Le Brésil

Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 10 mai 2008, 01:16

Pura Vida a écrit :Voir:

http://www.dicodunet.com/actualites/eco ... -geant.htm

J'ai entendu un commentaire (dont je ne retrouve plus la trace!) comme quoi cette nouvelle réserve du Brésil correspondrait environ à un an de consommation actuelle mondiale. Alors le pic serait décalé d'un an? Est-ce aussi simple? Sans doute non
Pura Vida,
tu as un supertanker de retard !

L' info est bien entendue passée sur le forum.
C' est ici, et j' ai crée le fil adéquat le 14 Avril :
http://forums.oleocene.org/viewtopic.ph ... 02&start=0

bonne lecture. :)

Pura Vida
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Re: Le Brésil

Message par Pura Vida » 10 mai 2008, 10:58

http://www.dicodunet.com/actualites/eco ... -geant.htm

oui, effectivement, je m'en doutais un peu d'ailleurs qu'on devait être au courant sur Oléocène, mais c'était surtout pour poser la question à la contonade pour avoir une idée si ce genre de découverte repousserait le pic (ou prolongerait le "plateau") du pétrole

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par GillesH38 » 10 mai 2008, 11:29

pas vraiment... d'abord la date de mise en production de ces gisements sera probablement après le pic, et ensuite la courbe de Hubbert inclut en fait une prévision des découvertes qui restent à faire. Le pic correspond au moment où les nouvelles mises en production n'arrivent plus à compenser la dépletion des champs existants, ça ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y aura plus de mise en production apres, ni de nouvelles découvertes !

Il faudrait donc comparer le rythme actuel des découvertes à celui qui est prévu par le modèle logistique pour savoir si il s'accélère vraiment (par exemple par l'impact de la montée du prix du baril qui pourrait en théorie booster l'exploration). Ca ne parait pas évident à l'heure actuelle...
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Inscription : 02 mai 2008, 21:31

Re: Le Brésil

Message par luciferon » 10 mai 2008, 14:12

+1 gilles =D>

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 12 mai 2008, 13:39

La canne à sucre, 2nde source d'énergie au Brésil

La canne à sucre a pris la seconde place des sources d'énergie du Brésil, passant devant l'énergie hydraulique.
Selon le bilan énergétique annuel publié hier, l'énergie tirée de la canne à sucre est en majeure partie de l'éthanol, qui enregistre désormais une demande de 20,1 milliards de litres sur le marché intérieur et à l'exportation.

Le pétrole occupe toujours la première place des sources d'énergie dans le pays, avec 36,08%, accusant un léger recul. L'éthanol représentait 16% en 2007, contre 14,5% l'année précédente. La part d'énergie hydraulique reste stable à 14,7%.

Selon Mauricio Tolmasquin, président de l'Entreprise de Recherche Energétique et auteur du rapport, la croissance de la production d'éthanol est une "tendance irréversible".

L'étude confirme également l'auto-suffisance du Brésil en matière de pétrole, avec une consommation de 1,73 millions de barils par jour pour une production de 1,75 mb/j.


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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 25 juin 2008, 21:11

Ce n'est rien de moins que le président Lula qui affirme que le Brésil peut devenir le 3iéme producteur de pétrole au monde.

Pour cela il compte sur les méga découvertes récentes ( voir ce fil http://forums.oleocene.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7302 )
Brazil May Become 3rd-Largest Oil Producer, Lula Says (Update1)

By Jeb Blount and Carolina Matos

June 24 (Bloomberg)

Brazil's offshore oil discoveries, including the Western Hemisphere's largest since 1976, may push the country past the U.S. as the world's third-largest crude producer, president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said.

Brazil can become the world's third-largest oil producer without putting on a turban,'' Lula said today in Sao Paulo at a conference on social responsibility. By that, he said he meant Brazil can be a leading producer without giving up ``its Brazilian ways.'' ``

Brazil, which ranks second to Venezuela among South American oil-producing nations, would need to more than triple its 2007 output of 1.83 million barrels a day to surpass the U.S. average of 6.88 million, according to estimates by BP Plc. Saudi Arabia produced 10.4 million barrels of oil a day in 2007 and Russia pumped 9.98 million, London-based BP estimated.

Lula is counting on so-called pre-salt oil deposits in an area stretching 800 kilometers (500 miles) off the coast near Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Reservoirs beneath as much as 3,000 meters (9,840 feet) of water and 7,000 meters of seabed may contain 50 billion barrels of oil, according to Peter Wells, director of U.K. research firm Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd.

State-controlled Petroleo Brasileiro SA said in November that its Tupi field may hold 8 billion barrels of recoverable oil equivalent, the biggest discovery in the Americas since Mexico's Cantarell field. Wells said his estimate for the pre- salt region was based on the expectation that there are four to seven similar prospects near Tupi.

Shipbuilding Plan

Lula, who took office in 2003, seeks to use rising oil production to benefit the broader economy, Latin America's largest. That plan includes an effort to revive Brazil's shipbuilding industry, once the world's second-biggest. Petroleo Brasileiro plans to order 28 drilling rigs from Brazilian shipyards for delivery by 2017.

Brazil must also work to improve working conditions in its sugarcane industry by mechanizing production and ending the practice of using fire to prepare fields for harvest, Lula said. Fires are used to remove razor-sharp leaves that can injure field hands.

Lula said he's working with business groups to achieve these goals and improve labor standards in the sugar industry.

Earlier this year ethanol surpassed gasoline as a vehicle fuel in Brazil, according to the country's oil and biofuels regulator. Brazil is the world's largest ethanol exporter.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... refer=home

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Inscription : 02 déc. 2005, 09:49

Re: Le Brésil

Message par Yves » 25 juin 2008, 21:42

Il essaierai pas tout simplement de se donner du poids face au Venezuela ?
Trop tard, trop peu, trop cher, il n'y aura pas de miracle !!
Notre futur sera d'être la banlieue ouest de la Russie alors que celle-ci aura le regard tourné vers la Chine...

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par nemo » 25 juin 2008, 21:43

Wait and see. On verra bien si c'est autre chose que de la tchatche.
"Tu connaîtras la vérité et la vérité te rendra libre"
Saint Jean 8, 32
"Dans le spectacle la vérité est un moment du mensonge"
"Aucun compromis sur les principes, toutes les adaptations sur le terrain."

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 25 juin 2008, 21:45

nemo a écrit :Wait and see. On verra bien si c'est autre chose que de la tchatche.
il va falloir éte patient pour savoir car en lisant cela
Petroleo Brasileiro plans to order 28 drilling rigs from Brazilian shipyards for delivery by 2017.
on a de bonne raison de penser que cela sera pas sous son mandat (à Lulla).

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 20 août 2008, 12:23

Le grand brésilien Petrobras en plein développement.

Petrobras est en négociation avec le grand groupe privé indien Reliance pour coopérer dans deux projets pétrochimiques. Le groupe brésilien doit aussi lancer un gros investissement dans une nouvelle raffinerie.

La grande compagnie pétrolière brésilienne Petrobras fait feu de tout bois. Elle est ainsi en négociation avec Reliance, la première entreprise privée d'Inde, afin d'obtenir sa participation dans deux projets pétrochimiques au Brésil.

Reliance devrait notamment participer à la construction voire l'exploitation d'une usine pétrochimique produisant des matières plastiques pour l'industrie textile et l'emballage. Elle doit être créée dans l'Etat de Pernambuco, au nord-est du pays. Petrobras y construit aussi une raffinerie avec la compagnie pétrolière publique du Venezuela PDVSA. Les négociations entre Petrobras et le groupe indien commencent en outre pour une coopération dans le complexe pétrochimique de Rio de Janeiro.

Par ailleurs, le groupe brésilien va investir 11,1 milliards de dollars soit 7,5 milliards d'euros dans la construction d'une raffinerie dans l'Etat du Ceara, au nord-est du pays, à l'horizon 2014 avec une capacité de raffinage de 300.000 barils par jour.


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Feuille d érable
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Inscription : 19 août 2008, 03:17
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Re: Le Brésil

Message par Feuille d érable » 21 août 2008, 17:42

Le Brésil va créer lui-même un concurrent à sa compagnie nationale, afin de canaliser les faramineuses retombées attendues des champs offshore (ah, on a encore augmenté - maintenant c'est 50 à 80 milliards de barils ! :? )
Brazil plans special fund for revenue from new oilfields
By Jonathan Wheatley in São Paulo

Published: August 21 2008 03:00 | Last updated: August 21 2008 03:00

Brazil will create a special fund to handle revenues from potentially enormous oil reserves found last year, Guido Mantega, finance minister, signalled yesterday.

Mr Mantega's remarks came amid reports that Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the president, favours a new national oil company to oversee extraction of the reserves alongside Petrobras, the state-run oil group.

The minister saidoil revenues from the pre-salt layer off São Paulo state - expected in three to four years - would go into a special fund possibly similar to one operated by Norway.

Mr Lula da Silva was said by people at a meeting of ministers on Tuesday to have argued that revenues from the proposed new national oil company should be spent on education and poverty relief, according to Brazilian media reports.

Such ideas have caused consternation in the oil industry. Analysts say laws could be adapted to secure more revenues for the state without large-scale regulatory change or the creation of a company of uncertain design.

João Augusto de Castro Neves, a political consultant in Brasília, said: "There seem to be basically two reasons for creating the company. One is ideological, the other political."

He said the creation of the company was in line with other recent government initiatives, such as proposed changes in regulations covering the telecoms industry to allow the emergence of a "national champion" to compete with foreign companies that dominate the sector - that suggest support for an increasingly nationalist and state-dominated economy.

But he said the proposed new oil company could also be a political asset in the run-up to the next presidential election in 2010. Mr Lula da Silva, currently in his second consecutive four-year term, cannot run again and many analysts say his chief concern is to secure the election of his chosen successor.

"The new oil company would be a bargaining tool to secure the support of his coalition partners into the next government," Mr de Castro Neves said.

Initial estimates suggest 50bn to 80bn barrels may be contained in the recently discovered offshore fields, which are among the least accessible oil and gas deposits on earth. In July, Mr Mantega said the government hoped to build a fund with $200bn to $300bn in oil revenues by as early as 2010.
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 21 août 2008, 19:10

Feuille d érable a écrit :Le Brésil va créer lui-même un concurrent à sa compagnie nationale, afin de canaliser les faramineuses retombées attendues des champs offshore (ah, on a encore augmenté - maintenant c'est 50 à 80 milliards de barils ! :? )....

Ca rejoint le post que j' avais mis ici :
http://forums.oleocene.org/viewtopic.ph ... 71#p205371

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 28 août 2008, 19:30

Le président Lula demande à la nation à ce que les futures exportations se fassent non pas en pétrole brut mais en produits rafinnés afin d'en maximiser les revenus. Il pense bien entendu aux future production de pétrole sous-salin qu' ils on découvert.

Brazil President Lula Urges Nation To Export Premium Oil Products

August 27, 2008:

SAO PAULO -(Dow Jones)- Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva pushed late Tuesday for the country to became an exporter of high-value premium oil products rather than crude oil to maximize the nation's massive pre-salt oil reserves.

"We want to produce oil with higher aggregate value. We will have refineries to produce premium gasoline to export to Europe and to the U.S.," Lula said in a speech. "We will not just be an exporter of crude oil."

The pre-salt oil reserves, located under more than a thousand meters of rock and salt below the waters off Brazil's southeastern coast, are considered some of the most valuable hydrocarbon acreage in Latin America.

"We want to take advantage of this oil to recover our naval industry," Lula said.

In July, Lula set up a government panel to study how to exploit the pre-salt find.
http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/art ... 000569.htm

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 01 sept. 2008, 13:07

Le Bresil à la téte qui tourne avec toutes ces possibilités de richesses à venir avec le pétrole découvert il y a peu. Attention aux piéges.
Brazil's debate over new oil wealth heats up

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazilians have long joked that Brazil is the country of the future, and always will be. But since massive oil reserves were found off its coast last year, many feel the future may have finally arrived.

From the halls of Congress in Brasilia to the bars of Sao Paulo, Brazilians are fiercely debating what to do with the newfound oil wealth. Newspapers are running cover stories and editorials on the issue almost daily, drawing parallels to a "The Oil is Ours" campaign that led to the creation of state petroleum company Petrobras in the 1950s.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is also talking up Brazil's oil potential at every turn, calling the reserves a gift from God that should be used primarily to benefit the poor instead of Petrobras shareholders and foreign oil companies.

But critics worry the government may end up squandering a huge development opportunity by nationalizing the reserves, which could foment corruption and inefficiency.

"This is a debate that promises to heat up even more," said Sergio Fausto, a political scientist at the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute in Sao Paulo.

"It's all about natural resources, symbols of national wealth, the future, and that's creating expectations that the country can leap to a new level."

Brazil began imagining itself as an oil superpower when Petrobras announced last November it had found an offshore reserve in the Santos basin off Rio de Janeiro holding 5 billion to 8 billion barrels of light crude, the world's second-biggest oil find in the last 20 years.

Since then, more data has emerged suggesting that as much as 80 billion barrels worth of oil might lie deep below the seabed in a huge area off Brazil's southern coast.

If true, that would vault Brazil -- which still occasionally has to import oil to meet domestic demand -- into the top 10 of the world's oil producers.

Although it will likely take years and hundreds of billions of dollars to extract the oil, which lies below a thick layer of salt, the Lula government is already making plans for the flood of revenue it will bring.

A former metalworker who grew up poor, Lula wants to use the money to tackle Brazil's most glaring social blemishes: endemic poverty and a shabby education system. In a world where cheap oil seems a thing of the past, Lula sees a chance for Brazil to cash in and join the ranks of developed nations.

At first, the reserves also looked like a sure windfall for Petrobras, a pioneer in deep-sea drilling technology. But the government appears intent on rewriting the country's oil law to gain more control over the reserves, raising doubts about Petrobras' role in managing and developing the new fields.

On several occasions in recent weeks, Lula said the oil "belongs to Brazil, not to Petrobras." In doing so, he helped push Petrobras' share price sharply lower and irked many Brazilians who see the company as a source of national pride.


Drawing inspiration from oil-rich Norway for ideas on how to manage the reserves, some government officials advocate creating a new state company to oversee the subsalt fields. Brazilians have already nicknamed the proposed company "Petrosal," or "Petrosalt."

That would involve adopting a production-sharing model in which the new state firm would own the rights to the reserves but would leave production to Petrobras and foreign firms already operating in the area, such as ExxonMobil Corp and Shell .

Currently, Brazil auctions off the rights to oil blocks to the highest bidder and charges royalties and taxes in return.

In addition, the government may raise royalties and taxes on the subsalt blocks where Petrobras and its foreign partners already operate -- concessions that officials say will be honored. It is also studying raising its stake in Petrobras.

The idea of a new state oil company is proving controversial. Petrobras' chief executive Jose Sergio Gabrielli has said there is no need for a new company to manage the reserves. And any attempt to change the rules governing the oil sector is likely to face opposition in Congress.

"Why change a model that has been hugely successful in Brazil, a model that was responsible for the discovery of the subsalt reserves in the first place?" said Adriano Pires, a former director at Brazil's National Petroleum Agency.

Hoping to sway public opinion, Lula plans to dip his hands in the first oil from below the salt layer next week and talk up the significance of the finds on national television on September 7, Brazil's independence day. The armed forces are also planning offshore maneuvers in the subsalt areas to show that Brazil is prepared to defend its oil wealth.

Experts warn that Brazil should step cautiously to avoid the mistakes that led other developing countries to squander huge oil resources through mismanagement and corruption.

"One of the biggest temptations, which always leads to problems, is to try to accelerate development and move fast into some kind of great leap forward," said Terry Karl, a political scientist at Stanford University and the author of "The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and Petro-States."

"Brazil has all the ingredients to get it right. But they need to move slowly, be transparent, and have a broad national debate about what their priorities are," she said. "If they do that, it's possible that this could turn out different than it has in other parts of the world."
source http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsN ... 28?rpc=401&

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Re: Le Brésil

Message par energy_isere » 05 sept. 2008, 19:08

Le Bresil décline une proposition de l' Iran pour rentrer dans l' OPEP dés maintenant; mais peut étre dans le futur :
Brazil says no to joining oil cartel OPEC - for now

22 hours ago

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — Brazil has declined Iran's invitation to join OPEC, but could join the cartel in the future, the country's mines and energy minister said Thursday.

Minister Edson Lobao said in a phone interview with the Globo television network that he received a formal invitation from Iranian Ambassador Mohsen Shaterzadeh to join the cartel two weeks ago. As a member of the oil cartel, Iran can recommend Brazil's entry.

The minister said he thanked the ambassador for the invitation, but told him that "right now ... we have other priorities."

He did not rule out the possibility that Brazil could join in the future as the nation develops offshore finds that are expected to turn it into a major oil exporter.

Brazil's state oil company is beginning production of deep-water finds off the Rio de Janeiro coast that analysts say could hold up to 55 billion barrels of oil.

In 2006, Brazil was the world's 13th-largest oil producer, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Energy.
http://canadianpress.google.com/article ... Tq8fMGI6Cg
