Gaz en Iran

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 21 oct. 2020, 08:24

L'Iran ne laissera pas l'indien ONGC Videsh développer le champs gazier Farzad-B don't la découverte date de 2008.
Il sera développé en local.
Iran Boots Out India From Huge Gas Field Development

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Oct 19, 2020

Iran has decided to use local firms to develop a large offshore natural gas field, which was discovered by an Indian company and set to be developed by a group of Indian firms, Press Trust of India reported on Monday, citing sources with direct knowledge of the plans.

An Indian consortium led by ONGC Videsh discovered the huge Farzad-B gas field back in 2008. Iran and India have since negotiated the terms of the field’s development for years, in fits and starts.

Three years ago, the Indian consortium led by ONGC Videsh offered Iran US$11 billion in investments into the Farzad-B field on the condition that the Iranian authorities can guarantee it a reasonable level of returns. Reasonable, ONGC said in 2017, was 18 percent, according to the managing director of the company’s overseas investment arm.

Negotiations between Indian companies and Iran on the development dragged on for years, with pressure building between the parties in 2017 after Iran delayed its final decision about the field several times. India responded to the delays with threats of reduced Iranian oil imports.

Iran added fuel to the fire at the end of May 2017 when it signed an initial agreement for Farzad-B with Russia’s gas giant Gazprom. The news, announced by Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh, came on the back of earlier remarks that Russian energy companies may take the place of Indian sector players in Iran’s oil and gas fields.

After a few more years of stalled development talks, also because of the U.S. sanctions on Iran’s energy industry, it now looks like Iran has decided to forgo the use of foreign firms and replace the Indian consortium with domestic companies.

According to Press Trust of India’s sources, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) told ONGC Videsh in February 2020 that it planned to sign a contract to develop the Farzad-B field with an Iranian company. ONGC Videsh, however, continues to seek contact with Iran about the field, but Iran hasn’t responded to the Indian firm yet, the sources said. ... pment.html

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 31 mars 2021, 01:10

Plus 6% de production annuelle de gaz en Iran.
Iran yearly gas output up 6 pct

29 March 2021

The Deputy Director of Dispatching Operations at the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) announced a 6% increase in Iran’s annual sweet gas production, Trend reports citing Mehr.

"Fortunately, despite the embargos imposed on the country and obstacles caused by the coronavirus outbreak, growth and development did not stop in Iran and we continue to see an increasing gas output," Ahmad Kazemi said.

Addressing a video conference with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday, Kazemi presented a brief report on the NIGC’s dispatching center in the calendar year of 1399 which ended on March 20.

He said a 6% increase in natural gas production, which is equivalent to 15 billion cubic meters, had been distributed in various sectors, including domestic and commercial, during the year.

"Last year, we were able to deliver more gas to the production sectors and power plants; likewise, more than 5 billion cubic meters were delivered in power plants and more than 3.3 billion cubic meters were sent to major industries such as steel, petrochemicals and refineries," the official added.

According to the official, currently, 37 gas platforms are active in the South Pars offshore gas field, 20 gas refineries are being throughout the country, 39,000 km of transmission lines are operational and 395,000 kilometers of pipelines are active in the provincial gas distribution networks of the country which are responsible for supplying gas to all sectors including the domestic, commercial and other sectors.

Kazemi stated that the daily consumption of gas is currently around 350 million cubic meters per day in the domestic sector, while the figure for major industries is about 130 million cubic meters per day and for power plants is about 160 million cubic meters.

He added currently, exports account for about five percent of production, which is in accordance with the commitments and agreements signed with importing countries.

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 18 mai 2021, 00:34

Iran Awards $1.8B Gas Field Contract to Petropars

by Bloomberg|Arsalan Shahla|Monday, May 17, 2021

Iran’s Petropars Ltd. will be awarded a $1.78 billion contract by the National Iranian Oil Co. to develop the giant Farzad-B gas field that was previously intended to be tapped by a group of Indian companies.

Petropars will produce 28 million cubic meters of gas a day from the offshore deposit within five years, according to the agreement, the Iranian oil ministry’s official Shana news service reported, with the contract to be signed on Monday. Farzad-B is estimated to hold reserves of around 500 billion cubic meters.

An Indian consortium led by ONGC Videsh Ltd. was engaged in talks with Iran to develop the field but disagreements over investment volume and gas prices delayed progress and negotiations stalled completely after the U.S. reimposed sanctions on Iran in 2018.

Prior to those penalties, Iran had intended to jointly develop several major oil and gas projects with foreign energy companies as part of a push to modernize its industry and improve expertise and know-how.

Farzad-B is the latest major energy project awarded to Petropars following the exodus of foreign companies from the Islamic Republic’s oil and gas industry. Last year, it took over the development of an offshore phase of Iran’s South Pars field after its partners Total SA and China National Petroleum Corp. quit the $5 billion project because of sanctions.

Iran is priming its oil fields -- and customer relationships -- so it can increase production and exports as it inches closer to an agreement with the U.S. that could lift sanctions on its economy and revive the 2015 nuclear deal. ... 3-article/

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 21 août 2021, 00:12

Grosse découverte de gaz en mer Caspienne coté Iran.
Iran’s Huge Caspian Gas Find Is A Geopolitical Gamechanger

By Simon Watkins - Aug 19, 2021,

Iran last week revealed a huge new gas deposit located in the Iranian sector of the Caspian Sea. The ‘Chalous’ structure is to be developed with the intention of forming a new gas hub in northern Iran to complement the southern gas hub centred on the massive South Pars field.

The principal named developer of the Chalous site is Iran’s Khazar Exploration and Production Company (KEPCO) but technical and financial assistance will also come from Russia and China. If the initial estimates of the gas reserves held in the Chalous deposit are correct then Iranian gas will be able to supply at least 20 percent of Europe’s gas needs. However, the size, price, and destination of this gas will be co-ordinated with Russia, adding to the energy power that Moscow has over Europe, already a key matter of contention between Europe and its NATO partner, the U.S. According to KEPCO’s chief executive officer, Ali Osouli, the Chalous structure is estimated to hold gas reserves equivalent to a quarter of the supergiant South Pars gas field, or around 11 of its phases. South Pars has an estimated 14.2 trillion cubic metres (Tcm) of gas reserves in place plus 18 billion barrels of gas condensate and already accounts for around 40 percent of Iran’s total estimated 33.8 tcm of gas reserves and about 80 percent of its gas production. The 3,700-square kilometre ( South Pars site is part of the 9,700-square km basin shared with Qatar (in the form of the 6,000-square km North Dome) but the Chalous structure lies squarely within Iran’s sector of the Caspian Sea. This has not so far been affected by the recent disputes between the five littoral states that share oil, gas, and other rights in it: Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

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Bizarre, sur le site farsnew je ne vois pas cette information.
Non plus sur :

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 21 août 2021, 01:01

ah, voila peut être cette l'info dans le Tehran Times, en fait ca date du 16 juin :
Research indicates huge new gas reserves in northeastern Iran

June 16, 2021 Tehran Times

“Obtained information from 16 exploration wells drilled in this area, along with other studies, indicate huge potential reserves in this area and the need to change the technical approach to the potential hydrocarbon resources in the South Caspian Basin,” Emad Hosseini said.

The results from the two new wells, namely Hirkan 1 and Ghezeltapeh 3, are also expected to confirm the above-mentioned studies, Hosseini noted.

According to the official, KEPCO has proposed four new projects to the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), two of which have been approved to be implemented in the region.

“Among the four strategic projects proposed to the NIOC board of directors, two projects namely the two-dimensional seismicity of the Caspian Sea shore area and the management and maintenance of Iran-Amirkabir drilling platform and its supporting vessels have been approved,” the official explained.

Referring to Turkmenistan's plans for exploring gas reserves in the Caspian Sea, he continued: “Khazar Exploration and Production Company has put the two-dimensional seismicity of the Caspian Sea shore area on the agenda in order to determine the best deep drilling location.”

This project will be the first step in creating a seismic database on the challenging shore areas of the Caspian Sea, which is very important considering the existing capacities in these coasts,” the official added.

Back in June 2020, Head of KEPCO’s Department of Geology Farid Taati had said that his company was cooperating with domestic knowledge-based companies for the Caspian Sea oil exploration operations.

KEPCO, which handles exploration operations in the Caspian Sea region in northern Iran, had signed research-based deals with domestic companies in the Iranian calendar year of 1398 (ended in March 2019) to carry out exploration operations in the area. ... stern-Iran

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 16 nov. 2021, 08:25

suite de 2 posts au dessus.

Le gisement de gas de Chalous au Nord de l' Iran contiendrait encore plus de gaz qu'initialement estimé. ils parlent de 7100 milliards de m3 de Gaz !
Il y a des accords en cours entre Russes, Chinois et Iraniens pour le développement de ce champs.
A deal finalized last week to develop Iran’s multi-trillion dollar new gas discovery, the Chalous field, will see Russian companies hold the major share in it, followed by Chinese companies, and only then Iranian ones, sources close to the deal exclusively told This is despite Chalous’s position unequivocally within the Iranian sector of the Caspian Sea, over which the Islamic Republic has complete sovereignty. Billions of dollars in additional capital investment are scheduled to come from financial institutions in Germany, Austria, and Italy, as the indications are that the size of Chalous’s gas reserves are even greater now than initially thought. According to one of the senior Russian officials involved in negotiating the deal: “This is the final act of securing control over the European energy market.”

As it now stands, though, revealed exclusively to, following further studies by Russia, the Chalous discovery is now seen as essentially a twin-field site, nine kilometers apart, with ‘Greater’ Chalous having 5.9 trillion cubic meters (Tcm) of gas in place, and ‘Lesser’ Chalous having 1.2 Tcm of gas, giving a combined figure of 7.1 Tcm of gas. Therefore, the new Chalous figures would give Iran a total natural gas reserves figure of 40.9 Tcm, whilst Russia – for a long time, the holder of the largest gas reserves in the world – officially has just under 48 Tcm. That Russian figure, though, has not been revised to account for usage, wastage, and gas field degradation for many years, and, according to Russian gas sources, is around 38.99 Tcm as of the end of 2020. Consequently, the Chalous find makes Iran the biggest gas reserves holder in the world.

These new estimates, on top of recent developments in the European gas market, have led to a change in the plan that had been agreed on between Iran and Russia and had remained in play up until around a month ago. The plan had been for Iran’s side of the development to be led by the Khazar Exploration and Production Company (KEPCO), with the additional principal participation of then-to-be finalized Russian companies. Following both the upgrading of the gas reserves estimates in Chalous and spiraling gas prices across Europe in the previous weeks, the new stake split in the combined Chalous twin-sites is as follows: Russia’s Gazprom and Transneft will together hold a 40 percent share, China’s CNPC and CNOOC together a 28 percent share, and KEPCO a 25 percent share only. “Gazprom will have overall responsibility for managing the Chalous development, Transneft will do the transportation and related operations, CNPC is doing a lot of the financing and providing the necessary banking facilities, and CNOOC will be doing the infrastructure parts and engineering,” said one of the sources.

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 07 déc. 2021, 09:47

Les Iraniens vont forer 4 nouveaux puits pour essayer de trouver de nouvelles zones de gaz à South Pars
Iran Looking For New Gas Reserves At South Pars

by Bojan Lepic|Rigzone Staff|Monday, December 06, 2021

Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC), a subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil Company, has started drilling operations at the South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf in search of new hydrocarbon reserves.

The Pars Oil and Gas Company stated that the drilling of the new well was part of the development strategy for the South Pars field.

The strategy focuses on exploring the undeveloped areas of the field in a bid to find new hydrocarbon reserves and extend gas production.

The company stated that the drilling of an extension appraisal well in the northern part of the South Pars gas field aims to evaluate the hydrocarbon capacity of the areas outside the field’s current blocks and phases.

The head of POGC’s Oil and Gas Engineering Department Ali Akbar Majed said that the drilling of the SP-16 extension appraisal well was being done to determine the possibility of the field’s expansion. The drilling will be completed by the Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company, which was hired to carry out these operations.

According to him, the exploration and making discoveries on undeveloped parts of the South Pars joint field in an attempt to locate hydrocarbon reserves is one of the solutions outlined in a plan developed to maintain the field’s gas production. During the assessment and search for new reserves, which is the objective of this drilling campaign as well, more than one well will be drilled.

“The SP-16 well, whose appraisal objectives and evaluation has been determined in cooperation with the exploration department of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), is the first of four wells planned for drilling and evaluation of areas outside the current blocks of the field,” Majed claimed.

As for South Pars, it lies on the territorial border between Iran and the State of Qatar in the Persian Gulf. The South Pars gas field covers an area of 3,745 square miles. Iran’s territorial waters house 1,430 square miles, while the remaining 2,315 square miles, named the North Dome, are situated in Qatar’s territorial waters.

According to available data, the Iranian portion is estimated to hold almost 500 trillion cubic feet of gas and some 18 billion barrels of gas condensates.

This amounts to around 7.5 percent of the world's gas reserves and half of Iran’s gas reserves. The development of this massive field is divided into 24 phases to produce around 28 billion cubic feet of gas per day. ... 2-article/

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 23 août 2023, 08:50

Production Starts At Phase-11 Of The World’s Largest Gas Field

By Simon Watkins - Aug 22, 2023

Iran’s South Pars gas field is one half of the world’s largest gas resource – the other being Qatar’s North Field – so any official announcement on production plans from there is a major event. It is even more dramatic if it relates to the often-delayed and exceptionally controversial Phase 11 of South Pars (SP11), which for a long time has been a focal point for proxy hostilities between West and East, as analysed in depth in my new book on the new global oil market order. Consequently, comments last week from Iran’s Petroleum Ministry that gas production has now finally started from Phase 11 has set pulses racing in Washington, Moscow, and Beijing. For Moscow and Beijing, the announcement sets the seal on years of maneuvering to play integral roles in developing the world’s biggest gas reserve. For Washington, it raises questions over Iran’s genuine commitment to agreeing a new version of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, or colloquially ‘the nuclear deal’) in the next three months as planned.

Back on 16 January 2016 when the JCPOA was implemented, the ultimate prize for Western international oil companies was to be involved in the South Pars gas field – even more so than in Iran’s enormous oil fields. They knew that oil was coming under increasing pressure from the clean energy lobby, but they also knew that even this group regarded gas as an acceptable alternative to oil in the transition period to green energy. Additionally, despite Iran’s massive oil resources, its gas resources were even greater, and the bulk of them were concentrated in just one, huge, area – South Pars. The South Pars site stretches across 3,700 square kilometres and holds an estimated 14.2 trillion cubic metres (tcm) of gas reserves in place plus 18 billion barrels of gas condensate. It already accounts for around 40 percent of Iran’s total estimated 33.8 tcm of gas reserves (mostly located in the southern Fars, Bushehr, and Hormozgan regions) and about 80 percent of its gas production. The other part of the world’s biggest gas reserve is Qatar’s 6,000 square kilometre North Field (or ‘North Dome’), which is the foundation stone of its world-leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter status. Iran has also long held well-developed plans to use part of the South Pars and neighbouring North Pars sites to roll-out its own world-class LNG programme, as also analysed in depth in my new book.

South Pars was split into 24 phases for development, with broad production targets ranging from around 28 million cubic metres per day (mcm/d) to about 57 mcm/d – the latter being Phase 11’s target.
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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 28 août 2023, 22:33

suite du post au dessus.
L'Iran inaugure la dernière phase du méga-gisement gazier South Pars

AFP le 28 août 2023

Le président iranien Ebrahim Raïssi a inauguré lundi la dernière phase de l'immense gisement gazier South Pars, développé dans le Golfe depuis les années 1990.

M. Raïssi s'est rendu lundi dans la ville portuaire d'Assalouyeh (sud), où il a inauguré la phase 11 du projet lors d'une cérémonie diffusée en direct par la télévision.

Plus grande réserve de gaz connue au monde, le méga-gisement de South Pars est situé à cheval entre les eaux territoriales de l'Iran et du Qatar.

Quelque 50 millions de m2 de gaz seront extraits quotidiennement des installations de la phase 11 "après l'achèvement des puits", a indiqué le ministre du pétrole, Javad Owji, présent à la cérémonie.

Dans son discours, le président Raïssi a regretté que "les entreprises étrangères comme Total" n'avaient "pas rempli leurs obligations pour achever la 11e phase de South Pars". Il a félicité les "experts iraniens" pour "avoir terminé le projet".

L'immense champ gazier devait être développé par le français Total, la China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) et une entreprise iranienne, selon un accord de 2017 d'un montant de 4,8 milliards de dollars (environ 4,3 milliards d'euros).

Mais Total s'est désengagé du projet en 2018 après le retrait américain de l'accord sur le nucléaire de 2015 et le rétablissement de sanctions par Washington contre le secteur énergétique iranien notamment. En 2019, l'Iran avait annoncé que la Chine avait de son côté abandonné le projet.

L'Iran dispose des deuxièmes réserves mondiales de gaz, après la Russie, et des quatrièmes réserves mondiales de pétrole. ... ars-230828

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Re: Gaz en Iran

Message par energy_isere » 09 août 2024, 18:39

Iran embarks on new round of drilling at South Pars gas field
Pars Oil and Gas Co. plans to drill 35 new wells in phases to counter production declines at the South Pars Field in the Persian Gulf.

Aug. 8, 2024

Pars Oil and Gas Co., a subsidiary of National Iranian Oil Co., plans to drill 35 new wells in phases to counter production declines at the South Pars Field in the Persian Gulf.

Hamidreza Shafiei Makvand, manager of drilling operations, told new service Shana the aim was to boost output by 36 MMcm over the next three years.

The wells will be drilled from 17 existing platforms. Petroiran Development Co., North Drilling Co. and Pasargad Energy Development Co. will each drill nine wells and Petro Pars eight.

The total estimated cost is $1.2 billion.

In June, the South Pars Phase 13 Alpha platform was ready to start producing gas. This was after the platform had suffered severe structural damage after being struck by a commercial vessel, but it underwent repairs and renovations.

And back in March, Pars Oil and Gas Co. signed contracts with various domestic companies in Iran for a pressure-boosting project at the South Pars gas field. At the time, 38 production and logistics platforms were operating over the field and 14 pressure-boosting platforms were scheduled to be used to implement the project. ... -gas-field
