Le charbon aux USA

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 15 juin 2019, 10:10

Bon finalement maintenant l' IEA dit que la production de charbon US va baisser de 7.2 % en 2019.

https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/ei ... 2-on-year/

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 17 oct. 2019, 07:59

Peabody va fermer une mine de charbon en Illinois. Cette mine a produit 1.4 millions de tonnes l'an dernier.
L'action Peabody à perdu 45% depuis le début de l'année.
Peabody to close Illinois coal mine
Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU) is reportedly closing the Wildcat coal mine and nearby Willow Lake plant in Illinois in December due to “uneconomic mining conditions”.

15 oct 2019

The closure is expected to impact about 225 workers.

Employees were told at a compulsory meeting on Monday, local media reported.

The company would try to place employees at other Peabody operations in the Midwest, according to a letter to staff.

The underground Wildcat thermal coal mine in Saline County opened in 2006 and sold 1.4 million tons of coal last year.

Peabody had last month flagged weaker September quarter earnings, because of shrinking thermal coal demand and delays ramping up production at the Middlemount joint venture mine in Queensland, Australia.

Industry analyst IHS Markit last week said it expected more coal mine closures to take place under the current Trump administration than the prior, director for coal Jim Thompson told an industry conference in Vancouver.

Tariffs and uncertainties over US-China trade tensions had a negative impact on coal exports, he said, with a surge in natural gas production adding to thermal coal's challenges.

In June, Peabody announced plans for an extraordinary joint venture with Arch Coal, which also recently emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, to combine Powder River Basin operations and create "exceptional" synergies.

Peabody shares are down about 45% year-to-date.
https://www.mining-journal.com/bulks/ne ... -coal-mine

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 29 oct. 2019, 22:43

Encore une grosse société dans le charbon qui va très mal et se met sous le régime du chapter 11.
Coal’s Slow And Painful Demise Bankrupts Another Mining Giant

By MINING.com - Oct 29, 2019

Coal Victim
Murray Energy, the US largest privately owned coal producer led by outspoken Donald Trump’s ally Robert Murray, has filed for chapter 11 protection, as the fossil fuel’s role in the country’s energy mix continues to weaken

The Ohio-based miner, the eighth coal company to go under over the past year, said it had reached a restructuring agreement with lenders to restructure more than $2.7 billion of debt.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... Giant.html

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 05 janv. 2020, 20:02

J'ai posté ceci dans un fil flood ailleurs, et évidemment il a été noyé.
Je repose ici avec ma question.

energy_isere a écrit :
05 janv. 2020, 13:28
parisse a écrit :
05 janv. 2020, 12:43

Je ne suis pas d'accord avec ca. Si on developpe les EnR a fonds, il y a d'abord un espoir que leur cout finisse par etre moins eleve que celui des fossiles, en particulier non conventionnels......
Ben c'est déjà le cas dans diverses parties du monde.

Exemple les ENR éolien et solaire PV qui sont moins chers que le charbon aux USA pour la génération électrique.
Il ne se construit plus de centrale thermique à charbon aux USA.

Quelqu'un sait quand a été terminée (ou mise en service) la dernière centrale à charbon construite aux USA ?

Sur Wikipedia à l'entrée Coal power in the United States je vois
Canceled and slowed proposals

On October 19, 2007, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment was the first government agency to reject a permit for a new coal-fired plant planned by Sunflower Electric Power Corporation on the basis of carbon dioxide emissions.[27]

Southwestern Power Group's Bowie Power Station proposed an IGCC plant that was scrapped in favor of a natural gas plant. Regulatory uncertainty was cited as one of the reasons.

A proposed 1,960MW Florida Power & Light's Glades Power Plant was rejected by the Florida Public Service Commission. Uncertainty over possible future carbon taxes was cited as one of the reasons.

An air permit for a plant in Kentucky was rejected in August 2007 in a circuit court on the basis its air pollution control analysis was inadequate.

Cancellation of 8 (out of an intended 11) proposed coal plants of former TXU Corporation in Texas by the current owners, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and TPG, was finalized on October 15, 2007.[28]
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal_po ... ted_States

Et d'après mon suivi de l'actu, je n'ai pas en mémoire de mise en service de centrale thermique à charbon aux USA dans la décennie 2010.

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 19 mars 2020, 19:58

Les exportations de charbon US en 2019 ont baissés de 20 %.

En détail, le charbon thermique a fait moins 30 %, et le charbon métallurgique à fait moins 12 %.
U.S. coal exports declined in 2019

MARCH 18, 2020

In 2019, U.S. coal exports declined to 93 million short tons (MMst), a 20% decrease from the previous year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Annual Coal Report. The United States exports metallurgical coal and steam coal, and exports of both decreased in 2019. U.S. steam coal exports were affected by the downturn in global coal demand, dropping 30% in 2019 from 2018. Metallurgical coal had a more moderate decline of 12%.

Steam coal, also known as thermal coal, is used for electricity generation. Steam coal is ground into a fine powder that burns quickly at high heat. Power plants use this powder to heat water in boilers, which run steam turbines to generate electricity. Steam coal can also be used to provide space heating for homes and businesses. Although steam coal is mined across the United States, most steam coal originates in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and Montana, which produced about 44% of all U.S. coal in 2019.

Metallurgical coal or coking coal can be used to produce coke, a primary fuel and reactant in the blast furnace process for steelmaking. Demand for metallurgical coal is correlated with the demand for steel. Most metallurgical coal produced in the United States comes from basins in Appalachia.

EIA coal exports 2019 chart2.png
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Coal Report; U.S. Census Bureau

In 2019, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Brazil, and South Korea were the top five destinations for U.S. coal exports. Together, these countries accounted for 53% of coal exports.
https://www.bicmagazine.com/industry/po ... d-in-2019/

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Inscription : 13 nov. 2005, 09:58

[Charbon] L'ascension du charbon

Message par alain2908 » 19 mai 2020, 11:20

Plus que 35 ans de charbon aux États-Unis
https://energieetenvironnement.com/2020 ... Omm6uV57wo
L’histoire commence en 1974. À cette époque, l’agence géologique américaine (le United States Geological Survey, ou USGS) estime sommairement les réserves de charbon des États-Unis à environ 250 ans. Ce chiffre est repris partout ensuite, sans plus de vérification. En 2007, le Conseil national de la recherche (NRC) suggère qu’en raison de la production accrue et du déclin du taux de récupération, la véritable valeur est probablement plus de l’ordre de 100 ans. On ordonne alors au USGS de refaire son estimation, mais cette fois avec des techniques de pointe.

Les résultats de cette nouvelle étude ne sont publiés qu’en 2015 et passent pratiquement inaperçus. Leurs résultats mériteraient toutefois plus d’attention. Ils montrent que la majeure partie du charbon qui se trouve dans le sous-sol est en réalité inexploitable dans des conditions techniques et économiques raisonnables. Les réserves sont réévaluées à 40 ans « au maximum », soit au plus 35 ans à partir de 2020.
La disponibilité plus faible que prévue du charbon pourrait aussi avoir une incidence sur les changements climatiques. Les scénarios du GIEC reposent sur l’hypothèse de la consommation de quantités illimitées des carburants fossiles. Le pic charbonnier, combiné au pic pétrolier, pourrait nous éviter les scénarios de réchauffement les plus graves.

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par GillesH38 » 19 mai 2020, 12:29

ça va faire de la peine à Phyvette pour le climat, mais ça va lui faire plaisir pour les ressources :mrgreen:
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par Jeuf » 19 mai 2020, 13:28

Il faut voir si c'est confirmé, ce serait une très bonne nouvelle. Il faut voir aussi si l'écart entre ressource estimées et vraiment exploitable est vraie pour d'autres pays qui exploitent massivement cette énergie.

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 19 juin 2020, 09:48

Déclin irreversible du charbon aux USA.
The U.S. Coal Industry Is Declining Irreversibly
By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jun 18, 2020

Nearly all of the coal produced in the United States goes for electricity generation, but its share has been eroded in recent years by growing natural gas-powered generation and rising share of renewable energy generation.

Coal is one of the main sources of energy in the United States, accounting for 14 percent of domestic primary energy production in 2019, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Thursday.

Most of the coal produced in the U.S. is used to power coal-fired power plants, while the industrial sector and the commercial sector account for small shares of coal consumption, the EIA said.

According to EIA data, U.S. coal production and consumption have been on a decline since peaking in 2008 and 2007, respectively. Last year, for example, U.S. coal production hit its lowest level since 1978, while coal consumption dropped to the lowest since 1975.

The rise of renewables and declining coal electricity generation resulted in energy consumption from renewables in the United States surpassing in 2019 coal consumption for the first time since 1885, the EIA said last month.

Last year, total U.S. renewable energy consumption increased by 1 percent compared to 2018, while coal consumption slumped by almost 15 percent year on year, the EIA said in its Monthly Energy Review.

The rise of renewable energy sources, especially wind and solar power, marked a historic milestone for energy consumption in the United States last year: for the first time since the Industrial Revolution, renewable energy sources overtook coal as a source of energy.

Due to rising natural gas production and increased natural gas-powered generation, coal-fired electricity generation capacity continues to retire in the U.S. Following coal capacity retirements, electricity generation from coal has dropped significantly over the past decade to the point of reaching its lowest level in 42 years in 2019.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... sibly.html

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 29 juil. 2020, 00:41

U.S. Coal Production Crashes To 1978 Lows

By Julianne Geiger - Jul 28, 2020

U.S. coal production fell another 7% in 2019—the lowest amount of coal produced in the United States since 1978, during the national coal miners' strike, according to the Energy Information Agency (EIA).

And it is set to fall even further in 2020 as the international appetite for coal has waned with the pandemic.

U.S. coal production totaled 706 million short tones in 2019, compared to 756 million short tons in the year prior.

This year is shaping up to be even worse for coal, as production is expected to dip to levels not seen since the '60s.

Wyoming, the largest coal-producing state in the U.S., saw a 9% dip in 2019, accounting for most of the production decrease. West Virginia, the States' second-largest coal producer, only saw a 2% decrease last year, according to EIA data.

Arizona stopped its coal production late last year, while Kansas and Arkansas stopped production in 2017 and 2018 respectively, shortening the list of states that produce the energy source that is now looked upon most unfavorably, even among the not-terribly-climate-conscious crowd.

For 2020, the EIA's outlook on coal production in the U.S. is grim, with the agency expecting another annual loss of 29%. The EIA uses railcar loading data to estimate production, which as of July 18, were 27.1% off compared to the same period last year.

The anticipated dip this year is primarily due to a fall in U.S. coal exports, which were 29% off as of May, compared to the same five months in 2019.

But coal shouldn't be counted out just yet. Coal production increased for the week ending July 18, and the EIA is expecting coal production in the States to rebound 7% next year, as natural gas prices are expected to rise. This will make coal-fired electric power plants more price competitive with its "cleaner" competitor.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... -Lows.html

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 10 déc. 2020, 01:15

Forte baisse de la production de charbon en 2020 aux USA. Rebond anticipé en 2021.
US coal 2020 production forecast at 522 million st, down 26.1% on year: EIA

in Commodity News 09/12/2020

The US Energy Information Administration forecast coal production of nearly 522 million st in 2020, down 26.1% from the 2019 output of 705 million st, the Energy Information Administration’s Short-Term Energy Outlook reported Dec. 8.

For 2021, the EIA projected output of about 624 million st, down 0.5% st from November’s forecast.

Coal exports for 2020 were projected to total about 64 million st, down 31.2% from last year’s exports. Exports in 2021 are projected to be 67.5 million st. up 0.5% from the previous month’s projection.

Power sector consumption was forecast to total 436 million st in 2020, down 19.1% from 2019 consumption, and about 537 million st in 2021, down 1.6% from November’s STEO.

Total US consumption was forecast to be about 478 million st in 2020, down 18.6% from 587 million st in 2019. The EIA 2021 forecast was about 580 million st, down 1.5% from November’s projection.

Compared with US coal-powered estimated generation share of 24.3% in 2019, the December EIA report projected coal generation share of 20% in 2020 and 24% in 2021.


https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/us ... saU6zno7uE

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 31 oct. 2021, 10:37

Presque tout le charbon à extraire en 2022 aux USA a déjà trouvé preneur :
US coal miners are ‘sold out’ for 2022

Bloomberg News | October 29, 2021

Almost every lump of coal that U.S. miners will dig out of the ground next year has already been sold, as surging natural gas prices prompt utilities to burn more of the dirtiest fossil fuel.

Peabody Energy Corp., the top American supplier, has contracts for more than 90% of its coal from the Powder River Basin region next year and all of the power-plant fuel from its other U.S. mines. And Arch Resources Inc., the No. 2 producer, has lined up deals with utilities for all of its 2022 output from the basin at an average price that’s 20% higher than current spot prices.

Demand for electricity is surging as the global economy recovers from the pandemic and winter approaches, driving natural gas prices to record highs. Even with coal miners boosting output next year, power producers are signing multi-year contracts for every ton they can get. As global leaders converge in Glasgow next week for a key United Nations climate conference, these lengthy supply deals are further evidence that the transition to clean energy is going to take some time.

“It’s pretty much sold out,” Peabody Chief Executive Officer Jim Grech said Thursday during a conference call. “We only have a small portion left to be sold for 2022 and for 2023.”

Arch’s thermal coal output for 2022 is “fully committed,” CEO Paul Lang said Tuesday, with an average price for Powder River Basin output of $16 a ton. That’s well above the $13.25 spot price last week, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. Only a small amount of export tons remains to be sold for the second half of next year. While the company is transitioning to focus on coal for making steel, its thermal mines are helping boost cash flow and the company reinstated the dividend that was suspended last year.

Alliance Resource Partners LP, a coal miner that’s on track to ship about 32 million tons this year, has already locked in deals for 30 million tons next year and almost 16 million tons in 2023.

“Our challenge in America is most producers are all sold out,” CEO Joe Craft said during a call Monday.
https://www.mining.com/web/us-coal-mine ... -for-2022/

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 21 nov. 2021, 14:11

Le cours du charbon au plus haut depuis 2009 aux USA :
US coal prices jump to highest level since 2009

By Zachary Skidmore 17 Nov 2021

New data from S&P Global shows US coal prices reaching their highest point in more than a decade as winter demand for fuel increases.

US coal prices have jumped to their highest level since 2009 as miners attempt to keep pace with the surging demand for the fossil fuel.

Demand for coal usually rises significantly during the winter months. With most coal sold under long-term contracts, the sudden rush for the remaining supplies can prompt these sharp rises.

This is reflected in the price of coal. The spot price of coal in the Central Appalachian region — a benchmark for the eastern US thermal coal market — jumped by more than $10 last week, to $89.75 per tonne, the highest level since 2009 according to data released on Monday from S&P Global.

Increased costs
In addition to rises in natural gas prices, the spike in coal prices will reflect on the US consumer market, which will likely be saddled with increased energy bills this winter. Companies including Duke Energy and Xcel Energy have warned customers that winter bills may increase by $11 a month during the heating season.

As a result, in the US, coal-fired electricity generation is on track to increase this year for the first time since 2014 according to the Energy Information Administration, rising by 22% compared with 2020. Carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector will increase 7% as a result.

The increased demand is likely to be temporary. 30% of US coal-fired power generation has already been retired, with no new plants online since 2013. As a result, US coal-fired power generation is likely to decline about 5% in 2022, according to the EIA.

Coal producers will reap the rewards of these high spot prices and look to lock in contracts at elevated levels. “It’s going to be at least several quarters of strong cash flow for US coal producers,” Ben Nelson, a vice-president at Moody’s, said.

US miners say demand will remain strong through next year, and some already have contracts to sell almost all of their expected output for 2022.

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 13 août 2022, 13:58

Obama Ban on Coal Leasing on Public Lands Is Reinstated by Judge

Bobby Magill, Bloomberg News August 13 2022

Coal leasing is temporarily banned once again on public lands after a federal judge on Friday reinstated an Obama-era moratorium.

The ruling reinstates a 2016 order by then-Interior Secretary Sally Jewell banning coal leasing on federal lands pending further environmental review because of coal’s contribution to climate change. That order was scrapped in 2017 by Ryan Zinke, the Trump administration’s first Interior secretary.

Judge Brian Morris of the US District Court for the District of Montana ruled Friday that a Bureau of Land Management environmental assessment of Zinke’s order was insufficient and violated the National Environmental Policy Act.

A more comprehensive environmental review of Zinke’s revokation of the coal leasing moratorium must be completed before the bureau can start coal leasing again, Morris ruled.

Morris’ order reinstates Jewell’s coal leasing moratorium until the land bureau completes the review.

Federal land leased for coal mining has declined steadily since 1990, from about 730,000 acres under lease to 435,535 acres in 2020, mostly in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Montana, according to Bureau of Land Management data. The most recent land bureau coal lease sale was scheduled for January 2020 in North Dakota.

Group to Appeal
https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/obama-ban-o ... -1.1805155

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Re: Le charbon aux USA

Message par energy_isere » 28 août 2022, 16:37

Extension d'une mine de charbon métallurgique dans l'état de Virginie.
Coronado Global to spend $169m for US coal complex expansion
The firm intends to increase capacity at the Buchanan Mine Complex to meet the surging demand for metallurgical coal.

August 24, 2022

Australian metallurgical coal producer Coronado Global Resources has unveiled plans to invest $169.1m to expand coal mining operations at its Buchanan Mine Complex in Virginia, US.

The Buchanan Mine Complex is located in the Central Appalachian Basin in southwestern Virginia, 16km south-east of Grundy.

The expansion project is expected to create 181 jobs. This will bring the total number of employees at the site to 781, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced.

By expanding into Buchanan and Tazewell counties, Coronado intends to increase capacity at the Buchanan Mine Complex to meet the growing demand for metallurgical coal, which is said to be an essential element in the production of steel.

Coronado Global Resources CEO Gerry Spindler said: “We are committed to our Buchanan operation in Virginia and see great potential for capitalising on the growing demand for steel not only for construction and transportation infrastructure but also renewable energy component parts.”

Said to be the largest metallurgical coal mine in Virginia, the Buchanan Mine Complex started production in 1983.

Furthermore, Youngkin approved a $3.52m grant from the Commonwealth’s Opportunity Fund to assist with the development of the project.

Youngkin said: “Coronado Global Resources’ major expansion is a win-win, creating 181 high-paying jobs in the resilient Buchanan community and increasing Southwest Virginia’s production of an essential component for the steel industry.”

Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick commented: “The company’s investment in Buchanan County and Tazewell County signifies its future longevity and is a vote of confidence in the region’s ability to provide a high-quality workforce, business-friendly climate, and great quality of life.”
https://www.mining-technology.com/news/ ... expansion/
