Le gaz en Chine

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 26 sept. 2020, 15:45

La Chine va construire d'énormes réserves de gaz liquéfié.
China to build country's largest LNG reserve base -state media
The first phase will consist of four storage tanks with capacities of 220,000 cubic metres each, and an annual receiving capacity of 3 million tonnes when operations start in 2022.

Reuters September 26, 2020,

China is building its largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) reserve base in its eastern Jiangsu province, state broadcaster CCTV reported on Saturday.

The first phase will consist of four storage tanks with capacities of 220,000 cubic metres each, and an annual receiving capacity of 3 million tonnes when operations start in 2022.

A second phase will see the building of six tanks with a capacity of 270,000 cubic metres each.

In the long term, the reserve base will have a total capacity of 20 million tonnes, CCTV reported.
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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 07 nov. 2020, 09:35

Le marché gazier chinois : évolution récente et perspectives

Source : Ifri 06 novembre 2020

L'économie chinoise a rebondi depuis avril 2020 et l'Empire du Milieu devrait, malgré la crise sanitaire, éviter la récession cette année. « La fenêtre vers un âge d'or du gaz en Chine s'est à nouveau ouverte » selon Sylvie-Cornot Gandolphe(1), compte tenu des faibles prix du gaz importé et des progrès pour libéraliser le marché gazier dans ce pays.

Dans l'étude ci-après publiée le 6 novembre par le Centre Énergie & Climat de l'Ifri, Sylvie-Cornot Gandolphe fait le point sur l'évolution du marché gazier chinois, marqué par des « réformes majeures au cours des 12 derniers mois sur l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur » (en soulignant l'impact de la crise sanitaire dans la première partie de l'étude) et présente les perspectives à moyen terme de ce marché, dans le cadre du 14e plan quinquennal chinois (2021-2025).

La consommation de gaz de la Chine pourrait augmenter de 4% en 2020 (contre une baisse de 4% au niveau mondial selon les dernières projections de l'AIE) pour atteindre 320 milliards de m3. Dans le même temps, la production gazière nationale, connaît une hausse significative (+ 8,8% sur les 8 premiers mois de 2020 par rapport à la même période en 2019) et pourrait s'approcher d'un volume annuel de 190 milliards de m3. Précisons que cette production est tirée par « la poussée du gaz de schiste », dont la production pourrait s'élever à 19 milliards de m3 en 2020 (soit environ 10% de l'ensemble de la production gazière estimée de la Chine)(2).

1 Évolution récente du marché gazier chinoisSources / Notes
Consultante, Sylvie-Cornot Gandolphe collabore depuis 2012 avec l'Ifri. Elle est spécialiste des marchés du gaz et du charbon.
2 En 2019, la production chinoise de gaz de schiste s'était élevée à 15,4 milliards de m3.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... nal-201106

Le chiffre de 320 milliards de m3 de gaz en 2020 est bien cohérent avec deux posts au dessus.

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 12 déc. 2020, 18:57

La Chine ouvre le secteur du gaz de schiste aux sociétés étrangères.
China Looks To Boost Shale Gas Development

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Dec 11, 2020, 5:30 PM CST

China is looking to attract investments in shale gas developments by easing restrictions on foreign entities and subsidizing costs in a bid to boost its natural gas production while its demand continues to grow.

China has shale gas reserves but the geology to extract those resources is challenging, so it is not clear if the incentives will attract major international oil companies, Argus reports.

The province of Guizhou has recently offered six exploration blocks for shale gas reserves, but the bids were much lower than those offered in a similar bidding round in the province in 2017, according to Argus.

China has been trying for years to incentivize its shale gas development and production.

Faced with rising natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports to meet growing demand, China is trying to raise its domestic gas production, including by setting up incentives for shale gas and coalbed methane production.

Back in 2010, imports accounted for just 15 percent of China’s natural gas supply. By 2018, the share of imports in the country’s gas supply surged to nearly half—45 percent—of total supply. As consumption has been vastly outpacing domestic natural gas production, China has been looking in the past three years to raise its own production.

The latest incentives include extending the period for exploration for the companies to five from three years, and allowing foreign oil and gas firms to directly operate in the country as long as they have an office registered in China. The Chinese oil and gas sector is now officially open for foreign participation without a requirement to form joint ventures with local companies.

China’s domestic energy giants are also working to develop shale gas resources. PetroChina, for example, announced last year new additions of almost 741 billion cubic meters to its shale gas reserves in the Sichuan province as well as certified reserves of 358 million tons at the Qingcheng oil field.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... pment.html

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 22 déc. 2020, 00:04

PetroChina découvre 100 milliards de m3 de gaz en Chine.
PetroChina Makes Huge Gas Find

By Charles Kennedy - Dec 21, 2020

PetroChina discovered a natural gas field with reserves in excess of 100 billion cubic meters, Chinese states news agency Xinhua reported this weekend.

The agency cited a company official who said the field could produce 610,000 cubic meters of gas plus 106.3 cubic meters of crude oil daily.

"The discovery marks a major breakthrough in gas exploration in the southern rim of the Junggar Basin, which will further guarantee the gas supply of our company and contribute to the stability and prosperity of the region," Huo Jin, general manager of PetroChina's unit in the northwestern province of Xinjiang, said.

Last week, another subsidiary of PetroChina reported growing natural gas production this year, as Beijing aims for a greater share of domestic production in its gas consumption.

Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company said it had produced some 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas since the start of the year and expected the annual total to reach 31.6 billion cubic meters. This will represent a sixth of China's total natural gas output. By 2025, the company plans to boost this to 50 billion cubic meters per year.

China is one of the world's largest natural gas importers, and as demand for the fuel soars, so do imports.

Back in 2010, imports accounted for just 15 percent of China's natural gas supply. By 2018, the share of imports in the country's gas supply surged to nearly half—45 percent—of the total supply. As consumption has been vastly outpacing domestic natural gas production, China has been looking for three years to raise its own production.

This has prompted Beijing to double down on its efforts to expand domestic production, including both conventional and unconventional reserves. As a result of these efforts, Rystad Energy reported recently, China will become the top market for seismic exploration onshore over the next two years, while exploration activity remains subdued elsewhere in the world.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas ... -Find.html

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 08 mai 2021, 09:15

Forte augmentation des importations et consommations de gaz naturel en Chine.
China’s Natural Gas Imports Surge As Economy Recovers

By Irina Slav - May 07, 2021

Natural gas imports into China rose 22.4 percent on the year in the first four months of this year to 39.45 million metric tons, Natural Gas World reports, citing customs data.

April natural gas imports alone were 31 percent higher on the year and 16.2 percent higher on March, the data also revealed.

China has seen a surge in gas demand as its economy rebounded after the pandemic, with the upward trend likely to remain in place for the observable future, adding 10 percent this year alone, according to Chinese state energy majors PetroChina and Sinopec.

According to PetroChina, the country’s demand for natural gas will hit 350-356 billion cubic meters this year. Sinopec has almost identical numbers, expecting gas demand at 350-360 billion cubic meters. According to the major, the demand would come from power utilities and the industrial sector.

In 2020, China consumed 326.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas, of which 192.5 billion cubic meters came from domestic production. This was almost 10 percent higher than the domestic production figure for 2019. Imports also rose in 2020, by 5.3 percent to 140.3 billion cubic meters.

China is among the world’s top natural gas importers, along with Japan and South Korea, and therefore a prime target for gas exporters. Earlier this year, amid extra-low winter temperatures, PetroChina doubled the amount of Russian gas it receives via the Power of Siberia pipeline to 28.8 million cubic meters daily over the first two months of the year. Sinopec, for its part, ordered 30 cargos of liquefied natural gas for the period to make sure there was an adequate supply of the fuel.

Domestic output of natural gas is also on the rise as the country seeks to reduce its substantial dependence on imports but boosting output to levels of self-sufficiency, for now, remains a distant prospect.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... overs.html

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 08 mai 2021, 10:52

Le chinois Sinopec va investir 30,9 milliards $ sur 5 ans pour doubler la taille de son activité gazière

Agence Ecofin 6 mai 2021

Pour atteindre ses objectifs climatiques, Pékin a exigé de ses sociétés en charge des énergies fossiles une utilisation accrue du gaz naturel, au détriment du pétrole et du charbon. L’empire du Milieu se lance aussi dans des travaux d’envergure dans le segment des énergies renouvelables.

La société publique chinoise China Petroleum & Chemical Corp (Sinopec) envisage d’investir 30,9 milliards de dollars, au cours des cinq prochaines années, afin de doubler la taille de ses activités dans le gaz naturel. L’objectif est de faire passer les volumes d’échanges de gaz naturel de 44,5 milliards de mètres cubes l’année dernière à 100 milliards de mètres cubes d’ici 2025, précise Mou Haiyong, l’ingénieur en chef de la branche gazière de l’entreprise.

Pour y arriver, la société va mettre en place une nouvelle filiale gazière. Cette annonce survient surtout dans un contexte où le gouvernement chinois a intimé l’ordre à ses entreprises énergétiques de trouver des solutions urgentes pour réduire leurs émissions de dioxyde de carbone. Cela est même d’une importance capitale, car la Chine est l’un des plus gros émetteurs de gaz à effet de serre au monde.

Sinopec possède des actifs de pétrole et de gaz naturel au Soudan du Sud, au Gabon, en Angola, en Afrique du Sud, au Nigéria, etc.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/gaz-nature ... te-gaziere

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 05 nov. 2021, 00:03

Le groupe chinois Sinopec signe un accord de 20 ans pour s'approvisionner en GNL américain

AFP parue le 04 nov. 2021

Le géant chinois du pétrole Sinopec a annoncé jeudi la signature d'un accord sur 20 ans avec l'américain Venture Global pour s'approvisionner en gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL), une rare embellie dans les relations commerciales sino-américaines.

Pékin et Washington sont engagés dans une guerre commerciale à coups de droits de douane punitifs réciproques depuis l'été 2018, à l'instigation de l'ancien président américain Donald Trump. L'administration Biden n'a pas levé les sanctions de l'équipe précédente. Mais dans un contexte de crise énergétique, Pékin a besoin d'augmenter ses importations.

La reprise économique mondiale a entraîné ces dernières semaines une forte hausse des prix de toutes les énergies, en particulier du gaz et du pétrole. Compte tenu d'une demande importante et de perturbations des chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales, le géant asiatique peine à assurer ses besoins énergétiques.

Dans ce contexte, Sinopec a signé un accord avec l'américain Venture Global, basé en Louisiane, pour lui fournir 4 millions de tonnes de GNL par an, a indiqué dans un communiqué le premier raffineur d'Asie. Ce partenariat, qui porte sur 20 ans, est le plus long signé entre la Chine et les États-Unis en matière de gaz naturel liquéfié, se félicite Sinopec.

Sinopec a fait état la semaine dernière de résultats trimestriels au beau fixe, portés par une forte demande en gaz naturel (+16,6% sur un an) et par une politique de "maîtrise des coûts" au moment où le prix du pétrole flambe sur les marchés mondiaux. La forte hausse du coût de l'énergie et les difficultés d'approvisionnement pèsent en Chine sur l'activité des entreprises et in fine sur la croissance du géant asiatique. Le pays peine en particulier à s'approvisionner en charbon, dont ses centrales électriques sont très dépendantes.
https://www.connaissancedesenergies.org ... ain-211104

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 24 janv. 2022, 08:44

La Chine a été en 2021 le plus gros importateur mondial de GNL avec prés de 79 millions de tonnnes.
REUTERS January 18, 2022
Tuesday’s data showed imports of liquefied natural gas at 7.63 million tons in December, versus 6.9 million tons in November but up just 1.6 percent versus the year-earlier level as stubbornly high Asian spot prices hurt import appetite.

An all-time monthly record high was set in Jan 2021 at 8.49 million tons.
Imports for the whole year totalled a record 78.93 million tons, up 18.3 percent from 2020, making the country the world’s largest buyer of the super-chilled fuel.
extrait de https://www.arabnews.com/node/2006681/business-economy

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 25 juin 2022, 09:27

La Chine dominera le segment des nouvelles capacités de regazéification de GNL d’ici 2026

Agence Ecofin 22 juin 2022

En 2021, la Chine a été le plus gros importateur de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) du monde, avec 79 millions de tonnes par an. Le GNL est regazéifié avant d’être injecté dans les réseaux de distribution à travers le pays, même dans les régions rurales les plus reculées.

Entre 2022 et 2026, la Chine contribuera à hauteur de 26 % des ajouts de capacité de regazéification de GNL dans le monde. C’est ce que prévoit GlobalData dans son dernier rapport publié le mardi 21 juin. Le document est intitulé « LNG Regasification Terminals Capacity and Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Forecast by Region, Countries and Companies including details of New Build and Expansion (Announcements and Cancellations) Projects, 2022-2026 ».

Cela correspond à 3 805 milliards de pieds cubes d’ici 2026, tandis que les projets d’expansion des capacités d’installations existantes représenteront 2 963 milliards de pieds cubes. Ce sera la part la plus importante des capacités supplémentaires de traitement du GNL, pendant cette période.

« En Chine, 27 projets de nouvelles constructions et d’expansion sont susceptibles de démarrer leurs activités d’ici 2026. Tangshan II est le plus grand projet à venir dans le pays avec une capacité de 584,4 milliards de pieds cubes d’ici 2026. Yantai I et Zhoushan III sont les autres projets majeurs avec des capacités de 487,0 milliards de pieds cubes et 340,9 milliards de pieds cubes, respectivement », a commenté Himani Pant Pandey, analyste en pétrole et gaz chez GlobalData.

L’Inde et les Philippines devraient arriver après la Chine en termes de capacités supplémentaires de regazéification. Le premier avec 2,3 milliards de pieds cubes et le deuxième avec 1,8 milliard de pieds cubes.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/gaz/2206-9 ... d-ici-2026

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 21 oct. 2022, 09:33

CNOOC annonce la découverte d'un champs gazier ohhshore de 50 milliards de m3 au sud est de l'ile de Hainan.
China makes breakthrough gas field discovery


A large deep-water deep-stratum gas field with reserves exceeding 50 billion cubic metres, the first of its kind in China, was discovered in waters southeast of Hainan Island, according to the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (Cnooc).

The gas field, dubbed Baodao 21-1, has a maximum operating depth of more than 1,500 metres and a completed well depth of more than 5,000 metres, Cnooc said on Thursday. It said the field is subject to extremely complex marine geological conditions.

The discovery of Baodao 21-1 marks important progress for Cnooc's technology in deep-sea deep-stratum exploration, the oil giant’s Hainan branch chief geologist Wu Keqiang said.

Cnooc added that it is the biggest drilling breakthrough in the Songnan-Baodao area in more than half a century.

"China's deep-sea and deep-earth exploration technology is world-class, and the discovery will not only further advance the development of related exploration technology, but also serve as a way for the country to showcase its advanced technology to the world," Lin Boqiang, director of the Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, told the Global Times.

Lin added the discovery is expected to further ensure China's energy security and meet the rising energy needs of its people. (CNS/Global Times)
https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/ ... 221021.htm

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par mobar » 21 oct. 2022, 09:38

energy_isere a écrit :
12 déc. 2020, 18:57
La Chine ouvre le secteur du gaz de schiste aux sociétés étrangères.
China Looks To Boost Shale Gas Development

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Dec 11, 2020, 5:30 PM CST

China is looking to attract investments in shale gas developments by easing restrictions on foreign entities and subsidizing costs in a bid to boost its natural gas production while its demand continues to grow.

China has shale gas reserves but the geology to extract those resources is challenging, so it is not clear if the incentives will attract major international oil companies, Argus reports.

The province of Guizhou has recently offered six exploration blocks for shale gas reserves, but the bids were much lower than those offered in a similar bidding round in the province in 2017, according to Argus.

China has been trying for years to incentivize its shale gas development and production.
Esperons cette fois que les compagnies qui detiennet les technos laisserons les chinois se demerder tout seuls

Mais j’en doute, l’appat du gain sera le plus fort! :-D
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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 29 oct. 2022, 15:45

Nouvelle grosse découverte de gaz de schiste en Chine :
Sinopec Announces Major Breakthrough for China Shale Gas

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff|Tuesday, October 25, 2022

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) has announced that its Sinopec Southwest Oil & Gas Company has discovered new shale gas reserves in the Jinshi 103HF exploratory well deployed in the Sichuan Basin.

Sinopec, which described the find as a “major breakthrough for China’s shale gas exploration”, revealed that the asset had daily natural gas production reaching 258,600 cubic meters and an evaluated resource capacity of 387.8 billion cubic meters.

Sinopec highlighted that the discovery is the first find in the Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation. The company outlined that the find has significantly expanded shale gas reserves and will further promote shale gas exploration and production in the Sichuan Basin.

“The Sichuan Basin is composed of two main formations, the Longmaxi and Qiongzhusi,” Sinopec said in a company statement.

“The former has seen significant exploration and production including China’s first deep shale gas field, Weirong, while Qiongzhusi boasts the most potential for future exploration,” Sinopec added.

“The breakthrough will provide a strong impetus for expanding shale gas exploration and development from the single formation to reach new formations and field types and contribute to build a national natural gas (shale gas) reserve with 100 billion cubic meters of capacity in the Sichuan and Chongqing region,” Sinopec continued.

Back in November 2021 Sinopec announced that the Dongye Deep 2 key shale gas prospecting well, developed by Sinopec Exploration Company in Dongxi, Chongqing, had been tested to produce 412,000 cubic meters of “high-quality” shale gas daily.

In October last year, Sinopec revealed that its Fuling Shale Gas Field, which it highlighted was the first commercially developed and operated large-scale shale gas field in China, had produced 40 billion cubic meters of shale gas.

Sinopec describes itself as the largest oil and petrochemical products supplier and the second largest oil and gas producer in China, the largest refining company and the third largest chemical company in the world.
https://www.rigzone.com/news/sinopec_an ... 8-article/

https://www.prnewswire.com/news-release ... 58608.html

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 23 nov. 2022, 23:21

Lancement d'un projet d'extension du terminal LNG d'importation de Shanghai pour 2.4 milliards de dollars.
China launches $2.4 bln expansion of Shanghai LNG terminal – state media


China launched an expansion of its liquefied natural gas terminal in Shanghai’s Yangshan port, with total investment of about 17 billion yuan ($2.37 billion), state media reported on Monday.

The project includes a new 150,000-tonne LNG ship berth and storage capacity of 3.1 million cubic metres, nearly 3.5 times the capacity of existing storage tanks, added the report.
https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/ch ... ate-media/

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 27 nov. 2022, 11:02

Chinese Sinopec Raises Stakes With Massive New Shale Basin

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Nov 24, 2022, oilprice

> A new shale gas field in the Sichuan basin contains as much as 146 billion cubic meters of proven gas reserves.

> The gas reserves at Qijang shale field in Sichuan are found at a depth of 3,500m.

> The much deeper location of the shale gas reserves in China makes extraction much more challenging than in the U.S.

A new shale gas field in the Sichuan basin contains as much as 146 billion cubic meters (bcm) of certified proven natural gas reserves, Chinese state energy giant Sinopec said on Thursday.

The shale gas reserves at the Qijiang shale field in the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan are mostly found at 3,500 meters (11,483 feet) underground, according to a Sinopec statement carried by Xinhua.

The much deeper location of the shale gas reserves in China makes extraction much more challenging than in the U.S., for example.

Although China is estimated to have a high volume of shale gas resources, topping even those in the United States, its shale gas boom has not yet materialized.

Unlike in the U.S., the development of shale gas resources in China is much more difficult due to more complex geography and a lack of adequate infrastructure to remote mountainous regions where most of the Chinese shale resources lie. Drilling for shale gas in China requires deeper wells, while fracturing is also tricky because of the mountain terrain and geological constraints.

Despite these barriers, Chinese state majors have managed to boost conventional and unconventional natural gas production in recent years. Shale gas output has grown by double-digit percentages over the past few years, exclusively due to the national corporations boosting development as per government directive.
https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas ... Basin.html

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Re: Le gaz en Chine

Message par energy_isere » 17 juin 2023, 13:41

suite de ce post du 17 mai 2020 viewtopic.php?p=2303697#p2303697

Arrivée de la première cargaison de LNG au nouveau FSRU de Hong Kong :
FSRU Owned by MOL Group Received First LNG for Hong Kong


TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) announced that the MOL FSRU Challenger, the world's largest floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU)(Note 1), owned by its wholly owned subsidiary MOL FSRU Terminal (Hong Kong) Limited, has received the first LNG for Hong Kong in a commissioning process for an LNG import project (the project). The project will soon begin commercial operation and supply gas to power plants in Hong Kong. The name of the FSRU will be changed to the Bauhinia Spirit.

The FSRU will be operated in the southern waters of Hong Kong (east of Soko Archipelago) under a long-term charter to Hong Kong LNG Terminal Limited (Note 2), which was jointly established by two local power companies in Hong Kong, namely CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP Power), and The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited (HK Electric). The FSRU will regasify LNG and supply natural gas via two subsea pipelines to CLP Power's Black Point Power Station and HK Electric's Lamma Power Station. MOL FSRU Terminal (Hong Kong) Limited will provide not only FSRU's operation, but also jetty operation and maintenance services and port-related services.

https://www.euro-petrole.com/fsru-owned ... -n-i-25689
