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Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 29 mai 2016, 21:27
par energy_isere
L' EIA prévoit une production d' éthanol aux US de 980 000 barrils par jour en 2016 et 2017.
Plus 100 000 b/j de biodiesel en 2016

EIA predicts increased ethanol production, consumption

By Erin Voegele | May 12, 2016

The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently released the May edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting ethanol production will average approximately 980,000 barrels per day this year and next year. In the April STEO, the EIA predicted ethanol production would average 970,000 to 980,000 barrels per day in 2016 and 2017.

According to the report, ethanol production averaged almost 970,000 barrels per day last year, with consumption at approximately 910,000 barrels per day. Consumption is expected to increase to about 930,000 barrels per day in both 2016 and 2017. At this level of consumption, the ethanol share of the total gasoline pool is expected to average 10 percent in both years. The EIA said it does not expect a significant increase in E15 or E85 consumption over the forecast period.

Biodiesel production averaged 82,000 barrels per day in 2015 and is expected to increase to 100,000 barrels per day this year and 106,000 barrels per day next year. Net imports of biomass-based diesel are also expected to increase, from 29,000 barrels per day last year to 42,000 barrels per day this year and 47,000 barrels per day in 2017.

During the April-though-September driving season, the EIA predicts regular gasoline retail prices will average $2.21 per gallon, 17 cents higher than forecast in the April STEO, but 42 cents per gallon lower than last summer. Gasoline prices are expected to average $2.08 in 2016 and $2.24 per gallon in 2017, up 14 cents per gallon and 24 cents per gallon when compared to the April STEO forecast, respectively.

The EIA’s most recent weekly ethanol production data shows production averaged 962,000 barrels per day the week of May 6, up from 923,000 barrels per day the prior week. The EIA’s most recent monthly data shows imports were at 3,000 barrels in February, while exports were at nearly 1.59 million barrels. ... onsumption

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 13 nov. 2016, 20:45
par energy_isere
Les USA se rapprochent tout doucement du million de b/j d' éthanol.
EIA maintains 2016, 2017 ethanol forecasts in November STEO

By Erin Voegele | November 10, 2016

The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the November edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting fuel ethanol production will average approximately 990,000 barrels per day this year and next year, up from 970,000 barrels per day in 2015. The new outlook maintains the ethanol production forecast made by the EIA in its October STEO.

In 2017, ethanol production is expected to average 1 million barrels per day during the first and second quarters, falling to 990,000 barrels per day in the third quarter and 980,000 barrels per day in the fourth quarter.
....................... ... ember-steo

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 13 nov. 2016, 20:45
par energy_isere
Les USA se rapprochent tout doucement du million de b/j de production d' éthanol.
EIA maintains 2016, 2017 ethanol forecasts in November STEO

By Erin Voegele | November 10, 2016

The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the November edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting fuel ethanol production will average approximately 990,000 barrels per day this year and next year, up from 970,000 barrels per day in 2015. The new outlook maintains the ethanol production forecast made by the EIA in its October STEO.

In 2017, ethanol production is expected to average 1 million barrels per day during the first and second quarters, falling to 990,000 barrels per day in the third quarter and 980,000 barrels per day in the fourth quarter.
....................... ... ember-steo

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 11 mars 2017, 20:40
par energy_isere
VIDEO. Etats-Unis : le déraillement d'un train transportant de l'éthanol provoque un immense incendie
Au moins 27 des 101 voitures ont déraillé, vendredi, et chacun des wagons transportait jusqu'à 95 000 litres de ce liquide inflammable.

le 11/03/2017

Le feu a brûlé de longues heures dans la nuit en Iowa. Un train transportant des wagons-citernes d'éthanol a déraillé, vendredi 10 mars, dans le nord-ouest de cet état des Etats-Unis. L'accident a provoqué un immense incendie qui a duré plus de quinze heures, selon le Chicago Tribune. De grandes quantités d'éthanol se sont également échappés dans un ruisseau proche.

Pas de victimes

Selon The Des Moines Register, il n'y a pas eu de blessés. Les deux conducteurs du train ont été évacués, ainsi que les habitants de la zone. Au moins 27 des 101 voitures ont déraillé et chacun des wagons transportait jusqu'à 95 000 litres de ce liquide volatile et inflammable. Sur les images filmées par un drone, on peut voir le train en accordéon sur ce qu'il reste du tracé des rails.
Image ... 92137.html ... ches-fire/

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 04 janv. 2018, 17:36
par energy_isere
Les tazus ont dépassé le millions de barril d' ethanol par jour.
EIA revises 2018 ethanol production forecast in latest STEO

By Erin Voegele | December 14, 2017

The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released its Short-Term Energy Outlook for December, maintaining its 2017 ethanol production forecast, but slightly lowering its production forecast for 2018.

The EIA now predicts ethanol production will average 1.03 million barrels per day in both 2017 and 2018, up from 1 million barrels per day in 2016. In the November STEO, the EIA predicted that ethanol production would average 1.03 million barrels per day this year, increasing to 1.04 million barrels per day next year.

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 04 mars 2018, 21:16
par energy_isere
Selon les données de l' EIA la production d'éthanol US à augmenté de 3 % entre 2017 et 2016.

BY Rachel Gantz Communications Director Renewable Fuels Association | March 2, 2018

Data released yesterday by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) confirms that the U.S. ethanol industry produced a record amount of high-octane, low-carbon renewable fuel in 2017. According to EIA, the industry churned out 15.84 billion gallons of ethanol, up 3% from the 2016 total and a four-fold increase over the 3.91 billion gallons produced in 2005 when the original Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) was adopted. The data also preliminarily indicated record domestic ethanol blending, with 14.4 billion gallons blended into 142.9 billion gallons of finished gasoline, equating to a record average blend rate of 10.08%.

“At this point, the so-called ‘blend wall’ is little more than a speed bump on the road to greater consumer choice, lower pump prices, and cleaner air,” said Bob Dinneen, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). “Even though 2017 gasoline demand was down a bit from the record level seen in 2016, domestic ethanol consumption was up. That means consumption of blends like E15 and flex fuels like E85 is continuing to rapidly expand across the country. Today, some 1,300 retail stations are offering E15 and more than 4,000 stations are selling flex fuels like E85 to drivers of flex fuel vehicles. Clearly, the RFS is working as intended to transform our transportation fuel market and drive expanded use of domestically produced, high octane ethanol.”
While 2017 data for individual state ethanol blend rates is not yet available, datarecently released by EIA showed that 30 states and the District of Columbia had average inclusion rates above 10.0% in 2016.

Image ... s-in-2017/

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 21 avr. 2018, 13:35
par energy_isere
L' administaration Trump pourraut bientot autoriser le carburant E15 à 15 % d' éthanol toute l' année.
Trump Says He Will Probably Allow E15 Gasoline Sales All Year

by Reuters|Jeff Mason|Thursday, April 12, 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday his administration may allow the sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol year-round, something that could help farmers by bolstering corn demand.

The Environmental Protection Agency currently bans the higher ethanol blend, called E15, during summer because of concerns it contributes to smog on hot days. Gasoline typically contains just 10 percent ethanol.

"We’re going to be going probably, probably to 15 and we’re going to be going to a 12-month period," Trump told reporters during a meeting with governors and lawmakers at the White House. "We’re going to work out something during the transition period, which is not easy, very complicated."

EPA spokeswoman Liz Bowman said earlier in the day the agency "has been assessing the legal validity of granting an E15 waiver since last summer" and is awaiting an outcome from discussions with the White House, the Department of Agriculture and Congress before making any final decisions.

The announcement comes as the White House seeks to appease both the corn and oil industries, which have been clashing over U.S. biofuels policy.

Oil refiners have complained the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard requiring them to add biofuels into fuel is too costly while the agriculture sector has warned against any changes that would undermine ethanol demand.

Monte Shaw, executive director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, said the proposed shift to year-round E15 sales would be "very exciting news."
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Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 05 août 2018, 13:30
par energy_isere
U.S. fuel ethanol production capacity continues to increase
in Oil & Companies News 02/08/2018

Fuel ethanol production capacity in the United States reached more than 16 billion gallons per year, or 1.06 million barrels per day (b/d), at the beginning of 2018, according to EIA’s most recent U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity report. Total listed, or nameplate capacity, of operable ethanol plants increased by 5%—more than 700 million gallons per year—between January 2017 and January 2018.

The U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity report shows EIA’s most up-to-date data tracking of the U.S fuel ethanol industry. Part of the increase in nameplate fuel ethanol production capacity in the most recent report is the result of EIA’s outreach to survey respondents that were operating at levels higher than their listed production capacities, which had resulted in utilization rates higher than 100%.


.......... ... -increase/

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 05 août 2018, 13:41
par Remundo
1000 thousands = 1 million

c'est 1 million de barils par jour ? même un peu faible, c'est quand même significatif, en gros 1% de l'extraction de pétrole mondial.

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 05 août 2018, 13:52
par energy_isere
Remundo a écrit :
05 août 2018, 13:41
1000 thousands = 1 million

c'est 1 million de barils par jour ? même un peu faible, c'est quand même significatif, en gros 1% de l'extraction de pétrole mondial.
Oui , 1 million de barils par jour

Je ne sais pas si c'est converti en barils equivalent pétrole, ou si c'est des barils d'ethanol.
La valeur energétique est pas du tout la même !

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 05 août 2018, 14:53
par Remundo
je me posais la même question,

m'enfin en ordre de grandeur, on est à peu près juste, le pétrole n'est pas 10 fois plus énergétique que l'éthanol.

Par ex dans les moteurs, il suffit de 20% de volume en plus de E85 par rapport à l'essence.

je trouve quand même cela très intéressant, parce qu'en réalité et à long terme, on pourrait produire beaucoup plus d'éthanol en récupérant les déchets organiques + gazéification, ce qui relâcherait au passage la pression sur l'agriculture.

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 08 août 2018, 23:45
par mobar
Il y a d'autres moyens bien plus efficaces pour réduire la pression sur l'agriculture, c'est de réduire les populations de volailles, de bovins et d'humains

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 09 août 2018, 01:23
par energy_isere
On va commencer par réduire le mobar.

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 09 août 2018, 12:16
par emmort
energy_isere a écrit :
09 août 2018, 01:23
On va commencer par réduire le mobar.
Pas facile, c'est une plante invasive qui colonise tous les milieux, surtout ceux qui lui sont inconnus.
Dans ces milieux il s'accroche à des inepties flagrantes sans aucune peur du ridicule.
Et comme le glyphosate n'est pas bon pour l'environnement, je ne vois pas comment s'en débarrasser.
Il faudrait essayer le désherbant thermique!!

Re: Corn ethanol aux USA

Publié : 09 août 2018, 12:29
par phyvette
energy_isere a écrit :
09 août 2018, 01:23
On va commencer par réduire le mobar.
Impossible Le mobar mute en mobarium qui est un déchet de haute activité et à vie longue, sa demi-vie est de 3 millions d'années, la seule solution pour s'en débarrasser c'est la vitrification et l'enfouissement à très grande profondeur.

A la fin de la chaîne de désintégration du mobarium on obtiendra du plomb (Pb), élément très très lourd-(ingue).