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Les secrets de la stabilité du vélo enfin découverts !

Publié : 21 sept. 2007, 01:06
par Silenius
Les secrets de la stabilité du vélo enfin découverts !
On peut enfin agir sur les différents paramétres pour créer des vélos mieux adaptés à différents usages.
Researchers of the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), working with colleagues from Cornell University and the University of Nottingham, UK, believe they have now found the ultimate model of the bicycle. The researchers discuss their findings in the new edition of Delft Outlook, the science magazine of TU Delft.

'Bicycle manufacturers have never been able to say precisely how a bicycle works', explains Dr Arend Schwab of the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE). 'They have always had to refine their designs purely through experimentation. In our model, they can enter into the computer all of the various factors that influence the stability and handling of their bicycle. The model then calculates how the bicycle will react at specific speeds.' The model has recently been published in the science magazine Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A.

Because the model has the ability to indicate whether a design will deliver a jittery bicycle, or indeed a stable one for seniors, the bicycle industry is highly interested in the findings. The head of product development at the Dutch bicycle manufacturing company Batavus, Rob van Regenmortel, is following the research being conducted by Arend Schwab and his fellow researcher Jodi Kooijman very closely.

Van Regenmortel: ‘In designing our bicycles, for years we have worked with three parameters: The overall geometry, the distance between the axles and the angle at which the fork points downwards. These choices were once made by all bicycle makers and have been rarely deviated from because the bicycle appeared to work properly. However, with the new model, we soon hope to be able to design bicycles that are much better oriented toward specific target groups.'

Rob Van Regenmortel hopes to collaborate with Arend Schwab and Jodi Kooijman on a follow-up project to study the human control. The ultimate goal of the bicycle research is to study the interaction between bicycle and rider in order to determine the handling quality of the bicycle. 'In this way, we can – in theory – create a customised bicycle for every rider', says van Regenmortel. 'Individuals who have trouble maintaining their balance, for example, would then no longer be restricted to a tricycle.'

Source: Delft University of Technology

Publié : 21 sept. 2007, 01:37
par Glycogène
En toute modestie, ce ne sont pas les premiers à s'être posé la question :

Et contrairement à ce qui est dit dans l'article, les fabricants digne de ce nom savent très bien comment roulent les vélos.

Publié : 21 sept. 2007, 02:53
par Silenius
La différence c'est que eux ils sont payés pour cela...

Re: Les secrets de la stabilité du vélo enfin découverts !

Publié : 21 sept. 2007, 08:46
par jimfells
Silenius a écrit :Les secrets de la stabilité du vélo enfin découverts !
On peut enfin agir sur les différents paramétres pour créer des vélos mieux adaptés à différents usages.
Researchers of the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), working with colleagues from Cornell University and the University of Nottingham, UK, believe they have now found the ultimate model of the bicycle. The researchers discuss their findings in the new edition of Delft Outlook, the science magazine of TU Delft.

'Bicycle manufacturers have never been able to say precisely how a bicycle works', explains Dr Arend Schwab of the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE). 'They have always had to refine their designs purely through experimentation. In our model, they can enter into the computer all of the various factors that influence the stability and handling of their bicycle. The model then calculates how the bicycle will react at specific speeds.' The model has recently been published in the science magazine Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A.

Because the model has the ability to indicate whether a design will deliver a jittery bicycle, or indeed a stable one for seniors, the bicycle industry is highly interested in the findings. The head of product development at the Dutch bicycle manufacturing company Batavus, Rob van Regenmortel, is following the research being conducted by Arend Schwab and his fellow researcher Jodi Kooijman very closely.

Van Regenmortel: ‘In designing our bicycles, for years we have worked with three parameters: The overall geometry, the distance between the axles and the angle at which the fork points downwards. These choices were once made by all bicycle makers and have been rarely deviated from because the bicycle appeared to work properly. However, with the new model, we soon hope to be able to design bicycles that are much better oriented toward specific target groups.'

Rob Van Regenmortel hopes to collaborate with Arend Schwab and Jodi Kooijman on a follow-up project to study the human control. The ultimate goal of the bicycle research is to study the interaction between bicycle and rider in order to determine the handling quality of the bicycle. 'In this way, we can – in theory – create a customised bicycle for every rider', says van Regenmortel. 'Individuals who have trouble maintaining their balance, for example, would then no longer be restricted to a tricycle.'

Source: Delft University of Technology

Je fais du VTT depuis 15 ans. Je n'ai jamais possédé un vélo ayant la même géométrie, et les variations sont loin d'être minimes.
- Angle de chasse de 71° à 68°
- Empattement de 1050 à 1145mm
- Déport de la fourche de 0 à 30mm
- Tube supérieur de 535 à 580mm
- Longueur des bases.... etc, j'en passe et des meilleures...

Sur chaque géométrie je peux te décrire le tempérament avec précision.

Celà fait des lustres que l'influence de tel ou tel paramètre est connu. N'importe quel concepteur de cadre compétent est capable de te faire un cadre sur mesure en fonction de tes désirs. Evidemment, c'est une affaire de compromis, un vélo stable, et forcément moins maniable. Simple question d'asservissement.

M'enfin, c'est toujours agréable de se faire payer pour réinventer l'eau chaude.


Publié : 23 sept. 2007, 22:48
par Schlumpf
oui. Cette nouvelle est un peu surprenante... Depuis trois siècle que la Draisienne existe il serait bon qu'on ait quelques vues sur le sujet. Sinon, c'est à désespérer du progrès scientifique (voir le post du même nom...). Cela dit que l'on fasse des découvertes dans le domaine des deux roues et notamment dans celui des deux roues sans moteur est une chose que l'on ne peut que saluer avec intérêt. Même si elles ne sont que mineures (dans un premier temps sans doute...). En tout cas, cela méritait un post. A voir ensuite si l'effet d'annonce n'est pas plus important que le contenu de celle-ci...

Publié : 26 sept. 2007, 11:20
par jimfells
Schlumpf a écrit : A voir ensuite si l'effet d'annonce n'est pas plus important que le contenu de celle-ci...
Dans une société ou l'information est en passe de devenir plus importante que l'alimentation ou la respiration, je pencherai pour cette hypothèse.
Investissement minable, visibilité respectable. C'est dans la poche.
