
Impact de la déplétion sur la géopolitique présente, passée et à venir.

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Re: Kazakhstan

Message par energy_isere » 03 févr. 2024, 14:35

Kazatomprom confirms 2024 production plans as acid woes continue

01 February 2024

The Kazakh national atomic company said it expects to see a "modest" growth in 2024 production despite adjustments to its previously announced production plans related to the availability of sulphuric acid and construction delays at newly developed deposits.

Image: Kazatomprom

Kazatomprom's 2023 production was 21,112 tU on a 100% basis (11,169 tU attributable), which the company said was slightly lower than 2022 production "primarily due to an insignificant decrease in the production plan for 2023, compared to 2022". 2024 uranium production volumes are expected to be 21,000-22,500 tU on a 100% basis (10,900-11,900 tU attributable), it said in its quarterly operations and trading update. For the majority of its mining operations, it expects that production volumes will be about 20% below the amount stipulated in subsoil use agreements.

The company had previously - in August 2022 - said it planned to increase its 2024 uranium production to a 90% level relative to its subsoil use agreements, which would have been the highest production against subsoil agreements since the company's 2017 decision to flex down production in response to supply and demand considerations. But in January this year, Kazatomprom said it expected to adjust the volume because of the challenges it is now facing.

Sulphuric acid is a key reagent in Kazatomprom's in-situ leach operations, but around 60% of the world's supply of the commodity is used for fertiliser production. Growing demand from the agricultural sector and a combination of factors such as supply chain disruptions and geopolitical uncertainty have led to domestic and regional shortages over the past few years. Current demand affects both availability and pricing, with a 33.6% increase in Kazatomprom's weighted average cost of sulphuric acid during 2023.

Kazatomprom said it is "actively engaged in discussions with sulphuric acid manufacturers in the neighbouring countries to augment the supply volumes for 2024" and is "actively pursuing" alternative sources for procurement. "Looking ahead in the medium term, the deficit is expected to alleviate as a result of the potential increase in sulphuric acid supply from local non-ferrous metals mining and smelting operations. The Company also intends to enhance its in-house sulphuric acid production capacity by constructing a new plant," it added.

In 2023, Kazatomprom founded a new partnership enterprise - Taiqonyr Qyshqyl Zauyty LLP (TQZ) - to implement the construction of a new 800,000-tonnes per year sulphuric acid plant. TQZ is now owned by Kazatomprom subsidiaries Kazatomprom-SaUran (75%) and RU-6 (25%). Italian firm Ballestra is to assume responsibility for the project's design, equipment procurement, and provision of technical support following the signature of a strategic partnership in January.

When combined with existing in-house production capacities of the SKZ-U and SSAP partnerships, in which it is a partner, Kazatomprom said it envisions a consolidated sulphuric acid production volume of around 1.5 million tonnes.

Market strategy

Kazatomprom said it remains committed to its "market-centric strategy", creating long-term value for its shareholders and remains committed to its 2024 contractual obligations to all existing clients, using some of its inventory to do this.

"The company has a comfortable level of inventories to fulfil its existing contractual commitments in 2024 and will persist in ensuring the availability of essential inventory levels, thereby ensuring its capability to fulfil delivery commitments while optimising resource utilisation," Kazatomprom said. "Additionally, we usually reserve a segment of our annual production as uncommitted. This approach enables us to capitalise on emerging opportunities and adapt to fluctuations in the market landscape. This strategic approach enables the Company to mitigate risks effectively and uphold our contractual obligations to clients, even amidst production-related challenges."

Production plans for 2025 could be "unfavourably" influenced if access to sulphuric acid continues to be limited through 2024 and delays in construction at Kazatomprom's newly developed deposits are not reduced, the company said, and previously announced plans to return to a 100% production level relative to subsoil use agreements in 2025 "may be at risk".
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... ns-as-acid

je ne comprends pas ce jargon de tU basis et attributable

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Re: Kazakhstan

Message par energy_isere » 03 févr. 2024, 15:34

energy_isere a écrit :
03 févr. 2024, 14:35

je ne comprends pas ce jargon de tU basis et attributable
j' ai posé la question à Copilot dans Windows10

réponse :

Tonne Basis (tonne brute) : Cela fait référence à la masse totale d’uranium extraite et traitée, y compris les impuretés et les matières non utilisables. C’est la quantité d’uranium extraite avant tout traitement ou enrichissement.

Tonne Attributable (tonne récupérable) : Cela représente la masse d’uranium récupérable, c’est-à-dire la quantité d’uranium qui peut être utilisée comme combustible nucléaire après traitement et enrichissement. Elle exclut les impuretés et les matières non utilisables.

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Re: Kazakhstan

Message par energy_isere » 16 mars 2024, 22:31

Chevron Oil Project in Kazakhstan to Cost $48.5B

by Bloomberg|Nariman Gizitdinov | Friday, March 15, 2024

A major development led by Chevron Corp. to boost oil output at Kazakhstan’s Tengiz field will cost about $48.5 billion, according to people familiar with the matter.

The US oil giant said at its third-quarter earnings in October that the budget for Tengiz, previously set at $45.2 billion, was rising by about 4 percent due to a slower than expected startup. There will be a further $1.5 billion of spending on the project, the people said, asking not to be named because the information isn’t public.

Chevron said in a statement on Thursday that its guidance for the total project cost of the Tengiz expansion “remains unchanged from the ranges we provided in our most recent earnings calls,” which was for an increase of 3 percent to 5 percent.

In addition to the project’s target cost of $45.2 billion, the company said in July 2021 that there was a contingency of $1.9 billion to recognize schedule uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The expansion of the Tengizchevroil venture, known as the Future Growth Project, has delayed its full startup into the second quarter of next year. The project has gone well beyond its initial budget of $37 billion and the completion date had already been rescheduled twice from the original plan of mid-2022.

Kazakhstan’s Energy Ministry didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Tengizchevroil is 50 percent owned by Chevron, while Exxon Mobil Corp. and state-owned KazMunayGas have a 25 percent and 20 percent stake in the venture, respectively.
https://www.rigzone.com/news/wire/chevr ... 1-article/

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Re: Kazakhstan

Message par energy_isere » 27 avr. 2024, 15:31

Chevron Kazakhstan Oil JV Start New Tengiz Production

By Charles Kennedy - Apr 25, 2024

Chevron launched its first production at its Tengiz oilfield expansion project in Kazakhstan on Thursday, with completion of the final phase of the expansion set for the first half of next year, enabling an additional 260,000 barrels per day of crude oil output, or an additional 12 million tons per year.
“This is a significant step towards completion of the Future Growth Project (FGP). It is also important progress for the modernization of the existing base business at Tengiz and demonstrates TCO’s commitment to safely and reliably manage operations, while maximizing the ultimate recovery of resources critical to global energy security,” Clay Neff, President of Chevron International Exploration and Production, said in a press release on Wednesday. Exxon Mobil and Kazakh state-owned KazMunayGas hold 25% and 20% stakes in the Tengiz joint venture, respectively. Chevron’s expansion progress announcement comes as Kazakhstan is under pressure to compensate for overproduction in the first quarter of this year in terms of its quota responsibilities for OPEC+.

Kazakhstan has reportedly prepared a “detailed plan for the gradual compensation of overproduction”, the Kazakh Astana Times reported, citing the country’s Energy Ministry.

“We understand the importance of each country’s conformity to the obligations and maintaining cooperation to stabilize the oil market,” the Energy Ministry was quoted as saying in a statement.

In early March, the Kazakh Energy Ministry said the country would extend voluntary production cuts of 82,000 bpd into Q2 2024, and that by the end of June this year, production would be at around 1.468 million bpd. The 82,000-bpd commitment is on top of the country’s earlier voluntary commitment to cuts of 78,000 bpd.
https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News ... ction.html

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Re: Kazakhstan

Message par energy_isere » 29 avr. 2024, 23:10

Pour une bouchée de pain, les États-Unis achètent au Kazakhstan 81 vieux avions de combat soviétiques

Article de Thomas Burgel 29 avril 2024

Moins de 20 000 dollars pièce : c'est ce qu'on payé les États-Unis au Kazakhstan pour 81 vieux avions de combat datant de l'ère soviétique. Mais pour quel usage ? Mystère, ou pas.

C'est une curieuse information qu'a rapportée le Kyiv Post, repris par Business Insider : les États-Unis auraient acquis auprès du Kazakhstan un lot de 81 vieux avions de combat datant de l'ère soviétique, lors d'une vente aux enchères s'étant déroulée en octobre 2024.

Le grand pays d'Asie centrale, ancien proche allié de la Russie et membre avec elle de l'Organisation du traité de sécurité collective, mais avec laquelle elle a pris ses distances depuis le déclenchement de l'invasion à grande échelle de l'Ukraine par Vladimir Poutine, ainsi que l'a expliqué Politico, est en cours de rénovation de son armée de l'air.

Un bombardier pour 17 000 euros

Elle avait donc quelques vieilles carcasses à vendre : il est question au total de 117 appareils datant des années 1970 ou 1980, dont des chasseurs MiG-29, des intercepteurs MiG-31, fameux pour leur grande vitesse, des avions d'attaque au sol MiG-27 ou des bombardiers Su-24.

Comme le précise le Kyiv Post, les 117 engins concernés par cette vente étaient déclarés inaptes au service, et ont été vendus pour une somme totale de 1 milliard de tenges, la monnaie kazakhe, soit un peu plus de 2 millions d'euros seulement.

Une aubaine, donc, plus valable que la meilleure des affaires jamais réalisée sur Leboncoin : chaque carcasse a été acquise par son acheteur pour la somme relativement modique de 17 000 euros environ.
Les États-Unis, un acheteur surprenant et discret
Son acheteur ? C'est là que les choses deviennent les plus intéressantes : selon le Kyiv Post, ou le site russe en langue anglaise Reporter, ce sont les États-Unis qui auraient tiré le plus gros lot en se portant acquéreurs de 81 des avions vendus.

Mais Washington ne l'a pas fait directement, au vu et au su de tous. C'est, toujours selon le Kyiv Post et Reporter, via d'obscures sociétés offshore que l'Amérique aurait jeté son dévolu sur cet étonnant lot de vieilles carnes soviétiques.

Pourquoi donc les États-Unis souhaiteraient se payer des appareils dont ils n'ont, bien entendu, que faire ? Le Kyiv Post avance plusieurs hypothèses. Certains des appareils, notamment le Su-24, sont encore en service dans l'aviation ukrainienne : bien que hors d'usage, les aéronefs kazakhs pourraient avoir été achetés pour fournir à Kiev une nouvelle et précieuse source de pièces détachées.

Avec un petit coup de peinture, rendus difficiles à différencier d'un appareil encore en service, les avions pourraient également être disséminés sur les aérodromes du pays, afin de tromper d'éventuels drones ou missiles russes cherchant leurs cibles – l'Ukraine, on le sait, est passée maître dans l'art des leurres et maquettes.

De quoi, sans doute, un peu plus crisper les relations entre le Kazakhstan, de plus en plus tourné vers l'Occident, et une Russie qui on le sait n'apprécie qu'assez peu le rapprochement avec l'ouest de ses anciens satellites.
https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/actualite/mon ... ba5f&ei=82

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Re: Kazakhstan

Message par energy_isere » 04 mai 2024, 10:48

suite de ce post du 3 février 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 9#p2384739
Kazatomprom issues quarterly update

03 May 2024

The Kazakh national atomic company's first quarter uranium production saw a slight year-on-year increase but its guidance metrics remain unchanged. Kazatomprom's first quarter trading announcement also included an update on plans for a new sulphuric acid plant.

Production for the quarter was 5077 tU (100% basis), up from 4744 tU for the same period in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 7%. The company reiterated that its production guidance for 2024 of 21,000-22,500 tU (100% basis) remains unchanged but noted that "sanctions pressure due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and limited access to some key materials are not known" and "as a result, annual production volumes may differ from internal expectations".

The company said it does not anticipate any effect on Kazatomprom from an act prohibiting the import of Russian enriched uranium products into the USA which was passed by the US Senate this week and is now to be signed into law, since its primary business is the production of natural uranium. "Whether shipped by Kazatomprom or its JV partners, Kazakh-origin uranium retains its origin until its arrival at a conversion facility," the company noted.

It reiterated that the recent severe floods in western and northern regions of Kazakhstan had not affected its uranium mining, processing and transportation activities to date and all Kazatomprom enterprises continue to operate without any disruptions. It said it "continues to monitor the situation around the floods in Kazakhstan, and contributes to restoring vital infrastructure and supporting affected communities".

In 2023, Kazatomprom set up a partnership enterprise, Taiqonyr Qyshqyl Zauyty LLP (TQZ) to implement a project to build a new sulphuric acid plant, but said it now expects the completion of the construction and the start of production at the TQZ plant to be postponed from 2026 to 2027 due to "restructuring procedures and delays in the timing of approval of project design documentation". TQZ is partnering with Italian firm Ballestra which will be responsible for the project's design, equipment procurement and technical support.
https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Arti ... rly-update
