Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 28 sept. 2019, 00:01

The Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power unit moored at the port of Pevek.

https://www.businessinsider.com.au/russ ... ?r=US&IR=T

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 20 déc. 2019, 01:25

Ça y est la centrale nucleaire flottante commencer à produire :
Russia’s First Floating Nuclear Power Plant Turns On, Set To Replace Coal

Kenneth RapozaSenior Contributor Dec 19, 2019

Lomonosov, took 10 years to build at a cost of $232 million. The unit, with the electric generation capacity of roughly 70 megawatts, can power a city of 100,000 people. The barge is off the cold, rocky tundra of Chukota along the North Pacific Ocean, a Russian state with a population of roughly 50,000. The ancestors of the Eskimos, Aleuts and the Chukchi all inhabited the region, now home to more polar bears, reindeer and puffin penguins than people.

Now it’s home to what Russia thinks may become a trend in fossil-free fuel—small, floating nuclear power plants.

The new power plant will replace the technologically obsolete Bilibino nuclear power plant in the region, built in 1974 with the capacity to generate 48 megawatts. And a coal-fired power plant will also be shut down. Bilibino will be closed before the end of this year.

Next year, the barge will be connected to the main city there, Pevek, in order to provide heat. The average high temperature there is -11 Fahrenheit in January and February. Fewer than 5,000 people live there.

Russia hopes the power plant and all the development and infrastructure maintenance that surround it will create conditions for accelerated socioeconomic development of Chukotka and will become one of the key infrastructure elements in Russia’s development goals for its northern sea route.

“The task for next year is to complete the commissioning of the facility for fueling commercial operation,” Andrei Petrov, the company’s general director, said in a press release.

The construction of Akademik Lomonosov barge began in 2008 at Russia’s Baltic Shipyard, where it was built by Rosatom subsidiary OKBM Afrikantov, a nuclear engineering firm. It consists of two KLT-40S nuclear fission ship reactors used in Russian nuclear-powered icebreakers.

The first reactor installation was completed last December.

Since the energy of Chukotka is subsidized, the cost of energy for consumers will not change.

Russia likes to refer to the Akademik Lomonosov as the world’s first floating nuclear power plant. It is, for that part of the world. But in the late 1960s, the U.S. government had their MH-1A Sturgis —also a floating nuclear power vessel—which was used to generate the electricity required for the improvement of the Panama Canal.

Besides being the only floating nuclear power plant in the world today, Russia’s Akademik Lomonosov will also be the northernmost nuclear power station once Bilibino is off line.

Rosatom said it wants to build at least seven floating nuclear power plants. The state nuclear power company is currently working on its second generation of floating nuclear vessels, making them smaller and more powerful.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/ ... c6946e1e3d


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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 20 avr. 2020, 00:44

On avait pas de photo du Akademik-Lomonosov installé, voila :


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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 23 mai 2020, 10:20

La centrale nucléaire flottante Akademic Lomonosov est désormais complétement opérationelle.
World’s only floating nuclear power plant enters full commercial exploitation

2020 May 22

It officially becomes the 11th NPP in Russia and the northernmost one in the world

One-of-a-kind floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) “Akademic Lomonosov” has been fully commissioned in Pevek, Chukotka region in the Russian Far East. Andrei Petrov, Director of Rosenergoatom (Electric Energy Division of Rosatom), the subsidiary responsible for the FNPP project implementation, signed the relevant decree, Rosenergoatom says in its press release.


“Today we can consider the floating nuclear power plant construction project successfully completed. We finished our main task for this year - fully commissioned the FNPP in Pevek, Chukotka region. Today, it officially becomes the 11th nuclear power plant in Russia and the northernmost one in the world,” Andrei Petrov noted.

Earlier, the Far East directorate of Rostechnadzor, Russia’s technical, nuclear and environmental watchdog, carried out an inspection of the project. Based on its results, the FNPP received a “statement of conformity”. This document verifies that the FNPP is built in accordance with all project documentation requirements. Additionally, the project received approval from Rosprirodnadzor, the executive authority controlling and supervising activities in the field of environmental management. Receiving these documents means that the FNPP fully adheres to all norms and regulations, including sanitary, epidemiological, environmental, fire safety, construction requirements and federal standards.

The FNPP started providing electricity to the isolated grid of the Chaun-Bilibino energy center of Chukotka on December 19, 2019. The US POWER magazine named this event as one of the six key global nuclear energy industry events of 2019.

The FNPP has already generated over 47.3 million kWh of electricity since being connected to the grid. Currently, it covers 20% of the Chaun-Bilibino energy center demand. The FNPP will become the main energy source for Chukotka following the Bilibino NPP shutdown.

The world's only floating nuclear power plant includes coastal infrastructure and the Akademik Lomonosov floating power unit (FPU) equipped with two KLT-40S reactors with an electric power of 35 MW each. The FNPP power capacity is 70 MW while the heat capacity is 50 Gcal / h. The plant’s length is 140 meters, its width is 30 meters, its displacement is 21,500 tons. The service life is 40 years.

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 06 mai 2021, 23:43

Les Russes s'interessent à nouveau aux centrales nucléaires flottantes, pour une mine de Cuivre dans l' Est du pays.
Russia eyes building five more floating nuclear plants: report
Russia’s president Vladimir Putin has reportedly approved a plan to power a far eastern copper mining venture by building as many as five floating nuclear power plants, according to a report in the RBC business newswire, marking a major advance in Moscow’s ambitions for its most controversial energy source.

Published on May 4, 2021 by Charles Digges
lire : https://bellona.org/news/nuclear-issues ... nts-report

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 21 sept. 2021, 20:22

Rosatom commande deux coques de centrales nucléaires à Wison

Publié le 21/09/2021 lemarin

Rosatom a confié au chantier chinois Wison de Nantong la construction de deux coques de centrales nucléaires flottantes, a annoncé la presse russe.
En vertu de ce contrat de 226 millions de dollars, qui inclut l’intégration des parties supérieures que le groupe russe lui fournira, les coques devraient être livrées en 2023 et 2024. Les centrales alimenteront le site minier de Baimskaya, dans l’extrême-orient russe.
Début septembre, FSUE Atomflot, filiale de Rosatom, a signé un accord avec l’exploitant du site, GDK Baimskaya LLC, pour l’alimenter en électricité via quatre centrales nucléaires flottantes, d’une capacité d’au moins 106 MW chacune, pour un investissement de plus de 2 milliards de dollars. Les deux premières unités doivent être mises en service d’ici à 2027.
https://lemarin.ouest-france.fr/secteur ... ires-wison

Le projet minier en question de Baimskaya j' en ai parlé le 22 nov 2020 :

http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 6#p2312486
il s'agit d'une future mine de Cuivre et d' Or.

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 23 juil. 2022, 15:49

More nuclear heat for Arctic town

22 July 2022

The floating nuclear power plant at Pevek in the Russian Arctic is moving towards its goal of heating all the homes in the town.

The Akademik Lomosov at Pevek (Image: Rosenergoatom)

Moored to a special jetty at the Arctic port, the Akademik Lomonosov is a barge with two small nuclear power units aboard. The KLT-40S pressurised water reactors produce steam for turbine generator sets that generate 35 MWe each for a total of 70 MWe for the region. At the same time, heat is taken from the steam circuits and transferred to a pre-existing district heating grid that takes it to people's homes.

Changing this heating grid to use low-carbon nuclear heat instead of burning fuel oil has been a gradual process since the new power plant was first connected in June 2020. Engineers have needed to replace the central water supply lines as well as 77 individual 'heating points' as part of work to modernise the system and enable heating and hot water services to operate independently.

Now, all 57 apartment blocks in Pevek are technically ready to benefit from the heat of the nuclear power plant, said Vyacheslav Galaktionov, head of Elkon, the company carrying out the upgrades.

The Academik Lomonosov has more than enough capacity to supply all of Pevek, said Vitaly Trutnev, head of Rosenergoatom's arm for floating power plants yesterday as the company announced its connection to another section of the network. The nuclear plant now serves about three-quarters of the town, Trutnev said, adding that the connection process should be complete by the end of this year.

Not counting its contribution in terms of heat, the Akademik Lomonosov generated 175 GWh of electricity in 2021, avoiding the emission of 80,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... rctic-town

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 17 juin 2023, 12:06

Russian export push for floating nuclear power plants

16 June 2023

State nuclear power company Rosatom has signed an agreement with TSS Group to create a joint venture for the construction of a series of floating power units "with a capacity of at least 100 MWe and an assigned service life of up to 60 years for foreign markets and the subsequent sale of electricity from the floating power unit in the countries of presence".

The aim is to follow this framework agreement with legally and financially binding documents in the future. The fleet will use RITM-200M reactors, derived from those used on Russia's latest nuclear-powered icebreakers.

The agreement says that "as target markets, the partners consider the countries of the Middle East, southeast Asia, and Africa. Energoflot is expected to be put into operation in the period from 2029 to 2036".

Andrey Nikipelov, deputy director general for mechanical engineering and industrial solutions for Rosatom, said people within Russia and elsewhere had been studying its floating power plant development "with great interest" and they were now able to "offer the market a whole family" of floating power units with a range of power and uses and suitable for conditions ranging from the Arctic to tropical climates.

He said: "In addition to environmental friendliness and stable operation, floating nuclear power units are able to provide energy independence - both from the main power grids, and in a broader sense - protection from the volatility of energy markets ... floating power units have great commercial potential both in Russia and abroad ... and will create better living conditions for people and help economic development in different regions of the world."

Sergey Velichko, chairman of TSS Group, an oil and gas construction and engineering specialist, said the need for low-carbon energy generation was "becoming more and more urgent in the world - customers need a stable, economically predictable and sustainable source of energy". He added that floating nuclear power plants can meet that need and "allows the client to receive as much energy as he needs and in what place" and is "an investment in a future that is more environmentally friendly and predictable for us and our children".

Rosatom is already in the process of constructing four floating power units for the Baimskaya ore zone which highlights floating nuclear power plants' ability to be transported to hard-to-reach areas. It said: "In countries with developing economies, affordable energy is the key not only to the dynamic development of industry but also a factor in the growth of the well-being of the population."

(Image: Rosatom)

Construction began last August, at a Chinese shipyard, of a barge that will later be fitted with two RITM-200M reactors for the first of the four floating nuclear power plants for the Cape Naglounyn project which will power the mining development at Baimskaya in the Russian Arctic. It will supply 103 MWe but, as the development requires 300 MWe, three are needed, with a fourth to be installed as backup for refuelling and maintenance.

Russia already has one floating nuclear power plant, the Akademik Lomonosov, which is stationed at Pevek where it supplies heat and power to the town. This is based on two KLT-40S reactors generating 35 MWe each, which are similar to those used in a previous generation of nuclear powered icebreakers. So-called 'modernised floating nuclear power plants' like the ones for Cape Nagloynyn feature reactors from the new RITM series, as used in the latest generation of icebreakers. RITM units can also be used on land and a single-reactor plant is planned for Ust-Kuyga in Russia's far east.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... -power-pla

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 14 oct. 2023, 11:42

Premier remplacement de combustible pour la centrale flottante Russe Akademik Lomonosov
Floating nuclear power plant set for first refuelling

13 October 2023

Nuclear fuel has been delivered to Russia's floating nuclear power plant Akademik Lomonosov with the landmark refuelling set to begin before the end of the year.


The fuel was delivered by TVEL, Rosatom's fuel division, via the Northern Sea Route to the site, in Pevek, in the Chukotka region, in northeast Russia. The fuel was manufactured by TVEL's Elektrostal Machine-Building Plant, which is in the Moscow region.

The Akademik Lomonosov, which supplies heat and power to the town, is based on two KLT-40S reactors generating 35 MWe each, which are similar to those used in a previous generation of nuclear powered icebreakers. The fuel for the second reactor is due to be supplied and loaded during 2024.

TVEL said that unlike land-based large reactors which generally require replacement of a proportion of their fuel rods every 12-18 months "in the case of these reactors, the refuelling takes place once every few years and includes unloading of the entire reactor core and loading of fresh fuel into the reactor". It says this means there can be up to 3.5 years between refuellings.

Akademik Lomonosov, which was put into commercial operation in May 2020, was described at the time as a pilot project and a 'working prototype' for a future fleet of floating nuclear power plants and on-shore installations based on Russian-made small modular reactors intended for deployment in hard-to-reach areas of Russia's North and Far-East, as well as for export. Named after the 18th century Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, it is 144 metres long and 30 metres wide, and has a displacement of 21,000 tonnes.

The town of Pevek has a population of about 4000, while the floating plant could potentially supply electricity to a city of 100,000. Since commissioning it is replacing the Bilibino nuclear power plant as it is retired, having operated since 1974, and the Chaunskaya thermal power plant which had been operating for more than 70 years. It also supplies power more widely in the region, including to mining companies involved in the development of the Baimsk ore zone.

Rosatom is already in the process of constructing four floating power units and is targeting the export market for floating nuclear power plants with capacity of at least 100 MWe and an assigned service life of up to 60 years featuring RITM-200M reactors, derived from those used on Russia's latest nuclear-powered icebreakers.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... st-refuell

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 25 nov. 2023, 15:28

suite du post au dessus.
First refuelling at floating nuclear power plant
24 November 2023

Fresh nuclear fuel has been loaded into the starboard side reactor on the Akademik Lomonosov in the first operation of its kind, with the process due to be completed by the end of the year, Rosatom says.
lire https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Refuelling

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 30 mars 2024, 15:40

Floating nuclear power plant plan for Russia's Far Eastern coast

27 March 2024

Rosatom and the government of Primorsky Krai have signed an agreement for a feasibility study and location options for floating nuclear power units off its coast.

(Image: Rosatom)

The agreement was signed at the Atomexpo 2024 event in Sochi and aims to produce reliable and carbon-free electricity generation facilities in the region, which borders China and North Korea and is about 250 miles across the sea from Japan.

Rosatom said the agreement will also include the financial, economic, legal and technical aspects of a prospective project, as well as how it would be organised. The Far Eastern region of Russia is estimated by the country's Unified Energy System operator to need at least 1.35 GW of power by 2029-2030.

Andrei Leontyev, Minister of Energy and Gas Supply of the Primorsky Territory, said: "Initially, we see the need for four floating power units to eliminate the energy shortage in the south ... in addition to small-scale nuclear energy, we also consider it necessary to create a nuclear power plant with two 600 MW units in the medium term for the development of our region."

Rosatom Deputy Director General for Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Solutions, Andrey Nikipelov, said: "Small-scale nuclear power is a modern green way of stable energy supply with energy costs projected for decades ... floating power units with their mobility and scalability are a doubly flexible solution not only to cover the current needs of a region with actively developing industry and infrastructure, but also new opportunities that will further expand the economic potential of the region and provide better living conditions for people."

Rosatom has developed floating nuclear power plants based on the RITM-200 reactor which has been used on its new fleet of nuclear-powered icebreakers and construction has begun for units to supply the Baimsky Mining and Processing Plant, with "dozens of countries and regions" said to be showing an interest. It says, for example, that there is a need for up to 15 floating nuclear power units for Russia's Arctic zone.

Russia already has one floating nuclear power plant, the Akademik Lomonosov, which is stationed at Pevek where it supplies heat and power to the town. This is based on two KLT-40S reactors generating 35 MWe each, which are similar to those used in a previous generation of nuclear-powered icebreakers.

Export push

Also at the Atomexpo forum, Rosatom signed an agreement with Russia's TSS Group on terms for the formation of a joint venture for the construction and operation of floating nuclear power units for foreign markets.

The floating power plants will use RITM-200 reactors and have a capacity of 100 MW and a service life of at least 60 years.

Sergei Velichko, Chairman of TSS Group, said: "Floating power units are an effective solution to the problems of current and future energy shortages in regions with rapidly developing economies ... we see high demand for a stable and green source of energy in almost all countries in Africa and the Middle East ... we believe that the largest sovereign funds will be serious drivers of investment in this technology."
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... ssia-s-Far

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 08 juin 2024, 22:02

Guinea signs floating nuclear power plants MoU with Russia

07 June 2024

The Republic of Guinea and Rosatom have signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on the development of floating power units to supply electricity to the African country.

How a floating power unit might look (Image: Rosatom)

The signing took place during the St Petersburg International Economic Forum, with the cooperation set to include the two sides exploring how the implementation of the sea-based units would work and the terms and conditions.

Vladimir Aptekarev, Deputy Head of Rosatom's Mechanical Engineering Division, said: "The cooperation involves joint work on developing a power supply solution both to industrial and domestic consumers in the Republic of Guinea, by deploying floating nuclear power units with RITM-200 reactors, which have already proven efficient ... The power supply issue in the African region is urgent, and our main task is to provide a fast, reliable and environmentally-friendly solution for our partners."

He added that the agreement "demonstrates the high global interest in our technology".

The floating power units developed by Rosatom are based on the RITM-200 reactors which have been used for the latest generation of nuclear-powered icebreakers. The first floating power plant, the Akademik Lomonosov, in the Chukotka region, was launched in 2020 and provides 70 MWe, plus heat, to the nearby coastal areas.

Under a contract signed in 2021, Rosatom's Machine Engineering Division is supplying four floating power units (FPUs), each with a capacity of up to 106 MW of electric power, for the Baimsky Mining and Processing Plant. Three of the FPUs will be primary units, while the fourth will serve as a backup and the project is designed to be the first "serial" reference for floating power units and the world’s first experience in electrification using a floating power unit for mineral extraction projects.

In a question and answer interview for World Nuclear News last month. Aptekarev said 100 MW floating power units were being developed for export "with enhanced technical and economic performance suited for relatively warm climates" adding that negotiations were "in progress with several countries across different regions of the world, with some negotiations already resulting in signed agreements". He explained that the business model is not to sell the floating power units, but instead to sell the electricity generated from them, with Power Purchase Agreements of up to 60 years. The refuelling interval is expected to be between 7 and 10 years.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... nuclear-po

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Re: Les Russes construisent des centrales nucléaires FLOTTANTES

Message par energy_isere » 30 juin 2024, 10:18

Floating nuclear power plant to provide energy for Russian mining
The plant based in the Chukotka Autonomous region is set to be commissioned in 2028.

Alfie Shaw June 26, 2024

The Baimsky project’s first of four floating nuclear power plants are set to be commissioned in 2028, according to Vladimir Aptekarev, the deputy head of Rosatom’s engineering division. The plants will supply energy to mining projects in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

In the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, a mining and processing plant for copper is currently being constructed. It will derive its power from the floating power plant.

The investments required for the project are estimated to be 900bn Rubles ($10bn).

The mine’s annual ore processing capacity is expected to be 70m tonnes, with the field estimated to contain 9.9m tonnes of copper and 16.6m ounces of gold.

The floating nuclear power plant will be specifically designed for operation in the far north and the far east of Russia. The plant will be made up of RITM-200S reactors that have a service life of 40 years, needing to be refuelled every five years. Rigid mooring devices will hold the units in place to mitigate the ebb and flow of the water on which the units will sit. 50 high-voltage cables will transmit the power generated to shore.

RITM type reactors are used in a series of low-power power plants. Two RITM-200 reactors are being used in the icebreaker project and are currently operating on the North Sea route.

The world’s first floating nuclear power plant is in Pevek in the Chukotka region of northeast Russia. The plant, named Akademik Lomonosov, supplies heat and power to the town and is based on two KLT-40S reactors generating 35MW each.

Akademik Lomonosov became operational in December 2019. At the time, the reactor was seen as a pilot project for a future fleet of floating nuclear power plants and onshore installations based on Russian-made small modular reactors.

Due to their functionality, they are intended for deployment in disparate areas of Russia’s north and far-east.
https://www.mining-technology.com/news/ ... 2/?cf-view
