Le Cuivre


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Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 15 sept. 2024, 13:46

suite de ce post du 26 mai 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 0#p2391630
First Quantum expects feasibility studies for Peru mine by 2028

Reuters | September 12, 2024

Canadian miner First Quantum Minerals expects updated drilling results for its Peru copper project La Granja in the second half of next year, and feasibility studies by 2028, project development manager Steven Lewis said on Thursday.

“The drilling is progressing well, it’s at 35%, and we expect to have the results in the second half of next year,” Lewis said on the sidelines of a mining industry conference.

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About the feasibility studies slated for completion by 2028, he said: “We’re working to meet this deadline.”

First Quantum last year purchased a 55% stake in the project, which is co-owned with Rio Tinto, and at the time of the acquisition committed to investing up to $546 million for its development.

The project overall is estimated to amount to $2.4 billion investment.

According to data from Peru’s mining ministry, the site has the potential to produce 500,000 metric tons of copper a year, with a useful life of 40 years.

In addition to completing drilling and feasibility studies, First Quantum will also face challenges related to local communities, environmental permits and financing, Lewis said. “La Granja has the potential to be a larger project, but the ultimate focus will depend on several challenges,” Lewis said in a presentation at the mining event.

First Quantum took a major blow last year after the Panama government ordered the shutdown of the Cobre Panama mine, which contributed to 40% of the miner’s revenue, due to public protests over environmental issues.
https://www.mining.com/web/first-quantu ... next-year/

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 08 sept. 2024, 10:41

suite de ce post du 4 aout 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 0#p2395950
Harmony targets first copper from Australia mine by 2028

Reuters | September 5, 2024

South Africa’s Harmony Gold expects to start producing copper from its Australian mining project by 2028, the company said on Thursday, as it diversifies into the key decarbonization metal.

Harmony acquired the Eva copper project in Queensland in 2022 to diversify away from gold and is in the process of updating the project’s feasibility study.

“We want to make the final investment decision by the end of the (financial) year. It’s a two year build, then Eva Copper will be in production,” Harmony CEO Peter Steenkamp told Reuters in an interview.

The mine is expected to produce up to 60,000 metric tons of copper annually, he said.

Early work, including building access roads, has started at the project, reflecting Harmony’s confidence it will go ahead, he added.

https://www.mining.com/web/harmony-targ ... e-by-2028/

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 08 sept. 2024, 10:24

First Quantum to invest $3.5 billion in Taca Taca copper project in Argentina — report

Staff Writer | September 6, 2024

First Quantum Minerals has met with Argentina’s government authorities about the start of construction of the $3.5 billion Taca Taca copper project, Rumbo Minero International reported.

According to the news outlet, representatives of the Canadian miner met with Argentine officials and announced that they will begin construction of the project, located 230 km west of the city of Salta.

The announcement was made during Argentina Mining 2024, an international mining sector event held in the province of Salta.

Taca Taca is a copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry deposit with significant potential and is at an advanced exploration stage.

As of 2013, the project’s measured and indicated resources were reported at 9.6 million tonnes of contained copper, plus inferred resources of 3.4 million tonnes. First Quantum acquired 100% of Taca Taca from Lumina Copper Corporation in 2014 through its subsidiary, Corriente Argentina SA (CASA).

The project is expected to create a large number of direct and indirect jobs, boosting the socio-economic growth of the province.

Speaking to Rumbo Minero, general manager John Dean said construction is scheduled to begin in 2025.

According to the report, the Salta government signed an agreement stipulating that the Argentine Geological and Mining Service will provide scientific and technical assistance in evaluating the environmental and social impact study of the project, as well as participate in subsequent activities such as oversight and monitoring.
https://www.mining.com/first-quantum-to ... na-report/


https://www.mining-technology.com/news/ ... argentina/

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 07 sept. 2024, 13:41

Cuivre : les perspectives de prix revues à la baisse sur fond d’excédent jusqu’en 2025

Agence Ecofin 06 sept 2024

Après avoir atteint un record de 10 800 dollars la tonne en mai 2024, le prix du cuivre a reculé ces derniers mois, dans un contexte de faiblesse de la demande. Les perspectives à long terme restent néanmoins positives, confortant les plans de hausse de la production de la RDC et de la Zambie.

L’excédent actuel sur le marché du cuivre devrait se prolonger et légèrement se renforcer en 2025, a annoncé fin août le deuxième producteur mondial BHP. Cette prévision intervient alors que le prix du cuivre s’est contracté de 19 % depuis son pic à plus de 10 800 dollars atteint en mai à la bourse des métaux de Londres (LME).

Evolution du prix du cuivre sur LME

BHP attribue une partie de cet excédent à la forte contraction du secteur des logements en Chine, premier consommateur mondial de cuivre. Selon Ole Hansen, responsable de la stratégie des matières premières chez Saxo Bank, la reprise de l’activité industrielle généralement observée dans l’empire du Milieu au deuxième trimestre de l’année et qui tend à réduire les stocks de matières premières ne s’est pas produite en 2024.

« Au lieu de cela, nous avons vu les stocks surveillés par les principaux marchés à terme continuer à augmenter à un rythme rapide, signalant une période d’inadéquation majeure entre l’offre et la demande, principalement en raison de la faiblesse de la demande », explique l’analyste.

Goldman Sachs évoque aussi le ralentissement de l’économie chinoise ces derniers mois pour justifier la revue à a baisse de ses prévisions de prix pour le métal rouge. Selon les analystes de la banque, le cuivre devrait se négocier à 10 100 dollars la tonne en 2025, soit un recul par rapport à l’estimation précédente de 15 000 dollars la tonne. La prévision de 12 000 dollars la tonne annoncée pour fin 2024 est par ailleurs reportée à après 2025.

Impact limité sur les producteurs

Les changements annoncés peuvent réduire les revenus espérés par les producteurs de cuivre, si les prévisions initiales de prix se concrétisaient. Ils ne remettent néanmoins pas en cause les perspectives à long terme qui restent positives pour les acteurs impliqués dans l’exploitation du cuivre.

Pour BHP par exemple, l’offre mondiale ne devrait pas augmenter aussi vite que la demande, conduisant à des déficits dans la seconde moitié de cette décennie. Selon l’Agence internationale de l’énergie, les mines existantes et les projets qui entreront bientôt en production permettront seulement de satisfaire 80 % de la demande mondiale à l’horizon 2030.

Dans un tel contexte, les prix du cuivre pourraient rester élevés et même s’envoler vers des sommets insoupçonnés. Pour Pierre Andurand, gestionnaire de fonds spéculatif cité par le Financial Times, les prix du cuivre pourraient atteindre 40 000 dollars la tonne. Quoi qu’il en soit, les revenus des principaux pays producteurs devraient augmenter, soit grâce à la hausse des prix ou de la production, ou encore une combinaison de ces deux éléments.

En Afrique, les deux grands bénéficiaires de ces perspectives positives seront la RDC et la Zambie. Le premier a doublé sa production de cuivre en cinq ans, atteignant 2,8 millions de tonnes en 2023. Cette croissance peut encore s’accélérer dans les années à venir, notamment avec l’augmentation de la capacité de production des mines existantes, comme Kamoa-Kakula, ou à l’entrée en production de nouvelles mines.

En 2023, la RDC a concentré 65 % des nouvelles réserves de cuivre identifiées dans le monde, illustrant le dynamisme de l’exploration dans le pays ainsi que le potentiel minéral encore inexploité. Quant à la Zambie, le pays vise une production de 3 millions de tonnes d’ici 2031, contre environ 700 000 tonnes en 2023.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/cuivre/060 ... qu-en-2025

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 01 sept. 2024, 11:05

suite de ce post du 7 janvier 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 2#p2382652
Cordoba Minerals bags Alacran permit approval in Colombia

Henry Lazenby - The Northern Miner | August 29, 2024

A drill rig at the Alacran project completing the 25,000-metre initial phase of the in-fill drilling program. Credit: Cordoba Minerals

Cordoba Minerals (TSXV: CDB) has secured a construction permit for the Alacran copper-gold-silver project in Colombia with work set to start by the second quarter next year, assuming it can finance the $420.4 million project.

The Colombian National Mining Agency approved the mining technical work plan filed in November 2021. Cordoba plans to complete detailed mine engineering this year for the project it’s developing with China-based partner JCHX Mining Management.

“The approval means we are one step closer to build the next copper-gold mine in Colombia,” CEO Sarah Armstrong Montoya said in a statement.

Designated a ‘project of national interest,’ the Alacran open-pit, set to be Colombia’s largest copper mine, anchors Cordoba’s San Matias package. JCHX’s $100 million stake, secured in 2022, includes a final $20 million payment tied to the approval of the feasibility study and environmental impact assessment.

The permit approval marks a big milestone for Cordoba as it progresses towards developing what Montoya believes could become Colombia’s next major copper-gold mine.

A December feasibility study for Alacran outlines a $420.4 million cost for the 14.2-year project. The mine plan yields an after-tax net present value of $360 million (at an 8% discount) and an internal rate of return of 23.8%.

The study projects total metal production of 797.2 million lb. of copper, 550,000 oz. of gold, and 5.35 million oz. of silver from probable reserves of 97.9 million tonnes grading 0.41% copper, 0.23 gram gold per tonne and 2.63 grams silver.

In Arizona, Cordoba is spending $14.2 million to earn an 80% share of the Perseverance porphyry copper project in about two years.

At C$0.40 apiece on Thursday, Cordoba shares are up 2.6% over the past 12 months, having touched C$0.42 and C$0.80. It has a market capitalization of C$81.8 million ($60.6m).
https://www.mining.com/cordoba-minerals ... -colombia/

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 25 août 2024, 10:46

India: Copper products to contain 20% recycled content by 2031

Martijn Reintjes – August 24, 2024

The Indian government has presented a new roadmap to reduce the country’s dependence on primary resources and reduce the environmental impact of mining.
By 2028, new products made from non-ferrous metals will have to contain a minimum of 5% recycled content.

Indian media report this requirement will progressively increase, reaching 10% in 2029. By 2031, products made of aluminium will have to have 10% recycled content, while for copper the target is 20% and 25% for zinc.

EPR scheme

The new regulations not only require non-ferrous metal producers to recycle a specified percentage of their products but also introduce an extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme
https://recyclinginternational.com/comm ... 031/58264/

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 24 août 2024, 11:02

Corridor de Lobito : la RDC lance les exportations de cuivre vers les États-Unis

Agence Ecofin 23 aout 2024

Pays quasiment enclavé, la RDC exporte son cuivre vers les marchés internationaux en s’appuyant sur d’autres pays africains. Alors que l’expédition via les ports en Tanzanie et en Afrique du Sud entraine des délais relativement longs, l’Angola peut s’imposer comme une alternative plus rapide.

En Angola, une première cargaison de cuivre congolais a quitté cette semaine le port de Lobito pour les États-Unis. C’est l’annonce faite le 22 août par le groupe Trafigura, membre du consortium qui a obtenu la concession du corridor ferroviaire et du port de Lobito.

Selon les détails fournis par Trafigura, la cargaison de cathodes de cuivre à destination du port américain de Baltimore est initialement arrivée au port de Lobito, six jours après son expédition depuis Kolwezi. Cela confirme le statut du corridor de Lobito comme la voie d’exportation la plus rapide pour le cuivre congolais. En comparaison, atteindre le port de Dar es Salaam en Tanzanie ou celui de Durban en Afrique du Sud peut prendre respectivement 14 et 25 jours, depuis les mines de cuivre en RDC.


Avant les États-Unis, notons que le cuivre congolais a déjà été expédié ces derniers mois vers des ports d’Europe et d’Extrême-Orient, à travers le corridor de Lobito. Il faut souligner que l’Union européenne et les États-Unis soutiennent financièrement le développement du corridor, dans le cadre des efforts visant à contrer la domination chinoise dans l’approvisionnement en cuivre à partir de la ceinture de cuivre d’Afrique centrale. Alors que cette ceinture se compose principalement de la RDC et de la Zambie, des négociations sont en cours pour étendre le corridor de Lobito jusqu’en Zambie.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/transport/ ... etats-unis

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 24 août 2024, 10:59

suite de ce post du 29 juin 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 4#p2393864
RDC : la capacité de production de la mine Kamoa-Kakula augmente à 600 000 tonnes/an

Agence Ecofin 23 aout 2024

Premier producteur de cuivre d’Afrique et l’un des leaders de la production mondiale, la RDC tire d’importants revenus de ce secteur où les prix sont en hausse depuis plusieurs mois. Elle peut compter sur Kamoa-Kakula, plus grande mine de cuivre du continent, pour continuer d’accroitre ses recettes.

Ivanhoe Mines a annoncé cette semaine l’entrée en production commerciale du troisième concentrateur de cuivre de son projet Kamoa-Kakula, en RDC. Cette nouvelle usine de traitement porte la capacité de production du complexe minier de 450 000 tonnes à plus de 600 000 tonnes.

L’information intervient quelques semaines après la publication du bilan opérationnel du premier semestre 2024 dans lequel la compagnie rapporte une production de 186 925 tonnes sur la mine. Si cette performance représente une baisse en glissement annuel de 5 %, la compagnie devrait corriger le tir au deuxième semestre grâce au démarrage de la production commerciale du nouveau concentrateur.

« Le concentrateur de la Phase 3 devrait produire à lui seul environ 150 000 tonnes de cuivre par an. En plus des concentrateurs des Phases 1 et 2, la capacité totale de production de cuivre à Kamoa-Kakula devrait dépasser les 600 000 tonnes par an, ce qui en ferait la troisième plus grande opération minière de cuivre au monde », a déclaré Robert Friedland, coprésident exécutif d’Ivanhoe Mines.

Selon les données relayées par Africa Finance Corporation qui a financé à hauteur de 150 millions de dollars l’extension de la capacité de production de Kamoa-Kakula, le projet a contribué à hauteur de 4 % au produit intérieur brut (PIB) de la RDC. Pour le pays d’Afrique centrale, il représente un atout majeur pour maintenir sa place de deuxième producteur mondial de cuivre dans un contexte de hausse des prix du métal rouge. La hausse de la production et des prix a ainsi permis au pays d’augmenter ses recettes minières de 2018 à 2028, selon le FMI.
https://www.agenceecofin.com/cuivre/230 ... -tonnes/an

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 24 août 2024, 00:48

Un projet de mine de Cuivre au Mexique : Santo Tomas
Oroco estimates initial capex of $1.1bn for Santo Tomas porphyry copper project
The PEA estimates an after-tax NPV of around $1.5bn for the Mexican porphyry copper project and a post-tax IRR of 22.2% with an after-tax payback period of 3.8 years

Staff Writer 21st Aug 2024

Oroco Resource disclosed that the Santo Tomas porphyry copper project in Mexico will require an initial capital expenditure (Capex) of $1.1bn, based on the findings of a preliminary economic assessment (PEA).

The sustaining and expansion capital for the Mexican porphyry copper project is estimated to be $1.73bn.

Prepared by Ausenco Engineering USA South, the PEA is based on a staged open pit mine and processing plant achieving a production rate of 60,000 tonnes per day in the first year of the project.

The Canadian mineral exploration company said that the Santo Tomas project will have a total life of 23.5 years. It includes one year of pre-stripping and one final year of stockpile rehandling at the mill.

Phase 2 of the project, which marks the expansion of the porphyry copper project to 120,000 tonnes per day, will start in the eighth year of operation.

Located in Sinaloa State, the Santo Tomas property includes 9,034ha of mineral concessions covering significant porphyry copper mineralisation in northern Sinaloa and southwest Chihuahua.

The PEA estimates an after-tax net present value (NPV) of $1.48bn for the Mexican porphyry copper project. It projects a post-tax internal rate of return (IRR) of 22.2% with an after-tax payback period of 3.8 years from the first concentrate production.

Oroco Resource CEO Richard Lock said: “When we completed the initial PEA in December 2023 it was clear there was additional value to be unlocked at Santo Tomas.

“Upon careful analysis, a staged approach to the mine expansion and a focus on exploiting the higher-grade near surface material in the early years of mining has unlocked a considerable increase in value.

“We have established a plan that invokes a very efficient use of capital and establishes a rapid post-tax payback of 3.8 years. The plan starts with the use of smaller equipment to provide rapid entry to the mineralised material and maintains a higher-grade feed profile to delay the requirement of an expansion until year 8.”
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/o ... t/?cf-view

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 18 août 2024, 10:32

suite de ce post du 10 sept 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 9#p2376689
Ivanhoe Electric acquires full ownership of mineral rights at Santa Cruz copper project

Staff Writer | August 13, 2024

Santa Cruz copper project. (Image courtesy of Ivanhoe Electric | Twitter.)

Ivanhoe Electric (NYSE American: IE) (TSX: IE) has gained full ownership of the mineral rights comprising its Santa Cruz copper project in Arizona after making the final payment under a purchase option.

In May 2023, the company acquired nearly 6,000 acres of surface title and associated water rights for approximately $116 million. The transaction included an option to purchase the mineral rights contiguous with the acquired lands.

On Tuesday, the US-focused copper developer made the final $10 million payment to acquire a 100% interest in these mineral rights, and therefore has secured 100% of the surface and mineral rights for the Santa Cruz project.

“Completing our option agreement and securing 100% ownership of the mineral rights at our Santa Cruz copper project in Arizona is an important milestone for our company,” Ivanhoe Electric CEO Taylor Melvin said in a news release.

“We have now completed the consolidation of surface and mineral rights ownership at one of the largest and highest grade undeveloped copper resources in the United States that is located entirely on private land.”

Ivanhoe’s Santa Cruz project contains 26.7 million tonnes of indicated resources grading 1.24% total copper (2.8 million tonnes of contained copper) and 149.0 million tonnes of inferred resources grading 1.24% total copper (1.8 million tonnes of contained copper).

An initial assessment of the project in 2023, focusing only on a small surface footprint for an underground copper mine, had total copper production estimated at 1.6 million tonnes over a 20-year mine life with cash costs of $1.36/lb. of copper.

The project is also designed to minimize surface land disruption. The IA base case assumes that 70% of the electric power required for the project will be generated by onsite renewable energy infrastructure to minimize carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.
https://www.mining.com/ivanhoe-electric ... r-project/

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 18 août 2024, 10:28

suite de ce post du 21 avril 2024 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 2#p2389932
Metso signs €200m equipment deal for Barrick’s Reko Diq copper-gold project

Staff Writer | August 14, 2024

Metso announced on Wednesday it has signed an agreement with Reko Diq Mining for key process equipment deliveries to the greenfield copper-gold project located in the province of Balochistan in Pakistan.

The project, jointly owned by Barrick Gold (NYSE: GOLD) (TSX: ABX) and Pakistan, is one of the largest undeveloped copper-gold deposits in the world.

The value of the Metso equipment packages under the framework agreement is €200 million. The value of the first orders, consisting of crushing and grinding equipment, is close to €100 million in total, and they are booked in the Minerals segment’s 2024 third-quarter order intake.

Metso’s scope of delivery for the crushing and grinding circuits includes Superior 6089 MKIII gyratory crushers and Nordberg MP1250 cone crushers, as well as Premier ball mills with 51MW installed power, equipped with gearless mill drive technology and Metso’s failsafe polymer hydrostatic shoe bearing systems, significantly increasing reliability and reducing maintenance costs. The mills will be equipped with Metso’s metallic mill linings.

Orders for the TankCell mechanical flotation cells and high-intensity Concorde Cell units, HRT thickeners, Vertimill and HIGmill regrind mills, mill reline equipment, concentrate filters, and automation equipment included in the frame agreement are expected to be signed and booked in the Minerals segment’s order intake later in 2024 and 2025.

“Reko Diq will substantially expand Barrick’s strategically significant copper and gold portfolios and benefit all its Pakistani stakeholders for generations to come. We are pleased to partner with Metso in this project where sustainable concentrate processing is one of the key drivers for plant design and operation,” Barrick CEO Mark Bristow said in a news release.

It is anticipated that Reko Diq will have a mine life of approximately 40 years as a truck-and-shovel open pit operation, with construction expected in two phases and providing a combined processing capacity of circa 90 million tonnes per annum. The first production is targeted for 2028.
https://www.mining.com/metso-signs-e200 ... d-project/

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 17 août 2024, 09:11

Les travailleurs de la plus grande mine de cuivre au monde, au Chili, suspendent leur grève

Par Le Figaro avec AFP 16 aout 2024

Les travailleurs d'Escondida, la plus grande mine de cuivre du monde située dans le nord du Chili, ont suspendu vendredi la grève qui avait débuté mardi, suite à la reprise des négociations avec le groupe minier australien BHP, a annoncé ce dernier. «Il a été convenu de suspendre la grève légale en cours», a déclaré BHP dans un communiqué. «C'est fait», a confirmé à l'AFP Patricio Tapia, le président du premier syndicat d'Escondida.

La décision a été prise après la reprise des négociations, au cours desquelles les parties «sont parvenues à un consensus sur une proposition de convention collective», selon le communiqué de la compagnie minière. Les syndicats d'Escondida, qui avaient approuvé cet appel à la grève le 1er août, réclament de longue date que 1% des dividendes que se versent les actionnaires étrangers de la mine soient distribués aux travailleurs. Ils réclament aussi une amélioration de leurs conditions de travail, notamment une augmentation de leur temps de repos et un ajustement des «primes variables».

Située dans le désert d'Atacama, la mine d'Escondida est contrôlée par l'australien BHP à 57,5%. Les autres actionnaires sont l'australien Rio Tinto (30%) et le japonais Jeco (12,5%). Elle a produit en 2023 1,1 million de tonnes de cuivre, soit 5,4% de la production mondiale et 21% de celle du Chili. En 2017, les travailleurs d'Escondida avaient observé une grève de 44 jours, la plus longue de l'histoire minière chilienne. Le mouvement avait provoqué 740 millions de dollars de pertes et entraîné une contraction de 1,3% du produit intérieur brut (PIB) du Chili cette année-là.
https://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/les-t ... e-20240816

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 14 août 2024, 23:39

Chili: une grève débute dans la plus grande mine de cuivre du monde
Les travailleurs d'Escondida, la plus grande mine de cuivre du monde située dans le nord du Chili, ont entamé mardi une grève faute d'être parvenus à un accord sur une nouvelle convention collective avec leur employeur, le groupe australien BHP, a annoncé leur syndicat.

RFI le : 14/08/2024

lire https://www.rfi.fr/fr/am%C3%A9riques/20 ... e-du-monde

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 14 août 2024, 22:54

suite de ce post du 17 dec 2023 http://www.oleocene.org/phpBB3/viewtopi ... 9#p2381799
Arizona Sonoran estimates initial capex of $668m for Cactus copper project
The American copper project will have an average annual throughput of 29 million tonnes, resulting in the production of approximately 86,000 tonnes of copper cathodes per year

Staff Writer 8th Aug 2024

Arizona Sonoran Copper said that its fully owned brownfield Cactus copper project in the US will require an initial capital expenditure (capex) of $668m, based on the findings of a preliminary economic assessment (PEA).

The emerging copper developer and producer company said that the American copper project will have a project life of around 31 years.

Located in Arizona, the Cactus project consists of three deposits and one stockpile, including the past producing Sacaton mine. The deposits are known as Cactus East, Cactus West, and Parks/Salyer deposits.

The PEA for the Cactus project incorporates the Parks/Salyer additions from the MainSpring property as inferred mineral resources, which have been re-evaluated as an open-pit operation.

According to the study, the copper project will have an average annual throughput of 29 million tonnes, resulting in the production of approximately 86,000 tonnes of copper cathodes per year. This is expected to create a lower-risk brownfield open-pit mining operation with an extended mine life.

Copper cathodes will be produced directly onsite through heap leaching, solvent extraction, and electrowinning (SXEW), including a four-year ramp-up period.

Arizona Sonoran Copper projects senior vice president Bernie Loyer said: “The evolution of the MainSpring and Parks/Salyer open pit combination as demonstrated by this PEA presents a profound change to the Cactus Mine business case.

“That impact can be gauged in the project’s robust economics and also in the contribution that this generational asset is expected to make to our local communities for years to come.

“With the anticipated creation of more than 3,000 direct and indirect jobs and more than $2.2 billion in life of mine federal and state tax revenues, Cactus Mine is anticipated to become a cornerstone business for the local economy.”

The PEA estimates an after-tax net present value (NPV) of $2.03bn for the American brownfield copper project. It projects a post-tax internal rate of return (IRR) of 24% with an after-tax payback period of 4.9 years.

The Cactus copper project is estimated to generate a free cash flow of $7.3bn over the life of the project.

Arizona Sonoran Copper expects to complete a pre-feasibility study (PFS) in the first half of 2025 following the release of the PEA.

This will be followed by an early works programme, with a feasibility study anticipated in the second half of 2025. The company is also planning to secure a project financing for the Cactus copper project along with a potential construction decision.
https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/news/a ... t/?cf-view

Re: Le Cuivre

par energy_isere » 11 août 2024, 00:32

Drilling campaign confirms high-grade copper at Loz Azules in Argentina
Meanwhile, McEwen Copper has commended legislation on large-scale domestic and foreign direct investment (FDI) in Argentina, which is expected to benefit the mining industry.

Claire Jenns August 9, 2024

McEwen Copper has completed drilling for the feasibility study of the Loz Azules mine in Argentina, confirming a high-grade copper zone. The feasibility study is on track for completion in early 2025, it said.

The 2023–24 drilling marked the largest campaign in the history of Los Azules and one of the largest in Argentina. It covered 70,400m and used 23 rigs, bringing the Los Azules drill hole database to 193,600m.

McEwen Copper’s study found that in much of the deposit’s footprint, mineralisation encountered at depth indicates the potential to extend further, beyond 1,000m.

Testing for extensions beyond the planned pit saw mineralisation 400m to the north and 700m to the south.

According to an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) completed in 2023, Los Azules is expected to produce an average of 322 million pounds of copper cathode annually over a 27-year lifespan.

The project is located approximately 6km east of Argentina’s border with Chile, at 3,500m elevation in the Andes Mountains.

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