Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par epe » 02 nov. 2011, 14:17

GillesH38 a écrit :c'est quoi un "ingénieur de l'OTAN" ? :roll:
Tu parles d'une caution... j'ai déjà rencontré un Colonel de l'OTAN sur le coup de 3h00 du mat dans un bar de Bruxelles très occupé à discuter astrologie avec une blonde à forte poitrine donc bon...

Je n'ai pas les compétences pour juger du contenu scientifique, ou pas, mais jusqu'à preuve du contraire je reste sur l'idée que la fusion froide c'est un peu le moteur à eau du XXIème siècle. Tant qu'une demi-douzaine d'universités sérieuses ou de grands groupes industriels n'auront pas validé le truc ça reste du vent.
-Il vaut mieux pomper même s'il ne se passe rien que de risquer qu'il se passe quelque chose de pire en ne pompant pas.
Les Shadoks

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par GillesH38 » 02 nov. 2011, 15:55

epe a écrit :Tu parles d'une caution... j'ai déjà rencontré un Colonel de l'OTAN sur le coup de 3h00 du mat dans un bar de Bruxelles très occupé à discuter astrologie avec une blonde à forte poitrine donc bon...
c'est sans doute ça qu'ils appellent des "thermopower plants" ! :lol:
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par Tom29 » 02 nov. 2011, 18:52

Contrats de recherche en vue avec l'université d'Uppsala et de Bologne :
4. Cold fusion test

Media interest in the Andrea Rossi "energy catalyzer" (e-cat) is growing after an apparently "successful" test of a new and larger version his "cold fusion" device in Bologna, Italy last week. As many aspects of the program and details of the device have not been made public, many observers remain skeptical and believe that these demonstrations of energy reactor are nothing more than an elaborate fraud. While the device and the scientific concepts behind its apparent production of energy have not been verified by independent researchers, numerous physicists from European universities have been observing the demonstrations of the device which have been taking place since last January.

Building on the work of Pons and Fleischmann 20 years ago, Andrea Rossi says he has developed a process whereby nickel and hydrogen are fused with the help of an undisclosed catalyst to produce large quantities of heat. As such a nuclear reaction is not thought to be possible under the known laws of physics; mainstream scientific journals have refused to publish on the topic.

Should the device prove viable, however, the energy industry would be changed forever. Nickel and hydrogen are abundant and cheap, and as is well known vast amounts of energy are contained in the bonds of atomic nuclei. The device that has been demonstrated is simple to build and the nuclear reaction is said to produce no emissions, hazardous radiation, or toxic/radioactive wastes.

As Kjell Aleklett, professor of physics at Uppsala University in Sweden and President of ASPO International said about the project, "What shall we do as scientists? Shall we say madness as many do today, or should we try to understand what is happening? I myself have nothing against revealing a scam, or joining in and verifying something that no one could imagine. Both extremes belong to that which makes life as a researcher incredibly interesting."

After the test last Friday, the device's inventor said it has been sold to an unknown organization in the United States and that research contracts with the Universities of Bologna and Uppsala to clarify the scientific principles behind the device are in the works.
Source : http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2 ... october-31

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Inscription : 27 mai 2006, 22:31

Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par Tom29 » 02 nov. 2011, 19:23

FoxNews.com a mené son enquête :
Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax?

By John Brandon
Published November 02, 2011 | FoxNews.com

A physicist in Italy claims to have demonstrated a new type of power plant that provides safe, cheap and virtually unlimited nuclear power to the world, without fossil fuels or radiation concerns.

The only hitch: Scientists say the method -- cold fusion -- is patently impossible. They say it defies the laws of physics.

Andrea Rossi doesn't seem to care. He told FoxNews.com that his new device takes in nickel and hydrogen and fuses them in a low-grade nuclear reaction that essentially spits out sheer power, validating the strange science.

Nearly a century ago, in the 1920s, Austrian scientists Friedrich Paneth and Kurt Peters hypothesized a form of nuclear reaction that doesn’t produce radiation. And since then, the theory of cold fusion -- or "low-energy nuclear reaction," as its champions now call it -- has popped in and out the public's eyes, notably hitting the cover of Time magazine in 1989.

Jonathan Koomey, an energy consultant who has advised the EPA, said any extraordinary discovery requires extraordinary proof. He said the E-Cat must be verified by an independent study conducted by scientists who are allowed access to the machine’s inner-workings.

“[The E-Cat experiment] should be treated as a hoax until independent scientists are able to replicate these results,” Koomey told FoxNews.com -- as one would treat claims that someone had defied the laws of gravity or found a major flaw in the theory of relativity.

Koomey explained that cold fusion defies the laws of thermodynamics. Energy requires an initial, consumable power source that erodes and breaks down -- it simply isn't self-sustaining.

But Sterling Allan, CEO of the alternative energy news agency Pure Energy Systems, told FoxNews.com he attended Rossi’s demonstration and the E-Cat is self sustaining.

“What Rossi demonstrated was 470 kilowatts of continuous output in self-sustain mode -- meaning the output was enough to keep the thing running on its own,” he told FoxNews.com.

Allan hinted on his blog that an unnamed “customer” of Rossi's device is a military organization that starts with an N. Rossi said this customer measured and verified the test -- and told FoxNews.com that Paul Swanson with the U.S. Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems unit (SPAWAR) can vouch for the demonstration.

FoxNews.com spoke with a man at SPAWAR who identified himself as Swanson, and who said only that he was "not in a position to talk to the press." Several other sources within the Navy and the Pentagoneither declined to comment or did not return messages.

The Navy has long been interested in cold fusion research. At a 2009 meeting of the American Chemical Society, chemist Pamela Mosier-Boss of SPAWAR revealed what she and colleagues claimed was the first clear visual evidence that low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) devices work.

"To our knowledge, this is the first scientific report of the production of highly energetic neutrons from an LENR device," Mosier-Boss said at the time.

It's easy to see why the Navy could be interested. In a normal nuclear reaction, atoms collide to generate heat, but the resulting fission produces radiation that must be contained; exposure to even small amounts can be lethal. Rossi's reactor is different, containing about 100 of the small E-Cat machines.

“The heat is initiated by electrical resistance,” Rossi explained, a stage that takes about two hours. The reactors then produce another 479kWh of energy for another 3-4 hours without needing that initial electrical input -- the low-level nuclear reaction continues on its own.

“The test we made by the customer was to see if the process was working properly, and to control whether the energy was in an amount superior to the amount supplied to the system,” he said.

Rossi claims his company, Leonardo Corp., will produce the E-Cat machine, which he first demonstrated earlier this year at the University of Bologna. Proof of the experiment's success is that the customer will pay for the technology and start using it, he said.

As for the skeptics, Rossi said he needs to prove the experiment only to his customer.

“We have nothing to say, just to make plans that work properly and let those facts win against the skepticism,” he said.

Rossi says his company will soon start making the E-Cat in the U.S. Whether one will power your city soon is an open question.
Source : http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/11/ ... ion-plant/

Brut lourd
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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par WizardOfLinn » 03 nov. 2011, 08:14

Bon, allez, comme je trouve ce sujet rigolo, je vais y aller de ma petite "théorie" :
si je n'avais que ça à faire et si j'étais convaincu que ce n'est pas une supercherie montée de toute pièce, ou une banale réaction chimique mal interprétée, j'irais vérifier s'il n'existe pas un isomère nucléaire à très basse énergie d'un des isotopes du nickel, à quelque eV, qui pourrait donc être excité par des procédés à basse énergie.
On a bien trouvé pour le thorium-229 un niveau d'énergie nucléaire à 3.5 eV, ce qui ouvre la possibilité de titiller le noyau avec une simple irradiation laser.
Rien à voir avec de la fusion dans ce cas, et pas de source d'énergie révolutionnaire non plus, mais éventuellement une possibilité de stockage d'énergie.
Faudrait voir ce que fait son catalyseur magique.

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par GillesH38 » 03 nov. 2011, 10:57

bah dans ce cas sa mesure est mal faite car l'énergie dégagée devrait correspondre à celle injectée au départ. Mais y a pas besoin d'état nucléaire, le captage de l'hydrogène par le nickel suffit peut etre à expliquer le dégagement de chaleur après. J'ai cru comprendre qu'il devait "préparer" son système pendant deux heures avant de le faire marcher :lol: :lol:

d'une façon générale, je ne suis pas psy, mais l'ensemble du tableau de la façon d'agir de ce type me semble tout à fait caractéristique des mythomanes : promesses de choses extraordinaires, jamais vérifiées, sources mystérieuses, tendance à la paranoïa ...
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par GillesH38 » 03 nov. 2011, 11:03

This article is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy.
Please share your thoughts on the matter at this article's entry on the Articles for deletion page.
Zan, zendegi, azadi. Il parait que " je propage la haine du Hamas".

Brut lourd
Brut lourd
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Inscription : 15 mai 2009, 16:09

Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par WizardOfLinn » 03 nov. 2011, 11:22

GillesH38 a écrit : ...
J'ai cru comprendre qu'il devait "préparer" son système pendant deux heures avant de le faire marcher :lol: :lol:
Ben quoi, faut le temps de charger les batteries NiMH :mrgreen:

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par energy_isere » 09 nov. 2011, 13:46

sur Nextbigfuture.com : http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/11/latest ... n-his.html

Rossi déclare qu' une société nommée ''Leonardo Corporation'' sera fabricant de ces E-cat.

1. Leonardo Corporation will be the sole manufacturers of the E-Cat reactors. Until now these reactors have been made by hand, but Rossi has said this process will be automated. Rossi has mentioned having plants or offices in Miami, Boston and Manchester, NH.

2. Outsourcing will be done for other components.

3. 10 per cent of pre-tax profits will be spent on research and development.

4. Leonardo Corporation will have employees who will recharge the units on site, and spent reactors will be returned to treatment units which will be located strategically for regeneration. This policy and service is a Rossi attempt to keep the secrets of the units for a longer time. However, groups could still buy the units and then perform the testing needed to determine what is happening when no one is on site.

5. Leonardo Corporation will possibly eventually become a public company. About this, Ross has said “Probably we will sell shares to allow everybody to participate to this enterprise. But before this we have to consolidate our manufacturing and commercial system.”

6. While production of the 1 MW plants is already underway, it appears that Rossi’s priorities are to produce home heating units and electrical generator — both of which he estimates will take two years to achieve. He also says he has a ‘duty’ to use E-Cats for desalination — which his technology is ready for now.
les derniers commentaires sur le blog de Rossi : http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.c ... 6#more-516

Evidemment personne ne sait ce qu' est cette boite ''Leonardo Corporation'' . Peut etre une boite au lettre crée pour l' occasion. :mrgreen:

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par stephp » 09 nov. 2011, 14:05

J'espère que JMJ est sur le coup, Magic Technic est enfin à porté de main :lol: :lol: :-D
"On ne règle pas un problème en utilisant le système de pensée qui l'a engendré" A. Einstein

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par energy_isere » 09 nov. 2011, 16:46

Bon , Leonardo Corp n' est pas une coquille vide.

c' est la : http://leonardocorp1996.com/prodotti_eng.htm
Il font des groupes electrogénes qui fonctionnent à l' huile végétale ou animale.
C' est dans le New Hampshire USA.

EON srl is leader in the manufacturing of electric generators (GENSETS) fueled by vegetable oils and animal fats.
Our mission is to use vegetable oils not destined to be used as human food, non to compete with the world’s necessity to feed People.

The use of vegetable oil as a food reduces pollution,
carbon dioxide, since the CO2 emitted by them is a
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their nourishment.

The efficiency of our engines is dramatically improved
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EON also supplies the fuel oil and the additives necessary to make the oil not destructive for a Diesel engine and the lubricant oil, which must be made in a particular composition not to build up undesired reactions with the film of oil which lines internally the cylinders.
EON gives to the Customers all the necessary assistance for all the parts of the genset, with a team of specialists (engineers, mechanics, electronics, electric experts, steel workers, etc) able to reach every Country of the world in the minimum possible time.

EON supplies all the necessary information for the applications necessary to get all the necessary authorizations and green certificates.
Suivons donc cela, ca va étre rigolo.

J' ai eu le lien grace à ceci qui donne une vingtaine de pages d' info sur Rossi (et que j' ai déjà mentionné au début du fil) : http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory: ... nardo_Corp.

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par energy_isere » 25 nov. 2011, 13:34

up pour Kercoz qui revasse. :smt015

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par energy_isere » 04 déc. 2011, 19:43

Un long article de debunking dans Energy Bulletin.
http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2 ... -catalyzer
No miracles in science: The story of the "energy catalyzer"

Updated version in English on Nov 29th 2011
Le plus interessant est à la fin au paragraphe 4.
So far that's all about E-Cat. It seems to be an extremely resilient story and Rossi has managed to keep suspense alive with his various announcements of larger and better systems, of mysterious customers, of military secrecy, of agreements with major universities and companies. It is probable that this bubble will progressively lose air and eventually deflate completely but, most likely, Rossi will gain a niche in the High Temple of Free Energy, side by side with Nikola Tesla (who beyond the grave must be cursing all those who invoke his name in vain) and many others who appointed themselves as the rescuers of Humankind with inventions that, subsequently, utterly failed to deliver their promises. This is the misery in the human condition.

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par energy_isere » 14 déc. 2011, 19:44

hé hé !
Andrea Rossi
December 12th, 2011 at 1:05 PM
ce feuilleton m' amuse de plus en plus. :)

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Re: Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce de la fusion froide ?

Message par energy_isere » 16 déc. 2011, 22:41

C'est le moment du pére Noél. Image
Andrea Rossi
December 16th, 2011 at 3:52 PM
Dear Don:
Your pre-order has been accepted. When we will start the sales you will receive an offer and you will be free to confirm or cancel the order.
Warm Regards,

December 16th, 2011 at 1:55 PM
I read that you are taking names, trying to get 10,000 for orders of home units. Where do I sign up!!
dans le blog a Rossi
http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.c ... 5#comments
