Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE


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Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 16 sept. 2024, 00:13

Lancement des travaux de la centrale STEP de 2.4 GW à Jiande. Cout de 1.76 milliards de dollars. Livraison en 2030.
GCL breaks ground on 2.4 GW pumped storage plant in China
With a total investment of around CNY12.5 billion ($1.76 billion), the project located in Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, is expected to commence power generation before 2030.

September 10, 2024 Vincent Shaw

Image: State Grid Corp of China

China’s GCL Group has officially launched the construction of a 2.4 GWh pumped hydro storage plant in Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, billed as the largest single clean energy project invested and constructed by the group and the largest pumped storage project in East China to date.

The EPC contract signing ceremony was held on September 8 and attended by representatives from Zhejiang Jiande GCL Pumped Storage Co., Ltd. (subsidiary of GCL Group and investment entity of the project), Huadong Engineering Corporation, PowerChina SOCOL Corporation, and officials from the Jiande Municipal Government.

Located in the Linchang Town of Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, the GCL Pumped Storage Power Station is at the power consumption center of Zhejiang and close to Shanghai. With a total investment of around CNY12.5 billion ($1.76 billion), the project is expected to commence power generation before 2030.

Once completed, the power station will feature six reversible water turbine generator units with power of 400 MW each. It is expected to generate an average annual electricity output of 2.52 TWh.
https://www.pv-magazine.com/2024/09/10/ ... -in-china/

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 23 août 2024, 09:44

GillesH38 a écrit :
23 août 2024, 09:29
une question sur les STEP , je suppose que la puissance affichée concerne à la fois la puissance en production et en consommation, ce sont les mêmes turbines qui fonctionnent à l'envers non ? donc c'est aussi la capacité d'écrêtage d'une step, c'est à dire la surproduction électrique qu'elle est capable d'absorber ?
Dans les STEP modernes les turbines sont réversibles.

donc c'est aussi la capacité d'écrêtage d'une step, c'est à dire la surproduction électrique qu'elle est capable d'absorber ?
--> oui

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par GillesH38 » 23 août 2024, 09:29

une question sur les STEP , je suppose que la puissance affichée concerne à la fois la puissance en production et en consommation, ce sont les mêmes turbines qui fonctionnent à l'envers non ? donc c'est aussi la capacité d'écrêtage d'une step, c'est à dire la surproduction électrique qu'elle est capable d'absorber ?

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 23 août 2024, 08:07

suite de ce post du 10 janvier 2022 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 1#p2334721
Stockage d’énergie : la plus puissante STEP du monde est enfin opérationnelle
La plus grande STEP au monde vient d’être mise en service. On vous le donne en mille, elle est située… en Chine ! Le pays nous a, en effet, habitué à des projets hydroélectriques hors normes, et cette nouvelle centrale d’une puissance de 3,6 GW ne fait pas exception.

Kevin CHAMPEAU 22 Août 2024

La STEP de Fengning en Chine / Image : China Radio International.

La plus grande station de transfert d’énergie par pompage (STEP) vient enfin de rentrer en service, le long de la rivière Luanhe, dans la province chinoise d’Hebei. Le projet a été réalisé en deux phases, la première moitié ayant été mise en service en 2022 pour les Jeux olympiques d’hiver de Beijing. Équipée de 12 turbines de 300 MW, elle affiche une puissance totale de 3,6 GW, surpassant la centrale américaine de Bath County, située en Virginie, qui cumule 3 GW. Outre sa puissance démesurée, la STEP de Fengning se distingue par la présence de deux turbines à vitesse variable, sur les douze installées. Ces turbines permettront d’améliorer la flexibilité de la centrale en fonction des besoins de puissance et de stabilité du réseau. Il s’agit des premières turbines de ce type en Chine. En revanche, la capacité de stockage, elle, serait d’environ 40 GWh, grâce à un réservoir inférieur de 66 millions mètres cubes, et un réservoir supérieur de 40 millions de mètres cubes utiles.

Avec cette nouvelle STEP aux caractéristiques hors normes, la Chine continue d’afficher son ambition d’augmenter drastiquement ses capacités de stockage d’énergie. En 2023, le pays a raccordé 6,2 GW de STEP, soit plus que la totalité de l’ensemble des capacités de pompage turbinage françaises (5 GW) pour atteindre 50,9 GW de puissance de pompage-turbinage installée. Sur cette même lancée, il y a quelques mois, le pays inaugurait la plus haute STEP du monde, perchée à plus de 4 000 mètres d’altitude, et d’une puissance de 2,1 GW.

Plus grande STEP au monde… jusqu’en 2032 ?

Si cette nouvelle centrale chinoise est désormais la plus puissante du monde, elle ne devrait pas le rester, puisque la transition énergétique impose un besoin de stockage d’énergie de plus en plus important. Certains pays comme l’Australie ou l’Écosse, à la géographie avantageuse, multiplient les projets de stockage d’énergie par pompage-turbinage. D’ailleurs, le projet australien Pioneer-Burkedin, dont la mise en service est prévue en 2032, devrait dépasser le site chinois grâce à une puissance de 5 GW. Le projet vient d’ailleurs de franchir une nouvelle étape vers sa concrétisation. En effet, des prélèvements de roche ont été effectués, révélant la présence de granit aux caractéristiques structurelles suffisantes pour rendre le projet viable.
https://www.revolution-energetique.com/ ... tionnelle/

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 16 juil. 2024, 22:35

Chine : le barrage des Trois Gorges décharge de l'eau face à d'éventuelles crues des cours supérieurs du fleuve Yangtsé

French.news.cn | 2024-07-16

ZIGUI, 16 juillet (Xinhua) -- Le barrage des Trois Gorges a intensifié la décharge de l'eau pour libérer davantage de capacité face à d'éventuelles crues venant des cours supérieurs du fleuve Yangtsé.


https://french.news.cn/20240716/01207b5 ... 3d7/c.html

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 17 juin 2024, 00:03

State Grid commissions 1.4 GW of pumped hydro storage in China
State Grid Corp. of China says it has finalized a pumped-hydro storage project consisting of four reversible pump-turbine generator units, each with a capacity of 350 MW. It is located near Xiamen, in China’s Fujian province.


mage: State Grid

Fujian Xiamen Pumped Storage Co., a unit of State Grid Corp. of China, has commissioned the fourth and final section of its Fujian Xiamen Pumped Storage Power Station, marking the full commissioning of the project. The facility is located close to the villages of Wangqian and Wufeng, near Xiamen, Fujian province.

The first three units were successfully commissioned between October 2023 and March 2024. With all four units now online, the construction of the Xiamen Pumped Storage Power Station is officially complete and has an installed capacity of 1.4 GW.

Construction on the project started in November 2019 and required a total investment of CNY 8.664 billion ($1.19 billion). It entails the installation of four reversible pump-turbine generator units, each with a capacity of 350 MW. The station is connected to the Fujian power grid through two 500 kV transmission lines.

The Xiamen Pumped Storage Power Station will pump water to a high-altitude reservoir during valley periods and generate electricity during peak periods, effectively balancing the grid’s peak and valley demand. The facility is designed to annually absorb 3.127 TWh of valley electricity and provide 2.345 TWh of peak electricity.

East China Survey and Design Institute designed the plant and China Hydropower Engineering Corp. served as the engineering contractor.

The Xiamen Pumped Storage Power Station will regulate the Fujian power grid daily by handling peak shaving, valley filling, frequency regulation, phase modulation, and emergency standby. This will alleviate peak regulation pressure and enhance the province’s capacity to integrate more renewable energy.

Fujian province, located on China’s southeastern coast, boasts favorable geographical conditions, characterized by mountainous terrain and abundant rainfall, making it an ideal location for the development of pumped storage. Since 2015, developers have built or started constructing more than 10 gigawatt-scale pumped storage power stations in Fujian, significantly contributing to green energy development and power system stability.
https://www.pv-magazine.com/2024/06/11/ ... -in-china/

avec les chiffres donnés ca fait 75 % de rendement. ( 2.345 TWh divisé par 3.127 TWh )

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 04 févr. 2023, 20:08

Une centrale STEP de 1.2 GW est terminée avec la connection des 4 turbines de 300 MW fournies par GE.
GE connects 1.2GW Jinzhai pumped storage hydropower plant to grid

By NS Energy Staff Writer 01 Feb 2023

Located in the Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, the Chinese hydropower plant is estimated to have an annual generating capacity of nearly 1.4 times Jinzhai's annual household power consumption and is expected to mitigate 240,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year

All the units of the Jinzhai pumped storage hydropower plant in China have been connected to the grid. (Credit: GE Renewable Energy)

GE Hydro Solutions, a part of General Electric (GE), has connected all four units of the 1.2GW Jinzhai pumped storage hydropower plant in China to the grid.

The Chinese hydropower plant has completed 15 days of trial operation and all units have achieved commercial operation, said GE.

GE Hydro Solutions was awarded a contract in 2017 by Anhui Jinzhai Pumped Storage Power, a subsidiary of State Grid XinYuan, to deliver four new 300MW pumped storage turbines for the Jinzhai hydropower plant.

Besides, the company was selected to provide generator motors and the remaining plant equipment for the Chinese pumped storage power plant.

The first two units of the hydropower plant were connected to the grid in October 2022.

Located in Jinzhai County in the Anhui Province, the Chinese hydropower plant is expected to save up to 120,000 tons of coal and mitigate 240,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

The annual generating capacity of the Jinzhai hydropower plant is estimated to be nearly 1.4 times the annual household power consumption in Jinzhai.

GE Hydro Solutions president and CEO Pascal Radue said: “Pumped Storage is the largest source of energy storage that exists today, which can help stabilize the grid with the integration of wind and solar power.

“The Jinzhai pumped storage project now fully operational will provide for a huge amount of clean energy to China and will help stabilize the grid to ultimately help integrate more renewable energies in a reliable way.

“And the beauty of hydropower projects is that it is set to be operational for the very long term, about 80 years, meaning that the project will provide affordable energy for several generations to come.”

According to GE, pumped storage units will assist in grid stability by serving as giant batteries.

During surplus energy times, water is pumped from the lower to the upper reservoir. In times of demand, water from the upper reservoir is released to produce hydroelectricity as the water travels via the turbine, said GE.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/g ... lant-grid/

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 31 déc. 2022, 11:07

suite du post au dessus.

Le barrage de Baihetan devient complétement opérationnel avec 16 GW de puissance. C'est la 2ieme plus grande puissance aprés le barrage des 3 gorges.
China’s large-scale Baihetan hydroelectric project enters full operation

By NS Energy Staff Writer 21 Dec 2022

Baihetan is one of the six large-scale hydropower stations along the Yangtze River and becomes the world’s second-largest hydropower station in terms of total installed capacity, only next to the Three Gorges Project

The 16-GW Baihetan hydropower project. (Credit: China Three Gorges Corporation)

Jinsha River Chuanyun Hydropower Development has completed construction and started operations at the 16GW Baihetan hydroelectric project in southwest China.

The Baihetan hydroelectric project is one of the six large-scale hydropower stations along the Yangtze River and was built on one of its tributaries, the Jinsha River.

It becomes the world’s second-largest hydropower station in terms of total installed capacity, only next to the Three Gorges Project, which is also on the Yangtze River.

The project features sixteen 1GW turbines, to generate an estimated 62.4 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of power annually.

It is expected to eliminate about 90.45 million tons per annum of coal and 248.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

Reuters reported that the 289m dam and its associated infrastructure are one of China’s biggest and most challenging engineering projects, citing Three Gorges Corp.

Jinsha River Chuanyun Hydropower Development is a joint venture between China Three Gorges (CTG) with 70%, Sichuan Energy Investment with 15%, and Yunnan Energy Investment with 15%.

The JV started construction in 2017, with an estimated total investment of CNY170bn ($24.38bn).

In June 2021, China Three Gorges (CTG) generated the first power from the project.

It is a major project in China’s west-east power transmission programme and will deliver electricity across the country to cities in the east.

In addition to power generation, the Baihetan hydroelectric project would also facilitate flood control, and improve navigation and sand blocking.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/c ... operation/

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 01 août 2022, 00:04

suite de ce post du 29 juin 2021 viewtopic.php?p=2321644#p2321644

La centrale electrique du barrage de Baihetan à reçu sa 16ieme turbine de 1 GW de puissance (de conception chinoise).
La centrale fait en tout 16 GW et devient la seconde centrale hydraulique la plus puissante au monde derrière le barrage des 3 gorges.
Last unit of China's 16 GW-Baihetan hydropower plant installed

Updated 20:13, 21-May-2022 CGTN


China has nearly completed the 16 gigawatt (GW) Baihetan hydropower facility as the last turbine unit was installed on May 20.

Extending on the Jinsha River in southwest China, the massive project consists of 16 hydropower generating units, each with an installed capacity of 1 million kilowatts. It is the world's second biggest power station after 22.5 GW Three Gorges Dam.

The station has put seven of the China-designed turbine units into operation with the rest to become operational by the end of this year.

The project had generated over 25.6 billion kWh of electricity since the commissioning of the first two units in June 2021, according to Liu Haibo, head of the Baihetan Hydropower Station.

Construction works on the project were started in August 2017 and the first turbine unit was installed in January 2019.
https://news.cgtn.com/news/2022-05-20/L ... index.html

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 31 mai 2022, 14:37

[L'industrie c'est fou] Imprimé en 3D, ce barrage chinois sera assemblé sans aucune main-d'œuvre
Installé sur le plateau tibétain, un barrage hydroélectrique de 180 mètres de haut devrait devenir d'ici à 2024 la plus grande construction imprimée en 3D de la planète. Le chantier sera entièrement assuré par des machines, pilotées par des algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle.

Valentin Hamon Beugin 30 Mai 2022 Usine Nouvelle


Qui arrêtera la folle course de l'impression 3D ? Grâce à cette technique de fabrication additive, des bricoleurs de tous horizons sont déjà parvenus à fabriquer des toilettes mobiles, des cœurs artificiels, des steaks végans, des lotissements entiers et même bientôt... Un barrage hydroélectrique. Erigé à Yangqu (Chine), cet ouvrage de 180 mètres de haut devrait ainsi décrocher la palme de la plus grande construction jamais imprimée en 3D, un record détenu pour l'instant par un immeuble de bureaux situé à Dubaï (Emirats arabes unis). La centrale attenante devrait être opérationnelle d'ici à 2024 et fournir ensuite environ 5 TWh d'électricité par an.

Un géant de l'énergie

Un chantier d'une telle envergure mobilise habituellement plusieurs centaines d'employés, soumis à un exercice physique éreintant. Sûrement plus par souci d'économie plus que par bonté humaine, les responsables du barrage chinois ont quant à eux décidé de dire adieu à la main-d'œuvre, pour se reposer exclusivement sur des robots. Complètement autonomes, diverses machines formeront la structure couche par couche selon un système de planification dopé à l'intelligence artificielle et testeront la solidité de la structure à chaque étape du processus. Les travaux progresseront ainsi jour et nuit, sans interruption.

Avec ce projet, la Chine confirme son statut de géant dans l'impression 3D comme sa place de leader dans l'énergie. A lui seul, le pays assure 31% de la production mondiale d'hydroélectricité, grâce à ses centrales gigantesques. Avec une capacité de 103,6 TWh (soit environ un quart de la consommation de la France), celle située sur le barrage des Trois-Gorges est d'ailleurs la plus puissante jamais construite.
https://www.usinenouvelle.com/editorial ... e.N2009367

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 09 avr. 2022, 13:42

Construction en cours d'une centrale STEP de 1800 MW, projet Tai'an phase II. La phase I avait été mise en service en 2007 et fait 1 GW.
Taian Pumped Storage Power Station Project Phase II

Tai'an hydropower phase II project is a 1.8GW pumped storage power station under construction in the Shandong province, China.

State Grid Xinyuan Company, a subsidiary of State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), is developing the project with an estimated investment of £1.17bn ($1.55bn).

Preliminary works of the pumped storage power project commenced in December 2020, after Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission approved the construction of the phase II of the project in December 2019.

Main construction activities on the project started in April 2021 and the pumped storage power station is expected to begin operations by 2029.

At full capacity, Tai'an pumped storage power station is estimated to generate approximately 1.8 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year under the second phase. It is expected to consume about 2.4 billion kWh of energy in the pumping mode.

The pumped storage station is also estimated to reduce the consumption of 650,000 tonnes (t) of raw coal annually, and offset approximately 1.3 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

Location and site details
The Tai'an pumped storage power station phase II is located approximately 20km from Tai'an city in Shandong province, China.

The project site lies in the high-tech industrial development zone of the Culai town, and in the Xiwen scenic area.

Taian pumped storage power station phase II make-up
The Tai'an pumped storage power station phase II will feature six 300MW reversible single-stage vertical shaft mixed flow hydro-generator units, designed to deliver a total power output of 1,800MW.

The power plant will be designed to operate at a rated water head of 454m.

The other components include a 500kV switching station consisting of six main transformers with a capacity of 300MVA each, an outlet cable, and the electrical equipment and related facilities.

Power evacuation
The electricity produced from the Tai'an pumped storage power station phase II will be delivered to the Shandong power grid through two 500kV power transmission lines.

Contractors involved
Sixth Hydropower Bureau was awarded a £63.01m ($85.54m) contract by State Grid Company to undertake road and housing construction works related to the preparatory phase of Tai'an pumped storage power station phase II in January 2021. The contract scope involved the construction of traffic tunnel and ancillary cavern, ventilation and safety tunnel, substation site levelling works, and highway works.

Eleventh Hydropower Bureau won a bid to build office and living area, including two camps Keluoshan and Cuiwei, in Shandong Taian for the owner of the pumped-storage power station in December 2021.

China National General Machinery Engineering Corporation was selected to supply power station fire alarm system, ventilation and air conditioning system, laboratory equipment, and industrial TV monitoring system.

East China Research Institute was contracted for the survey and design works of the Tai'an power station phase II.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/projec ... -ii-china/

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 10 janv. 2022, 08:54

Mise en service de la plus puissante centrale STEP au monde.
State Grid of China switches on world’s largest pumped-hydro station
Located in China’s Hebei province, the 3.6GW facility consists of 12 reversible pump generating sets with a capacity of 300MW each and has a power generation capacity from storage of 6.612 billion kWh.


The Fengning Pumped Storage Power Station.Image: State Grid Corp of China

The State Grid Corporation of China, which is China’s largest state-owned grid operator and power utility, has commissioned, last week, the 3.6GW Fengning Pumped Storage Power Station, a pumped-storage hydroelectric power station located in Hebei province.

The construction of the $1.87 billion project, which was implemented in two 1.8GW phases, was started by engineering company China Gezhouba Group Company Limited in 2014.

The facility consists of 12 reversible pump generating sets with a capacity of 300MW each and has a power generation capacity from storage of 6.612 billion kWh. It is connected to the Zhangbei VSC-HVDC power grid and the North China 500kV power grid, State Grid said in a statement.

According to the company, the pumped-hydro station will operate as a peaking power plant for the safe and stable operation of the grid by balancing the intermittent power supply from large wind and solar parks located in northern Hebei and Inner Mongolia.

State Grid chairman, Xin Baoan, stressed this is the first time in China that a pumped-hydro storage plant has been connected to a flexible DC network.

According to the National Energy Administration, China is targeting 62GW of operational pumped-hydro facilities by 2025 and 120GW by 2030. Currently, it has 30.3GW of operational pumped-hydro stations, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency.
https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/01/04/ ... o-station/

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 20 nov. 2021, 23:47

Les Chinois construisent une centrale STEP de 1.8 GW. C'est donc un ouvrage de même puissance que notre centrale STEP de Grandmaison.

Jinyun Pumped Storage Power Station

The Jinyun hydropower project is a 1.8GW pumped storage power plant under construction in the Zhejiang province of China.

Zhejiang Jinyun Pumped Storage, a joint venture of State Grid Xinyuan (70%) and State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power (30%), is developing the project with an estimated investment of £1.14bn ($1.5bn).

The Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission approved the project in June 2017.

Construction works were started in August 2020, while the first pump turbine unit is expected to commence operations in 2025. The remaining five units are expected to come online by the end of 2026.

At full capacity, the Jinyun pumped storage power plant is estimated to consume up to 2.4 terawatt-hours (TWh) of surplus electricity a year from the grid while operating in pumping mode during low electricity demand and generate up to 1.8TWh of electricity a year by releasing the stored water from the upper reservoir during peak electricity demand.

Jinyun hydropower project location and site details
The Jinyun pumped storage hydroelectric power project is located in Dayang and Fangxi, in Jinyun county, Lishui city, Zhejiang province, China.

https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/projec ... r-station/

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 19 juil. 2021, 23:05

Ca a pas l' air d'être hydroélectrique, plutôt réservoir d'eau :
Chine. Deux barrages s’effondrent après des pluies torrentielles, près de 22 000 hectares submergés
avec Reuters. 19 juillet 2021

Des barrages avec une capacité de stockage combinée de 46 millions de mètres cubes d’eau se sont effondrés dimanche après-midi, en Chine.

Deux barrages se sont effondrés en Chine, dans la région de Mongolie-Intérieure (nord-est), après des pluies torrentielles, ont annoncé ce lundi 19 juillet les autorités chinoises.

Ces barrages, situés à proximité de la ville de Hulunbuir, se sont effondrés dimanche après-midi. Ils avaient formé des réservoirs d’une capacité combinée de stockage de 46 millions de mètres cubes d’eau, a indiqué le ministère des Ressources en eau.

Aucune victime signalée

Les personnes vivant en aval ont été évacuées, sans qu’aucune victime ne soit signalée, ont déclaré les autorités chinoises.

Le ministère a déclaré qu’en moyenne, 87 millimètres de pluie sont tombés à Hulunbuir au cours du week-end et jusqu’à 223 millimètres à la station de surveillance de Morin Dawa.

Les autorités de Hulunbuir ont déclaré sur la messagerie WeChat que 16 660 personnes ont été affectées, et que près de 21 708 hectares de terres agricoles ont été submergés. Des ponts et autres infrastructures de transport ont également été détruits.

Des images publiées sur les réseaux sociaux chinois ont montré que l’un des barrages a été complètement emporté par l’eau, inondant les champs voisins.
vidéo : https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/actualite/oth ... d=msedgntp

Re: Energie Hydro-électrique en CHINE

par energy_isere » 29 juin 2021, 09:07

Sur le media Chinois CCTV, c'est donc une mise en service partielle avec les 2 premières turbines de 1 GW chacune en opération.
les 14 autres devraient entrer en fonctionnement en juillet 2022.
Baihetan hydropower station begins operation

KUNMING/CHENGDU, June 28 (Xinhua)

The first two generating units of the world's largest hydropower station under construction was put into operation on Monday, contributing to the country's green development and carbon-neutrality goals.

The Baihetan hydropower station is located on the Jinsha River, the upper section of the Yangtze River in southwest China, with an investment of 220 billion yuan (about 34.07 billion U.S. dollars).


With construction started in 2017, the hydropower station, which transmits rich power resources in the west to energy-consuming regions in east China, marks a major step in the country's utilization of clean energy.

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday sent a letter to the station, offering his congratulations on the launch of operations of its first two generating units.

As a major project in China's west-east power transmission program, the hydropower station is the largest and most technically challenging hydropower project under construction in the current world, said Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.

He expressed the hope that all builders and relevant parties would advance the station's follow-up work, and make greater contributions to achieving the country's carbon-peak and carbon-neutrality goals and promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.

The hydropower station, which straddles the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan, will have a total installed capacity of 16 million kilowatts. It will be equipped with 16 hydro-generating units, each with a capacity of 1 million kilowatts, the largest single-unit capacity in the world.

In the station's underground powerhouse, the first two such units are running steadily. All units are scheduled to be operational in July 2022 and will generate an average of more than 62.4 billion kWh of electricity every year, according to the China Three Gorges Corporation (CTGC), which built the station.

Upon completion, Baihetan will become the world's second-largest hydropower station in terms of total installed capacity, second only to the Three Gorges Dam project in the central province of Hubei.

When in full operation, the Baihetan project is expected to save approximately 19.68 million tonnes of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 51.6 million tonnes, sulfur dioxide by 170,000 tonnes, and nitrogen oxides by 150,000 tonnes annually.

"The generator rotor -- a core component of the units -- weighs 1,955 tonnes, and can spin at 111 revolutions per minute and still remain stable, which ensures the long-term safe operation of the units," said Chen Hao, an engineer with the CTGC.

The Baihetan Dam is an ultra-high double-curvature arch dam with a maximum height of 289 meters and an arc length of 709 meters.

"All the core technologies of the Baihetan hydropower station are independently developed. The operation of the first generating units marks a breakthrough in China's construction of large-scale hydropower projects," said Lei Mingshan, chairman of the CTGC.
https://english.cctv.com/2021/06/29/ART ... kE9SqhK.23
