Pétrole non conventionel en Argentine

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Re: Pétrole non conventionel en Argentine

Message par energy_isere » 26 juin 2022, 11:08

suite de 3 posts au dessus.

Le gaz de schiste de Vaca Muerta devient une réalité :
Argentina contracts Tenaris to complete gas pipeline from Vaca Muerta

By NS Energy Staff Writer 17 Jun 2022

Energia Argentina will buy 582km of 36-inch diameter pipelines and 74km of 30-inch pipelines, which will be used for the first stage of the gas pipeline project between Tratayén, in Neuquén, and Saliquelló, in the province of Buenos Aires

Argentina’s state-run Energia Argentina has reportedly signed a contract with pipeline manufacturer Tenaris to complete a pipeline that would supply natural gas from the Vaca Muerta shale formation.

The contract marks an important step towards the completion of the 563km gas pipeline project.

As part of the contract, the Argentinian company will purchase 582km of 36-inch diameter pipelines and 74km of 30-inch pipelines, reported Reuters.

The pipelines will be used for the first stage of the gas pipeline project between Tratayén, in Neuquén, and Saliquelló, in the province of Buenos Aires, along with other projects.

The first stage of construction may require 18 months and encompass a public investment of more than $1.5bn.

The project would help Argentina reduce costly liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports and reverse the energy deficit that hindered the country’s economic recovery.

Also, the gas pipeline is expected to provide a 25% boost in the gas volume transferred from the Vaca Muerta mega field, said the publication.

Vaca Muerta is a geologic formation of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age, located in the Neuquén Basin in northern Patagonia, Argentina.

The shale formation is said to be the world’s fourth-largest unconventional oil reserve and second-largest gas reserve.

Furthermore, the Argentinian court is currently reviewing the contract, which has been at the centre of an internal dispute within the ruling centre-left coalition, said Reuters.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/a ... ca-muerta/

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Re: Pétrole non conventionel en Argentine

Message par energy_isere » 07 juil. 2022, 08:51

Could Argentina’s Dead Cow Shale Patch Help Solve The Energy Crisis?

By Matthew Smith - Jul 06, 2022

> Latin America’s third largest economy is reporting record-breaking hydrocarbon production.

> Shale oil and natural gas output from the Vaca Muerta basin have been vital in Argentina’s push to ramp up production.

> Some analysts are forecasting that Argentina will be pumping 1 million barrels of petroleum by 2026 seeing exports reach 500,000 barrels per day or more.

In a surprise development, Latin America’s third largest economy Argentina reported record hydrocarbon production for May 2022. For that month Argentina pumped an average of 574,465 barrels of crude oil and 136 million cubic meters of natural gas per day. Those volumes represent a 0.9% and 6.8% increase respectively over a month prior and a notable 13.9% and 6.9% higher year over year. The key driver of that impressive leap in production volumes was growing shale oil and natural gas output from the Vaca Muerta. Ministry of Economy data shows (Spanish) that Argentina pumped 241,024 barrels per day of unconventional oil for April 2022 which amounts to 42% of the country’s total petroleum production. That is 6% greater than a month earlier and an impressive 57% higher year over year. Unconventional natural gas production is also surging seeing Argentina pump 75 million cubic meters of unconventional natural gas during April 2022, which was 15% greater month over month and a whopping 38% higher than a year earlier. Those impressive numbers make Argentina Latin America’s largest natural gas and fifth largest oil producer after Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela.

This tremendous production growth can be attributed to the successful exploitation of the Vaca Muerta shale. The geological body, which covers 12,000 square miles, is a late Jurassic to early Cretaceous age formation located in the Neuquén Basin, which covers most of Neuquén Province. That sedimentary basin, where conventional oil production started in the early twentieth century, is at the core of Argentina’s hydrocarbon sector is responsible for 46% of the country’s oil output and 67% of the natural gas produced. The exploitation of the Vaca Muerta is vital to the recovery of Argentina’s long-running economic crisis which has seen the country default nine times on its sovereign debt since independence.

The geological formation is believed to be the world’s second largest shale gas and fourth largest shale oil resource. The US EIA estimated in 2013 that the Vaca Muerta contains recoverable hydrocarbon resources totaling 308 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and over 16 billion barrels of oil. Argentina’s national government in Buenos Aires believes the geological formation possesses even greater volumes of hydrocarbons. In 2018 the Secretariat of Energy announced that the Vaca Muerta contained unconventional resources totaling 27 billion barrels of oil and 802 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Those numbers include the formation’s proven reserves of 2.1 billion barrels of oil and 11.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

Those numbers point to the successful exploitation of the Vaca Muerta being a game changer not only for Argentina and its distressed economy but for South America where there is a growing focus on the need to enhance energy security. The exploitation of the Vaca Muerta also has the potential to ease the current global energy crisis where underinvestment by oil companies due to the 2015 oil price crash and pandemic along with the invasion of Ukraine has led to chronic energy shortages and soaring prices. Buenos Aires’ latest data indicates that the Vaca Muerta is finally delivering on the considerable promise shown by the formation over a decade ago when discovered by Spanish energy major Repsol.

Some analysts are forecasting that Argentina will be pumping 1 million barrels of petroleum by 2026 seeing exports reach 500,000 barrels per day or more. For that to occur there will need to be substantial production growth, of around 77% from current volumes, with Argentina only pumping an average of 565,143 barrels of crude oil per day for the first five months of 2022. Natural gas output over that period is expected to surge to as high as 260 million cubic meters per day, which will allow Buenos Aires to significantly ramp up exports, which according to S&P Global will see Argentina rival Australia and Qatar for LNG exports. If those events occur, it will improve Argentina’s precarious balance of trade and deliver a substantial economic windfall for Buenos Aires while ensuring the country’s energy security.

For that to occur, there must be significant ongoing investment in exploration and development drilling as well as related activities such as the development of crucial industry infrastructures like pipelines, and processing and storage facilities. Analysts estimated in 2018 that an investment of $120 billion in the Vaca Muerta between then and 2030 is required for the formation to be fully developed and realize its hydrocarbon potential. Elevated breakeven prices, estimated to be as high as $55 per barrel, in an operating environment weighed down by low oil prices deterred capital expenditures, but the recent oil price rally is acting as a powerful tailwind for investment. Soaring energy prices, with the international benchmark Brent gaining a whopping 37% since the start of 2022 to be selling for over $107 per barrel, are adding considerable momentum to the Vaca Muerta’s oil boom and foreign energy investment.

The attractiveness of investing in the Vaca Muerta is enhanced by the high-quality light sweet crude oil produced by the formation. The principal crude oil blend produced in Neuquén Medanito is a light and sweet grade, with API gravity of 42.5 degrees and very-low sulfur content of 0.2% which is low in contaminants. That makes Medanito cheaper and easier to process into high-quality low sulfur content fuels, seeing demand for the oil surging in European and U.S. refining markets. Some of the crude oil extracted from the Vaca Muerta is even lighter and sweeter making it an ideal diluent for blending with the heavier grades produced in southern Argentina. These characteristics mean that the petroleum produced in Neuquén has a low carbon footprint when extracted, refined and burnt, particularly in comparison to the heavier sour grades extracted in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.

The characteristics of the oil produced in the Vaca Muerta augment the attractiveness of investing in the shale formation. This is particularly so in a world where decarbonizing the economy and reducing pollution are priorities, thereby making it critical for energy companies to reduce their carbon footprints. Buenos Aires’ focus on implementing measures to boost foreign hydrocarbon investment further bolsters the benefits that foreign oil and gas companies can obtain from investing in the Vaca Muerta. The latest measures include plans to ease capital controls for energy companies and the launching of tenders for the construction of a crucial multi-billion-dollar pipeline connecting the Vaca Muerta to crucial energy markets in the Buenos Aires province.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/C ... risis.html

Les 11.9 trillion cubic feet de reserves de gaz prouvées font 337 milliards de m3. Beau gisement en effet.

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Re: Pétrole non conventionel en Argentine

Message par energy_isere » 25 sept. 2022, 10:30

Projet de doublement de capacité pour l'oleoduc de Vaca Muerta :
Oldelval unveils $750m plan to boost pipeline capacity from Vaca Muerta
The investment will be used to double the current pipeline capacity to 72,000 cubic metres per day, which will in turn help Argentina to increase oil exports to up to 250 thousand barrels per day

By NS Energy Staff Writer 19 Sep 2022

Oleoductos del Valle (Oldelval), which operates oil pipelines in Argentina, has unveiled plans to invest $750m in a bid to increase oil transport capacity from Vaca Muerta shale formation in Neuquén province.

The move was reported by Reuters citing Argentina’s Energy Ministry.

The investment will help in doubling the current capacity from 36,000m3 per day to 72,000m3 per day.

According to the energy ministry, the allocation will be used to lay around 525km of pipelines. The project will create around 1,200 jobs.

Overall, the task will be carried out in two phases with each expected to be completed in 11 months.

In the first phase, the capacity of the pipeline will be increased from the current 36,000m3 per day to 55,000m3 per day. The works under the second phase will further boost the capacity to 72,000m3.

The project will also increase Argentine oil exports to up to 250 thousand barrels per day, generating an income of around $4bn to $6.5bn.

The announcement came a week after the government approved a ten-year extension for Oldelval that will enable the company to operate pipelines from the Neuquen basin to Vaca Muerta until 2037.

Governor of Neuquén Omar Gutiérrez said: “We congratulate and appreciate the agreement reached by the Secretary of Energy and Odelval for the new concession. Certainties and assurances to be able to build the new track, a new parallel pipeline that will generate significant investment, production and work.”

Oldelval CEO Ricardo Hösel said: “With this milestone we are going to start the project, which will allow us to double the transportation capacity and will allow the country to generate foreign exchange of between 4 thousand and 6,500 million dollars.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/o ... ca-muerta/

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Re: Pétrole non conventionel en Argentine

Message par energy_isere » 04 juin 2023, 10:25

Argentina's Vaca Muerta Shale Play Could Produce 1 Million Bpd In 2030

By Rystad Energy - May 31, 2023,

> Crude oil production from Argentina’s burgeoning shale patch, Vaca Muerta, could surge in the coming years and top 1 million barrels per day by the end of the decade.

> Lack of takeaway capacity and rig availability could curb production growth.

> As of February 20223, Vaca Muerta’s gross oil production reached 291,000 bpd, an annual addition of 76,000 bpd.
lire https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/A ... -2030.html

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Re: Pétrole non conventionel en Argentine

Message par energy_isere » 10 juil. 2023, 09:17

L'Argentine inaugure le premier tronçon d'un gazoduc depuis le mégagisement de Vaca Muerta

AFP le 10 juill. 2023

Le gouvernement argentin a inauguré dimanche le premier tronçon du gazoduc Nestor Kirchner (GNK) construit depuis le mégagisement d'hydrocarbures non conventionnel de Vaca Muerta(sud-ouest) vers la province de Buenos Aires (centre), sur une distance de 573 kilomètres.

La construction du gazoduc Nestor Kirchner du nom de l'ancien président argentin (2003-2007), est le chantier d'infrastructure énergétique le plus important dans le pays depuis 40 ans.

L'inauguration a eu lieu à 15H00 (18H00 GMT) lors d'une cérémonie à l'usine de gaz Saturno dans la ville de Salliquelo, à 520 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Buenos Aires, créée pour acheminer le gaz de schiste depuis la ville de Tratayén, au coeur de Vaca Muerta, dans la province de Neuquen (sud).

Elle a été présidée par le président Alberto Fernandez, entouré de la vice-présidente Cristina Kirchner et du ministre de l'Economie, Sergio Massa.

"Face à ceux qui disent que ce pays est un pays d'échecs et de frustrations, nous montrons aujourd'hui que nous pouvons construire la souveraineté", a déclaré M. Massa, un libéral de centre-droit qui sera le principal candidat de la coalition au pouvoir à l'élection présidentielle du 22 octobre.

"Sa construction a coûté 2,5 milliards de dollars, sans financement extérieur. Nous économiserons 2 milliards de dollars d'importations cette année, pour atteindre 4,2 milliards de dollars en 2024", affirme la secrétaire d'Etat à l'énergie, Flavia Royon sur le site internet du gouvernement.

Le gisement de Vaca Muerta, qui s'étend sur 30.000 km2 en Patagonie, est considéré par le département américain à l'Energie comme la deuxième réserve mondiale de gaz de schiste, et la quatrième mondiale pour le pétrole de schiste.

Il est exploité par la compagnie pétrolière publique argentine YPF en partenariat avec le groupe américain Chevron.

Le deuxième tronçon du GNK, qui doit encore faire l'objet d'un appel d'offres, s'étendra sur 467 kilomètres jusqu'à la ville de San Jeronimo, dans la province de Santa Fe, à la frontière nord de la province de Buenos Aires.

"Lorsque tout sera terminé, nous serons autosuffisants en gaz et nous pourrons exporter un volume considérable vers le Chili, le Brésil et l'Uruguay", affirme Mme Royon.

La balance commerciale énergétique du pays en 2022 affichait un solde négatif de 6,6 milliards de dollars en raison des importations de diesel et de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL).

"Notre balance énergétique aujourd'hui déficitaire parviendra à l'équilibre puis deviendra excédentaire", prévoit Mme Royon.

Un tiers du gaz est destiné à la consommation résidentielle, un autre tiers à l'industrie et le reste aux centrales électriques.

Outre YPF et Chevron, Shell, TotalEnergies et Statoil opèrent à Vaca Muerta.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... rta-230710

L'Argentine inaugure le premier tronçon d'un gazoduc depuis le méga-gisement de Vaca Muerta

AFP VIDEO•10/07/2023
Le gouvernement argentin inaugure le premier tronçon du gazoduc Nestor Kirchner (GNK) construit depuis le méga-gisement d'hydrocarbures non conventionnel de Vaca Muerta (sud-ouest) vers la province de Buenos Aires (centre), sur une distance de 573 kilomètres. IMAGES
https://www.boursorama.com/videos/actua ... ab41a0b953

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Re: Pétrole non conventionel en Argentine

Message par energy_isere » 26 sept. 2023, 08:22

Pampa Energía to begin developing Vaca Muerta shale oil

Camilo Ciruzzi Sept. 21, 2023

Argentine company Pampa Energía is set to invest $200 million to develop a pilot shale oil project in Vaca Muerta, the natural gas and electricity company’s first foray into the petroleum sector.

Argentine company Pampa Energía is set to invest $200 million to develop a pilot shale oil project in Vaca Muerta, the natural gas and electricity company’s first foray into the petroleum sector. The company acquired the entire Rincón de Aranda block in June 2023 through an asset swap with Total Energies SE.

Rincón de Aranda is part of the promising shale oil window of Vaca Muerta—near areas already under development such as Aguada Federal (Vista Energy SAB de CV) and Aguada del Chañar and La Amarga Chica (YPF SA)—and Pampa Energía plans to achieve a production plateau of 20,000 b/d.

The company will develop the 240-sq km block in phases, with Phase 1 expected to be completed in 2 years. Planning includes building two sets of four wells each, along with the necessary plants and infrastructure for processing and transportation.

Horacio Turri, executive director of exploration and production at Pampa, explained during the company’s second-quarter earnings presentation that it “will commence the pilot project in the first quarter of 2024, along with the required surface facilities." The company's chief executive officer, Gustavo Mariani, added, "In the medium term, our goal is also to become a significant player in the oil sector. With Rincón de Aranda, we are diversifying our exploration and production portfolio."

The block was jointly owned by Pampa Energía (55%) and Total Energies SE (45%). In June, the companies agreed to an asset exchange through which Pampa acquired the entire area while the French company's subsidiary received a wind farm.
https://www.ogj.com/exploration-develop ... -shale-oil
