore recevoir l'aval de l'Agence roumaine pour les ressources minérales.

"Neptun Deep fournira une source d'énergie fiable et sûre dans la région, tout en renforçant la position de notre groupe en mer Noire et dans l'Europe du sud-est", s'est félicité le PDG d'OMV Alfred Stern, cité dans le communiqué.

Son associé roumain Romgaz avait repris en 2021 la part du géant américain ExxonMobil, découragé par les conditions restrictives pour exploiter ce gisement découvert en 2012.

Si le projet aboutit, ce sera une manne appréciable pour la Roumanie, un des pays les plus pauvres de l'UE: une étude de la société d'audit Deloitte datant de 2018 avait chiffré les recettes à des dizaines de milliards d'euros dans les prochaines décennies. ... gaz-230621

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 08 août 2023, 11:16

Contrat pour Saipem pour du développement gazier en mer noire pour plusieurs centaines de millions d'euros :
In the release, Saipem outlined that its Romania deal relates to the Neptun Deep Gas Development Project located in the Black Sea, “for which the award procedure was completed by OMV Petrom”. The workscope for this contract includes the engineering, procurement, construction, and installation (EPCIC) of a gas processing platform at around 100 meters of water depth, three subsea developments, a 30-inch gas pipeline around 160 km long, and associated fiber optic cable from the shallow water platform to the Romanian coast, the company highlighted in the statement.

The gas processing platform will be fabricated at Saipem’s yards in Italy and Indonesia, and the offshore operations will be performed by the Saipem 7000 and JSD 6000 vessels, Saipem revealed, adding that the technological tests and analyzes for the materials used in the project will be carried out in Romania through the local entity of Saipem in Ploiesti. ... 4-article/

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 04 nov. 2023, 13:37

Le projet gazier de MGD en mer noire produit 1 milliard de m3 de gaz par an. L'usine de traitement de son gaz fonctionne correctement et à passé une maintenance avec succés.
Black Sea Oil & Gas completes first planned turnaround of MGD project facilities
The MGD Project is the first new offshore gas development in Romania in over 30 years

By NS Energy Staff Writer 31 Oct 2023

Black Sea Oil & Gas completes first planned turnaround of MGD project facilities. (Credit: Black Sea Oil & Gas)

Black Sea Oil & Gas SA (BSOG) and its Midia Gas Development (MGD) partners, Petro Ventures Resources and Gas Plus Dacia, announce the successful completion of the first planned turnaround of the MGD Project facilities. Gas production from Midia fields was brought back at plateau on stream on 26th October 2023.

After 16 months of gas production with an outstanding 100% delivery to our gas buyer achieved (with very low CO2 emissions of 0.8 kg/boe), the MGD Project facilities, namely the onshore Gas Treatment Plant (GTP) and the Ana Wellhead platform located 110 km off the Romanian coast, went through a three day period of inspections, cleaning and maintainance of major equipment to ensure another 100% gas delivery achieved up to the next turnaround in 12 months.

At the same time, a number of site modifications at several locations were performed to improve the robustness and reliability of the MGD Production assets.

The turnaround works took place in the last week of October, during which time the gas production from the Ana and Doina reservoirs had been stopped. BSOG mobilized all its onshore resources at the GTP site near Vadu (around 150 people/day working on 24hrs basis) and offshore at Ana Wellhead platform (25 people) to ensure a safe and efficient operation,

Mark Beacom, BSOG CEO, commented: “Congratulations to all the staff involved for an efficient and effective turnaround while, most importantly, maintaining MGD’s unblemished zero LTIs record right from day 1 of construction.”

The MGD Project is the first new offshore gas development in Romania in over 30 years. The current production is of just over 1 BCM per year, accounting for 12% of Romania’s gas needs. ... acilities/

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 14 déc. 2023, 23:57

suite de ce post du 21 juin 2023 ... 1#p2371921
Transocean Bags Rig Contract for Romania's Neptun Deep

by Jov Onsat|Rigzone Staff|Thursday, December 14, 2023

OMV Petrom SA has contracted a Transocean Ltd. rig for Romania’s first deepwater offshore gas project and awarded the integrated drilling services to the local unit of the United States’ Halliburton Co.

The Transocean Barents semi-submersible drilling rig will be deployed to the Neptun Deep block on the Romanian side of the Black Sea for at least one and a half years. OMV Petrom and Transocean have agreed on a contract value of EUR325 million ($354.05 million).

Tasked with 10 wells the drilling vessel is scheduled for mobilization to the Black Sea toward the end of next year while drilling is planned to start 2025.

“The Transocean Barents is a state-of-the-art drilling rig with a Class 3 dynamic positioning system, anchors and dual RAM Rigs, meaning it can work efficiently at both our shallow and deepwater locations”, OMV Petrom said in a press release.

Halliburton Energy Services Romania SRL meanwhile has won a EUR 140 million ($152.51 million) contract for integrated drilling services, which it will execute with Newpark Drilling Fluids Eastern Europe SRL. “Halliburton’s international and local experience in Romania will be deployed on a wide range of services such as cementing, directional drilling and well completions”, OMV Petrom said.

The awarding of the new contracts meant Romanian state-backed OMV Petrom has now reached 80 percent completion in the execution of needed contracts to complete Neptun Deep, a 2012 discovery that spans 7,500 square kilometers (2,895.77 miles).

In August it signed the main contract for Neptun Deep with Saipem SPA and Saipem Romania SRL, worth about EUR 1.6 billion ($1.74 billion). The contract is for engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning services.

OMV Petrom expects the project to begin production 2027, with a 10-year life. The volume of recoverable gas has been pegged at 3.53 trillion cubic feet. Daily output is projected to be approximately 140,000 barrels of oil equivalent.

The development consists of three subsea production systems with associated flow lines and umbilicals, a shallow water offshore gas platform, a natural gas pipeline and natural gas metering, according to OMV Petrom.

................................ ... 3-article/

3.53 trillion cubic feet c'est 100 milliards de m3 de gaz

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 03 mars 2024, 19:50

Projet dans l'hydrogène en Roumanie :
OMV Petrom has signed two financing contracts to build two green-hydrogen production facilities with a total capacity of 55 MW at the Petrobrazi refinery in Romania.
The Austrian company said it signed the contracts with the Romanian Ministry of Energy for a maximum funding amount of €50 million ($54.2 million), with the total investment coming it at EUR 140 million. It noted that public support comes from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), a funding facility supported by the European Commission. ... -hydrogen/

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Re: Roumanie

Message par phyvette » 17 mars 2024, 19:45

La Roumanie construira la plus grande base de l'OTAN en Europe, plus grande que la base aérienne allemande de Ramstein.
La base militaire abritera en permanence jusqu'à 10 000 soldats de l'OTAN.
La base aérienne de Ramstein a une superficie de 1 400 ha et la base de Kogălniceanu aura 2 800 ha.
Merci à Poutine pour sa contribution à l'Europe de la défense. ... in-europa/ ... -kogalnice
Image Quand on a un javelin dans la main, tous les problèmes ressemblent à un T-72.

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Re: Roumanie

Message par energy_isere » 17 mars 2024, 20:03

2.5 milliard d'euro de budget prévu pour ce projet !
