Premiére plate forme pétroliére en mer de Barents

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Re: [Production] L'Arctique, une alternative ...

Message par energy_isere » 05 déc. 2017, 18:55

Le géant pétrolier Statoil et ses partenaires ont donné mardi leur feu vert à un projet de 5 milliards d'euros dans l'Arctique norvégien, une région qui peine cependant à combler les attentes mirobolantes du secteur.

Après avoir réussi à diviser les coûts prévisionnels par deux pour rendre le projet commercialement viable, le consortium a décidé de développer le gisement Johan Castberg qui devrait entrer en exploitation fin 2022 en mer de Barents.

Gisement le plus septentrional du pays, c'est aussi "le plus gros projet pétro-gazier offshore au monde à recevoir un feu vert en 2017" avec des réserves récupérables estimées entre 450 et 650 millions de barils équivalent-pétrole, a souligné Statoil dans un communiqué.

Son avenir a pourtant longtemps été incertain.

L'investissement requis était initialement chiffré à plus de 100 milliards de couronnes (plus de 10 milliards d'euros), nécessitant un baril à 80 dollars pour être rentable.

Mais, grâce à une redéfinition du concept technologique retenu et à la chute des coûts dans le secteur parapétrolier, Statoil, l'italien Eni et la société publique norvégienne Petoro ont ramené la facture prévisionnelle à 49 milliards de couronnes.

À ce prix, le gisement sera rentable avec un baril à moins de 35 dollars alors qu'il tourne actuellement autour de 62 dollars.

Si les défenseurs de la nature ont dénoncé un projet "indéfendable", l'investissement est une bonne nouvelle pour le secteur pétrolier en Norvège, où la production d'or noir a été divisée par deux depuis son pic de 2000-2001.

Le gouvernement a salué "un jalon" bon pour l'emploi, qui rapportera 138 milliards de couronnes de rentrées fiscales.

La solution technologique retenue pour Johan Castberg "facilite le développement ultérieur de cette province pétrolière", s'est également félicitée la Direction norvégienne du pétrole.

Cet organisme public a placé de grands espoirs dans la mer de Barents qui recèlerait, selon ses estimations, près de 65% des réserves restant à découvrir au large de la Norvège.

Les campagnes de prospection s'y sont toutefois soldées par des résultats très décevants en 2014 et cette année.
....................... ... 4c36284377
Mer de Barents : le champ Johan Castberg en voie de développement

Publié le 05/12/2017

Statoil et ses partenaires Eni et Petoro ont décidé de développer le champ pétrolier Johan Castberg, en mer de Barents norvégienne. Ils ont soumis le plan de développement et d’opération (PDO) à Oslo le 5 décembre.

Johan Castberg est le plus grand développement offshore approuvé en 2017. (Illustration : Statoil) ... eloppement

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Re: [Production] L'Arctique, une alternative ...

Message par energy_isere » 05 déc. 2017, 18:58



The projected floating production vessel for the Johan Castberg field. Illustration by Statoil

source : ... ke-it-plus

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Re: Premiére plate forme pétroliére en mer de Barents

Message par energy_isere » 04 nov. 2018, 14:29

Equinor découvre entre 12 et 25 millions de barils en mer de Barents.
Important Oil Discovery in Barents Sea

by Andreas Exarheas|Rigzone Staff|Monday, October 29, 2018

Equinor revealed Monday that a new oil discovery has been made though the Barents Sea Skruis exploration well, which is located in the Johan Castberg license.

The well confirmed a volume of between 12 and 25 million recoverable barrels of oil, according to Equinor. Skruis is the first operated exploration well drilled by the company this year in the Barents Sea.

The asset’s partners - Equinor, Eni and Petoro - will now “further consider tie-in of the discovery to Johan Castberg,” Equinor said in a company statement. The Johan Castberg field, which is estimated to have recoverable reserves of between 450 and 650 million barrels, is planned for start-up in 2022.

“This is an important discovery. It helps to determine the size of the Johan Castberg resource base which is currently being developed,” Nick Ashton, Equinor’s senior vice president of exploration in Norway and the UK, said in a company statement.

“Securing resources near existing infrastructure is an important part of Equinor’s ambition and strategy on the Norwegian continental shelf,” he added.

“We still have three Equinor-operated wells and one partner-operated well left to drill in the Barents Sea. We also have a good portfolio for the next couple of years. Together with the wells we drilled in 2017, this will help clarify the potential in the remaining part of the Barents Sea,” Ashton continued.

In a Twitter statement, Equinor said its operated exploration well in the Barents Sea “proves that there are good, attractive areas in the North”.

As of the end of the third quarter, Equinor had completed 15 exploration wells in 2018 with seven commercial discoveries. Adjusted exploration expenses for the company in the quarter were $239 million, down from $416 million in the same quarter of 2017. ... 4-article/

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Re: Premiére plate forme pétroliére en mer de Barents

Message par energy_isere » 27 avr. 2019, 22:54

A propos de l'histoire très ancienne sous l'actuelle mer de Barents.
Et c'est les relevés sismiques pour le pétrole qui l'a révélé.
Un gigantesque delta coiffait un supercontinent, la Pangée, il y a plus de 200 millions d'années. C'était le plus grand delta de tous les temps et certainement un milieu de vie majeur durant le Trias. Enterrés aujourd'hui sous la mer de Barents, dans l'océan Arctique, ses vestiges témoignent d'évènements climatiques passés pour le moins cataclysmiques.

9 avril 2019 futurasciences

Lire ... gee-75656/

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Inscription : 13 nov. 2005, 09:58

Re: Premiére plate forme pétroliére en mer de Barents

Message par alain2908 » 28 avr. 2019, 07:36

le titre est un peu racoleur.
je n'ai rien vu de cataclysmique dans les découvertes énoncées.

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Re: Premiére plate forme pétroliére en mer de Barents

Message par energy_isere » 18 juin 2019, 07:38

Equinor fait encore chou blanc dans une zone jugée prometteuse de l'Arctique

AFP parue le 17 juin 2019

Le géant norvégien de l'énergie Equinor a de nouveau fait chou blanc sur un prospect considéré comme très prometteur dans l'Arctique, a annoncé lundi la Direction norvégienne du pétrole.

Un forage de prospection, le second en deux ans, n'a pas permis de déceler la présence d'hydrocarbures sur le prospect baptisé Korpfjell en mer de Barents, a indiqué l'agence gouvernementale dans un communiqué. Un premier forage réalisé dans cette zone où les attentes de l'industrie pétrolière sont très élevées n'avait abouti en 2017 qu'à la découverte d'une quantité négligeable de gaz naturel.

C'est un revers pour Equinor et ses partenaires - les norvégiens DNO et Petoro, le suédois Lundin et l'américain ConocoPhillips - alors que le cabinet Rystad Energy, dans son hypothèse la plus haute, a estimé que le prospect pourrait contenir jusqu'à 10 milliards de barils de pétrole. Cela en ferait de loin le plus gros gisement jamais découvert en Norvège, principal producteur d'hydrocarbures d'Europe de l'Ouest.

En milieu de matinée, l'action Equinor cédait 0,68% à la Bourse d'Oslo.

Les défenseurs de l'environnement sont vent debout contre les activités pétrolières dans cette région à l'écosystème riche et fragile, jugée trop proche des glaces marines et trop éloignée des infrastructures terrestres. ... que-190617

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Re: Premiére plate forme pétroliére en mer de Barents

Message par energy_isere » 01 oct. 2023, 15:28

Vaar Energi Plans Barents Exploration Ramp-Up
Program will focus on finding more resources around Goliat and Johan Castberg through 2026.

October 1, 2023 Journal of Petroleum Technology

Eni’s Norwegian subsidiary Vaar Energi plans to increase exploration in the Arctic Barents Sea to boost its oil and gas production in the region.

Vaar operates Goliat, the only producing oil field in the Barents Sea, and is a partner in Equinor’s project to develop the Johan Castberg oil field, which is expected to start producing at the end of 2024.

Vaar said the drilling program in the Barents Sea will focus on finding more resources around the two fields over the period 2024–2026.

Vaar said it hired China Oilfield Services’ COSLProspector offshore drilling rig for the drilling program in the Arctic, in cooperation with Norway’s Equinor.

In a separate statement, Equinor said it had awarded COSL contracts for two more rigs, COSLPromoter and COSLInnovator, to drill exploration and production wells. The contracts were valued at around $369 million for both firm periods.

The COSLPromoter is already contracted to Equinor and will begin on the new contract in the first quarter of 2025. The firm’s contract is for 1 year, with options for a further 4 years. The COSLInnovator is contracted for 2 years, starting in the second quarter of 2025, and the contract includes options for a further 3 years. ... on-ramp-up

A Norwegian Petroleum Directorate map showing areas of the Barents Sea in various phases of development

source avril 2018 : ... verything/

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Re: Premiére plate forme pétroliére en mer de Barents

Message par energy_isere » 27 oct. 2023, 22:30

Var Energi, Equinor Move Closer to FID for Goliat

by Rocky Teodoro|Rigzone Staff|Friday, October 27, 2023

Var Energi ASA and Equinor ASA have approved the concept selection for gas export from the Goliat field in the Barents Sea to the Snohvit pipeline and eventually to the Hammerfest LNG facility in Melkoya, Norway.

The two partners are moving towards a final investment decision, expected in the second half of 2024, Var Energi said in a news release Wednesday. Goliat is owned 65 percent by Var Energi as its operator, with the remaining 35 percent owned by Equinor. The field is located around 49.7 miles (80 kilometers) northwest of Hammerfest in Norway. Goliat was discovered in 2000, and plans for development and operation were approved in 2009, according to Var Energi. The field is developed with a floating production unit optimized to withstand cold and bad weather.

The gas from Goliat has been re-injected into the reservoir since the project started in 2016, Var Energi said. “To ensure optimal oil production in the future a solution for evacuation of gas from the reservoir is needed”, the company said, adding that this will contribute to extending the field’s lifetime.

“The Barents Sea is one of the key hub areas and value creators for Var Energi”, Var Energi COO Torger Rod said. “The region represents a major part of our future growth strategy. We are [the] operator for Goliat and have ownership in more than half of all the active licenses, a 30 percent share in Johan Castberg, and a 12 percent share in Snohvit to be included in the portfolio following the integration of Neptune Energy Norge. With this decision, we are one step closer to increasing the recovery from Goliat”.

“The Goliat gas export project is an important step to fulfill the Goliat PDO [plan for development and operation] requirements set by the Parliament”, Rod added. “It will contribute to making Goliat more attractive as a regional oil and gas hub for both Var Energi and our partner-operated licenses and to contribute to long-term local ripple effects, and secure employment and activity”.

The Goliat gas project is also “an important step in finding a wider area solution for increased gas export capacity from the Barents Sea”, currently being evaluated by state-owned Gassco, Var Energi noted. The company said it supports Gassco in the maturation of an area solution for gas export, while it continues to explore for further resources needed to substantiate increased overall gas export capacity. The project will contribute to positioning Goliat as an area hub for oil and gas resources from discoveries and prospects nearby, Var Energi added. ... 3-article/

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Re: Premiére plate forme pétroliére en mer de Barents

Message par energy_isere » 18 sept. 2024, 00:51

suite de ce post du 5 dec 2017 ... 2#p2263232
Equinor's FPSO Arrives in Johan Castberg in Barents Sea

by Rocky Teodoro|Rigzone Staff | Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Equinor ASA’s floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) has arrived at the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea.

Equinor will start connecting the FPSO to the area’s subsea facilities, preparing it for production start-up towards the end of the year, the company said in a news release. The FPSO’s storage capacity is 1.1 million barrels of oil.

The Johan Castberg field is located approximately 62.1 miles (100 kilometers) north of the Snøhvit field. It is a large oil field with estimated recoverable volumes of between 450 million and 650 million barrels.

The field will produce for 30 years, and at its peak, Johan Castberg has the potential to produce 220,000 barrels per day, according to the release.

The field development concept includes 30 wells distributed across ten subsea templates and two satellites that will now be tied back to the FPSO. So far, 13 of these wells have been drilled, and drilling operations will continue into 2026, Equinor said.

Johan Castberg is located 149 miles (240 kilometers) northwest of Hammerfest. The field has a supply and helicopter base in Hammerfest and an operations organization in Harstad.

"This is an important milestone for Equinor and its partners Vår Energi and Petoro. Johan Castberg strengthens Norway's role as a reliable, long-term energy supplier. The field will create great value for society, and long-term ripple effects and jobs. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed," Trond Bokn, Equinor's senior vice president for project management control, said.

"Johan Castberg is important for our development plans in Northern Norway. When the field comes on stream, a new province will be opened for oil recovery in the Barents Sea. This provides new opportunities for the exploration for and development of new discoveries in the area. Working with our partners we are already maturing five discoveries towards a possible tie-in to Johan Castberg," Grete Birgitte Haaland, Equinor's senior vice president for Northern Norway, said.

The resource base for developing the Johan Castberg field consists of three oil discoveries: Skrugard, Havis, and Drivis, all of which are located in production license 532 and are operated by Equinor.

The Johan Castberg field development provides important infrastructure in a new oil province in the Barents Sea, and new volumes have been discovered in the area. Five more discoveries are being considered to be tied to Johan Castberg, and Equinor plans for further exploration in the areas around Johan Castberg in the years to come, it said.

Equinor owns a 50 percent interest in the Johan Castberg field, with Var Energi ASA and Petoro AS holding 30 percent and 20 percent, respectively.

In September 2023, Equinor said that estimated investment costs for its flagship Johan Castberg project had risen by almost $1.2 billion (NOK 13 billion) since 2022 to $7.38 billion (NOK 80 billion).

The main reason for the increase in the investment estimate from last year is that the workload transferred to Stord has been more comprehensive and complex than estimated, Equinor said. Marine operations, drilling, and completion costs have also increased due to “market cost development”, and “the project has not progressed as planned”, Equinor said in an earlier news release. ... 3-article/

sur le site de Equinor :
Johan Castberg anchored on the field

17 September 2024

The floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) is now securely anchored on the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea.

The Johan Castberg FPSO in the Barents Sea. Photo: Lars Morken/Equinor

Johan Castberg is a large oil field with estimated recoverable volumes of between 450 and 650 million barrels. The field will produce for 30 years, and at its peak, Johan Castberg may produce 220,000 barrels per day. The field development concept includes 30 wells distributed across ten subsea templates and two satellites that will now be tied back to the FPSO. So far, 13 of these wells have been drilled, and drilling operations will continue into 2026.

Johan Castberg is located 240 kilometres northwest of Hammerfest. The field has a supply and helicopter base in Hammerfest and an operations organisation in Harstad.

The floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) Johan Castberg. Photo: Lars Morken/Equinor

"Johan Castberg is important for our development plans in Northern Norway. When the field comes on stream, a new province will be opened for oil recovery in the Barents Sea. This provides new opportunities for the exploration for and development of new discoveries in the area. Working with our partners we are already maturing five discoveries towards a possible tie-in to Johan Castberg," says Grete Birgitte Haaland, Equinor's senior vice president for Northern Norway.

The Norwegian supply industry has accounted for more than 70 percent of the total deliveries to the Johan Castberg project. In the operating phase, 95 percent of deliveries are expected to come from Norwegian suppliers. The North Norwegian content is estimated at about 40 percent, and every third Johan Castberg employee lives in Northern Norway. ... -the-field
