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Publié : 22 oct. 2013, 23:48
par Raminagrobis
Brunei c'est un peu le petit qatar asiatique : un tout petit état extrêmement riche grâce à ces réserves d'hydrocarbures (mais qui ne sont pas du même ordre de grandeur que qatar quand même), des esclaves indiens, une monarchie héréditaire... Et maintenant la chariah :-(


Re: Brunei

Publié : 02 nov. 2019, 13:58
par energy_isere
Shell to buy Total’s deepwater Brunei unit
Royal Dutch Shell PLC has agreed to the purchase by one of its subsidiaries of Total E&P Deep Offshore Borneo BV, which holds an 86.95% interest in exploratory Block CA1 offshore Brunei for $300 million.

OGJ editors Oct 30th, 2019


Royal Dutch Shell PLC has agreed to the purchase by one of its subsidiaries of Total E&P Deep Offshore Borneo BV, which holds an 86.95% interest in exploratory Block CA1 offshore Brunei for $300 million.

The block, more than 100 km offshore, covers 5,850 sq km in 1,000-2,500 m of water. Total is operator. Other interests are Murphy Oil, 8.05%, and Petronas, 5%.

Total, of which the company to be acquired is a wholly owned subsidiary, said the deal is part of a program to sell $5 billion of noncore assets during 2019-20.

Another subsidiary, Total E&P Borneo BV, operates Block B, 50 km offshore, as a 37.5% partner in a joint venture with Shell Deepwater Borneo Ltd., 35%, and PB Expro, 27.5%.

Mahararajalela Jamalulalam field on Block B has produced natural gas and condensate since 1999. ... runei-unit

Re: Brunei

Publié : 02 nov. 2019, 14:11
par energy_isere
Les chiffres de la production de 2015 sont :
Brunei’s oil and gas fields produce approximately 127,000 barrels of oil per day (bbl/day) and 243,000 barrels of oil equivalent of natural gas per day.

La production à passé son pic en 1979 avec 240 000 barils/jour.

Brunei n'est pas dans l'opep mais c'est joint à l'accord de réduction de production en décembre 2016. ... 1214%3Famp